| PAGE |
"The thatched roofs are replaced by roofs of shingle that shine like silver in the sun" | 6 |
"Very different are the mountain villages from those of the plain. The cottages are less miserable" | 6 |
"Many a hearty welcome has been given me in these little villages" | 7 |
"Square, high buildings with an open gallery round the top" | 7 |
"It is especially in the Dobrudja that these different nationalities jostle together" | 10 |
"It had kept the delightful appearance of having been modelled by a potter's thumb" | 14 |
"Primitive strongholds, half tower, half peasant-house" | 14 |
"Richer and more varied are the peasants' costumes" | 14 |
"With an open gallery round the top formed by stout short columns" | 15 |
"Composed of a double colonnade.... Behind these colonnades are the nuns' small cells: tiny domes, little chambers" | 15 |
"A convent ... white and lonely, hidden away in wooded regions greener and sweeter than any other in the land" | 18 |
"This porch is decorated all over with frescoes" | 22 |
"Some were so old, so bent, that they could no more raise their heads to look up at the sky above" | 23 |
"Strange old monks inhabited it" | 23 |
"Silent recluses, buried away from the world" | 23 |
"An indescribable harmony makes its lines beautiful" | 26 |
"A lonely little cemetery, filled with crosses of wood" | 30 |
"On lonely mountain-sides" | 30 |
"Guarded by a few hoary old monks" | 30 |
"There lies a tiny wee church" | 30 |
"Tall and upright, with the pale, ascetic face of a saint" | 30 |
"Creatures so old and decrepit that they seem to have gathered moss like stones lying for ever in the same place" | 30 |
"When found in such numbers they are mostly hewn out of wood" | 31 |
"These strange old crosses ... they stand by the wayside" | 31 |
"Mostly they stand beside wells" | 34 |
"Quaint of shape, they attract the eye from far" | 38 |
"Sometimes they are of quaintly carved stone" | 38 |
"Strange old crosses that on all roads I have come upon" | 38 |
"Their forms and sizes are varied" | 38 |
"None of the greater buildings attract me so strongly as those little village churches" | 39 |
"The altar is shut off from the rest of the building by a carved and painted screen" | 39 |
"The roofs are always of shingle" | 42 |
"Varied indeed are the shapes of these peasant churches" | 46 |
"Their principal feature being the stout columns that support the porch in front" | 46 |
"But with some the belfry stands by itself" |