

"Nous remontons done À un autre Âge du monde; À cet Âge oÙ la terre n’Étoit encore parcourue que par des reptiles a sang froid—oÙ la mer abondoit en ammonites, en bÉlemnites, en tÉrÉbratules, en encrinites, et oÙ tous ces genres, aujourd’hui d’une raretÉ prodigieuse, faisoient le fond de sa population."—Cuvier, Oss. Foss. tom. v. p. 10.

We advance now to the investigation of the fossil remains of the more highly organized classes of the Vertebrata; the Fishes being the lowest in the scale amongst the beings characterised by an osseous skeleton, with a flexible spinal column, composed of articulated bones, and presenting, in the various classes, orders, genera, and species, numerous modifications of form and structure. The mineralized relics of the vertebrated animals consist, for the most part, of single and displaced bones, or groups of bones and teeth, and the durable portions of the dermal integuments; entire skeletons being of rare occurrence. A knowledge of anatomy and physiology, and access to anatomical and zoological libraries and collections, are therefore indispensable for the cultivation of this most attractive department of PalÆontology. Fortunately for the English student, this branch of the science, which a few years since was but little cultivated in this country,[574] has been greatly advanced, by the liberal support afforded by the British Association of Science to Professor Owen, whose Reports on the British Fossil Reptiles and Mammalia, published in the Transactions of the Association,[575] should be referred to for more precise and detailed information than can be given in these unpretending volumes. Our remarks will be limited to a general notice of the fossil remains of Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals; with descriptions of such characteristic examples, as will serve to illustrate the nature of the specimens that may probably come under the notice of the collector; or which, from their peculiar characters, are objects worthy his special attention.

[574] See Petrif. p. 226, note.[575] Report of the Brit. Assoc. 1839 and 1841; see also Trans. Geol. Soc. 2d ser. vol. v. p. 515 (1838).

The Age of Reptiles.[576]—The announcement by the illustrious founder of PalÆontology, in the quotation prefixed to this chapter, that there was a period when the lakes, rivers, and seas of our planet were peopled by reptiles, and when cold-blooded oviparous quadrupeds, of appalling magnitude, were the principal inhabitants of the dry lands, was a proposition so novel and startling, as to require the prestige of the name of Cuvier to obtain for it any degree of credence, even with those who were prepared to admit that a universal deluge could not account for the physical changes, which the crust of the earth had evidently undergone. Subsequent observations and discoveries have, however, fully confirmed the truth of this induction, and the "Age of Reptiles" is no longer considered fabulous.

[576] "The Age of Reptiles" was the title given by the author to a popular summary of the evidence bearing on this question: it was published in the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, 1831. This name is now generally employed to designate the geological epochs characterised by the predominance of oviparous quadrupeds; namely, from the Permian to the Chalk, inclusive.

In some of the ancient fossiliferous deposits,[577] indications of the existence of Reptiles are visible, in the indelible markings left by their footsteps on the muddy banks of rivers, and on the wet sands of the sea-shores, now in the state of layers of marl and sandstone. Here and there in the Devonian,[578] Carboniferous, and New Red formations, teeth and bones are found, presenting unequivocal proofs of the presence of extinct forms of cold-blooded oviparous quadrupeds. As we ascend in the secondary formations, we are suddenly surrounded by innumerable marine and terrestrial reptiles, belonging to species and genera, and even orders, of which no living representatives are known. Throughout the Liassic, Oolitic, Wealden, and Cretaceous epochs, the class of Reptiles was at its fullest development. In the Tertiary periods which succeeded, the Reptiles approach the recent types, and their relics are found intermingled with the bones of mammiferous quadrupeds; thus indicating the commencement of the present condition and relations of the animal kingdom. Referring the reader to Bd. p. 165, and Wond. pp. 409-444 and 567-588, for a more comprehensive view of this subject, we advance to the examination of some of the fossil genera and species; and we propose, in the first place, to explain a few essential characters of form and structure observable in those durable parts of the skeletons which are most frequently met with in a fossil state; namely, the teeth, jaws, vertebrÆ, &c., and the osseous appendages of the dermal system.

[577] Devonian rooks of Elgin, North Britain; and the Lower Carboniferous of Pottsville, Pennsylvania.[578] The most ancient Reptile hitherto discovered is the Telerpeton Elginense, from the Old Red of Scotland, which will be described in the sequel.

The animals comprehended in the Class of Reptilia constitute, according to Prof. Owen’s arrangement, eight principal groups, or Orders, as follow:—

The Batrachia; Frogs: the body naked, with only rudimentary ribs; and with two or four feet. Most of these reptiles breathe by branchiÆ or gills in their young state, and by lungs in the adult (as for example the Frog); in some (the perenni-branchiata), the branchiÆ are persistent through life. } Having a tripartite heart (i. e. with two auricles and one ventricle), and simple transverse processes to the cervical and anterior dorsal vertebrÆ.
The Ophidia; Serpents: the body destitute of feet.
The Lacertia or Sauria; Lizards: the body supported by four or two feet, and covered with scales.
The Chelonia; Tortoises: the body supported by four feet or paddles, and enveloped in two osseous bucklers, composed of the expanded bones of the sternum and thorax.
The Enaliosauria; Sea-saurians (extinct): body furnished with four paddles, and destitute of scaly covering. } Having a quadripartite heart (i. e. with two auricles and two ventricles), and double transverse processes to the cervical and anterior dorsal vertebrÆ.
The Pterosauria; Wing-saurians (extinct): body supported on four feet, the outer finger of each fore-foot greatly lengthened, and forming a support for the wing.
The Crocodilia; Crocodiles: body supported on four partially webbed feet, and encased with an armour of bony plates or scutes.
The Deinosauria; Great-saurians (extinct): body supported on four feet.

Teeth of Reptiles.—The teeth of the animals of this class exhibit considerable diversity of form, but the characteristic type is that of a conical, pointed tooth, with a simple root or fang; for, in no reptile does the base of the tooth terminate in more than one fang, and this is never branched. "Any fossil, therefore, which exhibits a tooth implanted by two fangs in a double socket, must be mammiferous, since the socketed teeth of reptiles have but a single fang; and the only fishes’ teeth which approach such a tooth in form, are those of a bifurcate base, belonging to certain sharks." (Owen.)

These dental organs are only fitted for seizing and retaining the prey or food; for no living reptiles have the power of performing mastication. In the Crocodiles the tooth has a cylindrical shank, with a conical, longitudinally striated, enamelled crown, having a ridge on each side (Pl. VI. fig. 5). In the Labyrinthodon (a fossil reptile), the cone is more curved and pointed (Pl. VI. fig. 3); in the HylÆosaurus, the shank is cylindrical, and the crown expanded and lanceolate, with blunt margins (Pl. VI. fig. 6); in the Megalosaurus, the tooth is laterally compressed, trenchant, and slightly inclined backwards like a sabre, with serrated edges (Pl. VI. fig. 7); in the Iguanodon, the shank is cylindrical, and the crown of a prismatic form, greatly expanded, with broad denticulated edges, and longitudinal ridges on one side (Pl. VI. fig. 4, and Ligns. 221, 223). In the Serpents, the teeth are very long and pointed; in the Crocodiles and Lizards, may be seen every modification of the conical form, down to a mere hemispherical tubercle or plate. In the fossil Dicynodon, to be hereafter described, the dental system consists of but two tusks or canine teeth, like those of the Walrus, implanted in the upper jaw. The Turtles and some fossil Lacertians are edentulous, i. e. destitute of teeth; their dental organs consisting of the horny trenchant sheaths with which the jaws are covered.

The teeth are very numerous in reptiles; the individuals of some species have more than two hundred. In some genera, they are implanted on the jaws alone; in many, they occupy the palatine, vomerine, and other bones composing the vault of the mouth, as in certain fishes. The teeth are generally anchylosed to the bone; but in some genera they are implanted in distinct sockets, as in the Crocodile and Plesiosaurus; in others, as in the Ichthyosaurus, they are arranged in a deep furrow, and retained only by the integuments; in some, they are supported upon an elevated osseous base. In the Labyrinthodonts, and in the greater part of the Serpent tribes, the tooth is implanted by the base in a shallow socket, with which it is confluent.

