ALAS, O Lovely One, Imprisoned here, I tap; thou answerest not, I doubt, and fear. Yet transparent as glass these walls, If thou lean near. Last dusk, at those high bars There came, scarce-heard, Claws, fluttering feathers, Of deluded bird— With one shrill, scared, faint note The silence stirred. Rests in that corner, In puff of dust, a straw— Vision of harvest-fields I never saw, Of strange green streams and hills, Forbidden by law. For I see—in mind— Thy caged cheek whiten At the wail of wind, That thin breast wasting; unto Woe resigned. Take comfort, listen! Once we twain were free; There was a Country— Lost the memory ... Lay thy cold brow on hand, And dream with me. Awaits me torture, I have smelt their rack; From spectral groaning wheel Have turned me back; Thumbscrew and boot, and then— The yawning sack. Lean closer, then; Lay palm on stony wall. Let but thy ghost beneath Thine eyelids call: 'Courage, my brother,' Nought Can then appal. And drink I must When clanks the pannikin With the longed-for crust; Though heart within is sour With disgust. Long hours there are, When mutely tapping—well, Is it to Vacancy I these tidings tell? Knock these numb fingers against An empty cell? Nay, answer not. Let still mere longing make Thy presence sure to me, While in doubt I shake: Be but my Faith in thee, For sanity's sake.