

Abies, 177.

Abietites Dunkeri, 179.

AcalephÆ, 280, 772.

Acanthoteuthis furiosa, 447, 462.

Acephala, 375.

Acetabulifera, 449.

Achilleum, 223.

Acorn-shell, 506.

Acrocidaris nobilis, 319.

Acrodont reptiles, 648.

Acrodus nobilis, 584.

Acrogens, 60.

Actibatis, 753.

Actinia, 254.

Actinocrinites, 287, 294, 295.

Actinocrinus Parkinsoni, 294.

Agassiz, M., on cololites, 622.

Fishes, 563, 568, et passim.

Age of Reptiles, 644.

Air-bladder of Fishes, fossil. 620.

Aix, fossil insects from, 557.

Aix-la-Chapelle, 205.

Aix, Provence, 185, 199, 550, 55 7, 625, 628, 731.

Alabama, United States, 780.

Alcyonium, 254.

chonoides, 247.

AlgÆ, fossil, 87.

Allanbank, Berwickshire, 167.

Allesley, near Coventry, 124.

Alligator Hantoniensis, 676.

Alloa, Scotland, 778.

Allport, Mr. D., researches of, 789.

Alum Bay, Isle of Wight, 73, 175, 421, 847.

, lignite at, 73.

Amber, 52, 182.

Amblypterus, 601.

Ammonites communis, 477.

Dufrenoyi, 476.

Jason, 479.

lautus, 476.

varians, 476.

Walcottii, 397, 482.

AmmonitidÆ, 469, 476.

Amorphozoa, 219.

Amphigens, 61.

Amphitherium Broderipii, 806.

Analysis of Molluskite, 433.

Ananchyte, flint-cast of, 320.

Ananchytes ovatus, 323, 327.

Ancyloceras furcatum, 484.

gigas, 485.

Angers, 537.

Angiosperms, fossil, 197.

Animal Kingdom, classification of, 217, 826.

Animal remains, fossil, 43.

Annelida, 503.

Anning, Miss M. researches of, 48, 464, 596.

Annularia, 146, 147.

Anomopteris Mougeotii, 117.

Anomura, 512.

Anoplotherium commine, 789.

secundarium, 790.

Anstice, Mr., researches of, 555.

Antholites liliaceus, 198.

Anthophyllum Atlanticum, 257, 262.

Anthozoa, 253.

Anthracotherioid pachyderms, 791.

Anthracotherium, 790.

Antigua, 185, 264.

Apateon pedestris, 745.

Ape, fossil, of France, 814.

Apiocrinites, 286, 288, 291.

Apiocrinus ellipticus, 290.

flexuosus, 291.

Parkinsoni, 288.

rotundus, 289.

Aporrhais, 426.

Aptychus sublÆvis, 492.

Arabia, 362.

, foraminifera-rocks in, 362.

Arachnida, 550.

Araucaria peregrina, 175.

Araucarites, 168.

Arborescent ferns, fossil stems of, 122.

ArchÆocidaridÆ, 322.

ArchÆoniscus Brodiei, 521.

Archegosaurus Dechenii, 745.

lucius, 745.

minor, 745.

Argonaut, 450, 465.

Arkansas, United States, 780.

Armagh, Ireland, 595.

Artisia, 168.

Asaphus, 536.

Aspidorhynchus, 617.

AstacidÆ, 515.

Asteracanthus, 581.

AsteriadÆ, 280, 301.

Asterias arenicola, 307.

prisca, 308.

Asteroida, 254.

Asterolepis, 619.

Asterophyllites, 145.

equisetiformis, 147.

AstrÆa ananas, 262.

pentagona, 262.

Tisburiensis, 263.

Atherfield, 518, 529.

Aust Cliff, 560, 588, 805, 865.

Austen, Mr. R. A. C., researches of, 850, 861.

Austin, Messrs., on crinoidea, 288.

Australia, 803, 809.

Autun, France, 130, 178.

Auvergne, 529, 560, 765.

Ava, Burmah, 185, 278, 794.

Avicula inÆquivalvis, 404.

Aylesbury, 481, 498, 863.

Aymestry, 393, 405.


Babbicombe, Devon, 259, 261.

Bacillaria, 88, 91.

Bacton, Suffolk, 803, 811.

Baculites baculoides, 486.

Bailey, Dr., on diatomaceÆ, 93, 337.

on foraminifera, 364.

on recent shelly sandstone, 387.

on the mixture of marine and fluviatile species in the Hudson River, 100.

Bain, Mr. A. G., fossil reptiles in South Africa, discovered by, 714.

Baker and Durand, Messrs, researches of, 814.

Bakewell, Mr., the researches of, 737, 878, 887.

BalanidÆ, 506.

Balanus tesselatus, 507.

Balcombe, 851.

Bann River, Ireland, diatomaceÆ from the banks of the, 94.

Banwell, Somerset, 783, 809, 811, 816, 865.

Bardon Hill, 901.

Barnacles, 506.

Barr, Staffordshire, 537.

Barrande, M., on trilobites, 534, 541.

Barrow-on-Soar, 669, 899.

Bath, 397, 864.

Batrachia, 646, 739.

Batrachnis, 753.

Batracholites, 740.

Bats, fossil, 813.

Bavaria, 423, 787.

Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, upright fossil trees on the cliffs of the, 128.

Beachy Head, 481.

Bean, Mr., researches of, 526, 531.

Bears, fossil, 811.

Beauvais, France, 451.

Beaver, fossil, 803.

Beccarius, foraminifera first discovered by, 339.

Beckles, Mr., researches of, 529, 773.

Belemnitella mucronata, 451, 457.

quadrata, 451.

Belemnites bipartitus, 453.

dilatatus, 451, 458.

lanceolatus, 459.

Listeri, 453, 458.

Puzosianus, 454.

semicanaliculatus, 453.

Belemnoteuthis antiquus, 459.

Belfast, 71, 236.

Lough, peat in, 71.

Belgium, 191.

Bellerophon bilobatus, 465.

costatus, 465.

Beloptera belemnitoides, 463.

Belosepia sepioides, 463.

Beloteuthis subcostata, 463.

Benett, Miss E., researches of, 41, 231.

Bensted, Mr. W. H., researches of, 269, 409, 434, 732.

Bergh-mehl of Norway, 96.

Bergmann on fossils, 17.

on the solubility of silex in water, 42.

Bermudas, 274.

Berry Head, Torbay, 764.

Beryx Lewesiensis, 624.

microcephalus, 624.

radians, 624.

superbus, 624.

Bexhill, Sussex, 519.

Bexley, 395.

Beyrichia, 526.

Bidford, Warwickshire, 560.

Bignor, Sussex, 232.

Bilin, diatomaceous deposit at, 96.

Binfield, Mr., researches of, 549.

Binney, Mr., on stigmaria, 136.

Binstead, Isle of Wight, 423, 790, 816, 847.

Binstwick, Holderness, 95.

Binton, Warwickshire, 552.

Bird-like bipeds, imprints of feet of, 768.

Birds, 759, 763.

Bivalve mollusks, the parts of, 377.

Blackdown, Devon, 350, 411, 413.

Bleadon, Somerset, 811.

Bletchingley, 406, 458.

Bognor, Sussex, 175, 193, 235, 405, 407.

Bohemia, 96, 539, 623.

, diatomaceous deposit in, 96.

Boiling springs, 40.

Bolton, Lincolnshire, 367.

Bombay, 741.

Bonchurch, Isle of Wight, 162.

Bone-breccia of the caverns, 808.

Bone-caverns, 764, 808, 821.

Bones, fossil, 45.

Botanical principles, 58.

Botany, fossil, 51.

Bothrodrendron, 144, 145.

Boughton, near Maidstone, 811.

Boulogne, 398, 412.

Bourgueticrinus, 286, 291.

Bournemouth, Hants, 200, 560.

Bovey Heathfield, Devon, 72.

, lignite at, 72.

Bowerbank, Mr., excursions to Sheppey and Bracklesham by, 840, 844.

on carcharodon, 593.

flint, 354.

fossil bird from Sheppey, 768.

fossil fruits from Sheppey, 53, 187.

moss-agates, 103.

pterodactyles, 726.

Bowman, Mr., on sigillaria, 127.

Brachiolites, 226.

angularis, 267.

Brachiopoda or Palliobranchiata, 376, 388.

Brachyura, 511.

Bracklesham Bay, 175, 193, 264, 367, 383, 405, 463, 470, 589, 597, 677, 738, 844.

Bradford encrinite, 290.

Bradford, Wilts, 288.

Branchiopoda, 525.

Brazils, 625, 808, 814, 815.

Brebisson on diatomaceÆ, 88.

Brentford, 783.

Brickenden, Capt., researches of, 693, 720, 749.

Bridgewater Essay, Dr. Buckland’s, 8, 22, et passim.

Brighton, 99, 224, 230, 232, 233, 289, 299, 348, 368, 384, 408, 451, 458, 628, 778, 783, 795, 852.

--------, diatomaceÆ at, 99.

-------- fossil whale, 778.

Bristol, 585, 591, 713, 864.

British localities of fossil cephalopods, 499.

---------------------------- crustaceans, 546.

---------------------------- fishes, 640.

---------------------------- mammals, 818.

---------------------------- plants, 213.

---------------------------- reptiles, 756.

---------------------------- shells, 443.

---------------------------- zoophytes, 278.

---------------------------- fossil monkeys, 815.

British Museum, fossils in, 75, 141, 282, 288, 333, 389, 411, 630, 637, 670, 678, 681, 683, 685, 770, 784, 786, 807, 810.

-------------- strata, synopsis of, 23.

Brittle-worts, 88.

Broderip, Mr., researches of, 806.

Brodie, Rev. P. B., researches of, 521, 549, 552, 556.

Bromley, Kent, 395, 406.

Brongniart and Cuvier on fossils, 18.

Brongniart on asterophyllites, 146.