In most of the Lacertians, or true Lizards, the attachment of the teeth presents a peculiar modification, of which the lower jaw of the Iguana, Lign. 205, p. 649, affords a good illustration. The teeth are not placed in sockets, but are attached by the shank to an alveolar plate, or parapet, that extends along the margin of the jaw, as shown in figs. 1 and 3; the crowns of the teeth project above this plate, as seen in figs. 2 and 4. From the anchylosis of the teeth to the side of the jaw, the Lizards possessing this dental structure are termed Pleurodonts.[579]

[579] The Pleurodonts are those lizards in which the teeth are anchylosed to the side of the dentary bone; Acrodonts, those with the teeth fixed to the upper margin or ridge of the jaw-bone; Thecodonts, those having the teeth implanted, either loosely, or anchylosed to the walls of their sockets. Lacertians are also said to be Pleodont (having solid teeth), or Coelodont (hollow-toothed).

In reptiles, we have, therefore, five essential modifications in the attachment of the teeth; namely, in distinct sockets; in a continuous groove or furrow; attached laterally by the shank to an alveolar parapet; anchylosed by the base to a shallow socket; and attached to an osseous support, without sockets or an alveolar plate.[580]

[580] See the beautiful exemplification of this subject, and the comparison between the transitory stages of the human teeth in their progress of development, discovered by Mr. Goodsir, with the permanency of these conditions in reptiles. Odontography, p. 182.

Lign. 205. The Lower Jaw of an Iguana.
(From Barbadoes.)
Fig. 1.— The right branch of the lower jaw of an Iguana; viewed on
its inner aspect. Nat. size.
a. Dentary bone.
b. Opercular bone.
c. Complementary or coronoid bone.
d. Surangular bone.
e. Angular bone.
f. Articular bone.
2.— The external aspect of the same.
3.— 3.—Inner aspect of three teeth (magnified) attached to the alveolar parapet; with the germ of a successional tooth at the base of the middle tooth; and the sockets of other germs at the bases of the outer two fully formed teeth.
4.— External view of the crowns of three teeth; slightly magnified.

The intimate structure of the teeth consists of a simple pulp-cavity, surrounded by dentine, which is permeated by extremely minute calcigerous tubes, radiating at right angles to the periphery, or external surface of the tooth. One essential modification of this structure consists in the intermingling of cylindrical processes of the pulp-cavity, in the form of medullary or vascular canals, with the finer tubular structure; as in the tooth of the Iguanodon, Pl. VI. figs. 4b and 4c. But another modification is that to which allusion was made when describing the teeth of the Lepidosteus (see p. 616); in this mode, the dentine preserves its normal character, but the external cement and surface of the tooth are deeply inflected in longitudinal folds around the entire circumference; and this structure is accompanied with corresponding extensions of the pulp-cavity and dentine into the interspaces of these inflected and converging folds.[581] This organization is shown, in its simplest form, in the transverse section of the base of a tooth of the Ichthyosaurus, Pl. VI. fig. 9; and attains its most complicated condition in that of the Labyrinthodon, Pl. VI. figs. 3a, 3b, 3c.

[581] There is a marked difference between the internal structure of the teeth of true Saurians and of Sauroid Fishes. In the former, as well as in the Enaliosauria, the dentine consists of tubes radiating from a slender central pulp-cavity to the periphery of the tooth, without any intermixture of vascular canals. In the sauroid fish (Dendrodus) the central pulp-cavity is produced into numerous irregular canals, from which vascular sinuses radiate to the periphery, sending off branches generally at right angles throughout their entire course; thus, there is an extensive distribution of the vascular system through the body of the tooth, which does not exist in any saurian reptile; the nearest analogy is in the labyrinthine teeth of the gigantic fossil batrachians. (Owen: Odontography; and Art. Teeth, Cyclop. Anat.)

With regard to the mode of development of the teeth, we must briefly state, that the germ of the new tooth is always produced at the side of the base of the old one; that in its progress of growth it presses against the tooth it is destined to supplant, occasions the progressive absorption of the fang, and ultimately displaces its predecessor; in some instances, by splitting the crown of the tooth; in others, by casting it off, according to the oblique or direct position the new tooth attains in its progress, in relation to its predecessor. Thus, in the teeth of the Crocodile, the new tooth is generally found immediately under the conical apex of the crown, and beneath the former a second successional tooth appears, like a series of thimbles of various sizes placed one upon another; for in reptiles the production of new teeth is unlimited. But in the Pleurodont lizards, the new tooth makes its way obliquely, and the crown is often shed entire. Lign. 205, fig. 3, exemplifies the situation of the successional teeth in the Iguana.

Lower Jaw of Reptiles.—It is well known that the lower jaw in mammiferous animals is composed of a single bone on each side; and that in many genera these pieces become united in front, and form but one bone in the adult state. But in reptiles, the lower jaw consists of six distinct bones on each side, as in Lign. 205; and these undergo various modifications of form and arrangement in the different genera. These bones are distinguished by names which have reference to their office and situation, and are as follow:—Lign. 205, a, the dentary bone, supporting the teeth; b, the splenial or opercular; c, the coronoid or complementary; d, the sur-angular; e, the angular; f, the articular, which forms the upper portion of the jaw, and includes the condyle. The form and disposition of these bones in the Iguana, and other true lizards, are shown in Lign. 205; but they differ materially in the Crocodile, Ichthyosaurus, and other genera. We must restrict our comments to this short notice, which, however, will suffice to enable the collector who discovers a fragment of a lower jaw, with any traces of the structure above described, to determine that it is reptilian; and if any portion of the dentary bone remains, indications may be obtained of the family, and perhaps genus, to which it belonged.[582]

[582] To obtain a correct knowledge of the osteological structure of fossil Reptiles, the student should consult Baron Cuvier’s Ossemens Fossiles, tom. v. To the English reader, the translated abridgement of Cuvier’s "Fossil Remains of the Animal Kingdom," by E. Pidgeon, 1 vol. 8vo. with plates, 1830, will be found a very instructive volume. See also Penny CyclopÆdia, Art. Saurians.

VertebrÆ of Reptiles.—The bones of the vertebral column of this class of animals present such numerous and important modifications in the different orders and families, that reference to the works already cited must be made for satisfactory information on this topic. From the great number of vertebrÆ in many reptiles, amounting in the individuals of some species to nearly two hundred, these bones are the most abundant fossil relics of these animals to be found in our collections. The vertebrÆ are commonly detached, and deprived of their processes; the solid centrum, or body, alone remaining in most examples (as in Lign. 206, fig. 8). Connected series, more or less complete, are occasionally discovered; and the entire column, in connexion with other parts of the skeleton, is preserved in many specimens in the British and other museums.[583] Although, for the reasons previously stated, minute osteological details cannot be attempted in this work, some acquaintance with the elementary characters of the bones composing the spinal column, and of the nomenclature employed to distinguish them, is necessary to guide the student, and even the amateur collector, in their researches. I have, therefore, selected a few specimens from Tilgate Forest in illustration of the elements of Saurian vertebrÆ, and of the terms by which the different processes are distinguished; the general reader will thus be enabled to comprehend the descriptions of these structures in other works on PalÆontology.

[583] See Petrifactions, pp. 136-352, and pp. 362-387.

