HAVE you read anything about the Twilight The loveliest man told our little group all about it — just the other evening. "Hermione," said Mamma, "I will NOT have you taking up any more subjects of that Easy Indian character. No Swami shall ever enter this house again!" "Mamma," I said to her, "you are hopelessly unadvanced., It has nothing whatever to do with Going into the Silences or Swamis. It's entirely scientific and not psychic at all. And if it were psychic, what then?" "No Swami," said Mamma, even more stubborn- ly, "shall ever darken my door again!" Poor, dear, stupid Mamma! She gets things so mixed! "As far as Swamis are concerned," I told her, "the debt we owe to them in incalculable. Where, for instance, would we have ever heard of Karma if it had not been for the Swamis?" She couldn't answer; she just looked stubborn; unadvanced people always look stubborn and glare. "Where," I said, "did we get the Vedantas and She couldn't say a word. She just pouted. "Who taught us," I said, "Transmigration of She broke down and cried. "Hermione," she said, "I simply HATE howdahs and cobras and swastikas and all those Oriental things!" Mamma has no idea whatever of logic. She is a typical old-fashioned woman. "Mamma," I said, "cry as much as you like. You shall not disturb MY inner Harmony! I will not permit you to. And my mind is made up. I will take up the Twilight Sleep in a serious way!" That settled it, too. Have you noticed, there's been just a hint of autumn in the air these last few days? Have you seen the new styles for autumn? They are wonderful; simply WONDERFUL! |