------------- Crustacea, 533.

------------- moss-agates, 103.

------------- psarolites, 124.

------------- sigillaria, 132.

------------- stigmaria, 134.

------------- the classification of plants, 61.

------------- the distribution of fossil plants, 208.

Bronteus flabellifer, 539.

Brook Bay, Isle of Wight, 164, 170, 178, 415, 695, 701, 848.

Brora, Scotland, 408.

----- oolite, 28.

Brown-coal, 71.

Brown, Dr. R., on triplosporites, 142.

----- Mr. J., researches of, 803, 811.

----- Mr. R., on stigmaria, 137.

Brunswick, 292.

Brussels, 191, 730.

Bryansford, near Newcastle, 95.

Bryozoa, 253, 265.

Buckland, Rev. Dr. Bridgewater Essay, 8, 22, et passim.

------------------ on belemnites, 456.

------------------ carpolites, 193.

------------------ cave-bones, 810.

------------------ cephalopoda, 481.

------------------ coal, 84.

------------------ coprolites, 621.

------------------ fossil bird’s-bones, 765.

------------------ insects, 551.

------------------ geoteuthis, 464.

------------------ ichnolites, 770.

------------------ ichthyopatolites, 632.

------------------ Kirkdale Cave, 808.

------------------ Mantellia, 156.

------------------ on marsupialia, 806.

------------------ megalosaurus, 687.

------------------ megatherium, 798.

------------------ paramoudra, 236.

------------------ pterodactyles, 725.

------------------ Reliq. Diluv., 809.

------------------ trilobites, 534.

Buckman, Prof., researches of, 552.

Buenos Ayres, 799.

Bufonites, 604.

Bulimus, 423.

Bumastus, 437.

Buprestis Bucklandi, 554.

Burdie House, near Edinburgh, 79, 113, 524, 531, 602, 617.

------------, fresh-water coal at, 79.

Burham, Kent, 712, 732.

Burmeister, M., on trilobites, 534, 540.

Buy, Mr. W., researches of, 863.


Caddis-worms, fossil, 559.

Caen, Normandy, 679, 680.

Caithness, 614.

Calamites approximatus, 108.

--------- decoratus, 107.

--------- radiatus, 108.

Calamodendron, 146.

Calbourn, Isle of Wight, 423, 847.

Calceola, 392.

Caine, Wilts, 313, 315, 397, 864.

Calymene Blumenbachii, 535.

Cambrian rocks, lower, 34.

Cambridge, 518, 711, 730.

Cambridgeshire, 95, 367, 811.

-------------- fens, diatomaceous deposits in the, 95.

-------------- fossil foraminifera of the, 367.

Camel, fossil, 784.

Campilodiscus, 347.

Cannel-coal, 71.

Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 137.

Cape of Good Hope, 536, 714.

Caradoc Sandstone, 33.

Carboniferous Flora, 209.

------------- series, 31.

--------------------, foraminifera of the, 365.

Carbonized remains of mollusks, 432.

Carcharodon productus, 591, 593.

Carcharopsis prototypus, 595.

Cardinia, 414.

Cardiocarpon acutum, 147.

Cardium edule, 386.

Carluke, Lanarkshire, 746.

Carnivora, fossil, 807.

Carpenter, Dr., on the structure of nummulites, 345.

---------------------- structure of shells, 390.

Carpolithes Bucklandi, 149.

----------- ovulum, 196.

----------- SmithiÆ, 202.

Carr, Mr. H., researches of, 858, 889.

Carrington Park, Devon, 365.

Carter, Mr. H. G., researches of, 362.

----------------- on foraminifera-rocks in Arabia and India, 362.

Caryophyllia annularis, 258, 262.

------------ centralis, 257, 268.

Castle Comb, near Bath, 774.

Castor, fossil, 803.

Catenipora escharoides, 259.

Catillus, 402.

Caulopteris macrodiscus, 123.

Cautley, Capt., discoveries by, 674, 784, 786, 797, 814.

Cave-bones, 764, 808.

Cavern of High Tor, Matlock, 876.

Caverns, Ornitholites of the, 764.

Cellepora, 385.

Cellular plants, 59.

Cement, 816.

Cephalaspides, 610.

Cephalaspis Lyellii, 610.

Cephalopoda, 378, 447.

Ceratiocaris, 525.

Ceratites, 483.

Ceratodus emarginatus, 587, 598.

Cerigo, 808.

Cerithium lapidum, 418, 425.

Cestracion canaliculatus, 580, 584.

Cetacea, 777.

Cetiosaurus, 682.

Cette, 765, 808.

ChÆropotamus, 791.

Chalk and flint, microscopical examination of, 371.

Chalk animalculites, 353.

----- detritus at Charing, 363.

----- formation, 25.

----- dicotyledons in the, 205.

----- fossil wood in the, 173.

----- sponges in, 222.

Chara helicteres, 196.

----- medicaginula, 196.

Charing, Kent, 342, 363, 579.

-------, chalk-detritus at, 363.

Charlesworth, Mr., researches of, 226, 709, 805.

Charlton, Kent, 317.

Charmouth, Dorset, 193, 293, 304, 459.

Charnwood Forest, 868.

Cheddar, Somerset, 866.

Cheiroptera, fossil, 813.

Cheirotherian tracks, notices of, 750.

Cheirotherium Hercules, 753.

------------- Kaupii, 752, 753.

Chelichnus, 753.

Chelone Bellii, 734.

------- Benstedi, 732.

------- costata, 735.

------- Mantelli, 735.

------- pulchriceps, 734.

Chelonia, 646, 726.

Chelsea Hospital, fossils in pavement of, 476.

Cheltenham, 397.

Chemnitz, Saxony, 123.

Chenendopora fungiformis, 228.

Chichester, 224, 268, 347.

Chippenham, Wilts, 313, 317, 492, 863.

Chipping Norton, 682.

Chiton, 430.

Choanites Koenigii, 233.

--------- turbinatus, 243.

Chomle, Bohemia, 550.

Chondrites Bignoriensis, 102.

Christian Malford, Wilts, 454, 459.

Chronological arrangement of the British strata, 23.

Cidaris Blumenbachii, 317, 397.

------- clunifera, 319.

------- cucumifera, 319.

------- intermedia, 316.

------- meandrina, 319.

------- Parkinsoni, 319.

------- sceptrifera, 319.

------- spinosa, 319.

------- stemmacantha, 319.

Cidarite, impression of, on flint, 320.

Cidarites of New Zealand, 318.

CidaritidÆ, 314.

---------- palÆozoic, 321.

Ciliobrachiata, 266.

Cirripedia, 505.

Clacton, 817.

Classification of fossil cephalopods, 494.

----------------- plants, 69.

----------------- strata, 23.

----------------- the Animal Kingdom, 217, 826.

Clathraria Lyellii, 159.

Clathropteris meniscoides, 121.

Claycross, near Chesterfield, 127.

Clayton, Sussex, 408, 426, 429, 459, 471, 487, 851.

Clermont, Auvergne, 529.

Clifton, near Bristol, 260, 263, 864.

Clionites Conybeari, 238, 403.

--------- Inoceramus, shell perforated by, 403.

Club-mosses, 140.

Clymenia Sedgwickii, 473.

-------- striata, 473.

ClypeastridÆ, 322.

ClypeidÆ, 322, 325.

Clypeus sinuatus, 325.

Clove-encrinites, 297.

Cnemidium astrophorum, 227.

Coal, Bovey, 72.

---- brown, 71.

---- cannel, 71.

---- field, stratification of a, 80.

---- formation, 31.

---- measures, 31.

---- nature and geology of, 76.

---- of the Wealden, 73.

Coalbrook Dale, 140, 144, 210, 414, 522, 552, 555.

Cocconeis, 91.

Coccosteus oblongus, 613.

Coelacanthi, 618.

Coelodont lizards, 648.

Colchester, Mr., researches of, 805, 815.

Coles, Mr. H., on the skin of the Ichthyosaurus, 670.

Collecting and arranging fossil shells, directions for, 441.

---------- and developing fossil fishes, 635.

---------- remains of mammalia, 815.

---------- and preserving fossil leaves and fruits, 53.

---------- fossil bones, 45.

---------- cephalopoda, 496.

---------- corals, 276.

---------- Crustacea, 544.

---------- echinodermata, 331.

---------- insects, 560.

---------- plants, 211.

---------- remains of birds, 773.

---------- remains of reptiles, 753.

Cololites, 621.

Colossochelys atlas, 732.

Comatula, 286, 302.

ConfervÆ, fossil, 100.

Confervites Woodwardii, 101.

ConiferÆ, fossil, 164.

-------- structure of, 57.

Coniferous forests, petrified, 169.

---------- wood, fossil, 167.

----------------------- in the Chalk-formation, 173.

----------------------- in the Oxford Clay, 172.

Conularia, 417.

Conus tuberculatus, 427.

Conybeare, Rev. W. D., researches of, 404, 663.

Cooksbridge, Sussex, 527.

Copford, Essex, 812.

Coprolites, 432, 621.

Coral-rag, 27, 263, 862.

Corals, fossil, in iron-ore, 265.

-------------- of Babbicombe, 258.

----------------- Clifton, 260.

----------------- Dudley, 261.

------, growth of, 252.

Corax pristodontus, 595.

Corfe, Dorset, 560.

Cornbrash, 28.

Corncockle Muir, 753.

Cornua Ammonis, 476.

Corsica, 808.

Corydalis Brongniarti, 554.

Cotta on fossil fern-stems, 124.

Couvin, Belgium, 459.

Cowes, 847.

Crabs, fossil, 511.

Craigleith, near Edinburgh, 167.

Crania, 392.

Creech, near Corfe, 560.

Creseis, 417.

Cretaceous formation, 25.

-------------------- fossil plants of the, 173, 205.

-------------------- zoophytes of the, 274.

Crich Hill, 880, 883.

Crinoidea, 280, 281, 309.