Lign. 206. Fossil VertebrÆ or Reptiles. Tilgate Forest.
The figures are reduced in the proportions specified by the fractions.
Fig. 1.— Caudal vertebra of an unknown reptile.
2.— Chevron bone of Iguanodon: seen in front.
3.— Caudal vertebra of Iguanodon, viewed laterally in an oblique direction.
3a.— —Front view of the same.
4.— Caudal vertebra of Iguanodon, without either transverse process or chevron-bone. The letter o marks the deep hollow left by the removal of the transverse process, at the suture of the annular part.
5.— Vertebra of Streptospondylus: 1/16 nat.
6.— Lumbar vertebra of Iguanodon, with the neural spine broken off.
7.— Vertebra of Streptospondylus: 1/16 nat.
c. The pair of posterior oblique processes (zygapophyses).
8.— The bodies of two dorsal vertebrÆ of Iguanodon: viewed laterally.
The same letters refer to the same parts in the respective figures, with the exception of c in fig. 7.
a. The body, or centrum, of the vertebra: the letter denotes the anterior part.
b. The annular part, formed of the two neurapophyses, which contains the spinal cord.
c,c. The articular or oblique processes (zygapophyses), which join to the next vertebra in front.
d. The spinous process or neural spine of the annular part.
e,e. The transverse process of the annular part.
f. The chevron-bone, formed of the two hÆmapophyses and the hÆmal spine
g. The double articulating head of the chevron: the passage left by these processes (hÆmal arch), seen in the front view, figs. 2 and 3, is for the passage of the large blood-vessels which supply the tail.
h. The spine of the chevron-bone; the inferior spinous process, or hÆmal spine.
i. Denotes the medullary cavity of the annular part.
o,o. Mark the sutures which connect the annular part with the body of the vertebra.
w,w. Indicate the place of attachment of the chevron-bone.

The bones composing the spine, are not only designed to form a flexible column of support to the trunk, but also to afford protection to the grand nervous chords constituting the spinal marrow, and which extend from the brain to the tail, and give off numerous lateral branches in their course, conferring sensation and motive power to every part of the frame. To effect this purpose, there is attached to the upper or dorsal part of each vertebra a bony ring, called the neural-arch, which is composed of two processes (Lign. 206, b.), arising from each side of the body or centrum (Lign. 206, a.), and which unite above into a solid piece, termed the spinal process, ox neural spine (Lign. 206, d.). On each side of the annular paid there is a process, called the transverse (Lign. 206, e, e.), for the attachment of muscles; and in the middle and the posterior dorsal regions of some reptiles, as, for example, in the existing Crocodiles, these processes articulate with the ribs. The vertebrÆ of the tail have, in addition to the above, an inferior spinous process, termed the chevron-bone (Lign. 206, fig. 2, and fig. 3, f.), which gives support to the inferior layers of the caudal muscles; and, bifurcating at its attachment to the body of the vertebra, leaves a channel for the passage of the large blood-vessels, by which the circulation of the tail is effected.

In the generality of living reptiles (as, for example, in the Crocodile) the bodies of the vertebrÆ are concave in front, and convex behind; the bones of the spine being united by ball-and-socket joints; but, in most fossil reptiles, both faces are either flat, or more or less concave. In mammalian quadrupeds, the annular part is anchylosed to the vertebral centre; but in reptiles, it is united by suture, although, in old subjects, the connecting line is often obliterated. By reference to Lign. 206, and its description, the form, arrangement, and connexion of the different vertebral elements, in certain fossil reptiles, may be easily understood. The bones in the vertebral column of the same animal are considerably modified in the several regions of the neck (cervical vertebrÆ), back (dorsal and lumbar), and tail (caudal). The cervical are generally of the most complicated structure; and the caudal, the most simple.

From this exposition, the reader will perceive that every vertebra consists of the following essential parts: first, the body, or centrum; and secondly, the annular part, or neural arch, so named, because it protects the nervous chord; while a caudal vertebra has, in addition, the chevron-bone, called also the hÆmal arch, from its affording a passage to the large blood-vessels. The bodies of the vertebrÆ are in general solid, and consist of the ordinary osseous structure; but in certain fossil vertebrÆ the centre of the bone is filled with calcareous spar, indicating an irregular medullary cavity, as in the caudal vertebrÆ of the Ox.[584]

[584] See Petrifactions, p. 166, note.

The Sacrum, which may be termed the key-stone of the pelvic arch, is formed in existing reptiles by the union of two vertebrÆ; but in the Iguanodon and the HylÆosaurus the sacrum is composed of six anchylosed vertebrÆ; in the Megalosaurus probably of but five.[585]

[585] Report, Brit. Assoc. 1841, p. 105, and p. 130.

From the sides of the two anchylosed vertebrÆ which form the sacrum, strong, short, rib-like processes are given off in those Saurians which occasionally walk on dry land, and these constitute a firm support to the hinder extremities.

In the Crocodiles, the four or five vertebrÆ preceding the sacrum have no ribs attached to them, and are termed lumbar; in the Lizards, there are but two lumbar vertebrÆ. A peculiar modification exists in the first caudal vertebra of the adult Gavial and Crocodile; the centrum is convex both in front and behind, as was first demonstrated by me in 1836. See Wond. p. 419, and Petrif. p. 167. The last of the anchylosed vertebrÆ forming the sacrum is concave posteriorly; hence the necessity of an anterior ball in the first joint of the tail. (See Lign. 217, p. 676, illustrative of Crocodilus HastingsiÆ.) The last cervical vertebra in the Turtles and Tortoises has a similar construction. This mechanism confers freedom of motion without risk of dislocation.

Ribs.—The Ribs, which are regarded as appendages to the vertebrÆ, (homologues of the pleurapophyses,) are generally slender and round in the Lizards, and articulate with the spinal column by a single head, supported on a short convex process or tubercle. In Crocodiles only of all existing Reptiles, but in several extinct genera, the proximal end of the rib forms a double articulation, by a distinct head and a tubercle, with the vertebrÆ in the cervical and anterior dorsal region of the spinal column; in the posterior dorsal region the ribs are attached to the elongated transverse processes of the vertebrÆ.

As this double articulation of the ribs is invariably associated in existing reptiles with a heart having double ventricles, while the lacertian single-headed ribs are in like manner connected with a heart having but one ventricle, the student will perceive the important physiological inferences that spring from the discovery of a mere fragment of a rib, when interpreted by the profound anatomist.[586] In some fossil reptiles the ribs are flat and very broad; as, for example, in the HylÆosaurus.[587]

[586] See Brit. Assoc. Report, 1841, and Memoirs, PalÆont. Soc.[587] In Crocodiles the abdominal region is strengthened by slender ribs (hÆmapophyses, Prof. Owen), that are affixed to a ligamentous extension of the cartilaginous sternum, analogous to the linea alba in man; and the HylÆosaurus appears to have possessed a similar development of the costal elements, for I observed many fragments of long, slender, sub-cylindrical rib-like bones whilst chiselling off the stone from this species, and portions of similar bones occur in the stone around the spinal column from Bolney. In the Maidstone Iguanodon there are likewise some long slender bones of this character, which I think must be prolongations of the ordinary dorsal ribs.

Extremities.—The locomotive extremities are variously constructed, according to the adaptation of the animals to a terrestrial, fluviatile, or marine existence. The bones of the limbs in the extinct colossal terrestrial species much resemble those of our large pachydermata, the Rhinoceros and Hippopotamus. The cylindrical bones of the extremities in the Crocodilians, and other recent reptiles, are solid. i. e. have no cavity filled with marrow; such also is the case in the fossil Enaliosaurians; but the thigh-bones and leg-bones of the Iguanodon, and of other extinct land saurians, h ave a large medullary canal. Our limits will not admit of further osteological details; and we are compelled to omit the description of the bones composing the thoracic and pelvic arches.

Dermal Bones. Ligns. 207 and 208. In many of the reptile tribes, particularly of the Crocodilian or loricated (mailed) group, there are immediately under the external integument or skin a series of osseous scutes, or scutcheons, variously arranged, which serve as supports to the integumental scales and spines. In the gigantic Gavial, that inhabits the Ganges and other rivers of India, and which is remarkably distinguished from the common Crocodile and Alligator by an extremely elongated slender muzzle, the nape of the neck is protected by sixteen or eighteen transverse rows of dermal scutes; and there are likewise six rows which extend down the back. These bones are deeply corrugated or sculptured on their upper surface; a structure adapted for the firm adhesion of the horny integument.

Detached bones of this character occur in the Purbeck strata; and the first fragments I collected were supposed by me to belong to the soft-skinned turtles (Trionyces); but the subsequent discovery of perfect scutes demonstrated their analogy to the dermal bones of the Gavial, and enabled me to determine their true character.

