To Charley Edson —“I wanchya meeta 'nol' 'nol frien' o' mine!” —” Umgladdameecha! Bill's frien's my frien's, too!” —“Thish frien' besh frien'! I gotto open wine!” —“You gotto le' me buy thish drink f'r you!” —“I gotto buy thish drink f'r 'nol' 'nol' frien'!” —“Now, lishen, Jim! You gonna love thish lad!” —“Billsh friensh is my friensh to th' bitter en'!” —“Now, lishen, Jim! thish besh frien' ever had!” Honest, hardworking drunkards! Hour by hour They toiled on at their chosen task until They bent beneath the burdens that they bore, They bent and swayed, sustained but by the power, Each one, of his Indomitable Will, Which ever bade him conquer Just One More.