Chapter Page
I. A Letter Home 1
II. Prince Kalkov’s Proposition 4
III. The Emperor starts 14
IV. When I was Czar 24
V. A Czar defied 35
VI. His Majesty a Prisoner 45
VII. I am not the Czar 56
VIII. Deeper in 67
IX. Helga speaks 77
X. Vastic 88
XI. Conviction at Last 97
XII. Helga’s Anger 108
XIII. The Attack 119
XIV. Concerning the Value of Hostages 130
XV. The Dangers thicken 139
XVI. Helga’s Defeat 149
XVII. At the Gates of the Palace 160
XVIII. Prince Kalkov’s Welcome 170
XIX. Turning the Screw 181
XX. A Death Trap 192
XXI. At the Square of San Sophia 203
XXII. Flight 212
XXIII. At the Frontier 223
XXIV. The Fresh Campaign 234
XXV. The Luck wavers 245
XXVI. I win 256
XXVII. A Last Move 268
XXVIII. Love will have its Way 278
XXIX. A Last Precaution 289
XXX. The Prince outwitted 298
XXXI. At the Eleventh Hour 309
XXXII. The End 321

When I was Czar


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