
[1] Nothnagel et Rossbach, Nouveaux ÉlÉments de ThÉrapeutique.

[2] This cut represents the Coca shrub presented by Mr. A. Mariani to the Paris Botanical Gardens.

[3] Mr. Mariani has presented to the Academy of Medicine a plaster cast of this very poporo, in his possession.

[4] Dr. Demarle, Essay on Peruvian Coca, ThÈse de Paris, 1862.

[5] Moreno y MaÏz, ThÈse de Paris, 1868.

[6] Lippmann, ThÈse de Strasbourg, 1868.

[7] Gazeau, ThÈse de Paris, 1870.

[8] Gazette des Hopitaux, Paris, March 12, 1877.

[9] Rigolet. ThÈse de Paris, 1885.

[10] Soc. imp. royale des mÉdecins de Vienne, Oct. 17, 1884.

[11] Rigolet, ThÈse de Paris, 1888.

[12] M. Panas. Communication À l'Acad. de MÉdecine, November, 1884.

[13] Dr. Laffont. Etude physiologique sur la Coca et les sels de Coca.

[14] ThÈse de Paris, 1862.

[15] ThÈse de Paris, 1885.

[16] Bumstead and Taylor on Venereal Diseases.

[17] ThÉrapeutique contemporaine, January, 1888.

[18] Concours MÉdical Aug. 11, 1888.

[19] Bulletin gen. de ThÉrap. 1884.

[20] "Heart-strain and Weak Heart," N. Y. Medical Record, Feb. 26, page 238.

[21] We have on file upward of 7,000 endorsements from leading practitioners, all coinciding as to the great aid rendered by Vin Mariani as a tonic-stimulant.

[22] It has been repeatedly proven that the many worthless, so-called Coca preparations are nothing more than variable solutions of Cocaine in inferior grades of wines or other liquids, shamefully prepared by unscrupulous or ignorant persons, whereby, in addition to the harmful effects they produce, also bring into discredit a really useful drug.


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