Crioceras Puzosianum, 484.

Crisia Johnstoniana, 269.

Cristellaria rotulata, 342, 348.

Crocodilia, 646, 673.

Crocodilus champsoÏdes, 676.

---------- HastingsiÆ, 676.

---------- Spenceri, 676.

---------- toliapicus, 676.

Cromford, Derbyshire, 285.

Croydon, 838, 849.

CrustacÆ, 508.

-------- Ichnolites of, 543, 749.

Cryptobranchus Scheuchzeri, 741.

Cryptogamia, 58.

Ctenacanthus, 581.

Ctenoid fish, 568, 623.

Cuckfield, 160, 755, 851.

Cucumites variabilis, 188.

Cummingston, near Elgin, 749.

Cunningham, Mr., researches of, 750, 751, 772.

Cupanoides lobatus, 189.

Cup-encrinite, 295.

Curculioides Ansticii, 555.

------------ Prestvichii, 555.

Cushion-star, 301.

Cuttle-fish bone, 449.

----------- fossil, 447.

Cuvier and Brongniart on fossils, 18.

------ Baron, discoveries of, 766, 789, 804, 806, 813.

Cyathocrinites, 287, 295.

Cyathocrinus planus 289, 296.

------------ tuberculatus, 286.

Cyathophyllum dianthus, 261.

------------- turbinatum, 261.

CycadeÆ, 150.

------- fossil stems of, 156.

Cycadites megalophyllus, 157.

--------- microphyllus, 158.

Cycas revoluta (recent), 150.

Cyclas, 416.

Cyclobatis oligodactylus, 579.

Cycloid fish, 568, 625.

Cyclopteris trichomanoides, 114.

Cyphosoma, 318.

Cyprella, 532.

Cypresses, fossil, 180.

Cypridella, 532.

Cypridina, 532.

Cyprinoid fish, 627.

Cypris faba, 529.

------ Fittoni, 527.

------ granulosa, 527.

------ tuberculata, 527.

------ Valdensis, 527.

Cyrena, 416.

Cystidea, 298.

Cystiphyllum, 261.

Cythere, 531.

Cythereis, 531.


Dadoxylon, 168.

Dallards, Wilts, 521.

Dana on Silicification, 38, 42.

Dana’s Mineralogy noticed, 9.

Dapedius, 603.

Daphnoidia, 532.

Darling Downs, Australia, 803.

Darmstadt, 787.

Darwin, Mr. C., researches of, 506, 508, 798.

Dawson, Mr. J., researches of, 747, 748.

Deane, Dr. J., on ornithoidichnites, 769.

----- Mr., researches of, 241, 359.

Debey, Dr., on fossil plants from Aix-la-Chapelle, 205.

Deddington, Oxon, 680.

Deer, fossil, 783.

De la Beche, Sir H., the works of, referred to, 833.

Delesserites Lamourouxii, 103.

Dendrerpeton Acadianum, 746.

Dendrodus, 618.

Denny on fossil stems in the Coal, 143.

Deposition of the Coal-measures, 79.

Derbyshire, 284, 407, 414.

Dercetis elongatus, 622.

Dermal bones of reptiles, 657.

------ covering of Glyptodon, 799.

Derry, Tyrone, 531.

Derwent Valley, Australia, 171.

Desmeopora semicylindrica, 271.

DesmidiÆ, 88.

Devonian formation, 31.

-------- fossil plants, 212.

Diadema rotulare, 316, 318.

Diamond, 52.

DiatomaceÆ, fossil, 88, 93.

---------- recent, 91.

---------- the food of mollusks, &c., 99.

Dibrachiata, 449, 450.

Dichobune, 791.

Dichodon, 791.

Dicotyledonous plant-remains of the Chalk-formation, 215.

-------------- trees, fossil, 203.

Dicotyledons, 59.

Dictyophyllum crassinervum, 198.

Dicynodon Bainii, 717.

--------- lacerticeps, 716.

--------- strigiceps, 717.

--------- testudiceps, 717.

Didelphys, fossil, of Montmartre, 804.

--------- Colchesteri, 805.

Dieffenbach on the Flora of New Zealand, 210.

Dimyaria, 404.

Dinornis, 763.

Dinosauria, 646, 684.

Dinotherium Kaupii, 787.

Diogenes’ lantern, 312.

Diplograpsus, 256.

Diprion, 256.

Dirt-bed in the Purbeck strata of the Isle of Portland, 156.

Discoidea castanea, 324.

Dithyrocaris, 525.

Dixon, Mr. F., fossils and work of the late, 271, 330, 385, 518, 584, 631, 673, 738.

Dixonfold, near Manchester, 125, 137.

Dodo, 763.

Dolichosaurus longicollis, 711.

D’Orbigny. M., restoration of the Belemnite by, 453.

--------- on foraminifera, 339.

Dormouse, fossil, 802.

Dover, 228, 230, 241, 268, 270, 355, 396, 858.

DracÆna Benstedi, 194.

Draco volans, 723.

Drift deposits, 23.

Dudley, Staffordshire, 262, 533.

------ limestone, 33, 261, 272.

Dujardin, M., on foraminifera, 339.

Dumarest, M., on fossil Crustacea, 510.

Dumbleton, 560.

Dumfries, 730, 750, 753.

Dunmore Cliff, Isle of Wight, 398.

Dun-stone of Matlock, 878.

Durlstone Bay, Purbeck, 196, 522, 557.


Ear-bones of fishes, 574, 639.

------------ whales, 778.

East Cliff Bay, Isle of Wight, 195.

East Thickley, Durham, 602.

Eastware Bay, Kent, 480.

EchinidÆ, 280, 311.

Echinus, 318.

Edaphodon leptognathus, 589.

--------- Mantelli. 588.

Edentata, fossil, 798.

Edinburgh, 622.

Edwards, Mr. F., on the siphuncle of the Nautilus, 467.

Egerton, Sir P. G., researches of, 579, 584, 590, 599, 601, 604, 667, 670, 750, 809.

Eggs, fossil, 739, 764.

Egra, Bohemia, 96, 182, 347.

Egypt, 170, 345.

Ehrenberg on infusoria, 88.

------------ the Chalk microzoa, 353.

------------ Polierschiefer of Bilin, 96.

Eifel, 258, 392, 430, 539, 741.

Eisleben, Saxony, 602.

Elasmodus, 590.

Elbersreuth, Bavaria, 474.

Elements of Geology, Sir C. Lyell’s, 10, et passim.

Elephants, fossil, 785, 817.

Elephas Ganesa, 785.

------- primigenius, 794.

Elgin, 645, 720, 730.

EmydidÆ, 727, 736.

Emys, 727.

Enaliosauria, 616, 662.

Encephalous mollusks, 378.

Enchodus halocyon, 630.

Encrinus liliiformis, 286, 292.

Endogenites erosa, 163.

Endogenous stems, 56.

Endogens, 59.

Enniskillen, Earl of, researches of, 520.

Enoploclytia Leachii, 516.

------------ Sussexiensis, 517.

Enoploteuthis, 462.

Entomoconchus, 532.

Entomostraca, 522.

Entrochites, 284.

Eocene deposits, 24.

Epplesheim, 783, 787.

EquisetaceÆ, 104.

Equisetites columnaris, 105.

Equisetum Lyellii, 105.

Equus plicidens, 797.

Eschara, 267.

Estheria, 526.

Etyus Martini, 513.

Eugeniacrinus, 288, 289, 297.

Eunotia, 92.

Euomphalus pentangulatus, 428.

Eurypterus, 524.Excursions, geological, 829.

---------------------- to Bracklesham Bay, 844.

------------------------- Brighton, 849.

------------------------- Bristol, 864.

------------------------- Charnwood Forest, 898.

------------------------- Chippenham and Caine, 863.

------------------------- Clifton, 864.

------------------------- Crich Hill, 880.

------------------------- Farringdon, 859.

------------------------- Isle of Sheppey, 838.

------------------------- Isle of Wight, 847.

------------------------- Matlock, 867.

------------------------- Middleton Moor, 894.

------------------------- Rottingdean, 852.

------------------------- Swindon, 862.

Exogenous stems, 56.

Exogens, 59.

Exogyra, 398.

Extremities of Iguanodon, 700.

----------- Reptiles, 657.

Eye of Ichthyosaurus, 664.


Faboidea bifalcis, 188.

-------- semicurvilinearis, 188.

Fairies’ night-caps, 315.

Fairy-loaf, 327.

Fairy-stones, 284.

Falconer, Dr., discoveries by, 674, 784, 786, 797, 814.

Farnham, Surrey, 233.

Farringdon, Berks, 226, 262, 273, 277, 317, 318, 859.

----------, fossil zoophytes from, 226.

Favosites Gothlandica, 259, 262.

--------- polymorpha, 258.

Favularia, 143.

Felixstow, 778.

Fenestella, 270.

Ferns, fossil, 109.

----- fossil arborescent, 122.

----- stems, sections of, 62.

Ferry Bridge, Yorkshire, 44, 71.

-----------------------, buried forest at, 44.

Fifeshire, 617.

Filicites, 109.

Fisher, Rev. O., researches of, 196, 522, 557.

Fishes, characters of, 563.

------ tins of, 569, 576.

------ scales of, 566.

------ skeletons of, 572.

------ tails of, 574.

------ teeth of, 570, 582.

Fitton, Dr., works and researches of, 177, 230, 420, 529, 833.

Flabellina Baudouniana, 347.

Flamborough Head, 226.

Flint, casts of echinites in, 320.

----- formed from zoophytes, 243.

----- fossil wood in, 174.

----- polype in, 250.

----- sponges in, 222.

Flora of New Zealand, 210.

----- of Œningen, fossil, 200.

----- of the Carboniferous epoch, 209.

Florence Court, 278.

Florida, 365, 387.

Flowers, fossil, 197.

Flustra, 266.

Flying reptiles, 723.

