For Those Holding Classes in Sociology for Children. I THE FIRE BEAST - 1
- In what sort of a climate may we expect to find prehistoric man during the period of Lower Savagery, when he was without tools or weapons except of the most primitive kind? Why?
- 2
- Since agriculture in that early day was wholly unknown and unnecessary, on what did the people subsist?
- 3
- Did they cook their food? Why not?
- 4
- Imagine yourself placed upon an uninhabited island without food, clothing or shelter in answering these questions. What sorts of shelter did the tribes possess, if any?
- 5
- What sorts of weapons can you fancy people would be able to make without tools, metals or fire?
- 6
- What would you consider the very greatest discovery made by early man? Why?
- 7
- How was man able to protect himself from the wild beasts during the periods of Savagery?
- 8
- How were the enemies of man captured and slain in these days?
- 9
- Why do we find the tribes of this period always dwelling close to lakes, rivers or other bodies of water?
- 10
- How do we gather that people in the period of Lower Savagery must have lived either in tropical or semi-tropical regions?
- How did primitive man convey his wants and his ideas to his fellow creatures before he possessed a wide articulate language?
- 2
- Can you suggest any sharp weapons the Cave Men could make without the use of tools? Name some.
- 3
- Do you imagine the Cave People possessed longer arms than civilized men? Why?
- 4
- Was this period the Golden Age of Peace and Plenty that some people suggest?
- 5
- Do you imagine Cave Men were care free or that they were forced to be cunning and furtive creatures of the forests?
- 6
- Were the early savages superior to the other animals of that period in running? In swimming? In fighting?
- 7
- Had they longer teeth? Sharper claws? Greater physical protection for the soft and delicate portions of their bodies?
- 8
- To what do you attribute man’s survival amid a world of savage enemies?
- 9
- Was man more cunning? Was he more social?
- 10
- If you have classes of children, suggest pantomime plays in which they can convey ideas or desires to the others by means of gestures.
- Suggest ways for catching fish during this period.
- 2
- Do you imagine that at this time man had any method for preserving meat?
- 3
- Would the low order of man’s tools and weapons restrict him in his wanderings from place to place over the earth’s surface? Why?
- 4
- Did primitive man first ornament or first clothe himself?
- 5
- What were ornaments used to signify?
- 6
- Which men would you imagine secured wives during early savagery?
- 7
- Would you expect to see the strong and brave men win wives, or the weak and cowardly?
- 8
- How far were the Cave People able to count?
- 9
- Did men gradually learn to use, first all their fingers, and then their toes, to reckon with?
- 10
- Primitive man must soon have discovered the use of sails for boats. Out of what do you supposed they fashioned the first sails?
- During what season would you imagine the Cave People learned, invented, discovered most? Why?
- 2
- What was the season of greatest danger? Why?
- 3
- Were the feet of the Cave People prehensile? Were the Cave People agile? Why?
- 4
- Can any of the children of to-day walk up a slanting tree by encircling its trunk with their arms?
- 5
- What is a boomerang? Make one.
- 6
- Why did wise Cave People always travel in groups?
- 7
- Why was extreme individuality discouraged among the members of the tribes?
- 8
- What happened to the youth who was determined to “go it alone” in those days?
- 9
- Was the Cave Man the King of the Forests, Monarch of all he surveyed that we sometimes read about? Why not?
- 10
- It is true that the Cave Man was weaker than most of his enemies and yet he has managed to outlive and outthrive them all. Give some reasons for this.
- Did the Cave People know what an Echo is?
- 2
- Could they explain their reflections in the rivers and lakes?
- 3
- What was their idea of a shadow?
- 4
- What was the origin of their belief in spirits?
- 5
- What made them think the dead came back again; that they were not really dead, but lived in the spirit world?
- 6
- How did they explain their dreams?
- 7
- How would a primitive man explain the rain? Or Fire? Floods? Give some suggestions of your own.
- 8
- How did the Cave People probably first secure a fire?
- 9
- How did they learn to keep a fire going?
