Suggested by an ancient Chinese classic I thought that I dreamed a dream one night— That I was a moth on a joyous flight, Under a sky the west wind cools, Over a sky of fields and pools. Like a tinted leaf in the wind content, Over a wonderful world I went: Over a valley with wavering wing My shadow flew like a startled thing. On through the waters spread below, I saw my delicate phantom go— On, till a flash, and that bright world broke, And I was a man at a sudden stroke! And now a wonder is on my heart Of that world that went at a sudden start— Of this world that came at a stroke of hand, Hung under stars at some high command! Whether in deed or in dream I go; Whether I was in that other sky Only a dream-moth straying by; Or whether that world was the world of truth And this one only a dream forsooth; Whether perchance for a little span A moth is not dreaming itself a man!