WITHIN my mind two spirits strayed From out their still and purer air, And there a moment's sojourn made; As lovers will in woodlands bare. Nought heeded they where now they stood, Since theirs its alien solitude Beyond imagination fair. The light an earthly candle gives When it is quenched leaves only dark; Theirs yet in clear remembrance lives And, still within, I whispered, 'Hark;' As one who faintly on high has heard The call note of a hidden bird Even sweeter than the lark. Yet 'twas their silence breathed only this— 'I love you.' As if flowers might say, 'Such is our natural fragrantness;' Or dewdrop at the break of day Cry 'Thus I beam.' Each turned a head, And each its own clear radiance shed With joy and peace at play. Princes from Eastern realms might pause In secret converse, then retreat. Yet without haste passed these from sight; As if a human mind were not Wholly a dark and dismal spot— At least in their own light.