The God of Song and Mirth

‘Twas the God of Song and Mirth
Who descended to the Earth.
It was He who veiled His face
In the sorrow of the race;
He who toiled at Nazareth,
Going with us down to death;
He who bowed the heavens for men,
And arose to light again.
‘Twas the First-born Son of Light
Shone upon the human night,
Bringing down the Final Truth
In His deep, eternal youth.
God was reconciled to man
When the ages first began;
But that man be reconciled
God became a little child.
So appeared the God of Song
In the planet going wrong;
So appeared the God of Light,
God of Passion still and white;
Came to help us lift the weight
Of the planetary fate;
Came and taught the one relief
For the gray primeval grief—
Taught that Love, though deified,
Could not set the Law aside.

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