Folkstone, 228, 402, 406, 426, 433, 458, 476, 487, 512, 858.

Foot-tracks of bipeds, 768.

----------- of Crustacea, 543, 749.

----------- of reptiles, 749.

Foraminifera deposit at Brighton, 368.

----------------------- Charing, 342, 363.

-------------------- in the United States, 364.

------------ fossil, 344.

------------ fossil remains of the soft parts of, 357, 372.

------------ in chalk and flint, 355.

------------ of the Carboniferous Formation, 365.

------------------- fens of Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire, 367.

------------------- Oolite, Lias, &c., 364.

------------ recent, 339.

------------ tertiary, 366.

Foraminifera-rocks in Arabia, 362.

------------------ India, 362.

------------------ New Zealand, 366.

Forbes, Prof. E., works and researches of, 200, 299, 302, 304, 308, 380, 417, 419, 423, 530, 519, 557.

Foreign localities of fossil fishes, 641.

Forest marble, 28.

Forests, submarine, 70.

Forfarshire, 212, 525, 611.

Fossil animal remains, 43.

------ articulata, 503.

------ birds, 759, 763.

------ bones, 45.

------ botany, 51.

------ brachiopoda, 388.

------ cephalopoda, 447.

------ chelonians, 729.

------ diatomaceÆ, 88, 93.

------ echinodermata, 311.

------ fishes, 562.

------ flowers, 197.

------ foraminifera, 336.

------ fresh-water plants, 195.

------ fruits from the Isle of Sheppey, 53, 186.

------ mammalia, 775.

------ microphytes, 88.

------ plants in the Devonian rocks

------ of Forfarshire and Ireland, 212.

------ polypifera, 251.

------ porifera, 219.

------ reptiles, 643.

------ resin, 52, 181.

------ shells, 381, 394, 413, 417, 421, 424.

------ sugar-loaves, 323.

------ vegetables, 51, 61, 86.

------ wood, examination of, 65.

------ zoology, 216.

Fossiliferous rocks, order of the, 21.

Fossils, definition of, 15, 37.

------- nature of, 37.

------- once thought to be Lusus NaturÆ, 2.

Fowlstone, Mr., researches of, 702.

Franconia, 808, 820.

Frankfort, 202.

Fresh-water plants, fossil, 195.

---------- shells, fossil, 413, 421.

---------- turtles, fossil, 736.

Frogs, fossil, 740.

Fucoides Lamourouxii, 103.

Fucoids, fossil, 101.

Fuller’s-earth oolite, 28.

Fungia, 253, 256.

Fusulina cylindrica, 346.

Fusus contrarius, 418, 425.


Gailenreuth, 808.

Galecynus Œningensis, 812.

Galerites albo-galerus, 322.

GaleritidÆ, 322.

Galionella, 92, 96.

Ganoid fish, 568, 600.

Gardiner, Mr., researches of, 625.

Gasteropoda 378, 417.

Gavialis Dixoni, 677.

Geological distribution of bivalve and univalve mollusca, 436.

-------------------------- Cephalopoda, 492.

-------------------------- Crinoidea, 309.

-------------------------- Crustacea, 542.

-------------------------- Echinodermata, 330.

-------------------------- Fishes, 632.

-------------------------- Foraminifera, 369.

-------------------------- Sauroid-batrachians, 748.

-------------------------- Zoophytes, 273.

Geological Excursions. See Excursions.

Geology, meaning of term, 1.

Geoteuthis, 463.

Geysers of Iceland, 40.

Gibbes, Dr. R. W., on fossil mosasaurus, 707.

---------------------------- squalidÆ, 593.

Gibraltar, 765, 782, 808.

Gigantic crustaceans, fossil, 524.

-------- deer of Ireland, fossil, 783.

-------- sloths, fossil, 798.

Giraffe, fossil, 784.

Glammis, Forfarshire, 611.

Glaris, Switzerland, 730.

Glasgow, 746.

Globigerina cretacea, 342, 350.

Glossopteris Phillipsii, 116.

Glyphea rostrata, 519.

Glyptodon clavipes, 799.

Goldfuss, Dr., and Von Meyer, on the Archegosaurus, 746.

Goldsworth Hill, Surrey, 597.

Goniastea, 301.

Goniaster Hunteri, 305.

--------- Mantelli, 306.

Goniatites Listen, 482.

---------- striatus, 482.

Goniopholis crassidens, 658, 677.

Gorgonia, 253, 265.

Grantia, 221.

Graptolites Ludensis, 255.

----------- Murchisoni, 255.

GraptolitidÆ, 254.

Grauwacke series, 32.

Gravesend, Kent, 305, 317, 355, 708, 710, 843.

Grays, Essex, 815.

Great Oolite, 28.

Greenland, 632.

Greenock, Lord, researches of, 622.

Grignon, France, 418, 425.

Grinsell, Salop, 712, 753.

Gristhorpe Bay, Yorkshire, 526.

Grooby, 903.

GryphÆa incurva, 397.

-------- sinuata, 398.

-------- virgula, 398.

Gryphites, 396.

Gymnosperms, 60.

Gyrodus Murchisoni, 609.

Gyrogonites, 195.


Hackney, 674.

Halichondria, 221.

Halonia regularis, 144.

Hamites cylindraceus, 486.

Hammers, 832.

Hampton Court, polished Devonian marbles in pavements at, 476.

Hamsey, Sussex, 401, 408, 428, 459, 470, 476, 484, 485, 486, 487, 588, 621.

Hamster fossil, 803.

Hanwell, 395, 837, 859.

Hare, fossil, 809.

Harkness, Prof., researches of, 750, 772.

Harlam, Dr., on the Zeuglodon, 780.

Harris, Mr. W., researches of, 363, 579.

Hartwell, Bucks, 408, 428, 520, 557, 863.

Hartz, 808.

Hastings, Marchioness of, researches of, 676, 791.

Hastings, Sussex, 164, 180, 417, 773.

Havre, 680.

Hawkins, Mr. T., researches of, 48, 663.

Hawkshaw, Mr., on fossil foot-prints, 750.

------------------------ trees, 127.

Hayward’s Heath, 850.

Headley, Surrey, 395.

Headon Hill, Isle of Wight, 421, 423, 424, 847.

Heathfield, Sussex, 180.

Helianthoida, 254.

Hemerobioides giganteus, 553.

Hemicidaris crenularis, 311.

----------- intermedia, 316, 319.

Hemipristis serra, 591, 593.

Hempstead Cliff, 628.

Henslow’s, Prof., works referred to, 54.

Hermit-crab, fossil, 515.

Herne Bay, 791, 816, 843.

Herpetichnus, 753.

Hessburg, Saxony, 752.

Highgate Hill, 181, 367, 405, 463.

High Tor, Matlock, 875.

Highworth, Wilts, 397, 412.

Hildesheim, Saxony, 607.

Himalayas, 482.

Hippopotamus, fossil, 795.

Hippurites, 393.

Hitchcock, Prof., on Ornithoidichnites, 769.

Hoer, Scania, 122.

Hohen-Warte, Osterwald, 74.

-----------, brown-coal of, 74.

Holaster, 330.

Holectypus inflatus, 324.

Holloway, 882.

Holmes, Mr., researches of, 702.

Holoptychius, 618.

HolothuriadÆ, 280.

Homalonotus delphinocephalus, 536.

Homoeosolen ramulosus, 268, 271.

Honfleur, 680.

Hooker, Dr. J., on Arctic DiatomaceÆ, 89.

-------------- on Lepidodendron, 139.

Hordwell, Hants, 405, 528, 595, 597, 675, 731, 738.

Horley, 850.

Horn of Iguanodon, 661.

Horse, fossil, 797.

Horsham, Sussex, 417, 774.

Howitt, Mrs., stanzas by, 496.

Hudson River, mixture of fluviatile and marine species in the, 100.

Human bones, fossil, 775, 815.

Hunterian Museum, fossils in the, 799, 801.

Hurstpierpoint, 851.

Hutton, Somerset, 811, 866.

HyÆna, fossil, 793, 808, 811.

Hybodus medius, 591.

------- raricostatus, 591.

------- subcarinatus, 578, 580.

Hydra, common fresh-water, 252, 253.

Hydroida, 254.

HylÆosaurus Owenii, 658, 688.

Hymenocaris, 526.

Hyopotamus, 791.

Hypanthocrinus, 297.

Hypogene rocks, 34.

Hypsodon Lewesiensis, 630.

Hyracotherium, 791.

Hythe, Kent, 182, 683.


Iceland, 72.

-------, lignite in, 72.

Ichnolites of Crustacea, 543, 749.

------------- reptiles, 749.

----------, tridactylous, 768.

Ichthyodorulites, 576.

Ichthyolites, 562.

Ichthyopatolites, 632.

Ichthyosaurus, 662.

Idmonea Comptoniana, 268, 272.

------- cretacea, 268, 271.

------- Dixoniana, 268, 271.

Iguana, teeth of, 648.

Iguanodon Mantelli, 691.

IllÆnus perovalis.

Ilminster, 560, 669.

Imprints of acalephs or jelly-fish on stone, 772.

----------- feet of bird-like bipeds, 768.

----------- fin-markings, 632.

----------- leaves, 201.

----------- rain-drops on stone, 771.

Incrustation, 38.

Incrusting springs at Matlock, 872.

India, beds of foraminifera in, 362.

Indiana, 365.

Inferior Oolite, 28.

Inoceramus concentricus, 402.

---------- Cuvieri, 401.

---------- shell perforated by Clionites, 403.

---------- sulcatus, 402.

Insectiferous Purbeck limestone, 556.

Insectivora, fossil, 812.

Insects, fossil, 547.

Instructions for collecting specimens, 831.

---------------- the microscopical examination of chalk, &c. 371.

Internal structure of sigillaria, 130.

Investigating fossil remains of plants, instructions for, 61.

Ireland, 94, 321, 430.

