

"Where is the dust that has not been alive?"


That those infinitesimal forms of animal existence which swarm throughout the waters of the ocean, but whose presence can only be made manifest by the aid of the microscope, are preserved in a fossil state,—that their durable remains constitute mountain ranges, and form the subsoil of extensive regions,—and that the most stupendous monuments erected by man are constructed of the petrified relics of beings invisible to the unassisted eye,—are facts not the least astounding of those which modern Geology has revealed.

This interesting field of research, which the labours of that eminent observer M. Ehrenberg first made known, has since been explored by other naturalists, and in every part of the world many of the Tertiary and Secondary deposits have been found to contain microscopic organisms in profusion. At present this branch of palÆontology is in its infancy, and it offers to the young student an inexhaustible and most attractive path of scientific investigation; it possesses, too, this great advantage over many others, that it can be pursued at home, and the materials for its prosecution are everywhere at hand. Unlike my explorations in the Wealden, in which a few fragments of bones, or teeth, scattered at wide intervals through the rocks, and in localities many miles apart, were often the only reward of a day's labour, here, in the quiet of my study, I may discover in a few atoms of flint, or grains of chalk, picked up by the road-side, the fossil remains of beings as interesting and extraordinary as the extinct colossal reptiles of Tilgate Forest.


The microphytes, or fossil DiatomaceÆ, described in a previous chapter, (ante, p. 93.,) were formerly classed with the organisms that now claim our attention, under the name Infusoria; from the belief that generally prevailed among naturalists, of their animal origin. In fact, some eminent microscopic observers, while admitting the vegetable character of Xanthidium, Micrasterias, &c. consider the NaviculÆ, EnnotiÆ, &c. as belonging to the animal kingdom.

Thus Dr. J, W. Bailey, in a late "Memoir on the Microscopic Organisms in Various Localities of the United States," divides these bodies into three groups; viz. Infusoria, DesmidieÆ, and DiatomaceÆ; with the remark, that he has separated the two latter tribes from the Infusoria, because so many distinguished naturalists consider them decidedly to belong to the vegetable kingdom: "but," he adds, "while I believe that no positive line of separation can be drawn between certain animals and vegetables, I am yet disposed to regard the DesmidieÆ, from the sum of all their characters, as most nearly allied to admitted vegetables; while the DiatomaceÆ, notwithstanding Mr. Thwaites's interesting observations on their conjunction,[305] still seem to me, as they have always done, to be true animals. There is such apparent volition in their movements, such an abundance of nitrogen in the composition of their soft parts, and such resemblance between the stipitate GomphonematÆ and some of the VorticellÆ, that I should be still disposed to class them as animals, even if Ehrenberg's observations of the retractile threads and snail-like feet of some of the NaviculÆ should not be confirmed."[306]

[305] The mode of fructification, or conjunction, as it is termed, in the AlgÆ, consists in the adhesion of two cells or frustules together, and their fusion into one; from their united contents a mass of granular substance is produced, that becomes consolidated and forms the spore or fruit, which, when arrived at maturity, is set free by the bursting of the cell. Mr. Thwaites has ascertained that the fructification is similar in the DiatomaceÆ.[306] Smithsonian Contributions, vol. ii. p. 34.

Thus, whilst referring Closterium, Arthrodesma, Euastrum, Xanthidium, Micrasterium, &c. as vegetables, to the DesmidieÆ, Dr. Bailey places, Actinocyclus, Campilodiscus, Coscinodiscus, Ennotia, Navicula, Gomphonema, Pinnularia, Triceratium, &c. among the DiatomaceÆ, as animals.

Of the animal nature of the microscopic objects which now require our attention, there is however no question, although the zoological position and affinities of many of the organisms included in this survey are still but imperfectly determined.

The animals designated Foraminifera,[307] or Rhizopoda,[308] are of a more simple structure than the Polypifera and Echinodermata described in the previous chapters; yet as their relics are for the most part presented to the notice of the geologist as aggregations of shells, forming extensive beds of limestone, it will be convenient to treat of them in this place.

