Rumania, like the other small nations, is paying a bloody price for her vindication of the principles of Right—the bedrock of the Allied cause. Her plucky intervention in the Great War, notwithstanding what had befallen Belgium, Serbia and Montenegro; the implicit faith of her people in the righteousness of the Allied cause; and the gallantry of her troops excite the admiration of all the Free Races. The British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John has rendered great assistance on the battlefields of Rumania with hospitals well staffed and medical supplies. We owe a debt to Rumania. Every copy of My Country sold adds to The Times Fund for Sick and Wounded, for which purpose this tribute by Queen Marie to the little-known natural and architectural beauties of her country is published. Should any reader, as a result of this book, desire to send a further contribution, this may be addressed to the publishers, Messrs. Hodder & Stoughton, St. Paul's House, Warwick Square, London, E.C., marked My Country, and will be duly acknowledged in the columns of The Times. December 1916. PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE —Plain print and punctuation errors fixed. |