-------, fossil microphytes from, 94.

-------, peat-bogs of, 70.

Irish deer, fossil gigantic, 783.

Ischyodus, 590.

Isle of France, 763.

------- Man, 783.------- Portland, 156, 230, 412.

---------------- petrified forest in the, 70.------- Purbeck, 422, 736.------- Sheppey, 186, 202, 470, 515, 597, 676, 738, 838.

------- Wight, passim.

Isoletus, 537.

Isopoda, 521.

Issoire, 765.


JÄger, Dr., researches of, 742, 805, 815.

Japan, 555.

Jardine, Sir W., researches of, 752, 753.

Jarrow, 139, 144.

Jaw of Iguanodon, 693.

Jeffery, Mr., on silicification, 38.

Jelly-fishes, 280, 772.

Jet, 72.

Johnston, Dr. G., on the porifera, 219.

Juglans nux-taurinensis, 198.

Jurassic formation, 27.


Kakaunui, New Zealand, 348.

Kangaroo, fossil, 803.

KelÆno furiosa, 447.

Kendal, Westmoreland, 524.

Kent’s Cave, 810, 813, 816.

Kentucky, 298, 794.

Kimmeridge clay, 27.

Kington, Radnorshire, 524.

Kirkdale, Yorkshire, 764, 783, 802, 809.

Kirton, near Glasgow, 524.

Klein, Balthazar, on coal, 76.

Knorria taxina, 144.

KÖnigsberg, Prussia, 182.

KÖstritz, 813.

Kropp. Carniola, 809.

Kyson, Suffolk, 739, 791, 805, 812, 813, 815.


Labyrinthodon JÆgeri, 742, 753.

------------- leptognathus, 753.

------------- foot-prints of, 753.

------------- pachygnathus, 753.

------------- scutulatus, 743.

Labyrinthodontoid reptiles, the geological distribution of, 748.

Labyrinthodonts, 741.

Lacertia, 646, 705.

Lahn Valley, 765.

Lake Huron, 476.

---- Macquarrie, Australia, 171.

Lamellibranchiata, 376.

Lamna crassidens, 594.

----- elegans, 594.

Land-tortoises, 727.

Langton Green, Kent, 527.

Lapland, 96.

-------, diatomaceous earth in, 96.

Lartet, M., researches of, 814.

Lathrobium, 558.

Lawford, 765.

Lea, Mr. I., researches of, 749.

Leach, Dr., researches of, 512.

Leamington, 742.

Leaves, fossil, from Stradella, 201.

------, investigation of fossil, 64.

Lebach, SaarbrÜck, 745.

Lebias cephalotes, 562, 628.

Leguminosites dimidiatus, 189.

------------- subquadrangularis, 189.

Leiodon anceps, 709.

Length of Iguanodon, 702.

Lennel Braes, near Coldstream, 167.

LepadidÆ, 506, 508.

Leperditia, 526.

Lepidodendron, 137.

Lepidoid fishes, 600.

Lepidosteus, 616.

Lepidostrobus, the fruit of Lepidodendron, 140.

Lepidotus Fittoni, 606.

--------- Mantelli, 605.

--------- minor, 607.

LeptÆna, 392.

Leptolepis, 617.

Lewes, Sussex, 174, 234, 243, 244, 245, 248, 267, 268, 286, 291, 299, 320, 323, 388, 390, 399, 401, 403, 431, 458, 471, 491, 513, 517, 567, 577, 579, 584, 589, 584, 596, 624, 626, 628, 734, 779.

Lias series, 28.

Libellula, fossil, 551.

Lignite, 71.

LiliaceÆ, 194.

Lily-encrinite, 285, 292.

Lily-like animals, 280.

LimnadiadÆ, 526.

LimnÆus longiscatus, 410, 423.

Limulus rotundatus, 522.

------- trilobitoides, 523.

Lincolnshire, 367.

------------ buried forests in, 70.

------------ fens, diatomaceous deposits in the, 95.

-----------------, fossil foraminifera of the, 367.

Lindley and Hutton, on fossil remains of plants, 61.

Lindley, Dr., on the principles of botany, 58.

------------ on venation of leaves, 64.

Lingula, 393.

LinnÆus on Trilobites, 533.

Liparus, 558.

Lister, Dr. Martin, on fossils, 3, 18.

Lithododendron sociale, 227, 264.

Lithodomus, 408.

Lithornis vulturinus, 767.

Lithostrotion columnare, 260.

Lituola nautiloidea, 347, 349.

Liverpool, 198.

Llampeter, 504.

Llandeilo or Bala series, 33.

Lloyd, Dr., researches of, 742.

Lobster-clays of Atherfield, 518.

Lobsters, fossil, 515.

Localities, British, of fossil cephalopods, 499.

------------------------------ crustaceans, 546.

------------------------------ fishes, 640.

------------------------------ mammalians, 818.

------------------------------ reptiles, 756.

------------------------------ vegetables, 213.

------------------------------ zoophytes, 278.

----------, foreign, of fossil fishes, 641.

LodÈve, 178.

Logan, Mr. W. E., researches of, 81, 543, 749.

Lonchopteris Mantelli, 119.

Lonjumeau, France, 197.

Lonsdale, Mr. W., researches of, 270, 274, 352, 408, 528, 530.

Lophiodon, 789.

Loricula pulchella, 507.

Lower Greensand, 25.

----- jaw of reptiles, 651.

----- Silurian, or Cambrian series, 33.

Ludlow, 255, 639.

------ Bone-bed, 639.

------ series, 33.

Lund, Dr., researches of, 799, 808, 814.

Lunel-Viel, 765.

Lunulites radiatus, 227, 273.

Lycopodites, 143.

Lycopodium, or club-moss, 140.

Lyell, Sir C., works and researches of, 20, 206, 289, 375, 413, 528, 558, 747, 751, 805.

Lyme Regis, Dorset, 176, 293, 304, 464, 492, 512, 520, 549, 585, 591, 596, 603, 664, 669, 725.

Lymm, Cheshire, 750, 772.


Macculloch on coal, peat, lignite, &c., 76.

MacEnery, the late Rev. J., researches of, 810.

Mackeson, Mr., researches of, 683.

Mackie, Mr. J. S., researches of, 858.

Macleay, Mr., on trilobites, 534, 540.

M’Coy, Prof. F., works and researches of, 252, 275, 321, 524, 532, 534, 576, 514.

Macropoma Mantelli, 620.

Macrura, 515.

Madrepora, 253, 264.Maestricht, 265, 269, 274, 346, 411, 515, 705, 730.

---------- chalk, 25.

Magnesian limestone series, 30.

--------- limestones of Matlock, 878.

Maidstone, Kent, 173, 180, 194, 268, 409, 433, 485, 507, 518, 683, 692.

Maine, United States, 76.

-----, lignite in the hogs of, 76.

Malcolmson, Mr., researches of in India, 529.

Mallotus villosus, 631.

Malta, 326, 512, 591, 812.

Malton, 149, 492.

Mammalia, fossil, 775.

-------- of Stonesfield, fossil, 805.

-------- teeth of, 793.

-------- Triassic, 805.

Manchester, 129.

Mansfeld, Saxony, 178, 602.

Mantell, Mr. Reginald, researches of, 240, 290, 369.

------- Mr. Walter, researches of, 95, 211, 273, 347, 348, 366, 702.

Mantellia cylindrica, 158.

--------- nidiformis, 157.

Marbles composed of fresh-water shells, 422.

March, Lincolnshire, 368.

Margate, Kent, 230.

Marine univalves, fossil, 424.

Markfield, 903.

Marlstone of the Lias, 29.

Marsupialia, fossil, 803.

Marsupites Milleri, 289, 299.

Maryland, U. S., 593.

Massachusetts, 769.

-------------, biped foot-tracks of, 769.

Masson Hill, 870, 873.

Mastodon elephantoides, 794.

-------- giganteus, 786.

Matlock, 870.

Mauritius, 763.

Medals of creation, fossils so called, 17.

Megalichthys, 617.

Megalosaurus Bucklandi, 686.

Megaphyton, 144, 145.

Megatherium, 798.

Meissen, 765.

Melania, 426.

Melanopsis, 416, 424.

Melbourne, Australia, 803.

Melville, Dr., researches of, 681, 763.

Memel, Prussia, 182.

Mendip Hills, 810.

Meridion vernale, Dr. Bailey on the, 93.

Merstham, 849.

Mesostylus Faujasii, 515.

Metamorphic rocks, 34.

Meyeria ornata, 519.

Micraster cor-anguinum, 328.

Microdon, 610.

Microphytes, fossil, 88, 337.

Microscopical examination, 65, 371, 639.

Microzoa, 338.

Middleton Moor, Derbyshire, 285, 894.

Millepora rhombifera, 264, 268.

Miller, Mr., works and researches of, 288, 331, 456, 864.

------ Mr. Hugh, works and researches of, 32, 612, 614, 618, 619.

Millstone-grit, 31.

Mimosites Browniana, 189.

Minerals, definition of, 15.

Miocene deposits, 24.

Mississippi, floating wood-rafts of the, 79.

Missouri, U. S., 365, 628, 708.

Mocha-stones, 103.

Modiola, 407.

Moira, Ireland, 237.

Mole, fossil, 812.

Mollusca, 374.

Molluskite, 358, 432.

Monheim, Franconia, 711.

Monkeys, fossil, 813.

Monocarya centralis, 257.

Monocotyledons, 59.

Monomyaria, 395.

Monoprion, 256.

Montagu, Capt. W., notice of bone-caves in Franconia, 820.

Monte Bolca, 197, 599.Montmartre, 198, 521, 731, 766, 789, 804, 813.

Moore, Mr. C., researches of, 549, 657, 680.

Mornbach, 766.

Morris, Mr., works and researches of, 233, 238, 404, 508, 549.

Morton, Dr., researches of, 257, 344, 399, 586.

Mosasaurus gracilis, 709.