[307] Foraminifera, i.e. bearing foramina—a name derived from the minute openings in the shells and their septa.[308] Rhizopoda; root-like feet; from the long fibrous processes, or pseudopodia.

The fact that the fossil remains of Foraminifera, and of Mollusca, alike consist of shells, and constitute strata identical in mineral characters, and deposited under like physical conditions, renders the examination of these Microzoa[309] a fit introduction to the study of the durable remains of the higher order—the Mollusca.

[309] Microzoa; from ?????, mikros, small, and ????, zoon, animal; a convenient term to denote minute animal organisms whose forms can only be defined by the aid of the microscope.

It is scarcely more than a hundred and twenty years ago, that the existence of this numerous order of microzoa was first made known to naturalists by Beccarius, who detected a considerable number of species in the sand on the shores of the Adriatic. But the structure of the animals that secreted these shells is a discovery of comparatively modern date. The early collectors classed these microscopic bodies with the shells of true mollusca; and even M. D'Orbigny, whose elaborate researches justly constitute him a high authority in this branch of natural history, in his first memoir, in 1825, described the involuted discoidal forms as Cephalopoda. This error was corrected by the investigations of M. Dujardin, who in 1835 satisfactorily demonstrated that the Foraminifera are animals of the most simple structure, and entirely separated by their organization from the Mollusca.

But the true nature of this class is so little understood by British collectors of fossil shells,—of course I mean the uninitiated, and the amateur naturalist, for whose use these unpretending pages are designed,—that in order to invest the study of the fossil species with the interest which a knowledge of the structure and economy of the living originals can alone impart, I must give a history of the recent forms somewhat in detail, taking M. D'Orbigny as my chief authority.[310]

[310] The best work for the student to consult is M. D'Orbigny's "ForaminifÈres Fossiles du Basse Tertiaire de Vienne, Autriche." Paris, 1846. 1 vol. 4to. with plates. I rejoice to learn that a Monograph on the British Foraminifera is in preparation by Dr. Carpenter and Professor Williamson: than whom there are none more competent.


The Foraminifera are marine animals of low organization, and, with but few exceptions, extremely minute: in an ounce of sea-sand between three and four millions have been distinctly enumerated. When living, they are not aggregated, but always individually distinct; they are composed of a body, or vital mass, of a gelatinous consistence, which is either entire and round, or divided into segments, placed either on a simple or alternate line, or coiled in a spiral, or involuted round an axis. This body is covered with an envelope or shell, which is generally testaceous, rarely cartilaginous, is modelled on the segments, and follows all the modifications of form and contour of the body. From the extremity of the last segment there issue sometimes from one, sometimes from several openings of the shell, or through the numerous pores or foramina, very elongated, slender, contractile, colourless, filaments, more or less divided and ramified, serving for prehension, and capable of entirely investing the shell.

The body varies in colour, but is always identical in individuals of the same species; it is yellow, ochreous, red, violet, blue, &c.

Its consistence is variable; it is composed of minute globules, the aggregation of which determines the general tint. It is sometimes entire, round, and without segments, as in Gromia, Orbulina, &c., which represent at all ages the embryonic state of all the other genera. The animal increases by gemmation, each segment being essentially distinct, but connected with the preceding one by a tube or neck. When the body is divided by lobes or segments, the primary lobe, as in the permanent condition of the Gromia, is at first round or oval, according to the genus; once formed it never enlarges, but is enveloped externally by testaceous matter.

The segments, which successively appear, are agglomerated together in seven different ways, and these modifications are the basis of M. D'Orbigny's classification. The discoidal forms, as the Rotalia, Rosalina, Cristellaria, &c. are involute, like the Nautilus, and divided by septa or partitions, which, like the enveloping shell, are perforated. The lobes of the body occupy contemporaneously every chamber, and are connected by a tube that extends through the entire series. In the spiral form, as the Textularia, &c., the same structure is apparent.