Lign. 207. Dermal Bone of the Swanage Crocodile: 1/3 nat.
(Goniopholis crassidens.)
Fig. 1.— The external aspect.
2.— The inner surface.
a.—The lateral connecting process.

In the splendid specimen of the fossil remains of a Crocodilian reptile (Goniopholis), found at Swanage (Wond. pp. 415; and Petrif. p. 170), there are numerous dermal examples dispersed among the bones, as shown in Petrif. Lign.

One of these is figured Lign. 207; fig. 1 represents the external surface, which is deeply sculptured by irregular roundish pits or excavations; the under or inner surface, fig. 2, is smooth, but marked with very fine striÆ, decussating each other at right angles, as in the dermal bones of the HylÆosaurus (Lign. 208, fig. 1a.). These scutes differ from those of other recent and fossil Crocodilians, in a lateral conical projection, marked a, figs. 1, 2, Lign. 207, which fits into a depression on the under surface of the opposite angle of the adjoining plate; resembling, in this respect, the scales of the Lepidotus (see Lign. 196, p. 605). Numerous hexagonal and pentagonal scutes, articulated together by marginal sutures, also entered into the composition of the osseous dermal cuirass of this reptile, which must, therefore, have possessed a flexible, yet impenetrable, coat of armour, capable of affording protection against the attack of any assailant.

In the Oolite, the dermal bones of other slender-nosed Crocodilians (Teleosaurus) are occasionally met with; the outer surfaces of which are marked with small circular distinct pits; these scutes are thicker and more rectangular than those above described, and slightly overlapped each other laterally; they have no connecting process. In another species one half of the outer surface is smooth, proving that it was covered to that extent by the adjoining scute.[588]

[588] A description of the dermal bones of British fossil reptiles is given in Brit. Assoc. Report for 1841, pp. 70, 79, &c.

Dermal Bones of the HylÆosaurus.—Elliptical and circular dermal scutes, having the under surface flat and the upper convex with a conical tubercle, were first noticed in the specimen of the HylÆosaurus, figured Wond. pl. iv.; and I have since discovered similar bones associated with other remains of that extraordinary reptile; reduced figures of two specimens are represented in Lign. 208, figs. 1, 3.

Lign. 208. Dermal Bones of Reptiles. Tilgate Forest.
Fig. 1,and3.— Dermal bones of the HylÆosaurus: 1/3 nat.
1a.— The under surface of a fragment of a dermal bone, displaying fine spicula, decussating each other at right angles, and indicating a similar structure to that of the Curium, in which the bones were imbedded: nat.
1b.— A portion of the same, highly magnified, and viewed by transmitted light.
2.— Horn of Iguanodon: 1/6 nat.
4.— A Dorsal Spine of the HylÆosaurus; the original is thirteen inches long.

The structure of these bodies is very remarkable; upon closely inspecting the under side, and the surface exposed by a transverse fracture, very minute osseous spicula, decussating each other at right angles, are distinctly seen; as shown in Lign. 208, fig. 1a. In fig. 1b, a thin slice of the same, highly magnified, and viewed by transmitted light, displays medullary canals, with very fine lines radiating from them. The peculiar character of this organization consists in the disposition of the straight bony spicula; an appearance which first attracted my attention when developing the original specimen of the HylÆosaurus (see Geol. S. E. p. 327), and led to the discovery of some perfect examples, which otherwise would have been destroyed. This structure closely resembles that presented by the ligamentous fibres of the corium, or skin, and seems to have resulted from an ossified condition of the dermal integument. These bones vary from half an inch to three or four inches in diameter, and were disposed in one or more longitudinal series on each side the spine, diminishing in size as they approach the end of the tail.

Dermal Spines of HylÆosaurus. Lign. 208, fig. 4.—With the dermal bones above described there are associated in the first discovered specimen of the HylÆosaurus, flat, thin, angular, osseous plates, from three to seventeen inches in length; one of which is figured Lign. 208, fig. 4. The manner in which they are imbedded in the rocks, in connexion with other parts of the skeleton, is shown Wond. pl. iv. and Geol. S. E. pl. v. These very remarkable processes appeared to me to have formed part of a serrated fringe, which extended along the back of the reptile, analogous to that observable in certain living lizards (Wond. p. 436, Lign. 108); and were provisionally described as such in my first memoir on the HylÆosaurus. This conjecture has been substantiated by subsequent discoveries, and the true nature of the large, flat, angular spines, and the conical bones resembling the horn-cones of ruminants, which occur in the Wealden, is now established.[589]

[589] See Fossils, Brit. Mus. pp. 298, 320.

Horn of Iguanodon.—In this category may be placed the nasal tubercle or horn of a saurian, like that of the Iguana (Lign. 208, fig. 2; Geol. S. E. pl. iii.), found with the remains of the Iguanodon, and probably belonging to that colossal reptile (Wond. p. 431; and Petrif. p. 298). It is four inches in length and 3.2 inch by 2.1 inch in diameter at the base, which is of an irregular elliptical form. Several smaller specimens have recently been discovered.

Examples of dermal scutes and spines, presenting modifications of form and structure distinct from those above described, have been brought to me from various localities of the Wealden; but, as in no instance a connexion with other parts of the skeleton could be traced, the particular reptiles to which they belonged cannot be ascertained.

We proceed to notice some of the principal genera of Fossil Reptiles, especially of those whose remains occur in the British strata; the arrangement of Professor Owen is adopted for the convenience of reference to the Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1839 and 1841, which should be consulted by the student who would acquire a knowledge of this department of PalÆontology. The subject will be considered under the following heads; namely:—

I. Enaliosaurians, or Marine Reptiles; Ichthyosaurus and Plesiosaurus.
II. Crocodilians; Crocodile, Teleosaur, &c.
III. Deinosaurians; comprising the Iguanodon, Megalosaurus, HylÆosaurus, Pelorosaurus, &c.
IV. Lacertians; including the Mosasaurus, Rhyncosaurus, &c.
V. Pterosaurians; the Pterodactyles, or flying Reptiles.
VI. Chelonians; or Tortoises and Turtles.
VII. Ophidians; or Serpents.
VIII. Batrachians; or the Frog tribe; comprising the Labyrinthodonts.

I. Enaliosaurians.—The extinct marine reptiles comprised in this order constitute two genera, which are characterized by essential modifications of osteological structure; they are named Ichthyosaurus (fish-lizard), and Plesiosaurus (akin to a lizard). The general appearance of these beings is so well known, from the splendid collection of their fossil remains in the British Museum, and the numerous specimens in provincial and private collections, and by various works, both scientific and popular, in which their structure and physiological relations are fully elucidated, that they must be familiar to every reader.[590]

[590] Bd. vols. i. and ii. contain an admirable exposition of their habits and organization; and Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1839, 1841, elaborate osteological investigations of both genera. A folio volume on these extinct Reptiles, with splendid lithographs, by Thomas Hawkins, Esq., cannot fail to delight the reader by its graphic descriptions and beautiful illustrations. See also the masterly paper on the Ichthyosaur and the Plesiosaur, by the Rev. W. D. Conybeare, in the Geological Transactions, 1st series, vol. v. p. 559, et seq.


The living Ichthyosaurus must have borne a resemblance to a Grampus or Porpoise, with four large flippers or paddles and a long tail, having a vertical caudal fin of moderate dimensions; the skin probably being naked and smooth, as in the Cetaceans. The Plesiosaurus presented a configuration still more extraordinary (Wond. p. 575). With a very small head, it possessed a neck of enormous length, a body of moderate size, with four paddles, resembling those of turtles, and a very short tail. They were both marine, air-breathing, cold-blooded, carnivorous, vertebrate animals; swarming in prodigious numbers during the secondary epochs, and particularly in the seas of the Liassic period (Ly. p. 277, figs. 310, 311). In both genera the construction of the skeleton presents many important variations from all known recent types; and should be carefully investigated by the student, who will find in the Reports of Professor Owen above referred to all the information that can be desired.[591]

[591] The Penny CyclopÆdia, Art. Plesiosaurus, contains an able abstract of these Reports; and in the Fossils of the British Museum, the student will find a full account of the discovery of the Ichthyosaur and Plesiosaur, and of the deposits in which they are chiefly found, as well as detailed descriptions of the most characteristic structures of the different species.