- 10
- What were one or two ways by which they first learned how to make a fire?
- What were some of the great early catastrophes?
- 2
- What was probably the earliest sort of power used to propel a boat or raft?
- 3
- What would we naturally expect the first boats or floats to be? Why?
- 4
- Would it be possible to build a raft with nothing but stone tools?
- 5
- How would you fasten such a raft together?
- 6
- What were the first natural paddles?
- 7
- Can you propel a boat through the water with your hands?
- 8
- How could a boy live in a great banyan tree for several days?
- 9
- Where would he secure food?
- 10
- Could you make a hollow in a log without steel knives or saws or other modern tools? How?
- 11
- Would such a hollow log serve as a crude boat?
- Did fire enable the savage tribes to preserve their meat?
- 2
- Did fire bring any greater degree of security to the tribes? How?
- 3
- Do the animals you know fear fire?
- 4
- Have any other animals besides man learned to use a fire?
- 5
- Does a cat or a dog ever make use of a fire? How?
- 6
- Has any animal besides man ever learned to keep a fire going or to build a fire?
- 7
- Could a dog build a fire even if he knew how? Why not?
- 8
- Has the thumb of man, which was probably once a toe like the great toe of your foot, been a help in his struggle for existence?
- 9
- Without thumbs would we have ever learned more than to push things about?
- 10
- Did fire equip man so that he would wander more freely over the earth’s surface? How?
- How did man probably discover the use of flint?
- 2
- How can you build a fire without matches and without flint?
- 3
- In what other ways may flint be used?
- 4
- What is cannibalism?
- 5
- How did the people first discover agriculture?
- 6
- In what kind of a climate would sowing and reaping be necessary?
- 7
- Name several ways by which we might discover that seeds sprout, and bear.
- 8
- How would primitive man probably explain a garden?
- 9
- What would make him eager to possess a garden?
- 10
- Why do people progress more in a temperate climate than in a tropical region? Explain.
- 11
- Why did the Cave People believe in miracles?
- 12
- What is a miracle?
- 13
- Did savage and barbarous men like to work?
- 14
- What makes people remember things?
- 15
- When do we learn by doing things?
- 16
- What things are we most likely to forget?
- What did the very first men do when they wanted a drink of water?
- 2
- How did they first carry water into their caves?
- 3
- Of what did they weave baskets?
- 4
- Of what are our dishes made to-day?
- 5
- How did prehistoric folks learn to make pots?
- 6
- Which did they need to learn first, pot-making or fire-building?
- 7
- How did men probably learn to cook things to eat?
- 8
- How did they undoubtedly learn to bake clay pots?
- 9
- Why did savage tribes decorate themselves?
- 10
- Can you tell how to make a hollow clay pot without a form to make it over?
- With what did the early men tip their arrows?
- 2
- Where did they get strings for their bows?
- 3
- And of what were bows made?
- 4
- Can you suggest a way by which they chanced to invent the bow and arrow?
- 5
- What advantage did a bow and arrow possess over a bone javelin?
- 6
- Will an arrow travel farther?
- 7
- Name half a dozen early weapons.
- 8
- Why did the Cave People want to possess the weapons of strong and brave men?
- 9
- Did they think a man’s weapons possessed the characteristics of the man?
- 10
- Did they believe the dead heard what you said about them?
- Why did a dead man’s enemies speak well of him?
- 2
- Did the Cave People believe that a dead man could injure them?
- 3
- Or that he could help them?
- 4
- Did they, very naturally, exaggerate the virtues of the dead until the dead seemed superhuman?
- 5
- When the Cave Dwellers were driven to a colder climate did they learn to plant? To clothe themselves? Why?
- 6
- Who was generally chief of the tribe? Why?
- 7
- If a Cave Man told the people that the spirit of a dead chief had laid commands upon him, would they believe him?
- 8
- How did ancient priests happen to happen?
- 9
- Might not people sometimes fabricate stories of their interviews with the spirits of dead chiefs?