Whatever the form of the body, the filaments always consist of a colourless transparent matter; they are capable of being elongated to six times the diameter of the shell. They often divide and subdivide, so as to appear branched; and though alike in form in the different genera, vary much in their position. In some species they form a bundle which issues from a single aperture, and is withdrawn into the same by contraction; in others, the filaments project only through each of the pores in that portion of the shell which covers the last segment: in many they issue from both the large aperture and the foramina. These filaments or pseudopodia fulfil in these animals the functions of the numerous tentacula in the Star-fishes; serving as instruments of locomotion and attachment.

Neither organs of nutriment nor of reproduction have been discovered. In the genera having one large aperture from which the filaments issue and retract, we can conceive nutriment to be absorbed by that opening; but this cannot be the case in the species which have the last cell closed up; in these the filaments issuing through the foramina are probably also organs of nutrition. M. D'Orbigny considers the Foraminifera as constituting a distinct class in zoology; though less complicated than the Echinoderms and the Polypifera in their internal organization, they have the mode of locomotion of the first; while by their free, individual existence, they are more advanced in the scale of being than the aggregated and immovably fixed animals of the latter class.

But though I consider the animal of the Foraminifera as single, and the additional lobes, or segments, as the continuous growth of the same individual, I must state that some eminent naturalists regard the entire structure as a series of distinct individuals, developed by gemmation from the first formed segment, like the clusters of the compound Tunicata; and not as a single aggregated organism, made up of an assemblage of similar parts indefinitely repeated. In a palÆontological point of view, it matters not which opinion is adopted.[311]

[311] See a masterly paper on the structure of Nummulina and Orbitoides, by Dr. Carpenter; Geol. Journal, vol. vi. pp. 21-39, with admirable representations of the structural details.

Lign. 109. Foraminifera.
Chalk. Charing.
Fig. 1.— Globigerina cretacea;
the original is 1/60 of an inch in diameter.
2.— Textularia Globulosa; 1/40.
3.— Verneuilina tricarinata; 1/30.
4.— Cristellaria rotulata; 1/40.
5.— Rosalina Lorneiana; 1/40.

Classification of the Foraminifera.—The number of genera is so great, that I can only attempt to convey a very general idea of the principles of classification adopted by M. D'Orbigny, and give a few illustrations of some of the most abundant fossil species.

That the reader may be cognizant of the usual aspect of these shells five specimens from the Chalk, belonging to as many genera, are here represented (Lign. 109); the deposit whence they were obtained will be described hereafter.

As the mode in which the growth of the body, and consequently of the shell, takes place, differs greatly in certain groups, an obvious and natural arrangement is suggested, by which the class is divided into seven orders:—

1. The primary, or simplest type; one segment or cell; as in Orbulina.

2. The segments arranged in circular lines; as in Orbitolina.

3. Segments disposed in a straight or arched single line; successively increasing from the first to the last cell; as in Nodosaria, Lign. 111.

4. Segments, spirally and discoidally disposed, on the same plane, like cells of the Nautilus; as in Cristellaria, Lign. 109.

The same type, but coiled obliquely, and inequilaterally, like the shells of Gasteropoda; as in Globigerina, Lign. 109, Rosalina, Lign. 109.

5. Segments developed alternately on the right and left of the first, and successively on each side the longitudinal axis; as in Textularia, Lign. 109.

6. Arrangement of the segments combining the modes of 4 and 5; that is, the segments are formed alternately, but the whole are coiled spirally, either obliquely, or on the same plane; as in Amphistigena.

7. Segments round a common axis, on two, three, four, or five, opposite faces, returning after each entire revolution; the new cells being placed exactly on the preceding series; as in Quinqueloculina, Pict. Atlas, pl. lxii. fig. 12.

The Foraminifera vary considerably in magnitude; by far the greater number of species are invisible to the unassisted eye, and the aid of a lens or microscope is required to define the structure even of the largest; yet many are of sufficient size to be recognized, as for example the SpirolinÆ, Lign. 112. A few genera are from a quarter of an inch to nearly an inch in diameter, as the Orbitoides Mantelli of the tertiary formations of North America,[312] and the Nummulina, commonly termed Nummulites, of Europe, Lign. 110.