---------- Hoffmanni, 705.

---------- Maximiliani, 708.

Moss-agate, 103.

Mosses, fossil, 104.

Mostyn, Flintshire, 632.

Mount Lebanon, 599.

Mount Randen, Switzerland, 297.

Mount Sorel, 868, 900.

Mountain limestone, 31.

Mouse, fossil, 809.

Muggendorf, 783.

MÜnster-Appel, 745.

MÜnster, Count, researches of, 465, 550.

Murchison, Sir R. I., works and researches of, 33, 80, 256, 365, 504, 558, 559, 753, 812.

Murchisonia bilineata, 430.

Mussel-band in the coal-measures, 414.

Mycetophila, 558.

Myliobatis micropleurus, 598.

Mylodon robustus, 800.

Mytilus, 407.


Natica plicistria, 428.

NautilidÆ, 469.

Nautilus Deslongchampsii, 470.

-------- elegans, 471.

-------- pompilius, 467.

-------- pseudo-elegans, 470.

-------- Saxbyi, 472.

Nave-encrinites, 294.

Navicula, 91.

Nemacanthus, 588.

Nereis, 504.

Nereites Cambrensis, 504.

Nerita, 507.

Neuber’s liquid glue, 46.

Neuroptera, fossil, 551.

Neuropteris acuminata, 115.

Newcastle, 138, 531.

New Cross, 837, 849.

Newhaven, lignite at, 73.

--------, near Leith, 601.

--------, Sussex, 73, 175, 201, 425, 578

New Jersey, U. S., 520, 585, 628, 708.

New Red Sandstone series, 29.

New Zealand, 95, 172, 318, 390, 763, 812.

-----------, cidarites from, 318.

----------- fossil birds of, 763.

----------- fossil diatomaceÆ in, 95.

----------- fossil foraminifera in, 366.

----------- the flora of, 210.

Niagara River, 259.

Nice, 765, 808.

Nicol’s method of microscopical examination of fossil plants, 65.

Nipadites cordiformis, 188.

--------- lanceolatus, 188.

Nodosaria, 347.

Nodules, method of opening, 49.

Noeggerathia, 181.

Nonionina Germanica, 350.

Normandy, 470.

Northampton, the late Marquis of, researches of, 350.

Northfleet, Kent, 317, 711.

Norway, 256, 538.

Norwich, 406.

Notidanus microdon, 594.

Notopocorystes Bechei, 514.

-------------- Broderipii, 513.

-------------- Stokesii, 513.

Nucleolites, 326.

Nucula, 406.

Nummulites lÆvigatus, 344.

NymphÆa arethusa, 196.


Obolus, 392.

Ocellaria inclusa, 247.

Odontopteris Schlotheimii, 116.

Œningen, near Constance, 200, 559, 627, 731, 741, 765, 812.

-------, fossil fox of, 812.

------- fossil insects from, 559.

Offenbach, 739.

Offham, Sussex, 267.

Ogygia Buchii, 537.

Ohio. U.S., 259, 262, 278, 286, 365.

Old Red Sandstone series, 31, 618.

Onychoteuthis, 462.

Oolite formation, 27.

------ zoophytes of the, 275.

Ophidia, 646, 738.

Ophiura Egertoni, 305.

------- Prattii, 305.

------- serrata, 305.

OphiuridÆ, 303, 304.

Opossum, fossil, 804.

Orbicula, 392.

Orbitoides Mantelli, 346.

Oreston, near Plymouth, 810.

Organic remains, nature of, 37.

Ornithoidichnites, 768.

Ornitholites, 759, 763.

Orthacanthus, 581.

Orthis, 392.

OrthoceratidÆ, 469, 474.

Orthoceras conicum, 475.

---------- giganteum, 474.

---------- gregarium, 475.

---------- laterale, 475.

---------- striatum, 475.

Osmeroides Lewesiensis, 627.

---------- Mantelli, 627.

Osmington, Dorset, 408, 412.

Ossicles of encrinites, 284.

-------- starfishes, 303.

Ossiferous caverns, 808.

Ostend. near Bacton, 812.

Osteology of birds, 760.

--------- fishes, 572.

--------- mammals, 776.

--------- reptiles, 651.

Osteolepis, 618.

Ostracoda, 526.

Ostrea carinata, 396.

------ deltoidea, 396.

------ plicata, 396.

------ semiplana, 396.

------ vesicularis, 396.

Otodus obliquus, 591, 594.

Otolithes, 574, 639, 778.

Ototara, New Zealand, 366.

Owen, Prof.,[822] classification of animals, 826.

[822] We have here refrained from making many references to the very numerous passages in the text in which our great palÆontologist’s investigations and opinion, in almost every branch of vertebrate and invertebrate zoology, have been freely and of necessity quoted by the Author and Editor,—always, however with due and grateful acknowledgment.

------------------------------- reptiles, 646.

----------- on the archegosaurus, 746.

------------------ belemnite, 456.

------------------ brachiopoda,393.

------------------ dendrerpeton, 748.

------------------ dicynodon, 715.

------------------ dinosauria, 684.

------------------ labyrinthodonts, 742.

------------------ teeth of reptiles, 646.

------------------ zeuglodon, 781.

----------- work on British fossil mammals and birds referred to, 776, et passim.

------------------ odontography, 564, 570, et passim.

------------------ the mylodon, 801.

Oxford clay, 27.

----------- fossil wood in the, 172.

Oyster-shells, fossil, 395.


Pachycormus, 617.

Pachydermata, fossil, 785.

Pachypteris lanceolata, 112.

Paddle of ichthyosaur, 668.

--------- plesiosaur, 668.

Paisley, 525.

PalÆochinidÆ, 322.

PalÆoniscus, 601.

PalÆontology, meaning of the term, 2.

PalÆophis toliapicus, 738.

--------- typhÆus, 738.

PalÆosaurus, 713.

PalÆospalax, 812.

PalÆotherium magnum, 789.

PalÆoxylon, 167.

PalÆozoic cidaritidÆ, 321.

--------- rocks, 30.

--------- zoophytes, 275.

Palapteryx, 764.

Palermo, 808.

Paleryx, 738.

Palliobranchiata or Brachiopoda, 376.

Palmacites, 183.

Palm-fruits, fossil, 186.

Palm-leaves, fossil, 185.

Paloplotherium, 791.

Paludina fluviorum, 418, 421.

Pampas, South America, 798.

Pandanus, fossil fruit of, 192.

Panorpa Liassica, 553.

Paper-nautilus, 450, 465.

Pappenheim, 520, 521.

Parabatrachus Colei, 746.

Paradoxides Bohemicus, 538.

Paramoudra, 236.

Paris. See Montmartre.

Parish, Sir Woodbine, works and researches of, 798, 799.

Parkinson, Mr., his work and researches, 77, 292, et passim. See Pict. Atlas.

Pearce, Mr. C., researches of, 288, 456, 669.

Pear-encrinite, 287.

Peat, 70.

Pecopteris lonchitica, 118.

---------- Murrayana, 118.

---------- Sillimani, 110.

Pecten Beaveri, 400.

------ JacobÆus, 400.

------ quinquecostatus, 400.

------ opercularis, 385.

Pectunculus, 405.

PedicellariÆ, 313.

Pentacrinus caput-medusÆ, 282.

----------- Hiemeri, 293.

Pentamerus, 391.

Penthetria, 558.

Pentremites pyriformis, 286, 297.

Permian deposits, 30.

Perna, 402.

Petalopora pulchella, 224, 270.

Petersburgh, Virginia, 97.

------------------, diatomaceous earth at, 97.

Petricola Patagonica, 377.

Petrifactions, nature of, 37.

Petrified forests of conifers, 169.

--------- "horns," 394.

--------- "mushrooms," 242.

--------- "rams'-horns," 260, 862.

--------- "salt-cellars," 861.

--------- trees in Egypt, 203.

Petrophiloides Richardsoni, 188.

Peuce, 168.

Pevensey, 519.

Phacops caudatus, 538.

Phanerogamia, 59.

Phascolotherium Bucklandi, 806.

Phlebopteris Phillipsii, 120.

------------ propinqua, 120.

Phillips, Prof., works and researches of, 44, 321, 365, 420, 427, 807.

Pholadomya, 408.

Pholas priscus, 408, 507.

Phryganea, fossil larvÆ of, 559.

Physa in the Purbeck beds, 423.

Pickering, Yorkshire, 307.

Pictou, Nova Scotia, 109.Pictorial Atlas, referred to, 9, 187, 228, 257, 263, 285, 317, 404, et passim.

Pinites Fittoni, 177.

Pinna, 406.

Pinus, 177.

Placodus, 610.

Placoid fish, 568, 582.

Plagiostoma giganteum, 400.

Planorbis, 423.

Plants, fossil, 51.

Platycrinus, 287.

Platysomus, 610.

Pleistocene deposits, 23.

Pleodont lizards, 648.

Plesiosaurus, 662, 671.

Pleurodont reptiles, 648.

Pleurotoma, 425.

Pleurotomaria flammigera, 427.

Plicatula inflata, 400.

Plieninger, M., researches of, 805.

Pliocene deposits, 24.

Pliosaurus, 673.

Plumstead, Kent, 395, 406.

Plutonic rocks, 34.

Podocarya, 192.

Podosphenia, 92.

Podozamites Mantelli, 154.

Poecilopleuron Bucklandi, 679.

Polierschiefer of Bilin, 96.

Polperro, Cornwall, 238.

Polycotyledons, 60.

Polyparium, 252.

Polype in flint, 250.

Polypidom, 252.

Polypifera, 251, 280.

Polypothecia dichotoma, 231.

Polyptychodon continuus, 683.

------------- interruptus, 683.

Polyzoa, 253.

Pondicherry, 485.

Poole, Dorset, 560.

Populus gÆeca, 201.

Porcupine, fossil, 803.

Porifera, 219.

Portishead, 864.