It will suffice for our present purpose to point out a few important and obvious characters.

Lign. 209. Eye of Ichthyosaurus. 1/6 nat. Lias. Lyme Regis.
Portion of the facial part of the skull of an Ichthyosaurus, showing the position of the nostril, and of the orbit with its circle of bony plates, forming the sclerotic coat of the eye.
n. The left nasal aperture.
Lign. 210. Teeth of Ichthyosaurus and Plesiosaurus, nat.
Lias. Somersetshire.
Fig. 1.— Tooth of Plesiosaurus.
1a.— Transverse section of the lower part.
2.— Tooth of Ichthyosaurus.
2a—. Transverse section of the middle of the tooth.
3.— Vertical section of part of lower jaw of Ichthyosaurus, with a tooth, illustrative of the mode of dentition.
a,a,a. Section of the lower jaw, showing the deep furrow b, in which the teeth are implanted.
c. The canal for the dental vessels.
d. Foramen for the passage of vessels to the outer integuments.
e. Germ of a successional tooth which has occasioned the absorption of the inner portion of the base of the mature tooth, f.

In the Ichthyosaurus, the nasal apertures or openings of the nostrils are not towards the snout, as in the Crocodile, but near the anterior angle of the orbit (see Lign. 209), approaching, in this respect, some of the recent lizards. The orbit is very large, and the sclerotic coat or capsule of the eye has in front an annular series of bony plates (Bd. pl. x. figs. 1, 3), which often occur in their natural position (Lign. 209). This structure is not possessed by fishes, but is analogous to that observable in the eyes of turtles, lizards, and many birds; as for example, in the owl and eagle: it confers on the eye additional power of adaptation and intensity of vision. The muzzle of the Ichthyosaurus is long and pointed; the lower jaw is formed of two branches, united anteriorly through nearly half their length; each branch is composed of six bones, as in the Crocodile and Lizards, but differently arranged than in those reptiles. The teeth are very numerous, amounting to nearly two hundred in some species, and are placed in a single row along the jaws, being implanted in a deep continuous groove (see Bd. pl. xi.). These teeth are of a pointed conical form, longitudinally striated, with an expanded base (Lign. 210). The new teeth are developed at the inner side of the base of the old, and grow up and displace them (see Lign. 210). The microscopical structure of the teeth of the Ichthyosaurus is beautifully illustrated by Professor Owen (Odontography, p. 275, pl. lxiv.). The tooth consists of a pulp-cavity, surrounded by a body of dentine, which is invested at the base by a thick layer of cement; and at the crown by a coat of enamel, also covered by a pellicle of cement 3 the pulp-cavity, in fully-formed teeth, is more or less occupied by coarse bone. The chief peculiarity of this structure consists in the inflection of the cement into vertical folds at the base of the tooth, by which the marginal portion of the basal dentine is divided into a corresponding number of processes; producing, in a transverse section, the appearance represented in Pl. VI. fig. 9. This organization, as we have previously remarked, is similar to that observable in the teeth of the Lepidosteus (see p. 616), and of the extinct reptile, called Labyrinthodon, hereafter to be noticed.

Lign. 211. Vertebra of Ichthyosaurus. 1/3 nat.
Fig. 1.— Neural arch and spine.
2.— Body or centrum.
a.— Socket for the reception of the corresponding process of the neural arch.
3.— Vertical section of the centrum.
Lign. 212. The bones composing the Pectoral Arch of Ichthyosaurus. 1/8 nat.
s, sternum.
cl, cl, clavicles.
sc, sc, scapulÆ.
c, c, coracoids.
Lign. 213. The bones composing the Pectoral Arch of Plesiosaurus.
1/8 nat.
s, sternum.
sc,sc, scapulÆ or omoplates.
c,c, coracoids.
g,g, the glenoid cavities or sockets for the head of the humerus or arm-bones.

The vertebrÆ; (Bd. pl. xii.; and Lign. 211), of which there are upwards of one hundred and forty in the individuals of some species, are relatively very short in their antero-posterior diameter (i. e. from front to back); and deeply cupped on each articulating face, as in fishes. The annular part is not united to the body of the vertebra, as in mammals, nor connected by suture, as in Crocodiles, but terminates on each side in a compressed oval base, which fits into corresponding sockets placed on the boundary line of the spinal depression on the body (Lign. 210, 2a); thus completing the medullary canal (see Bd. pl. xii. fig. D, E.). Hence the collector may easily recognise the body of an Ichthyosaurian vertebra, by the pits or depressions on the sides of the spinal interspace. The first and second vertebra; are anchylosed together, and have additional subvertebral, wedge-shaped bones, which render this part of the column a fixed point of support.[592] (Bd. pl. xii. figs. 3, 6.) The form and arrangement of the bones that enter into the composition of the pectoral and pelvic arches, and of the paddles, are exemplified in Bd. pl. xii.; and full osteological details are given in Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1839, p. 104. The characters of the several bones composing the pectoral arch of the Ichthyosaur will be readily understood from the accompanying illustration. The structure of the pectoral arch of the Plesiosaur is also shown in an accompanying Lignograph, for the sake of comparison. The bones of a fore-paddle of an Ichthyosaurus are represented (Lign. 214, fig. 1). In some species each paddle consists of nearly one hundred bones. These locomotive extremities are very analogous in their osteological construction to those of the Cetaceans, but they are connected with the trunk by means of the glenoid socket formed by the scapula and coracoid, which are firmly united to the sternum; whereas in the Cetaceans the pectoral fin is only attached to a simple scapula, which is merely suspended in the muscles. This structure, together with the presence of a clavicle in the Ichthyosaurus (see Lign. 212), which is wanting in the Cetaceans,, indicates, in the opinion of Professor Owen, that this marine fish-lizard was capable of some degree of locomotion on the land; and that it might have resorted to the shore to deposit its eggs, or, like the Crocodile, to sleep. From the frequent occurrence of a dislocation or abrupt bend of the vertebral series of the tail, at about one-third of its length from the end, supposed to have been produced by the weight of a large fin, during the progress of decomposition, and from the terminal caudal vertebrÆ being laterally compressed, it is inferred that the Ichthyosaurus had a vertical fin at the extremity of the tail, which would thus be rendered a powerful instrument of progressive motion.[593] From the appearance of the Coprolites, which occur abundantly with the skeletons of these animals, it is obvious that the intestinal canal in the Ichthyosaurus was furnished with spiral valves, as in the Sharks; and the comminuted bones and scales in the coprolites prove that fishes constituted the principal food of these marine reptiles.

[592] This structure was first demonstrated by Sir Philip Egerton. See Geol. Trans. 2d series, vol. v. p. 187, pl. xiv.[593] Geol. Trans. 2d ser. vol. v. p. 511, pl. xlii.

Lign. 214. Paddles of Ichthyosaurus and Plesiosaurus, 1/8 nat. size.
Lias Shale. Lyme Regis.
Fig. 1.— Left fore-paddle of the Ichthyosaurus.
2.— Left fore-paddle of the Plesiosaurus.

The Ichthyosaurus has abdominal ribs (p. 656, note), as in the Crocodile, and it is therefore inferred that, if oviparous, it did not produce ova in such immense numbers as the Batrachians, &c. A specimen found by the late Mr. Channing Pearce renders it probable that the Ichthyosaurus may have been viviparous. A remarkably perfect adult Ichthyosaurus, examined by this gentleman, contained the bones of a foetus (a few inches long) in the cavity of the pelvis. This specimen is in the collection of Mr. Pearce, at Bath. Remains or traces of the dermal integument have been discovered in some examples from the Lias of Barrow-on-Soar, Lyme Regis, Ilminster, and the neighbourhood of Tewkesbury.[594]

[594] See Mr. Coles’s interesting paper on the Skin of the Ichthyosaurus, in the Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. ix. p. 79.

Lign. 215. Hinder Paddle of an Ichthyosaurus (1/3 nat.): with the impression of its integuments. Lias. Barrow-on-Soar.
(From Geol. Trans. 2d ser. vol. vi. pl. xx.)

