To Ned Leamy 0106 Ho! Heave the anchor! Heave! Fetch her up! Twist! with the corkscrews! Steward, lend a hand! Let her prance out to sea like a frolic-footed pup, For the ship is full of liquor, and to hell with the land! Ghosts from the ocean abysses, clambering, clamour- ing, come; Climb to our decks and roar: “Broach us a puncheon of rum! We are scaly with salt and sand; we've had nothing but water to swallow— Stave in a hogshead of rum! Let us roll in the scuppers and wallow!”
Heh! Splice the main-brace! Ho! She smells the gale! The shipper walks the bridge with a bottle to his eye; She rollicks with her boilers full of good Bass Ale— By the timber peg of Silver, the sea shall not go dry! We have raxed 'em out of the deep, they follow through shine and fog, Phantoms of ancient mariners, lured by the reek of our grog; Noah and Hawkins and Kidd, up from the green abysses, And there, in a wine-stained galley, the ghost of great Ulysses! Eric the Red in a whale-boat, and with him, cheek by jowl, Silver begging a drain, God bless his wicked soul! Ho! How she snorts! Hey! Hear her snore! The wind slaps her nostrils, she hiccoughs for her breath! Steward, a corkscrew! You poor fish ashore, By the bones of Reuben Ranzo, you can choke to death! With eyes of the darting witch-fire, like mist the poor ghosts come, And an anguished wind from the mist bellows and whines for Rum— They have been thirsty so long! Let us be good fellows still, And open a hundred casks and let 'em wallow and swill! Quick! With a corkscrew! Oh, damn the wheel! The captain's in his hunk, with a bottle to his eye! The engineer is stoking with Scotch and lemon 'peel! By Davy Jones's locker, the sea shall not go dry!