Portland. See Isle of Portland.

-------- oolite, 27.

Post-pliocene deposits, 23.

Potamides, 425.

Potamogeton, fossil, 106, 201.

Poteriocrinus, 287.

Potsville, U.S., 645.

Potter, Mr., researches of, 579.

Pounceford, Sussex, 105.

Prestwich, Mr., researches of, 523, 528, 542

Preston, Sussex, 227, 305.

Primrose Hill, 767.

Pristis, 597.

Productus, 392.

Protozoa, 219.

Psammodus, 587.

Psarolites, 123.

Pseudomorphic crystals, 42.

Pterichthys cornutus, 612.

Pterodactylus compressirostris, 726.

------------- crassirostris, 724.

------------- Cuvieri, 726.

------------- macronyx, 726.

Pterophylluni comptum, 152.

Pteropoda, 378, 417.

Pterosauria, 646, 723.

Pterygotus, 525.

Ptychoceras Emericianum, 486.

Ptychodus gibberulus, 578.

--------- polygurus, 594.

--------- spectabilis, 578, 585.

Pulley-stones, 285.

Purbeck. See Isle of Purbeck.

------- marble, 422, 435.

------- series, 26.

Purfleet, 317, 843.

Pustulopora pustulosa, 268, 270.

Puy-de-Dome, 765.

Puy en Velais, 186.

Puzzuoli, 408.

Pycnodus, 607.

Pyrenees, 393, 432.

Pyrites, 893.

Pyritous fossil fruits, 53.

Pyxidiculum, 91.


Quadrumana, fossil, 813.

Quedlingbourg, 765.

Queenborough, 838.


Radiata, 280.

Radipole, Dorset, 408, 412.

Radoboj, Croatia, 559.

Railway sections, 837, 849, 859.

Rain-prints on stone, 751, 771.

Raphiosaurus subulidens, 711.

Rastrites, 256.

Ratisbon, 591.

Rays, fossil, 597.

Reade, Rev. J. B., researches of, 241, 250.

Reading, Berkshire, 395.

Recent shell-rock, 384, 386.

Redland, near Bristol, 713.

Regent’s-park, London, 194, 411.

Regnosaurus Northamptoni, 705.

Remains, fossil animal, 43.

Reptilia, 643.

Reptiles, Ichnolites of, 749.

Resins, fossil, 52, 181.

Retepora laxa, 269.

Retrospect of fossil Botany, 206.

-------------------- zoology, 822.

Rhine, brown-coal of the, 72.

-----, tripoli of the, 90.

Rhinoceros, fossil, 796.

Rhizopoda, 338.

Rhodocrinus, 287, 297.

Rhynchonella plicatilis, 388, 391.

------------ subplicata, 388, 391.

Rhynchosaurus articeps, 712.

-------------, foot-prints of, 753.

Richardson, Mr. W., researches of, 791, 843.

Richmond, Virginia, 97.

------------------, diatomaceous earth at, 97.

Ridgway Hill, Dorset, 522, 557.

Riley, Dr., researches of, 713.

Ringinella, 426.

Ringmer, Sussex, 406, 453, 458, 487, 490, 512, 519.

River-tortoises, 727.

Rjeff on the Volga, 608.

Roane Hill, Tyrone, 601.

Rochester, 508.

Rocks and strata, 19.

Rodents, fossil, 802.

Rodriquez Island, 763.

Roof of the coal, 82.

Rosalina, 342, 351, 356, 358, 359.

Rostellaria, 426.

Rotalia, 351.

Rottingdean, 852, 856, 858.Rouen, 368, 471, 491.

Rule, Mr., researches of, 763.

Ruminants, fossil, 782.

Runcorn, Cheshire, 750, 772.

Ruppersdorf, Bohemia, 581.

Russia, 365, 392, 524, 538, 608, 619.

Ryde, Isle of Wight, 816, 847.


SaarbrÜck, Lorraine, 601.

Sabella, 385.

Sacrum of reptiles, 655.

Sahara Desert, 170.

Salamander, fossil, 741.

SalamandroÏdes, 742.

Salenia, 318.

Salter, Mr., researches of, 524, 526, 534, 749.

Sandgate, Kent, 409, 507.

Sandown Bay, Isle of Wight, 155, 164, 529.

Sansan, near Audi, 814.

Santa Fiora, diatomaceous earth at, 96.

Sardinia, 765.

Saull, Mr. W. D., researches of, 795.

Sauria, 646.

Saurocephalus lanciformis, 629.

------------- striatus, 629.

Saurodon Leanus, 629.

Sauroid fishes, 615.

Sauroidei, 617.

Sauroidei-dipterini, 618.

Savone, 790.

Saw-fish, fossil, 597.

Scales of fishes, 566.

Scalpellum maximum, 507.

Scaphites Æqualis, 488.

Scarborough, 73, 113, 114, 116, 118, 152, 154, 168, 519.

Scat-craig, Elgin, 618.

Schaerbeek, Belgium, 191.

Scorpion, fossil, 550.

Scouler, Dr., researches of, 525.

Screw-pines, 192.

Screw-stones, 285.

Scrope, Mr. P., on fossil phryganeÆ, 560.

Scutes of reptiles, 657.

Scyphia foraminosa, 227.

------- intermedia, 227.

------- ramosa, 227.

Sea anemones, 254.

--- eggs, 312.

--- slugs, 280.

--- urchins, 280, 312.

Seafield, Isle of Wight, 791.

Seal, fossil, 812.

Secondary rocks, 25.

Selbourne, Hants, 396.

Sepia, fossil, 447.

Septarium with shells, 383.

Serpents, 738.

Serpula, 385, 505.

Serres, Marcel de, researches of, 557.

Sertularia, 253.

Shalcombe, Isle of Wight, 421.

Shanklin, or Lower Greensand, 25.

Sharks, fossil teeth of, 582.

------ vertebrÆ of, 596.

Sharp Mountain, Pennsylvania, 749.

Shepherd’s crowns, 327.

Sheppey, See Isle of Sheppey.

Shotover, Oxon, 680.

Shrewley Common, Warwickshire, 753.

Shrewsbury, 531, 712.

Shrimps, fossil, 520.

Sicily, 390.

SiderastrÆa Websteri, 264.

Siderolina, 346.

SigillariÆ and StigmariÆ, 125.

Sigillaria Defrancii, 128.

---------- elegans, 130.

---------- Saullii, 129.

Silesia, 185.

Silicification, 40.

Silurian system, 32.

Sind, 362.

Siphonia lobata, 231.

-------- Morrisiana, 224, 233.

-------- pyriformis, 231.Siwalik Hills, 185, 278, 674, 731, 766, 782, 784, 786, 797, 814.

Skeleton of fishes, 572.

Skin of Ichthyosaur, 670.

Sloths, fossil gigantic, .798.

Smee, Mr., on fossilization of bones, 44.

Smerdis minutus, 625.

Smith, Dr. William, on fossils and strata, 18.

-----, Mr. Toulmin, on the ventriculidÆ, 226, 249, 268.

Snakes, fossil eggs of, 739.

Snibstone, Leicestershire, 149, 902.

Solarium ornatum, 427.

Solenhofen, 447, 492, 511, 520, 523, 550, 551, 617, 621, 724.

----------, fossil insects from, 551.

Soleure, 730.

South Africa, 536, 714.

------------, fossil reptiles from, 714.

South America, bone-caves of, 808.

-------------, fossil edentata of, 798.

--------------------- monkey of, 814.

-------------, Pampas of, 798.

Southbourn, Sussex, 232, 408, 433, 487, 858.

Southerham, Sussex, 401, 487.

South Joggins, Bay of Fundy, 128, 747.

South Petherwin, Cornwall, 474.

SpatangidÆ, 326.

Spatangus planus, 330.

SphÆrulites Mortoni, 393, 430.

Sphenophyllum erosum, 146, 148.

------------- Schlotheimi, 147, 148.

Sphenopteris elegans, 112.

------------ Mantelli, 113.

------------ nephrocarpa, 113.

Spicula of sponges, 234, 238.

Spiders, fossil, 550.

Spinax major, 580, 584.

Spines of Cidarites, 319.

Spiniferites palmatus, 241.

------------ ramosus, 239, 240.

------------ Reginaldi, 239, 241.

Spirifer trigonalis, 390.

Spirolina, 349.

Spirulirostra Bellardii, 463.

Spondylus spinosus, 399.

Sponges, characters of, 220.

-------, arrangement of recent, 221.

------- in chalk and flint, 222.

Spongilla, 221.

Spongites clavellatus, 224.

--------- flexuosus, 226, 213.

--------- labyrinthicus, 225, 243.

--------- ramosus, 223.

--------- Townsendi, 225.

Spynie, near Elgin, 720.

Squaloraia, 596.

Squirrel, fossil, 802.

St. Catherine’s, Isle of Wight, 233.

--------------- Mount. See Rouen.

St. Cuthbert’s beads, 284.

St. Etienne, France, 127, 178.

St. Helen’s, near Liverpool, 136.

St. Peter’s Mount. See Maestricht.

Staaren-stein, 123.

Stag-horn encrinite, 291.

Staithes, near Whitby, 307.

Stammerham, Sussex, 774.

Steganodictyum, 233.

Steinhaur, Rev. H., on Stigmaria, 134.

StellaridÆ, 280.

Stems of arborescent ferns, 122.

-------- encrinites, 284.

-------- pentacrinites, 284.

-------- plants, structure of, 55, 62.

SigillariÆ, 128.

Steneosaurus, 676.

Sternbergia, 168.

Sternum of ichthyosaur, 667.

---------- plesiosaur, 667, 672.

Steyning, Sussex, 459, 471.

Stigmaria ficoides, 133.

StigmariÆ, the roots of sigillaria and lepidodendron, 132, 139.

Stokes, Mr., researches of, 476, 540.

Stone-lily, 292.

Stone, Bucks, 557.