Integuments of the Paddle.—The importance of carefully examining the surrounding stone before removing vegetable or animal remains from the matrix in which they are imbedded, and which has so often been insisted upon in the preceding pages, is strikingly exemplified in the highly interesting example of the hinder paddle of an Ichthyosaurus (I. communis) discovered by Sir Philip Egerton. Lign. 215 is reduced from the exquisite representation of the specimen accompanying the original memoir by Prof. Owen on this fossil, in the Geological Transactions. The specimen consists of the phalangeal bones of a posterior paddle, with the impression of the soft parts or integuments in their natural position; a, marks the termination or distal extremity of the fin, consisting entirely of the softer integuments; these gradually widen and expand to receive the terminal rows of the phalangeal ossicles or bones, marked b. The upper border of this integumentary part of the paddle (c) is formed by a smooth, well-defined line, apparently a mere duplicature of integument. But the lower margin (d) exhibits the impressions of a series of rays, by which the fold of integument was supported; these rays bifurcate as they approach the margin of the fin, and were probably either cartilaginous, or composed of an albuminous horny tissue, like the marginal rays in the fins of Sharks. Dr. Buckland detected remains of the dermal integument of an Ichthyosaurus in a specimen from the Lias at Barrow-on-Soar (Bd. ii. p. 22, pl. x.); and in a fine skeleton with the four paddles (now in the British Museum), which I obtained from that locality, there were decided traces of the carbonized integuments around each paddle, but which were, unfortunately, chiselled away, in developing the bones, before I was aware of their true nature.

In Mr. Coles’s paper, already referred to, the student has an instructive instance of the value of a careful examination of faint or obscure traces of organic matter accompanying these saurian remains, and how such an examination should be made. The Plate illustrative of the Memoir exhibits the minute, hooked, conical bodies, that form the dense felt-like mass which the black film, frequently accompanying these fossil bones, appears to consist of, when seen under the microscope. To what extent this substance entered into the constitution of the integuments, or of the exact relation of these "setiform scales" to the surface or the interior of the skin, our present knowledge does not enable us to judge.


Plesiosaurus. (Bd. pl. xvi.—xix.)—The animals of this genus present in their osteological structure a remarkable deviation from all known recent and fossil reptiles; uniting the characters of the head of a lizard, with the teeth of a crocodile, to a neck of inordinate length, with such modifications of the ribs, the pectoral and pelvic arches, and the paddles, as to justify the graphic simile of Professor Sedgwick, that the Plesiosaurus might be compared to a serpent threaded through the shell of a turtle.

The character which immediately strikes the observer, is the extraordinary length of the neck, and the relative smallness of the head. The neck, which in most animals is formed of but five vertebrÆ, and in the extremest recent example, the Swan, does not exceed twenty-four, is in the Plesiosaurus composed of from twenty to forty; and, in some species, is four times the length of the head, and equal to the entire length of the body and tail; while the length of the head (in P. dolichodeirus) is less than one-thirteenth of the entire skeleton. The skull resembles that of the crocodile in its general form, but is relatively smaller, and is more related to the lacertian type. The parietal bone is more triquetal than in the crocodiles; but the zygomatic bone is attached to its lower end. The breathing apertures are situated anterior to the orbits, on the highest part of the head. The lower jaw has the usual structure of the Saurians; but the dentary bone is greatly expanded anteriorly, and united in front (see Bd. pl. xix.). The teeth are implanted in separate sockets, as in the crocodile, and there are from thirty to forty on each side the jaws. They are conical, slender, long, pointed, slightly recurved, and longitudinally grooved from the base upwards; having a long round fang. The pulp-cavity is long and single, surrounded by a body of firm dentine, covered on the crown with a layer of enamel, and at the base with cement (Odont. pl. lxxiv.). The dentition in the Plesiosauri differs from that of the Crocodiles, in the successional teeth emerging through distinct apertures on the inner side of the sockets of their predecessors, and not through the pulp-cavity. The vertebrÆ are relatively longer than in the Ichthyosaurus, and their articular faces are either flat, or slightly excavated towards the periphery, with a gentle convexity in the centre (Foss. Til. For. pl. ix. fig. 4).[595]

[595] For details, see Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1839, p. 50.

The caudal vertebrÆ have two distinct hÆmapophyses, not united into a chevron-bone.

The cervical ribs, or hatchet-bones, are attached by two articular facets to the bodies of the vertebrÆ, but with a very narrow space between; scarcely large enough even for the passage of the sympathetic nerve; and apparently not sufficient for the vertebral artery.

The pectoral arch is remarkable for the pair of elongated and broad coracoid bones (Bd. pl. xvii. and Lign. 213); indeed the coracoids attain their maximum of development in the Plesiosaurus. The ribs, which are very numerous, and extend throughout a great portion of the vertebral column, are connected, anteriorly, in the abdominal region, by several slender bones, called costal-arcs, consisting of six or seven pieces to each pair of ribs; the Ichthyosaurus has a similar structure, but the arcs are composed of but five pieces. As these connecting bones are so constructed as to admit of a certain degree of gliding motion upon each other, it is inferred that, by this mechanism, considerable expansion of the pulmonary cavities in these air-breathing marine reptiles was obtained (Bd. pl. xviii. fig. 3).

The paddles are composed of fewer and more slender bones than in the Ichthyosaurus, and must have been of a more elegant form, and possessed greater flexibility (Lign. 214, fig. 2). The wrist (carpus) consists of a double row of round ossicles, which are succeeded by five elongated metacarpal, and these by numerous, slender and slightly-curved phalangeal bones.

Sixteen species of Plesiosaurus and ten of Ichthyosaurus have been discovered in the British strata, and nearly forty are now known; their geological range is from the Lias to the Chalk, inclusive.[596] Their remains are found most abundantly in the Lias and Oolite. I have collected many Plesiosaurian vertebrÆ in the Wealden, and in the Green Sand of Farringdon. No traces of Ichthyosauri have been observed in the Wealden; but vertebrÆ, and jaws with teeth, occur in the lower Chalk and Galt of Kent and Cambridgeshire.[597] On the Continent the remains of Enaliosaurians have also been discovered in the same formations.

[596] See Petrifactions, for an account of the specimens in the British Museum.[597] Brit. Assoc. Trans. 1845, Sect. p. 60. The Enaliosaurian bones and teeth found in the Cretaceous deposits of England have been fully described and illustrated by Prof. Owen, in Dixon’s Fossils of Sussex, &c., and in his Monograph on the Fossil Reptiles of the Cretaceous Formation, PalÆontographical Society, 1851.

Pliosaurus.—-This name designates a gigantic extinct reptile, of which the upper and lower jaws, with teeth, considerable portions of the vertebral column, and many bones of the extremities have been discovered in the Kimmeridge clay of Oxfordshire, and are preserved in Dr. Buckland’s museum. The teeth resemble those of the Plesiosaurus in their general aspect, being of a conical form, longitudinally grooved, and having a long fang; but they are readily distinguished by the subtrihedral form of the crown, produced by the smooth, flat, or slightly convex external surface; they approach in this respect the tooth of the Mosasaurus; from the latter, however, even fragments may be known by the presence of longitudinal ridges. The animal itself was an enormous marine reptile, allied to the Plesiosaurians, but more nearly related to the Crocodilians.[598]

[598] Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841, p. 60. Odont. pl. lxviii.

II. Crocodilians.—The loricated, or mailed, Saurian reptiles, viz. the Alligators, Crocodiles, and Gavials, are well known as the largest living forms of cold-blooded oviparous quadrupeds.[599] No relics of any recent species have been observed in a fossil state; except that of the Gangetic Gavial, which has been found fossil in the Sub-Himalayas by Capt. Cantley and Dr. Falconer; but remains of Crocodilians of the existing generic type, having the spinal column composed of concavo-convex vertebra; (i. e. united to each other by a ball and socket-joint), the convexity being behind, or towards the tail, have been found in the London Clay at Hackney and the Isle of Sheppey, and in the eocene deposits on the coast of Western Sussex and Hants.[600] But the Crocodiles of the Wealden, Purbeck, Oolite, and Lias differ materially in their osteological characters from the recent species, particularly in the structure of the vertebral column; which in one genus is composed of concavo-convex vertebra; placed in a reversed position to those of the existing species, the ball or convexity being anterior, or directed forwards. In the other genera, both the articular faces of the vertebrÆ are either flat, or concave.[601] (Geol. S. E. p. 296.)

