- Beavers, 88-89
- Beds:
- bough beds, 97-100
- browse bed, 100, 101
- sleeping bags, 103
- Birch bark, 9, 40
- Black flies, 10-11
- Blankets, 21
- Bloomers, 4, 18-19. See Clothing
- Blouse, 4, 19, 22. See Clothing
- Books, 20-21, 219
- Breck’s fly “dope,” 102
- Breck’s “Way of the Woods,” 7, 26, 45, 63
- Camera film, 20, 218-219
- Camp Fire Girls, 11, 115
- Camp habit, 139-146
- Camping grounds, 68-76
- sites to be avoided for, 73
- sites to be chosen for, 73-76, 181-192
- Can opener, 8. See Cooking utensils
- Canoes, 193-208
- care in handling, 193-200
- cost of, 196
- length of paddle, 195
- paddling, 200
- Cascara sagrada, 5
- Check lists, 1, 96
- Cleanliness, 147-156, 168
- Clothing, 1-5, 13-20, 21-23, 165-166
- gloves, 5
- hunting suit, cost of, 18
- jacket, 18
- Cold cream, 5
- Combination suits, 53-54
- penuche, 64
- rice, 48
- soups, 58, 59
- stewed fruits, 65
- stock, 46
- vegetable stew, 49
- white sauce, 63
- Reflector baker, 8, 39. See Cooking utensils
- Safety pins, 5. See Clothing
- Sanitation, camp health and, 157-170
- water and, 10, 30-31, 42-44, 76
- Skirt, 4, 17-19
- extra. See Clothing
- khaki, 17
- tweed, 17, 22
- Soap, 5, 20
- Sporting catalogs, 103
- Sporting magazines, Outing, Country Life in America, Forest and Stream, Field and Stream, Recreation, Rod and Gun in Canada, 110
- Stockings, 3. See Clothing
- holeproof, 16, 17, 19
- woolen, 16
- Sweater, 18. See Clothing
- Tents, 110-111. See Equipment and also Expenses
- Tin can camping, 26
- Tools, 9, 35. See Equipment
- Tooth brush, 5
- Tooth paste, 5
- Trail, 209-220
- following the, 211-214
- independence on, 209-211
- lost on, 214-216
- walking, 70
- Vacation Bureaus, 115
- Viscol. See Waterproofing
- Water, 10, 42-44, 76. See