People do not lack strength; they lack will.—Victor Hugo. Every man stamps his own value upon himself, and we are great or little according to our own will.—Samuel Smiles. The saddest failures in life are those that come from not putting forth of the power and will to succeed.—Whipple. As men in a crowd instinctively make room for one who would force his way through it, so mankind makes way for one who rushes toward an object beyond them.—Dwight. There can be no doubt that the captains of industry to-day, using that term in its broadest sense, are men who began life as poor boys.—Seth Low. Do noble things, not dream them, all day long, And so make life, death and the vast forever one grand, sweet song. —Charles Kingsley. Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.—Franklin. The high prize of life, the crowning fortune of a man, is to be born with a bias to some pursuit, which finds him in employment and happiness.—Emerson. A man that is young in years may be old in hours, if he have lost no time.—Bacon. The one prudence in life is concentration; the one evil is dissipation; and it makes no difference whether our dissipations are coarse or fine.... Everything is good which takes away one plaything and delusion more, and sends us home to add one stroke of faithful work.—Emerson.
Transcriber's Note: If supported by the device used, larger images of the photographs may be seen by clicking on the image. - Thomas B. Reed
- William Boyd Allison
- George F. Hoar
- Elihu Root
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Henry Cabot Lodge
- Grover Cleveland
- (Copyright, 1903, by Rockwood, N.Y.)
- John Hay
- Richard Olney
- Sir T. Shaughnessy
- Sir Wm. Van Horne
- Lord Strathcona
- Simon N. Parent
- Sir Wilfrid Laurier
- Robt. L. Borden
- A. G. Blair
- Jas. Loudon
- Goldwin Smith
- Wm. Peterson
- George W. Ross
- Dr. Wm. Osler
- Lord Mount Stephen
- Sir Geo. Drummond
- George A. Cox
- Timothy Eaton
- William S. Fielding
- Charles Fitzpatrick
- Charles H. Cramp
- John B. Herreschoff
- Charles M. Hays
- Lewis Nixon
- Andrew Carnegie
- (Copyright, 1900, by Rockwood, N. Y.)
- Charles R. Flint
- E. G. Acheson
- J. H. Patterson
- Robert C. Clowry
- C. W. Post
- John W. Wheeler
- Phill. D. Armour
- A. G. Spalding
- Albert A. Pope
- Charles Eastman
- Hugh T. Chisholm
- Theo. L. De Vinne
- W. L. Douglass
- August Belmont
- Clement Acton Griscom
- Herbert H. Vreeland
- George Gould
- J. J. Hill
- M. E. Ingalls
- A. J. Cassatt
- Geo. H. Daniels
- George F. Baer
- (Copyright, 1901, by F. Gutekunst)
- Alex. G. Bell
- Santos Dumont
- Wm. Marconi
- Chas. F. Brush
- Thomas Alva Edison
- Peter C. Hewitt
- John P. Holland
- (Copyright, 1900, by Rockwood, N.Y.)
- Hiram Stevens Maxim
- Geo. Westinghouse
- (Copyright, 1902, by Gessford, N.Y.)
- Henry Siegel
- Nathan Strauss
- F. W. Woolworth
- Marshall Field
- John Wanamaker
- Sir Thomas Lipton
- Edward Cooper
- Robt. L. Ogden
- W. F. King
- Henry Clews
- Charles Tyson Yerkes
- Lyman Gage
- John D. Rockefeller
- J. Pierpont Morgan
- (Copyright, 1902, by Pach, New York)
- Russell Sage
- Cornelius Vanderbilt
- Hetty Green
- William Waldorf Astor
- Hazen S. Pingree
- William Jennings Bryan
- Thomas C. Platt
- Sam’l M. Jones
- Marcus A. Hanna
- Arthur Pue Gorman
- Tom L. Johnson
- Carter Harrison
- Jos. W. Folk
- Wm. Travers Jerome
- John W. Griggs
- Frank S. Black
- Alton Brooks Parker
- Melville W. Fuller
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
- Joseph McKenna
- James B. Dill
- Fred. R. Coudert
- Richmond P. Hobson
- Joseph Wheeler
- Fred Funston
- Adna R. Chaffee
- Nelson A. Miles
- Wm. R. Shafter
- Winfield S. Schley
- George Dewey
- Robley D. Evans
- H. Nansen
- Henry M. Stanley
- A. H. Savage Landor
- Walter Wellman
- Robert Edwin Peary
- Dr. Frederick A. Cook
- E. Burton Holmes
- Evelyn V. Baldwin
- (Copyright, 1902, by Rockwood, New York)
- Sven Hedin
- Jacob G. Schurman
- W. H. P. Faunce
- Nicholas M. Butler
- E. Benjamin Andrews
- William T. Harris
- Woodrow Wilson
- Arthur T. Hadley
- H. M. McCracken
- Charles Wm. Eliot
- (Copyright, 1899, by Notman Photo. Company, Boston)
- Henry M. Alden
- Albert Shaw
- George H. Lorimer
- James M. Buckley
- Edward Bok
- Richard W. Gilder
- Henry Watterson
- George Harvey
- Whitelaw Reid
- (Copyright, 1892, by Rockwood, N.Y.)
- Louis Klopsch
- Isaac K. Funk
- John Brisben Walker
- W. R. Hearst
- S. S. McClure
- Joseph Pulitzer
- Frank A. Munsey
- Edward E. Higgins
- F. N. Doubleday
- Champ Clark
- Frank W. Gunsaulus
- A. J. Beveridge
- J. P. Dolliver
- (Copyright, by Francis B. Johnston)
- Joseph H. Choate
- John Warwick Daniel
- Chauncey M. Depew
- Carl Schurz
- W. Bourke Cockran
- Reginald DeKoven
- Maud Powell
- Leonora Jackson
- Victor Herbert
- (Copyright, by Aime Dupont, N. Y.)
