host@g@html@files@56503@56503-h@56503-h-3.htm.html#Page_105" class="pginternal">105, 111 Coin— debased state of, 214 men in royal dockyards paid in clipped money, 215 Coining— became a common offence, 214, 219, 220 legislation as to coin, 214-15 in Newgate prison, 221 Coke, Lord Chief Justice— on punishment for high treason, 32, 33 note on torture, 36 busy in discovery of murder of Overbury, 181 note Collier, Jeremy— outlawed for absolving Friend and Perkins, 216 Common Prayer, Book of— Commission to try those who reject, 158 death to write against, 177 Commonwealth, executions under, 77, 187-88 Cony— refuses to pay illegal tax, 186 Cromwell imprisons him, 186 Cornelius, John, story of his head, 51-2 Cornishmen, revolt of, 121-22 Cotell, John, murdered by his wife, afterwards Lady Hungerford, 126-27 Courts— multiplicity of, 16-19 conflicts between, 16-19 petty, in France, 57 note Cranmer, Thomas— pronounces divorce of Catherine, 132 of Anne Boleyn, 136-37 Crimes— extraordinary accumulation of, 213 Criminal begged of the King by 18 maids, 208 Cromwell, Oliver— bones found (?), 53 guilty of the blood of Southworth, 185 Why has he a statue? 185-86 his military despotism, 186, 187 and note throws into prison Cony, and his counsel, 186 removes judge from bench, 186 greatest recorded number of executions at one time during Commonwealth, 187-88 arrests 500 persons, 187 note and Don Pantaleon Sa, 189 his last executions, 190 his body hanged on Tyburn gallows, 190-92 legends on this subject, 192 body of his mother and of others removed from Westminster Abbey, 192 his mother’s body removed, 192 Cromwell, Thomas, calls Tyburn “Thyfbourne,” 137 Cunningham, Peter, “Handbook of London,” 45, 46, 47, 64 note Dangerfield, Thomas, perjurer— pilloried and whipped, 202 killed by Francis, 202 Daniel, P. A., on references to Triple
tm.html#Page_266" class="pginternal">266-67 Awater, John, 121 Axtell, Daniel, 190 Babington, Arthur, 58 note Barkstead, Col., 190 Barkworth, Mark, 171-74 Barney, Kenelme, 159 Barrow, Henry, 167 Barton, Elizabeth, 133 Beasley, Richard, 193-94 Bedell, John, 154 Bel, ?, a Suffolk man, 151 Bell, Arthur, 184 Benson, ?, 188 Bernes, Sir John, 107 Berry, Henry, 201 Bery, ?, 151 Bestely, ?, 190 Bigott, Sir Francis, 144 Billings, Thomas, 235-36 Bird, Robert, 147 Blake, John, 107 Blount, Sir Thomas, 108, mythical details, 109 “Blueskin” (Joseph Black), 234 Booking, Edward, 133 Bolinbrooke, Roger, 115 Bolner (or Bulmer), Sir John, 144 Bosgrave, Thomas, 52 Bradford, ?, 154 Brembre, Nicholas, 107 Brian, Alexander, 161-62 Bridlington, Prior of, 144 Brocas, Sir Bernard, 108 Bromholme, Edmund, 147 Brownrigg, Elizabeth, 253 Bullaker, Thomas, 184 Bullocke, Peter, 174 Campion, Edmund, 160-61 Carey, Terence, 52 Carter, William, 162-63 Charnock, Robert, 215 Cheyney, Margaret, 144 Clarendon, Sir Roger, 109 Clark, John, 258 Claxton (or Clarkson), James, 165-66 Clifford, Edward, 145 Clinch, Tom, 240 Clitherow, Margaret, 39 Cokerell, Dr., 143, 144 Coleby, John, 260 Coleman, Edward, 33, 201 Collins, ?, a priest, 145 Condom, John, 208 Condon, Isabella, 266 Coningsbey, Edmond, 145 107 Salmon, Patrick, 52 Sawtre, William, 59 Scot, John, and four others, 119-20 ?, William, 177 Senex, John, 83 Sergeant (or Lea), Richard, 165 Serle, William, 110 Shelley, Sir Bennet, 108 ?, Edward, 166 Sheppard, Jack, 233 Shert, John, 162 Sherwine, Ralfe, 160-61 Sherwood, Thomas, 160 Singleton, ?, 150 “Sixteen-string Jack,” 260 Slingsby, ?, 190 Smith, Captain John, 