Fling forth the triple-colored flag to dare The bright, untraveled highways of the air. Blow the undaunted bugles, blow, and yet Let not the boast betray us to forget. Lo, there are high adventures for this hour— Tourneys to test the sinews of our power. For we must parry—as the years increase— The hazards of success, the risks of peace! What do we need to keep the nation whole, To guard the pillars of the State? We need The fine audacities of honest deed; The homely old integrities of soul; The swift temerities that take the part Of outcast right—the wisdom of the heart; Brave hopes that Mammon never can detain, Nor sully with his gainless clutch for gain. The common burden and the public trust To be a thing as sacred and august As the white vigil where the angels kneel. We need the faith to go a path untrod, The power to be alone and vote with God.