- John Phillip Sousa
- Maurice Grau
- (Copyright, by Aime Dupont, N.Y.)
- Franz Kneisel
- Theodore Thomas
- Walter Damrosch
- (Copyright, by Aime Dupont, N.Y.)
- David Bispham
- Adelina Patti
- Lillian Nordica
- Jean de Reszke
- Emma Eames
- Edouard de Reszke
- Zelie de Lussan
- Emma CalvÉ
- (Copyright, by E. W. Histed,
304 Fifth Avenue. N. Y.) - Marcella Sembrich
- J. K. Hackett
- John Drew
- William Gillette
- Richard Mansfield
- Henry Irving
- E. H. Sothern
- Joseph Jefferson
- William Crane
- (Copyright, 1899, by E. Chickering, Boston)
- Nat C. Goodwin
- Ethel Barrymore
- (Copyright, 1901, by Burr McIntosh)
- Maude Adams
- May Irwin
- (Courtesy of Colliers Weekly)
- Mrs. Leslie Carter
- Eleonora Duse
- Mrs. Lillie Langtry
- Viola Allen
- Julia Marlowe
- Virginia Harned
- Mary Lowe Dickinson
- Mrs. C. Westover Alden
- Clara Barton
- Herbert Hungerford
- Samuel Gompers
- Francis E. Clark
- E. Thompson-Seton
- John Mitchell
- Thos. Dixon, Jr.
- (Copyright, 1901, by Rockwood, New York)
- Charles Mente
- Alice Barber Stephens
- Henry Merwin Shrady
- T. De Thulstrup
- Edwin Austin Abbey
- (Copyright, by Elliott and Fry, London)
- W. De Leftwich Dodge
- Frederic Remington
- Charles Dana Gibson
- F. Wellington Ruckstuhl
- Louis Dalrymple
- (Courtesy of Pirie McDonald)
- R. F. Outcault
- (Courtesy of Pirie McDonald)
- T. S. Allen
- Sydney B. Griffin
- (Courtesy of Pirie McDonald)
- C. G. Bush
- (Courtesy of Pirie McDonald)
- Frederick B. Opper
- Homer Davenport
- Carl E. Schultze
- Eugene Zimmerman
- George V. Hobart
- Simeon Ford
- Elizabeth M. Gilmer
“Dorothy Dix” - Melville De L. Landon
“Eli Perkins” - (Copyright by Rockwood, N.Y.)
- Samuel L. Clemens
“Mark Twain” - George Ade
- John Kendrick Bangs
- Marshall P. Wilder
- Finley Peter Dunne
“Mr. Dooley” - Stewart E. White
- Owen Wister
- David G. Phillips
- Hamlin Garland
- William T. Stead
- C. G. D. Roberts
- Vance Thompson
- Richard Harding Davis
- Stephen Bonsal
- Richard LeGallienne
- (Copyright, 1898, Rockwood, New York)
- Robert Mackay
- John Burroughs
- James W. Riley
- (Copyright, by Rockwood, New York)
- Joaquin Miller
- (Copyright, 1902, by Rockwood, New York)
- Henry Van Dyke
- (Copyright, 1902, by Rockwood, New York)
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox
- (Copyright, 1901, by Theo. C Marceau)
- Edwin Markham
- (Copyright, 1899, by Gessford and Van Brunt, New York)
- Thos. Bailey Aldrich
- (Copyright, 1903, by J. E. Purdy, Boston)
- Charles Major
- Lew Wallace
- (Copyright, 1900, by Nicholson Lacey, Crawfordville, Ind.)
- Thos. Nelson Page
- Rudyard Kipling
- F. Marion-Crawford
- Wm. Dean Howells
- Geo. W. Cable
- (Copyright, 1903, by Rockwood, N.Y.)
- James Lane Allen
- Winston Churchill
- Mrs. Pearl Craigie
- Mrs. Mary Wilkins-Freeman
- Sara Orne Jewett
- Amelia Edith Barr
- Mrs.
- Gertrude Atherton
- Mrs. Burton Harrison
- (Copyright, by Rockwood, New York)
- Mrs. E. S. P. Ward
- Anna Katherine Greene
- Frances H. Burnett
- Frederick Booth Tucker
- Anthony Comstock
- (Copyright, by Rockwood, New York)
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
- (Copyright, 1902, by Rockwood, New York)
- William R. George
- Geo. Thorndike Angell
- Susan B. Anthony
- Elbridge T. Gerry
- Wilbur Fisk Crafts
- Charles Henry Parkhurst
- Mrs. Leland Stanford
- Mrs. Phoebe Hearst
- Mrs. Theo. Roosevelt
- (Copyright, 1903, by Underwood and Underwood)
- Darius Ogden Mills
- (Copyright, 1902, by Rockwood, New York)
- Helen Miller Gould
- D. K. Pearsons
- Mrs. Henry Codman Potter
- Anson Phelps Stokes
- Mrs. Russell Sage
- Theo. L. Cuyler
- Edward Everett Hale
- (Copyright, 1900, by Rockwood. N. Y.)
- Bishop J. H. Vincent
- Bishop H. C. Potter
- Bishop Wm. Taylor
- B. Fay Mills
- (Copyright, 1889, by B. Fay Mills)
- Russell Conwell
- Lyman Abbott
- (Copyright, 1893, by Rockwood, N.Y.)
- Robert Collyer