1. Vignette of Title-page.
2. Fossil Turban-echinus (Cidaris), with spines. 9
3. Bivalve with spines (Plagiostoma spinosum) in chalk; from Lewes. 11
4. Teeth of several species of the Shark tribe, in chalk; from Lewes. 12
5. Chalk-dust highly magnified, consisting of minute shells. 13
6. Shells (RotaliÆ) from the chalk, highly magnified. 14
7. Ammonite (A. communis) from the Lias, at Whitby. 20
8. Nautilus (N. elegans) from the chalk-marl, Lewes. 22
9. View of the Cliffs east of Brighton. 27
10. Fossil animalcules (Xanthidia) in flint. 35
11. Xanthidium palmatum, in flint. 37
12. Rotalia in flint. 39
13. Minute scales of fishes in flint. 40
14. Choanites from the chalk; near Lewes. 44
15. A branch of fossil coral attached to the pebble 46
16. Coral-polype in flint. 47
17. Minute Corals from chalk. 50
18. Fossil cases or shields of animalcules from Richmond, Virginia; highly magnified. 53
19. Several species of Lamp-shells (TerebratulÆ) from the chalk, near Brighton. 63
20. Silicified Oyster from the chalk. 65
21. Coniferous wood in flint, from Lewes Priory. 68
22. Several species of Ammonite. 69
23. The body of a recent microscopic animalcule (Nonionina), the shell having been removed by immersion in acid. 81
24. A branch of Sponge in flint; a minute Coral from chalk; and a section of a pebble enclosing a zoophyte (Siphonia Morrisiana). 85
25. Flints deriving their shapes from Zoophytes (Ventriculites). 89
26. Ventriculites in chalk; from Lewes. 90
27. Portions of three kinds of recent corals. 94


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