[599] A detailed and philosophical examination of the osteology of the recent Crocodilia has lately been given to the scientific world by Prof. Owen, in his Monograph on the Reptilia of the London Clay, published by the PalÆontographical Society of London, 1850. A condensed notice, by Prof. Owen, of the dental apparatus of the Crocodilians, is to be found in the Cyclop. Anat. Art. Teeth.[600] See Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844, Sect. p. 50; and 1847, Sect, p. 65.[601] Cuvier, Oss. Foss. tom. v. p. 153; on the fossil Crocodiles of Honfleur, which comprise both the types alluded to in the text.

VertebrÆ of two species of Crocodilians or Alligators have been found in the cretaceous Green Sand of the United States: these are of the true procoelian[602] type, as in the existing species; but they present peculiar characters in the modification of the apophyses.[603]

[602] Procoelian, concave before: amphicoelian, concave at both ends platycoelian, flat in front and concave behind.[603] See Quart. Geol. Journ. vol. v. p. 380, pl. x.

Lign. 216. Skull and Jaws of Teleosaurus. 1/8 nat.
Lias. Whitby.
Fig. 1.— Upper view of the cranium of Teleosaurus.
c, occipital condyle.
t, t, temporal fossÆ.
o, o, orbits.
n, nasal apertures.
2.— Muzzle or anterior extremity of the jaws of Steneosaurus.
3.— The same of Teleosaurus.
4.— Lateral view of the cranium and lower jaw of Teleosaurus.

With this exception, the Crocodilians with broad muzzles, as the Cayman and Alligator, have no representatives below the Tertiary formations; the Crocodilia of the Secondary deposits being all referable to the division having elongated beaks, like the recent Gavials (Bd. p. 250). The fossil Crocodiles of the latter type are arranged in two genera; namely, Teleosaurus[604] (Lign. 216, fig. 3), in which the nasal apertures terminate in two orifices, (not blended into a single opening as in the recent species,) in front of the nose; and Steneosaurus (Lign. 216, fig. 2), in which the breathing canals end in two nearly semicircular vertical openings at the extremity of the muzzle. (See also Bd. pl. xxv.)

[604] The skeleton of a recent Gavial, and that of a Teleosaur, are represented on one plate, for comparison, in Prof. Owen’s Monograph, loc. cit.

The British fossil species, most nearly related to the recent, occur in the Lower and Middle Eocene of the South-East of England. Two fine specimens of the skull of Crocodilus toliapicus, Cuvier and Owen (C. Spenceri of Dr. Buckland), have been found at Sheppey, as well as a skull of C. champsoÏdes (Owen), and numerous vertebrÆ referable to each species. The eocene deposits of Hordwell Cliff have yielded the Crocodilus HastingsiÆ,[605] and the Alligator Hantoniensis (Petrif. p. 467; and Charlesworth's Geol. Journ. pl. i.); and the remains of a Gavial (Gavialis Dixoni, Owen, in Dixon’s Foss. Suss.) have been found at Bracklesham.[606]

[605] This fossil Crocodile supplies a good illustration of the biconvex body of the first caudal vertebra already described as peculiar to these loricated reptiles, see page 656; and I have subjoined Lign. 217 in illustration of this structure.[606] Most of these valuable fossils are in the British Museum. They are all described in detail and most elaborately illustrated in Prof. Owen’s Monograph, already referred to.

Lign. 217. First Caudal Vertebra of Crocodilus HastingsiÆ.
1/3 nat.
Eocene. Hordwell Cliff.
s, spinous process, or neural spine.
z, anterior zygapophysis or oblique process.
z1, posterior zygapophysis.
d, left diapophysis, or transverse process.
a, p, body or centrum, convex at both ends.

In the strata of Tilgate Forest, associated with innumerable remains of reptiles of various kinds, teeth of the Crocodilian type, belonging to two genera, are not uncommon.[607] The first kind (Suchosaurus[608] cultridens of Prof. Owen) is a tooth about an inch in length, of a slender acuminated form, compressed laterally, and gently recurved, with a sharp edge in front and behind; resembling, in its general figure, the tooth of a Megalosaurus, with the serrations on the edges worn off (Pl. VI. fig. 7). The sides of the crown are marked with a few longitudinal grooves. Some biconcave vertebrÆ found in the same quarries, and characterized by the compressed wedge-shaped form of the centre (Foss. Til. For. pl. ix. fig. 11), are supposed by Professor Owen to belong to the same reptile as the teeth above described; but it is hazardous to pronounce on the identity of these detached teeth and bones, without more corroborative proof than has hitherto been obtained.

[607] Foss. South Downs, p. 50. Foss. Tilg. For. p. 64; pl. v. figs. 1-3, 7. Cuv. Oss. Foss. tom. v. p. 161, pl. x. See also Owen's later examination of these remains, Report Brit. Assoc. 1811, p. 67; and Cyclop. Anat. Art. Teeth.[608] Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841, p. 68. Sucho-saurus is derived from Suchus, or Suchis, the name given by Strabo to the sacred crocodile of the Egyptians.

Swanage Crocodile. (Goniopholis crassidens.) Petrif. p. 170, Lign. 38.—Under this name, the second species of Crocodilian teeth will be considered; the discovery of a considerable portion of a skeleton of a reptile with teeth of this form (Wond. p. 416), in a quarry near Swanage, having disclosed some of the most important osteological characters of the original. These teeth are distinguished from the former by their cylindrical base, and rounded, obtuse, conical crowns (Petrif. p. 171): they somewhat resemble in form those of the Crocodile, but the crown is strongly marked with numerous, well-defined, longitudinal grooves and ridges; and there is a sharp ridge on the middle of each side. A small specimen, broken off at the base, is represented Pl. VI. fig. 5; it shows the smooth cylindrical base of the tooth, which is covered with cement, and the finely striated enamelled crown; some of the teeth are more than two inches in length, and one inch in diameter at the base (Foss. Til For. pl. v. figs. 1, 2). I have found these teeth in numerous localities; they are always well preserved, with the ridges sharp, and have a high polish (Geol. I. Wight, p. 357, Lign. 30); a series of successional teeth may often be detected in the pulp-cavity (see Wond. p. 414). The detached teeth, and fragments of dermal bones (Lign. 207), which, from their constant occurrence with this species, I had been led to consider as belonging to the same reptile, were the only relics that had come under my observation, until the discovery of the Swanage specimen above mentioned.[609] On the two corresponding slabs containing this fine fossil are imbedded many detached teeth; a portion of the left side of the lower jaw, with two teeth in place; ribs and numerous vertebrÆ, which are biconcave, and have an irregular medullary cavity in the centre of the body; chevron bones resembling those of the Crocodile; the bones of the pelvic arch, and some of those of the extremities. With these are the remains of the osseous dermal cuirass, consisting of numerous scutes (figured and described p. 657, Lign. 207), scattered at random among the other relics of the skeleton; some having the inner, and others the external surface exposed; several of these bones are perfect, and exceed six inches in length, and two and a half in breadth. Numerous scales of a small Ganoid fish (Lepidotus minor), common in the Purbeck strata, are also intermingled with these remains. This reptile is named Goniopholis crassidens, by Professor Owen.[610]

[609] Now in the British Museum: see Petrif. p. 170. A lithograph of one of the slabs was given in the third edition of the Wonders of Geology, 1839.[610] Gonio-pholis:—angle-scute. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841, p. 72. Both the slabs of the Swanage specimen are admirably arranged in the same case in the British Museum, with bones and scutes of this reptile from Tilgate Forest; there can be no doubt that the entire lower jaw of the Swanage reptile might have been obtained if the quarry-men had taken the precaution of examining the adjoining block of stone.

