| Page. |
1. | Vignette of Title-page. |
2. | Fossil Turban-echinus (Cidaris), with spines. | 9 |
3. | Bivalve with spines (Plagiostoma spinosum) in chalk; from Lewes. | 11 |
4. | Teeth of several species of the Shark tribe, in chalk; from Lewes. | 12 |
5. | Chalk-dust highly magnified, consisting of minute shells. | 13 |
6. | Shells (RotaliÆ) from the chalk, highly magnified. | 14 |
7. | Ammonite (A. communis) from the Lias, at Whitby. | 20 |
8. | Nautilus (N. elegans) from the chalk-marl, Lewes. | 22 |
9. | View of the Cliffs east of Brighton. | 27 |
10. | Fossil animalcules (Xanthidia) in flint. | 35 |
11. | Xanthidium palmatum, in flint. | 37 |
12. | Rotalia in flint. | 39 |
13. | Minute scales of fishes in flint. | 40 |
14. | Choanites from the chalk; near Lewes. | 44 |
15. | A branch of fossil coral attached to the pebble | 46 |
16. | Coral-polype in flint. | 47 |
17. | Minute Corals from chalk. | 50 |
18. | Fossil cases or shields of animalcules from Richmond, Virginia; highly magnified. | 53 |
19. | Several species of Lamp-shells (TerebratulÆ) from the chalk, near Brighton. | 63 |
20. | Silicified Oyster from the chalk. | 65 |
21. | Coniferous wood in flint, from Lewes Priory. | 68 |
22. | Several species of Ammonite. | 69 |
23. | The body of a recent microscopic animalcule (Nonionina), the shell having been removed by immersion in acid. | 81 |
24. | A branch of Sponge in flint; a minute Coral from chalk; and a section of a pebble enclosing a zoophyte (Siphonia Morrisiana). | 85 |
25. | Flints deriving their shapes from Zoophytes (Ventriculites). | 89 |
26. | Ventriculites in chalk; from Lewes. | 90 |
27. | Portions of three kinds of recent corals. | 94 |