CHAPTER I. ERYTHROXYLON COCA, ITS BOTANICAL CHARACTER. CHAPTER III. PHYSIOLOGY OF COCA. CHAPTER IV. THERAPEUTIC ACTION OF COCA. CHAPTER V. OUR VARIOUS PREPARATIONS OF COCA. "BRAIN REST." By J. LEONARD CORNING, M.D., New York. Published by G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS. "The preparation of Coca known as 'Vin Mariani' is the one to which I resort in meeting the exigencies incident to excessive and habitual worry and functional brain trouble. "Of 'Vin Mariani' I need hardly speak, as the medical profession is already well aware of its virtues. Of all tonic preparations ever introduced to the notice of the profession, this is undoubtedly the most potent for good in the treatment of exhaustive and irritative conditions of the central nervous system. "Mr. Angelo Mariani has spent many years in the careful study of the Coca plant, and as a result his preparations are unrivaled. The medical profession certainly owes a debt of gratitude to this gentleman for his valuable labors in this direction." BRANCH OF COCA PLANT BRANCH OF COCA PLANT, Showing Leaf, Flower and Seed. (Specimen from hot-houses of M. Mariani, Neuilly, France.) COCA AND ITS Therapeutic Application BY ANGELO MARIANI WITH ILLUSTRATIONS Third Edition. NEW YORK 1896. The following pages are inscribed and respectfully dedicated to the medical profession, as a token of appreciation for the kind aid ever extended to me in my efforts to popularize that valuable addition to therapeutics, "Erythroxylon Coca." ANGELO MARIANI. 41 Boulevard Haussmann, |