
The success of this little book during the past six years necessitates a second edition. As a manual it is not intended to compete with the larger handbooks on the subject; but the attempt has been made to furnish the beginner with reliable instruction for the least money possible. The present edition has been thoroughly revised, and many additions made.

As was said in the first edition: "I have employed the method given for a number of years, and with great success, and guarantee success to the learner who fully carries out the directions embodied herein. I ask the reader to take himself, in imagination, to my work-shop, and to proceed as if I were at his elbow, guiding his hand, and explaining to him the mysteries of this beautiful art. It is only continuous, untiring labor that accomplishes anything of real merit in this life; and the most successful ornithologists will be found to be the hardest workers.

"Therefore I would caution the beginner against all impatience and disappointment at unsuccessful attempts, and urge him to press forward, continually striving to improve upon past failures, and soon, to his own astonishment, those things which at first appeared difficult and awkward, will become comparatively simple and easy. Said an old teacher to me: 'I can tell you how all these things are done, but I cannot enable you to do them; practice alone will accomplish that.'

"A person with a light and delicate touch will be most successful in this art; therefore I recommend it to the special attention of ladies. It is a continual source of pleasure, and promotive to the love of the great Nature which moves so mysteriously around us. It is true that we have seen those of coarse and vulgar minds and clumsy fingers, eminently successful; but what is more revolting to a delicate appreciation, than to see these bright creatures, so marvellously constructed by our all-wise Father, tortured into life-like attitudes by one who acts merely as an automaton, and has no sympathy with his work otherwise than to gain a livelihood? It is only the refined and the lover of nature who can thoroughly enjoy this art of reproduction. A close observer of nature, in two short hours spent in the fields and woods, will see and learn more than the unobserving and careless person in as many years.

"A careful observation of the habits and attitudes of the little songsters when free, will be of great assistance in mounting. A knowledge of drawing will also be found of service."


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