| HISTORY | LITERATURE | SCIENCE AND ART | 200-600 | Romans leave Britain, 409-420. Coming of Angles and Saxons, 449. King Arthur, d. 520. | St. Augustine, 354-430. Earliest Gaelic lays, 200-300. St. Patrick, d. 465. Merlin, 475-575. Taliesin, 500-560. "Traveller's Song," Widsith. | Galen, the great doctor, d. 200. Baths of Caracalla, 215. Great Roman Roads. Underground churches for Christians, 250-260. Glass used in cathedral windows, 300. First bells in Europe. The first clock, a water-clock, 5th century. | 600-1066 | Charlemagne, 742-814. First landing of Danes, 787. Alfred, 871-900. Battle of Brunanburh, 937. Canute, 1016-1035. Macbeth, 1040-1057. Edward the Confessor, 1042. Harold, 1066. | Beowulf, 7th century, formative period. CÆdmon, late 7th century. Judith. The Fight at Finnesburg. St. Cuthbert, d. 686. Aldhelm, 655-709. Arabian Nights (Traditions of), c. 700. "Deor's Lament." Bede, 670?-735. Cynewulf, c. 725-800. Old German alliterative poetry, 8th poetry, 8th century Nennius, Historia Britonum, probl. 9th century. Alfred's translations, after 871. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 875-1154. _Asser's Life of Alfred_, 910. Poems "Battle of Brunanburh," 937; "Battle of Maldon," 994. First medieval drama, 980. Aelfric's Homilies, 995. Early Chanson de Gestes and Fabliaux, 1000 and later. | The first stone English churches, 680. The organ used in a church, 757. Worms Cathedral commenced, 996. | 1066-1200 | William the Conqueror, 1066-1087. The Crusades, 1095-1270. Feudal system in England. _Domesday Book_, 1086. _Domesday Book_, 1086. William II., 1087-1100. Henry I., 1100-1135. Stephen, 1135-1154. Civil War, 1139-1142. Henry II., 1154-1189. Thomas À Becket, d. 1170. Richard I., 1189-1199. John, 1199-1216. | "Chanson de Roland," composed 1066-1097? Archbishop Anselm, 1093-1109. William of Guienne, the first troubadour, late 11th century. William of Malmesbury, 1095-1142. Chansons d'Alexandre, 1050-1150. Chronicle of Geoffrey of Monmouth, 1137. Nibelungen Lied, c. 1140. Wace's "Brut d'Angleterre," 1155. Minnesingers. Arthurian legends, 12th century. Giraldus Cambrensis, 1147-1216. Crestien de Troyes, 1140-1227. Gottfried von Strasburg. Marie de France, Lais, late 12th century. | Striking clocks with wheels, late 11th century. Westminster Hall and London Bridge built, late 11th century. Wool manufactured in England, early 12th century. Silk cultivated in Sicily, 1146. Leaning Tower of Pisa commenced, 1174. | 1200-1350 | Magna Charta, 1215. Henry III., 1216-1272. The Barons' War, 1262-1266. Edward I., 1272-1307. Wales subdued, 1282. William Wallace, fl. 1296-1298. Edward II., 1307-1327. Robert Bruce, 1306-1329. Battle of Bannockburn, 1314, Edward III., 1327-1377. Scotland reorganized, 1328. Opening of Hundred Years' War with France, 1337. | Walther von der Vogelweide, c. 1170-1235. St. Francis of Assisi, 1182-1226. Wolfram von Eschenbach's "Parzival," early 13th century. The Bestiary, early 13th century. Romance of the Rose, 13th and 14th centuries. Havelok (English version), 1300. Bevis of Hampton (English version), c. 1300. Guy of Warwick (English version), c. 1300. Mabinogion, 1250-1290. King Horn (English version), 1250. Dante, 1265-1321. Jean de Meung, b. 1280. | University of Paris Charter, c. 1200. The University of Oxford Charter, c. 1200. The University of Cambridge Charter, c. 1231. Roger Bacon, 1214-1292. (Reference to gunpowder.) Cologne Cathedral commenced, 1249. First rag paper, c. 1300. First apothecaries in England, 1345. Glass windows in general use, 1345. |