We will now describe the genera selected for illustration, commencing with the large and well-known type, whose aggregated remains form extensive beds of crystalline limestone in the Alps, and in Asia, and Africa.[313]

[312] Dr. Morton's Synopsis of the Organic Remains of the Cretaceous group of the United States. Philadelphia, 1824, p. 45, pl. v. fig. 9.[313] Geol. Journal, vol. v.

Lign. 110. Nummulites, or Nummulina; nat.
From the Great Pyramid of Egypt.
Fig. 1.— Transverse section of a Nummulite, showing the
form and arrangement of the cells.
2,3.— Specimens with part of the external plate removed.

Nummulina lÆvigata. Lign. 110.—The shell is of a discoidal or lenticular form, composed of numerous cells, concentrically arranged round an axis on the same plane; both sides of the disk covered by a smooth thick plate.


Under the name of Nummulites, from their resemblance to a piece of money, the fossil shells of this genus of Foraminifera have long been known to naturalists, and are figured in many of the early works on petrifactions. They occur in immense quantities in certain rocks, and are of all sizes, from a mere point, to disks an inch and a half in diameter; thus exceeding in magnitude all other animals of this class.

Perfect specimens appear as a calcareous solid circular body, of a lenticular shape; smooth, and slightly convex on both sides, and without any visible structure. On splitting the fossil transversely, or rubbing down one of the convex planes, a series of minute cells, arranged in a discoidal spire, is brought to view, as shown in Lign. 110, fig. 1. But this description gives a very inadequate idea of the complicated and exquisite structure of the original, which has been admirably worked out by Dr. Carpenter. This eminent physiologist has shown that each chamber was occupied by a living segment, connected with other segments by one or more tubular prolongations, which absorbed nutrition from without, by means of filamentous pseudopodia, that projected through a system of passages leading from the medial plane to the external surface.[314] A figure of the supposed form of a living Nummulina is given in Pict. Atlas, p. 187.

[314] Geol. Journal, vol. vi. p. 21. See also a paper by Prof. Williamson, "On the minute Structure of the Calcareous Shells of some recent species of Foraminifera." Trans. Microscop. Soc. vol. iii. p. 105.

The specimens figured in Lign. 110 are from the limestone that forms the foundation rock of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, and of which that structure is in great part composed. Strabo alludes to the Nummulites of the Pyramids, as lentils which had been scattered about by the artificers employed on those stupendous monuments, and become stone.[315] Silicified masses of Nummulites are occasionally met with; polished slices of such specimens are richly figured by the sections of the inclosed Foraminifera.

[315] An interesting fact was communicated to me by a friend who lately descended the Nile; the Nummulitic limestone rocks are in some parts of the course of the river washed into the stream, and becoming disintegrated, the Nummulites are set free, and re-deposited in the recent mud of the Nile.

The Nummulitic limestones are of the Eocene or ancient. Tertiary epoch, as the labours of Sir Roderick Murchison in the Alps, Apennines, and Carpathians first established: Nummulites are unknown in the Secondary formations.[316]

[316] Geol. Journal, vol. v.

Orbitoides.—The fossil bodies thus named are disciform, like the Nummulites; and one species, which forms the constituent substance of ranges of limestone mountains, 300 feet high, near Suggsville, in North America, was first described by my lamented friend, the late Dr. Morton, of Philadelphia, as N. Mantelli, in his work on the Cretaceous Fossils of the United States.

The discovery that the Nummulitic deposits of the Old World were of the tertiary period, directed attention to their supposed geological equivalents in America; and on a careful examination of their fossils, the rocks proved to be tertiary, and the shells true Foraminifera allied to the Nummulites, but generically distinct.[317] A reference to Dr. Carpenters memoir, previously cited, is necessary to comprehend the complicated structure of these fossils.[318]

[317] Manual of Geology, p. 208.[318] Geol. Journal, vol. vi.

Siderolina, or Siderolites, is a genus of Foraminifera, which may be described as Nummulites, in which the turns of the spire are intercepted by elongated appendages, that project beyond the periphery of the disk, and produce a stellated figure. These fossils abound in the cretaceous strata of Maestricht.

