FIRST DAY—Continued. Tale VIII. The misadventure of Bornet, who, planning with a friend of his that both should lie with a serving-woman, discovers too late that they have had to do with his own wife. Tale IX. The evil fortune of a gentleman of DauphinÉ, who dies of despair because he cannot marry a damsel nobler and richer than himself. Tale X. The Spanish story of Florida, who, after withstanding the love of a gentleman named Amadour for many years, eventually becomes a nun. SECOND DAY. Prologue Tale XI. (A). Mishap of the Lady de Roncex in the Grey Friars’ Convent at Thouars. Tale XI. (B). Facetious discourse of a Friar of Touraine. Tale XII. Story of Alexander de’ Medici, Duke of Florence, whom his cousin, Lorenzino de’ Medici, slew in order to save his sister’s honour. Tale XIII. Praiseworthy artifice of a lady to whom a sea Captain sent a letter and diamond ring, and who, by forwarding them to the Captain’s wife as though they had been intended for her, united husband and wife once more in all affection. Tale XIV. The Lord of Bonnivet, after furthering the love entertained by an Italian gentleman for a lady of Milan, finds means to take the other’s place and so supplant him with the lady who had formerly rejected himself. Tale XV. The troubles and evil fortune of a virtuous lady who, after being long neglected by her husband, becomes the object of his jealousy. Tale XVI. Story of a Milanese Countess, who, after long rejecting the love of a French gentleman, rewards him at last for his faithfulness, but not until she has put his courage to the proof. Tale XVII. The noble manner in which King Francis the First shows Count William of Furstemberg that he knows of the plans laid by him against his life, and so compels him to do justice upon himself and to leave France. Tale XVIII. A young gentleman scholar at last wins a lady’s love, after enduring successfully two trials that she had made of him. Appendix to Vol. II 001a.jpg Bornet’s Concern on Discovering That his Wife Is Without Her Ring [Bornet’s Concern on discovering that his Wife is without her Ring]
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