Poecilopleuron.—The remains of an allied genus of Crocodile, the Poecilopleuron Bucklandi (of Deslongchamps), occur in the Oolite, near Caen, Normandy. This reptile, like the Goniopholis, had biconcave vertebrÆ, with a large medullary cavity in the middle of the centrum. The body of the vertebrÆ is contracted in the middle, the neural arch anchylosed, with no trace of suture, and with a thin spinous process, which is remarkable for its backward inclination. VertebrÆ of this character also occur in the Wealden strata of Tilgate Forest and the Isle of Wight.[611]

[611] Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841, p. 84. Foss. Til. For. pl. ix. fig. 8, represents a caudal vertebra.

Teleosaurus. (Bd. pl. xxv.)—In the Oolite of England and the Continent, the remains of a genus of extinct reptiles, having, like the recent Gavial, long slender muzzles, have been discovered in several localities. These fossils consist of the osseous scutes of an imbricated dermal cuirass; of the cranium and jaws with teeth; of the vertebral column; and many other bones. The characters of the dermal scutes, and of the muzzle with its terminal nasal apertures, have already been described (p. 659, and p. 676). There are several species of Teleosaurus; a splendid specimen of T. Chapmanni, fifteen feet long, from the Lias-shale on the Yorkshire coast, is preserved in the Whitby Museum; and there are interesting examples in the British Museum.[612] Teleosaurian remains have been found in the Oolite at Stonesfield, and at Deddington, Oxfordshire; and Mr. C. Moore, of Ilminster, whose museum is rich with perfect Ichthyosaurs and Fishes from the Upper Lias of the neighbourhood, has been highly successful in developing some charming specimens of small Teleosaurs from out of the same deposit. In the Oolite of Caen, in Normandy, very fine specimens of T. Cadomensis have been discovered; and from these the illustrious Cuvier first determined the character and affinities of the original.[613] The British Oolite contains also the relics of a reptile with biconcave vertebrÆ, belonging to the genus Steneosaurus: the cranium with the jaws and teeth have been found in Kimmeridge clay, at Shotover (Bd. pl. xxv.).[614]

[612] Petrifactions, p. 178.[613] Oss. Foss. tom. v. p. 127.[614] Report Brit. Assoc. 1841, p. 82.

From the Jura limestone at Monheim, in Franconia, the remains of a small Crocodilian reptile (Teleosaurus priscus), with a long slender muzzle, have been obtained. In a specimen[615] from the former locality, the skull, jaws with teeth, the entire vertebral column, and many parts of the skeleton are preserved: the entire length is but three feet.

[615] Now in the British Museum: see Petrif. p. 178, where a detailed description of this unique fossil is given. See also Ossem. Foss. tom. v. pl. vi.

Streptospondylus, Lign. 206, figs. 5, 7.—Baron Cuvier in his celebrated work, "Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles," has given an elaborate description of the remains of two kinds of slender-nosed Crocodilians, from the Kimmeridge clay of Honfleur, and the Oxford clay of Havre.

The specimens consist of the jaws with teeth, vertebrÆ, and some bones of the extremities.[616] In one species, the vertebrÆ are biconcave; in the other, they are convexo-concave, and present a remarkable deviation from the recent Crocodilian type, namely, that they are placed in a reversed position,—the convex face of the vertebra being directed anteriorly, or towards the cranium, and the concavity posteriorly; the name of the genus, Streptospondylus (reversed-spine), denotes this peculiarity of structure. The bodies of three or four large convexo-concave cervical vertebrÆ, were discovered in the Tilgate strata many years since, and are described in my various works (Geol. S. E. p. 300); but no suspicion was then entertained of their belonging to this genus, although I had repeatedly compared them with the figures of the Honfleur crocodile,[617] the imperfect state of the processes obscuring their true characters. Professor Owen first detected the true character of these Wealden vertebrÆ, in a large cervical, six inches long (now in the British Museum), in which two oblique processes are preserved on the concave end of the bone, their flat, oblong, articular faces, are directed downwards and outwards,—a character which at once proves them to be the posterior pair, for the anterior oblique processes would be directed upwards and inwards.[618] VertebrÆ of the same species occur in the Wealden of the Isle of Wight; and of another species in the Oolite at Chipping Norton, and in the Lias of Whitby.

[616] Oss. Foss. tom. v. p. 143, pl. viii. ix.[617] Reduced figures of two of these vertebrÆ are given in Lign. 206, figs. 5 and 7, p. 653.[618] Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841, p. 92. The position of the articulating surfaces of the oblique processes (zygapophyses) in more perfect specimens, subsequently discovered in various localities of the Wealden, established the existence not only of a saurian allied to the Streptospondylus, but also of other reptiles whose spinal column was wholly or in part made up of vertebrÆ which were convex in front and concave behind, as in the cervicals and anterior dorsals of certain mammalia. Some of these fossil vertebrÆ Dr. Melville has referred, with great probability, to the cervical region of the Iguanodon (see Petrif. p. 259); others cannot at present be satisfactorily assigned to any known genus of reptiles.

A concavo-convex caudal vertebra, with the relations of which I am unacquainted, was found in the same quarry in Tilgate Forest; a reduced outline of this unique fossil is given in Lign. 206, fig. 1. The centrum is of a sub-cylindrical form, and the articular face in front is concave, and that behind, convex; with a chevron-bone that is anchylosed to the body of the vertebra, as in some of the caudals of the Mosasaurus, and terminates in an inferior spine (f.); the pair of anterior oblique processes remains; the neural spinous process is destroyed.

Cetiosaurus.—From a considerable number of vertebÆ and bones of the extremities of some gigantic aquatic reptiles, discovered in the Oolite in various places in Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire, and Yorkshire, the present genus was established; the name being intended to indicate a distant general resemblance of these extinct Saurians to the Cetaceans.[619] The vertebra; differ from those of the Iguanodon in having their articular faces of a sub-circular form, and the body relatively short; the anterior face is nearly flat, and the posterior concave, in the dorsal vertebra;; but in the caudal both faces are concave, and have a well-defined elevated margin, which gives the body a deeply excavated character, easily recognizable. VertebrÆ of this kind were among my earliest discoveries in the strata of Tilgate Forest. (Geol. S. E. p. 282.) Some specimens are eight inches in the transverse diameter of the articular face, and but four and a half inches in the antero-posterior length of the body.[620] The original animals are supposed to have been of aquatic, and probably of marine habits, on the evidence of the sub-biconcave structure of the vertebrÆ and of the coarse cancellous tissue of the long bones, which are destitute of a medullary cavity. They must have rivalled the modern whales in bulk, for some specimens indicate a length of forty or fifty feet; they are supposed to have had web-feet, and a broad vertical tail.[621]

[619] Proc. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 457.[620] The osteological characters of these remains, and the physiological relations of the original animals, are described in Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841, pp. 94-102.[621] Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841, p. 102.

Polyptychodon.[622]—The remains of another gigantic marine Saurian have been discovered in the Green Sand at Hythe, in Kent; they consist chiefly of the bones of the pelvis and hinder extremities.[623] The femur must have been nearly four feet in length. The long bones have a cancellated structure, without a medullary cavity 3 the outer surface is finely striated. Probably in a recent state the cells were filled with oil, as in the Cetacea. Neither the vertebrÆ nor the teeth of this reptile are known; but, provisionally, these remains have been referred to the same animal as that to which the large, conical, longitudinally ridged teeth belonged, which have been found in the Kentish Rag, at Maidstone, and in the Chalk of Sussex, and have been named Polyptychodon continuus.[624] Teeth of P. interruptus are not unfrequent in the Cretaceous series; and a portion of the lower jaw of this species, from the Chalk of Kent, is in Mr. Toulmin Smith’s collection.[625]

[622] Poly-ptych-odon; many-wrinkle-tooth.[623] Geol. Proc. vol. iii. p. 449. The bones from Hythe were presented by their discoverer, H. B. Makeson, Esq., to the British Museum. See Petrifactions, p. 200.[624] Owen’s Monograph, Cretac. Reptilia, Pal. Soc. p. 47.[625] Ibid. p. 55. See also Dixon’s Foss. Suss. p. 378. Teeth of the Polyptychodon are figured in Odontography, pl. lxxii.


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