Stone perforated by lithodomi, 408.

Stonesfield, Oxon, 152, 168, 181, 553, 587, 686, 725, 730, 765, 805.

-----------, fossil mammalia of, 805.

----------- slate, 28.

Stonnis, 883, 896.

Storeton Hill, near Liverpool, 730, 751, 753, 772.

-------------, ichnolites at, 751, 772.

Stradella, near Pavia, 201.

Strata and rocks, 19.

------ composed of foraminifera, 352.

------, synopsis of British, 23.

Stratification of a coal-field, 80.

Strensham, Worcestershire, 106.

Streptospondylus, 680.

Strickland, Mr. H. E., researches of, 552, 639, 753, 763.

Stromatopora, 262.

Strombodes, 262.

Strophodus magnus, 587.

Structure of coniferÆ, 57.

------------ vegetables, 55.

Studd Hill, 843.

Stutchbury, Mr., researches of, 265, 713.

Stuttgart, WÜrtemberg, 805.

StylastritÆ, 287.

Sub-Apennines, 503.

Sub-Himalayas. See Siwalik Hills.

Submerged forests, 70.

Suchosaurus cultridens, 676.

Suggsville, U. S., 346.

Sulz-les-bains, near Strasburg, 117, 181.

Sunderland, 430.

Sundridge, Kent, 395.

Sussex marble, 422, 435.

Swabia, 775, 815.

Swanage, Purbeck, 196, 607, 658, 677.

------- crocodile, 677.

Swansea, 810.

Sweden, 256, 392, 538.

Swindon, 168, 412, 428, 862.

Swithland, 900.

Switzerland, 289.

Sydenham, 789, 849.

Synhedra, 92.

Synopsis of British strata, 23.

Syringopora ramulosa, 259, 262.


TÆniopteris latifolia, 118.

Taggart, Mr., researches of, 772.

Tails of fishes, 574.

Taxites, 181.

Teeth of Fishes, 570, 582.

-------- Glyptodon, 799.

-------- Ichthyosaur, 665.

-------- Iguanodon, 693.

-------- Labyrinthodon, 743.

-------- Mammalia, 793.

-------- Plesiosaur, 665.

-------- Reptiles, 646.

-------- Sharks, fossil, 582.

Teleosaurus Cadomensis, 680.

----------- Chapmanni, 675, 679.

----------- priscus, 680.

Telerpeton Elginense, 720.

Temple Church, the pillars of, composed of fresh-water marble, 422, 435.

Temple of Jupiter Serapis, the columns of, perforated by Lithodomi, 408.

Terebratula carnea, 390.

----------- semiglobosa, 388.

----------- subrotunda, 388.

Teredo, 193, 410.

Tertiary coniferous wood, 175.

-------- foraminifera, 366.

-------- ornitholites, 765.

-------- rocks, 24.

-------- zoophytes, 274.

Tethea, 221.

Tettigonia spumaria, 558.

Tetrabranchiata, 449, 466.

Tetragonolepis, 604.

Textularia globulosa, 342, 352.

Thalictroides Parisiensis, 198.

------------- Websteri, 198.

Thames River, 386.

Thecodontosaurus, 713.

Thecodont reptiles, 648.

Thuites Kurrianus, 180.

Tilgate Forest, Sussex, 75, 113, 119, 159, 414, 417, 530, 578, 580, 592, 605, 608, 660, 677, 681, 687, 690, 704, 725, 734, 773, 768.

Tisbury, Wilts, 263, 413.

Toadstone of Derbyshire, 875, 878, 893.

Torbay, Devon, 259, 262, 764, 810, 816.

Torpedo. 598.

Tortoises, 726.

Touraine, 426.

Toxaster complanatus, 329.

Toxoceras Emericianum, 484.

Track-marks of bipeds, 768.

-------------- crustaceans, 543, 749.

-------------- fishes, 632.

-------------- reptiles, 749.

Tragos Farringdoniensis, 229.

------ peziza, 229.

Transition series, 32.

Trap of Crich Hill, 884, 891.

Travertine, or tufa, 40.

Trees, fossil, dicotyledonous, 203.

-------------, in the Coal-measures, 136.

--------------------- Purbeck series, 169.

--------------------- Wealden, 170.

-----, silicified, in Australia, 170.

--------------------- Egypt, 170, 203.

Tretosternon Bakewelli, 737.

Trevelyan, Mr., fossil upright stems in Northumberland noticed by, 128.

Trias series, 29.

Triassic mammalian teeth, 805.

Tridactylous imprints, 768, 772.

Trigonia clavellata, 397, 412.

-------- costata, 397, 412.

-------- gibbosa, 397, 412.

Trigonocarpum Noeggerathi, 149.

------------- olivÆforme, 149.

Trilobites, 532.

----------, geological distribution of, 543.

Trinucleus Lloydii, 538.

Trionyx, 727.

Triplosporite, 142.

Trochites, 284.

Trochus ziziphinus, 385.

Trogontherium, 803.

Trowbridge, Wilts, 479.

Trunks and stems of fossil cycads, 156.

------ of sigillariÆ with roots, 126.

--------- trees, investigation of, 62.

Tufa or travertine, 40, 872.

Tunbridge Wells, 415, 530.

Tunicata, 375.

Turban-echinites, 313.

Turbinolia Koenigii, 257.

Turin, 198, 463.

Turner’s Falls, Massachusetts, 769.

Turrilites catenatus, 489.

---------- costatus, 489.

---------- tuberculatus, 491.

Turritella conoidea, 383.

Turtles, 726.

Tuscany, 803.


Ulodendron, 144, 145.

Under-clays of the coal, 81.

Unio, 414.

United States, 256, 257, 364, 367, 399, 400.

Univalve mollusks, 378, 417.

Upper Silurian series, 33.

Upright trunks of sigillariÆ, 125.

Ursus arctos, 811.

----- priscus, 812.

----- spelÆus, 811.


Vale of Wardour, 521, 552, 556.

Valley of the Derwent, 882.

Van Diemen’s Land, 170.

Vegetables, fossil, 51.

----------, organization of, 54.

Venation of leaves, 60, 64.

Venericardia, 405.

Ventnor, Isle of Wight, 230.

Ventriculites alcyonoides, 247.

------------- quadrangularis, 267.

------------- radiatus, 242, 244.

Venus’s fan, 265.

Verneuilina tricarinata, 342, 352.

VertebrÆ of Fish, 574.

----------- Ichthyosaur, 666.

----------- Iguanodon, 698.

----------- Reptiles, 651.

----------- Serpents, 739.

Verticellipora anastomosans, 227, 229, 273.

Virginia, 97, 170.

--------, fossil microphytes from, 97.

VisÉ, Belgium, 459.

Volcanic rocks, 35.

Volkmannia, 146.

Voltzia, 180.


Waihora Lake, New Zealand, diatomaceÆ from, 95.

Wainlode Cliff, Gloucestershire, 553.

Wakebridge, 884.

Wakefield, Col., researches of, 763.

Walchia hypnoides, 178.

Waldenburg, Silesia, 112.

Walton, Essex, 817.

Wandsworth, 837.

Ward, Dr. O., researches of, 712.

Wareham, Dorset, 200.

Warminster, Wilts, 231, 318.

Water-rat, fossil, 809.

Warwick, 742.

Watchett, Somerset, 480.

Wealden coal, 73.

------- formation, 26.

-------, remains of birds in the, 768.

-------, tridactylous ichnolites in the, 773.

Webster, Prof., researches of, 22, 156, 202.

Wellington Valley, Australia, 803.

Wenlock series, 33.

--------------, corals in the, 258, 261.

-------, graptolites in the, 255.

Westbury-on-Avon, 526, 588.

Western Lines, Isle of Wight, 230.

Westphalia, 622, 621.

Westwood, Mr. J. O., researches of, 549.

Wetherell, Mr. N. T., researches of, 508, 708.

Wetherellia variabilis, 188.

Weymouth, 397.

Whales, fossil, 777.

Whitby, 73, 106, 112, 477, 675,682.

Whitecliff Bay, Isle of Wight, 185.

Whittingham, Norfolk, 236.

Whitwick, 902.

Wiesbaden, 766.

Wiesnau, 766.

Williams, Rev. D., researches of, 811.

--------, Rev. W., researches of, 763.

Williamson, Prof., researches of, 155, 363, 367, 568, 620.

Willingdon, Sussex, 156, 173.

Witham’s method of microscopical examination of fossil plants, 65.

Wood, examination of fossil, 65.

----, fossil coniferous, 167.

---- perforated by pholades, 409.

------------------ teredines, 193, 411.

Woodhouse, 901.

Woodward., Mr. S. P., notes by, 236, 317, 379, 425, 426, 447, 462, 463, 479.

--------, Manual of Molluscs by, 381,449, 483.

Woolwich, Kent, 395, 425.

Worthing, Sussex, 235, 431.

WÜrtemberg, 308, 463, 742, 805.

Wyman, Prof. J., on dendrerpeton, 747.

---------------, on Lepidosteus, 616


Xanthidium, 91.

Xiphodon, 790.


Yorkshire, 226, 227, 268, 305, 427, 465, 477, 519, 595, 608.

--------- oolite, 27.


ZamiÆ, 150.

Zamites crassus, 155.

------- Mantelli, 154.

------- ovatus, 155.

------- pectinatus, 152.

-------Sussexiensis, 156.

Zanthopsis Leachii, 512.

---------- tuberculatus, 512.

Zeuglodon cetoides, 779.

--------- squalodon, 781.

Zoology, fossil, 216.

Zoophytes, 218.

---------, distribution of fossil, 273.

Zulinosprionites latus, 189.



Transcriber Note

Some standardization of word usage and formatting was made; but some of the original variant spellings retained (ex., M'Coy and McCoy). Italicizing and small capitalization of species, publications, authors, etc. were preserved. Produced from files generously provided by The Internet Archive. All derived products are placed in the Public Domain.


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