TAMBURLAINE, king of Persia. CALYPHAS, ] AMYRAS, ] his sons. CELEBINUS, ] THERIDAMAS, king of Argier. TECHELLES, king of Fez. USUMCASANE, king of Morocco. ORCANES, king of Natolia. KING OF TREBIZON. KING OF SORIA. KING OF JERUSALEM. KING OF AMASIA. GAZELLUS, viceroy of Byron. URIBASSA. SIGISMUND, King of Hungary. FREDERICK, ] BALDWIN, ] Lords of Buda and Bohemia. CALLAPINE, son to BAJAZETH, and prisoner to TAMBURLAINE. ALMEDA, his keeper. GOVERNOR OF BABYLON. CAPTAIN OF BALSERA. HIS SON. ANOTHER CAPTAIN. MAXIMUS, PERDICAS, Physicians, Lords, Citizens, Messengers, Soldiers, and Attendants. ZENOCRATE, wife to TAMBURLAINE. OLYMPIA, wife to the CAPTAIN OF BALSERA. Turkish Concubines. |