INDEX - Acrocorinth, 169.
- Acropolis, of Athens, first views of, 46;
- description of, 76;
- approach to, 79;
- gates of, 79;
- view from, 79, 80.
- Acropolis Museum, 86, 91, 92.
- Ægina, 39, 80, 137-139.
- Agamemnon, 28, 167, 175, 180, 181.
- Agora, at Athens, 76, 106.
- AlcmÆonidÆ, 165.
- Alpheios, 223, 256-258.
- AndhritsÆna, 227, 229-246.
- Aphrodite, of Praxiteles, 315.
- Apollo, 154, 243, 277, 278, 299.
- Apoxyomenos, of Lysippus, 166.
- Aqueduct, at Samos, 291-294.
- Arcadia, 211-228.
- Arch, development of, 181, 192.
- Areopagus, 107.
- Argive HerÆum, 186.
- Argos, 187, 172-192.
- Ariadne, 31.
- Artemis, 279, 300.
- Asklepios, 3, 4, 97, 98, 203, 207, 308-311.
- Athena, birth of, 83, 86;
- strife of, with Poseidon, 83, 90;
- sacred image of, 90;
- Archaic representations of, 92;
- Pronoia, 164,168.
- Athens, approaches to, 46;
- modern city, 50-75;
- ancient traditions of, 51;
- growth and history, 51, 52;
- street venders, 55;
- street names, 57;
- stadium, 139-145.
- Midnight mass, 353-361.
- Minoan age, 28.
- Minos, 27-31;
- Minotaur, 31, 32, 89, 112.
- MonemvasÍa, 365-367.
- MycenÆ, 169-186;
- accommodation at, 173;
- excavations at, 175;
- acropolis of, 177;
- Lion Gate, 178, 179;
- Cyclopean masonry, 175, 178, 179;
- inverted columns, 178;
- tombs at, 180;
- reservoir, 182;
- treasury of Atreus, 183.
- MycenÆan age, 28;
- stone pillars of, 33, 178.
- MycenÆan relics at Athens, 120-122.
- Mykale, 288.
- National Museum, at Athens, 118.
- Nauplia, 193-198.
- Nausicaa, 371.
- Navigation, in ancient times, 273, 371.
- Newspapers, 10, 63.
- NikÉ Apteros, temple of, 80;
- binding sandal, 81;
- of PÆonius, 263, 270.
- Odeon of Herodes Atticus, 96.
- Odysseus, 16, 17, 370.
- Œnomaus, legend of, 266.
- Olympia, overland route to, 247-258;
- site of, 259-271;
- temple of Zeus at, 260, 263.
- Olympian Zeus, temple of, at Athens, 48, 76, 104.
- Olympic games, 264-266;
- Orientation of temples, 242.
- Paganism, traces of, in Greek church, 3, 4.
- Painting, of statues, 91.
- Panathenaic festival, 89.
- Parian marble, 362.
- Parnassus, 145, 151.
- Paros, 351, 1.Herodotus, Book I, sections 46-48.
The table at the end of this note summarizes any corrections to the text that have been deemed to be printer’s errors. The spelling of Greek place-names may occasionally use the terminal ‘-us’ interchangeably with the Greek ‘-os’, especially in the Index. Both are retained. The latinized Greek word ‘lepta’ is occasionally given with an accented ‘a’, either ‘À’ or ‘Á’. All have been retained as printed. |