VOL. II. Description of the Frontispiece of Vol. II. p. v. List of Lignographs in Vol. II. vii. Contents of Vol. II. ix. Chapter XII.—Fossil Cephalopoda, 447. Fossil Dibranchiate Cephalopods, 450. Belemnites, 451. Belemnitella, 457. Belemnoteuthis, 459. Beloptera, 463. Geoteuthis, 463. Bellerophon and Argonaut, 465. Fossil Tetrabranchiate Cephalopods, 466. Nautilus, 467. Clymenia, 473. Orthoceras, 474. AmmonitidÆ, 476. Ammonites, 478. Goniatites, 482. Ceratites, 483. Crioceras, 483. Ancyloceras, 484. Toxoceras, 485. Hamites, 485. Ptychoceras, 485. Baculites, 486. Scaphites, 487. Turrilites, 489. Aptychus, 491. Geological Distribution of the Fossil Cephalopoda, 492. On the Collecting British Fossil Cephalopoda, 496. British Localities of Fossil Cephalopoda, 499. Chapter XIII.—Fossil Articulata, 503. Annelida, 503. Serpula, 505. Cirripedia, 505. Calamy, 506. LepadidÆ, 508. Crustacea, 508. Fossil Crabs, 511. Notopocorystes, 514. Fossil Lobsters, 515. Enoploclytia, 516. Isopodous Crustaceans, 520. Entomostraca, 522. Limulus, 522. Eurypterus, 524. Pterygotus, 525. Dithyrocaris, 525. Ceratiocaris, 525. Hymenocaris, 526. Estheria, 526. Leperditia, 526. Beyrichia, 526. Ostracoda, 526. Cypris, 527. Cythere, 531. Cypridina, 532. Trilobites, 532. Calymene, 535. Homalonotus, 536. Asaphus, 536. Isotelus, 537. Bumastus, 537. Ogygia, 537. Phacops, 538. Trinucleus, 538. Paradoxides, 538. Brontes, 539. Geological Distribution of Crustaceans, 542. On Collecting Fossil Crustaceans, 544. British Localities of Fossil Crustaceans, 546. Fossil Insects, Scorpions, and Spiders, 547. Insects, 547. Arachnida, 550. Fossil Scorpion, 550. Fossil Spiders, 550. Fossil Insects, 551. Neuroptera, 551. LibellulidÆ, 551. Corydalis, 552. Panorpa, 553. Coleoptera, 554. Curculio, 555. Purbeck Insects, 556. Aix Insects, 557. Œningen Insects, 559. Fossil LarvÆ of Phryganea, 559. On Collecting Fossil Insects, 560. Chapter XIV.—Fossil Ichthyology; comprising the Sharks, Rays, and other Placoid Fishes, 562. Fishes, 562. Scales of Fishes, 566. Fins of Fishes, 569. Teeth of Fishes, 570. Skeletons of Fishes, 572. Ichthyodorulites, 576. Hybodus subcarinatus, 580. Fossil Teeth of Fishes, 582. Cestracion, 584. Acrodus,584. Ptychodus, 585. Psammodus, 587. Ceratodus, 587. Edaphodon, 588. Hybodus, 591. Sharks with cutting Teeth, 592. Carcharodon, 593. Hemipristis, 593. Lamna, 594. Notidanus, 595. Corax, 595. Fossil Vertebra of Sharks, 596. Squaloraia, 596. Pristis, 597. Rays, 597. Chapter XV.—Fossil Ichthyology; comprising the Ganoid, Ctenoid, and Cycloid Fishes, 600. Amblypterus, 601. PalÆoniscus, 601. Dapedius, 603. Lepidotus, 604. Pycnodus, 607. Gyrodus, 608. Cephalaspides, 610. Cephalaspis, 611. Pterichthys, 612. Coccosteus, 614. Fossil Sauroid Fishes, 615. Lepidostei, 616. Sauroidei, 617. Coelacanthi, 618. Macropoma, 620. Coprolites, 621. Cololites, 621. Dercetis, 622. Fossil Ctenoid Fishes, 623. Beryx, 624. Smerdis, 625. Fossil Cycloid Fishes, 625. Osmeroides, 626. Saurocephalus and Saurodon, 628. Hypsodon, 630. Enchodus, 630. Ichthyolites of recent Species, 631. Ichthyopatolites, 632. Geological Distribution of Fishes, 632. On Collecting and Developing Fossil Fishes, 635. Microscopical Examination, 639. British Localities of Fossil Fishes, 640. Foreign Localities, 641. Chapter XVI.—Fossil Reptiles; comprising the Enaliosaurians and Crocodiles, 643. The Age of Reptiles, 644. Classification of Reptiles, 646. Teeth of Reptiles, 646. Lower Jaw of Reptiles, 651. VertebrÆ, 651. Ribs, 656. Extremities, 657. Dermal Bones, 657. Dermal Bones of HylÆosaurus, 659. Dermal Spines of HylÆosaurus, 661. Horn of Iguanodon, 661. Enaliosaurians, 662. Ichthyosaurus, 663. Paddle and Skin of Ichthyosaurus, 668. Plesiosaurus, 671. Pliosaurus, 673. Crocodilians, 674. Swanage Crocodile, 677. Poecilopleuron, 679. Teleosaurus, 679. Streptospondylus, 680. Cetiosaurus, 682. Polyptychodon, 683. Chapter XVII.