63 Smith, John, known as “half-hanged,” 221 ?, William, 244 Somer, ?, and three vagabonds, 146 Somers (or Wilson), Thomas, and sixteen felons, 177 Southwell, Robert, 169 Southworth, John, 185 Spiggott, 229 Squire, Edward, 170 Stacy, ?, 190 Stafford, Thomas, 154 ?, Viscount, 33, 201 Strancham, Edward, 165 Stansbury, James, 241-42 Stanton, William, 154 Stayley, William, 32, 200 Story, Dr. John, 64, 157, 159 Strangewayes, Major, 39-40 Stretchley, ?, 154 Stubbs, Francis, 193 Tatersall, ?, 149 Tempeste, Nicholas, 144 Thistlewood, Arthur, 33, 34 Thomas, William, 152 Thompson (or Blackborne), William, 165 Thornton, ?, 149 Throckmorton, Francis, 163 ?, John, 154 Thwing, Thomas, 201 Tichburn, Nicholas, 174, 175 ?, Thomas, 174-75 Tonge, Thomas, 193 Town, Richard, 227 Townley, Francis, 33 Tresilian, Chief Justice, 106-7 Trotman, Samuel, 260 , 56 French Peasantry, miserable condition of, as compared with English yeomen, 138 Friars— mitigate punishment, vi minorite, plead for Jews of Lincoln, 94-5 lose favour thereby, 95 Froude, James Anthony, historian, “We cannot blame the Government,” 136 Fry, Mrs., quoted, iv “Furca et fossa,” 7 Gahagan, Usher, edits Latin authors, translates Pope into Latin, hanged for filing gold, 242 Gallows— great number of, in 13th century, 7 prioresses have, 7 ordinary form of, 63 triangular, 63-4, 249 how many could be hanged at a time? 64 new, erected at “The Elms” in 1220, 60, 103 at “The Elms” in 1170, 60 great number set up in London in 1554, 152 and bodies of Cromwell, Ireton, and Bradshaw, 191 movable, introduced, 249 at Bethnal Green, 255 high gallows, 99, 100-1, 257 And see Tyburn gallows Gascoigne, Chief Justice, on peine forte et dure, 38 Gaunt, Elizabeth, last woman burnt in England for political offence, 207 Geninges, Edmund— “Life and Death” of, 65 manner of his death, 166-67 George I., 217, 219, 227 George II., 218, 219 George III., 219, 262 Gibbet— always remote from towns, and why, 62-3 scanty information as to, 62 term used loosely, 62 of Montfaucon, 63 mention of, 86-7, 88, 100 Gibbets on Kennington Common (illustration) Gilpin, Bernard, “Apostle of the North,” on rapacity of landlords, 139 Glastonbury Abbey, Charter of, 13 Gloucester, Duke of, murdered, 108, 116 Gloucester, statute of, 14 Godfrey, Sir Edmund Berry, 178 probably self-murdered, 200 supposed murder used politically, 200 three men hanged for his murder, 201 Goodman, Thomas— Parliament petitions for his execution, 184 dies in Newgate, 86 Lincoln— Jews of, accused of murder of boy, 91-5 18 hanged, 94 Cathedral and Little St. Hugh, 93 Lingard, Dr. John, historian, quoted, 168, 171 note Lipsius, Justus, his “De Cruce,” v, 62 Llewellyn, brother of David III., head exposed on Tower of London, 100 Loftie, W. J., quoted, 62 Lombards, attack on, 116 London to be called “Little Troy,” 107 London Bridge, first heads exposed on, 100-1 Lopez Roderigo— accused of designing to poison Elizabeth, 167-68 probably innocent, but executed, 168 Lorrain, Paul— Ordinary of Newgate, 67 his loyalty, 227 his broadsheets, 228 his “saints,” 228 account of last scene, 240-41 Lundy Island, William Marsh establishes himself as a pirate there, 88-9 Macaulay, Thomas Babington, historian— gives excellent account of highwaymen, 198 on Elizabeth Gaunt, 207 on Jeremy Collier, 216 on Major Bernardi, 216 on habeas corpus, 218-19 Machiavelli, NiccolÒ, his “Prince” quoted, 157 Machyn, Henry, value of his Diary, 151 Maclean, James— “The Gentleman Highwayman,” 244-45 