Edward Cooper, one of the more prominent merchants of New York, was born October 26th, 1824. He is the son of Peter Cooper, the philanthropist, and, like his father, has, during the course of a busy life, done much for the well being of the people of the municipality in which he lives. Mr. Cooper was educated in New York public schools and is a graduate of Columbia university. Throughout his life he has been more or less active in New York political affairs, and, while a consistent Democrat, has had no hesitation in putting principle before party. He was one of the leaders of the successful movement which overthrew the infamous Tweed ring. From 1879 to 1881 he was mayor of New York and added to his reputation by the honesty and energy of his administration. Mr. Cooper is associated with his brother-in-law, Abram S. Hewitt, in the conduct of the Trenton Iron Works, New Jersey Steel Works and other enterprises of a like nature. He is a good example of the man who does not permit his business affairs or his wealth to interfere with his obligations as a citizen. Robert Curtis Ogden.Robert Curtis Ogden was born at Philadelphia, July 20th, 1836, and is the son of the late Jonathan Curtis Ogden. He was educated in private schools in the city of his birth. On March 1st, 1860, he married Ellen Elizabeth Lewis, of Brooklyn. Since 1885 he has been a partner in the firm of John Wanamaker. His business acumen, as well as his bent toward philanthropic and religious work, has eminently fitted him to hold the responsible position which he occupies in the firm’s affairs. In spite of the many commercial duties which are part and portion of Mr. Ogden’s every-day life, he nevertheless finds time to attend to the many philanthropic enterprises in which he is interested. In 1889 he acted as a member of the State Johnstown Flood Relief Commission, which accomplished much in the way of relieving the sufferers from the disaster in question. He is also a director of the Union Hill Theological seminary, Henry Siegel.Henry Siegel, whose name is identified with those huge so-called department stores, which are cities of commerce inclosed within four walls, was born March 17, 1852, at Enbighein, Germany. His father was the burgomaster of the village, and he himself was one of a family of eight children. Two of his brothers, on attaining manhood, came to this country and were fairly prosperous. The letters that they sent home acted as fuel to the ambitions of Henry, and so when seventeen years of age he sailed for America, and obtained a position in Washington, District of Columbia, in a dry goods house at a salary of three dollars per week. By dint of hard study at night schools he managed to get a fair English education and next became traveler for a clothing house. After some years of hard work, he and his brothers began business for themselves in Chicago and fortune followed their efforts. In 1887 he founded the well-known firm of Siegel, Cooper & Co., of Chicago, again prospered, and in 1896, together with his partners, opened a vast store on Sixth avenue, New York. In 1901 he sold out his interest in the New York enterprise, but immediately acquired the old-established firm of Simpson, Crawford & Co. He simultaneously disposed of his interest in the Chicago concern. A year later he bought a half-interest in the firm of Schlessinger & Mayer, of Chicago. Not content with these undertakings, early in 1903, he began to build a store at Thirty-fourth street and Broadway, New York, and also purchased an entire block in Boston on which he proposes to erect a building which shall dwarf those of which he is already the owner. And so the little German who began life as an errand boy is now one of the merchant princes of America. Frank W. Woolworth.Frank W. Woolworth was born at Rodman, New York, April 13, 1852. He passed his boyhood on his parents’ farm, was educated at a district school, and graduated from the Commercial college at Watertown, New York. His start in life was as a clerk in a dry goods store at Watertown. In 1878 he originated the popular five and ten-cent store, which, thanks to his energy and acumen, has attained such marvelous popularity. His employers, Moore & Smith, at his suggestion, bought $50 worth of the cheapest sort of goods and put them with other old shop-worn goods on the counter, displaying the sign “Any article on this counter five cents.” The stock was sold the first day, and Mr. Woolworth then decided to have a five and ten-cent store of his own. Borrowing $325, he opened a place in Utica, New York. The public patronized him and at the end of six weeks he had a net profit of $139.50. In 1869 he removed to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where he opened a store, |