—Fossil Reptiles; comprising the Dinosaurians, Lacertians, Pterodactyles, Turtles, Serpents, and Batrachians, 684. Dinosauria, 684. Megalosaurus, 686. HylÆosaurus, 688. Iguanodon, 691. Jaw and Teeth of Iguanodon, 693. Vertebra: of Iguanodon, 698. Extremities of Iguanodon, 700. Length of Iguanodon, 702. Lacertian Reptiles, 705. Mosasaurus, 705. Leiodon, 709. Geosaurus, 711. Raphiosaurus, 711. Delicious, 711. Rhynchosaurus, 712. Thecodontosaurus and PalÆosaurus, 713. Dicynodon, 714. Telerpeton, 720. Pterosauria, 723. Chelonia, 726. Fossil Turtles and Tortoises, 729. Fossil Marine Turtles, 732. Chelone Benstedi, 732. Chelone Bellii, 734. Fossil Fresh-water Tortoises, 736. Ophidia, or Serpents, 738. Batrachia, 739. Batracholites, 740. Labyrinthodon, 741. Archegosaurus, 745. Parabatrachus, 746. Dendrerpeton, 746. Ichnolites, 749. On collecting the Fossil Remains of Reptiles, 753. British Localities of Fossil Reptiles, 756. Chapter XVIII.—Ornitholites, or Fossil Birds, 759. Osteological Characters of Birds, 760. Fossil Birds of the Pleistocene Epoch, 763. Fossil Birds of the Older Tertiary Deposits, 765. Fossil Birds of the Wealden, 768. Ornithoidichnites, 768. On collecting the Fossil Remains of Birds, 773. Chapter XIX.—Fossil Mammalia, 775. Classification of Mammalia, 776. Fossil Cetacea, 777. Otolithes of Whales, 778. Brighton Fossil Whale, 778. Zeuglodon Cetoides, 779. Fossil Ruminants, 782. Pachydermata, 785. Fossil Elephants and Mastodons, 785. Dinotherium, 787. Cuvierian Pachydermata, 789. Teeth of Mammalia, 793. Fossil Horse, 796. Fossil Edentata, 798. Megatherium, 798. Glyptodon, 799. Mylodon, 800. Fossil Rodents, 802. Fossil Marsupials, 803. Triassic Mammalian Teeth, 805. Fossil Mammalia of Stonesfield, 805. Fossil Carnivora, 807. Kent’s Hole, 810. Fossil Seals, 812. Fossil Insectivora. 812. Fossil Bats, 813. Fossil Quadrumana, or Monkeys, 813. Fossil Ape of France, 814. Fossil Monkey of the Sub-Himalayas, 814. Fossil Monkey of South America, 814. Fossil British Monkeys, 815. Fossil Human Bones, 815. On collecting and developing Fossil Remains of Mammalia, 815. British Localities of Fossil Mammalia, 818. Bone-caves in Franconia, 820. Retrospect, 822. PART IV.—Notes of Excursions, in Illustration of the Mode of Investigating Geological Phenomena, and of Collecting Organic Remains, 827. Chapter XX.—General Instructions for the Collection of Specimens of Rocks and Fossils, 831. Chapter XXI.—Excursions illustrative of the Geological Character and Organic Remains of the Tertiary Deposits of the London Basin, 837. Excursion to the Isle of Sheppey, 838. Excursion to Bracklesham Bay, 844. Notes for an Excursion to examine the Tertiary Strata of the Isle of Wight, 847. Chapter XXII.—Notes for a Geological Excursion from London to Brighton, 849. A Stroll from Brighton to Rottingdean, 852. Chapter XXIII.—Geological Notes of various Places on the Line of the Great Western Railway; illustrative of the Oolite, Lias, &c. from London to Clifton, 859. Farringdon, 859. Swindon, 862. Caine and Chippenham, 863. Bath and Bristol, 864. Clifton, 864. Chapter XXIV.—Excursion to Matlock and its Vicinity, 867. Geological Position of Matlock Dale, 871. A Walk to the Incrusting Springs, 872. Visit to the Cavern of the High Tor, 875. Geological Formations of Derbyshire, 878. Excursion to Crich Hill, 880. Notes for a Geological Excursion by Bonsal Valley, and Wirksworth, to Middleton Moor and Stonnis, 894. Chapter XXV.—Notes for a Geological Excursion to Charnwood Forest; by Leicester, Mount Sorel, Swithland and Woodhouse, and Bardon Hill to Whitwick, 898. List of Dealers in Fossils and Minerals, &c. 904. THE MEDALS OF CREATION. |