robs Horace Walpole, 244-45 not a free-thinker, 245 his skeleton in Surgeons’ Hall, 245 Magna Carta— a conception of the thirteenth century, 218 derided by Cromwell, 218 the basis of habeas corpus, 218 Mails robbed, 195, 207 Manacles, a form of torture, 170 Mandeville, Bernard de, 78 describes an execution at Tyburn, 240 on supply of bodies for dissection, 248-49 Maps of London and of Middlesex, 65-8 Marble Arch— gallows did not stand here, 61 improvements, 70 Marteilhe, Jean, 63 Martyrdom, held to atone for errors of persecutors, 158-59 Mary, Queen, 77, 151, 159, 177 Wyatt’s Rebellion, 151-52 conspiracy to rob Exchequer, 153-55 Menteith, Earl of, 104 Mercenaries, Foreign, Dr. Johnson on, 146, 267 not allowed to stop for drink, 243 grandest, 250 greatest known, 263 Dr. Dodd on, 263 Pym, John, his body removed, 192 Quartering, see Treason “Rageman,” statute so called, 14 Ray, Miss Martha— murdered by Hackman, 263-64 mistress of Lord Sandwich, 264, 265 mother of Basil Montague, 265 Grub Street ballad on, 265 Rebellion— of 1745, 33, 249 in Cornwall (1497) 121-22 in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire (1536), 137; (1541), 149 in the West and Norfolk (1549), 150-51 in favour of Lady Jane Grey (1553), 151 Wyatt’s (1554), 151-52 in the North (1569), 155 Great, 185 Monmouth’s (1685), 206 Regicides, execution of, 190 Religious liberty not understood in the 16th century, 157-58 Reprieve, story of, 266 “Resources of civilisation,” 217-19 Revival after hanging, 221-27 John Smith, 221-23 Duel, 223-24 Chovet studies the question, 224 Gordon, 224 Reynolds, 224 two men at Bristol, 224 Patrick Redmond, 225 Anne Greene, 225-26 Margaret Dickenson, 226 Ivetta de Balsham, after hanging 12 hours, 226-27 and note planned by Jack Sheppard, 233 of Dr. Dodd attempted, 263 Richard I.— punishment ordered by, 19 his crusade, 79 imprisonment and ransom, 79-80 removes the justiciar, 81 Richard II., 106, 108, 109, 110 Richardson, Samuel, describes an execution at Tyburn, 50-1, 236-40 Riley, Henry Thomas, quoted, 60 note Riots— in London in 1222, 84-6 in London in 1267, 95-7 in Norwich in 1271,
de— drawn to gallows on an ox-hide, 28 note, 99 execution of, 31 note, 98, 99 Turner, Mrs., inventress of “yellow starch,” 181 note Tyburn Gallows— probable number of persons executed at, 3, 75-8 methods of execution, 3, 4 superstition, 48 slang expressions, 48 burials from, 49-53 site of, 54-70 gallows, when first set up, not before Conquest, 54 probably about 1108, 56-7 first known as “The Elms,” 57 no evidence of supposed changes of site of royal gallows, 58, 60-1 Earl of Oxford has gallows here, 59 gallows in constant use, 61 permanent, 61 movable, 61, 69-70 why so far from city, 61-3 and gibbets, 62 original form of gallows, 63 triangular, 63-4, 67-8, 71 proposals to remove, 69 removed, 69-70 last execution at, 70, 72 chronology of, 71-2 Dryden on, 74 annals of meagre, 75 mention of, sometimes omitted, 91 note first recorded execution, 79 mistake as to Roger Mortimer, 103 said to be hung with garlands, 182 Chidley nails his protest near, 187 whipping from Newgate to, 202, 208, 209 pillory at, 202 said to be hung in mourning, 214 reason of removal to Newgate, 267, 268 martyrs of, 268 Oratory near, 268 Tyburn Gate, 70 Tyburn ticket, 220 and note Villon, FranÇois, poet of the gibbet, 63 Wallace— execution of, 31-2, 32 note, 99, 100 his head the first exposed on London Bridge, UNWIN BROTHERS, LIMITED, THE GRESHAM PRESS, WOKING AND LONDON. |