Fusulina.—The shell is fusiform, being elongated transversely to the axis; the cells are divided internally by constrictions. Only one species is known, (F. cylindrica,) and this is confined to the Carboniferous formation; it is the most ancient or earliest type of the class, according to the present state of our knowledge.

Lign. 111. Foraminifera, &c.
Fig. 1and2.— Campilodiscus; a perfect frustule, and part of another, seen from above, Tertiary; Egra in Bohemia.
See ante, p. 96.
3a.— Lituola nautilotdea. Chalk, Chichester. (By Mr. Walter Mantell.) Side view, × 8.
3b.— Front view of the last cell of 3d, to show the foramina with which it is pierced.
3c.— The last cell of 3a.
3d.— Side view of a young shell, before the produced, or straight part appears, × 20.
4a.— Flabellina Baudonina. Chalk. (M. D'Orbigny.) A young individual seen in profile, × 12.
4b.— The same, viewed laterally, shows the oblique arrangement of the cells.
5.— Nodosaria. Chalk, Chichester. (By Mr. Walter Mantell.) The line below indicates the natural size.

Nodosaria. Lign. 111, fig. 5.—Straight, elongated cells placed end to end, separated by constrictions; the last formed cell has a round central aperture. Several beautiful species abound in the Chalk; specimens often occur adhering to the surface of the flint nodules.

NodosariÆ are abundant in tertiary deposits. Mr. Walter Mantell discovered Foraminifera of this genus in the blue clay of Kakaunui, in New Zealand.

Cristellaria. Lign. 109, fig. 4.—The shell is in the form of a compressed Nautilus; it has a single aperture, which is situated at the angle of the keel; the cells are oblique.

This genus comprises seventy fossil species, which occur in the Lias, Oolite, and Chalk. Living species are abundant in almost every sea.

Flabellina. Lign. 111, fig. 4a.—In a young state, this shell, like the preceding, resembles that of a Nautilus, and the cells are oblique; but in the adult, are of a zigzag (chevron) form. It has a single round aperture. Fig. 4a shows a young individual, seen in profile; fig. 4b a lateral view, exhibiting the obliquity of the cells.

Species of Flabellina are often found in cretaceous strata. The genus is not known in a recent state.

Polystomella.—In its general form this genus resembles the other nautiloid shells above described, but its structure differs essentially; for there are several apertures along the side of the shell, as well as the opening in the last segment. The cells are simple, and each is a single cavity. The figures and details of structure, given by Professor Williamson, must be referred to, for an insight into the organization of this beautiful and complicated type of Foraminifera.[319] One species of Polystomella is said to occur in the Chalk; I have not detected this genus in our cretaceous deposits. Recent species swarm in our seas; and may be easily obtained from the mud and sand on the shores at Brighton.[320]

[319] Trans. Microscop. Society, vol. ii.[320] Mr. Poulton has specimens of the shells, and the bodies of the animals deprived of the shell, mounted for the microscope.

Lituola. Lign. 111, fig. 3a.—In a young state the shell is nautiloid, as in fig. 3b, 3d; but becomes produced by age, and assumes a crosier-like form, as in fig. 3a. The cells are filled with a porous testaceous tissue, as shown in figs. 3b, 3c; which also illustrate the foraminiferous character of the shells in this class of animals; for both the external testaceous covering, and the septa of the cells, exhibit perforations.[321]

[321] The perforations are omitted, by mistake, in the figure of the adult shell, fig. 3a.

Lign. 112. Spirolinites in Flint.
Chalk. Sussex.
(By the late Marquis of Northampton.)
The specimens are only sections of the shells Imbedded in flint, and seen as opaque objects with a lens of moderate power. The small figures denote the size of the originals.

Spirolina. Lign. 112.—The general form resembles that of Lituola: the young shell being a discoidal, involute, and becoming produced by age; but the internal structure is different; the cells are simple cavities.

The chalk and flints of Sussex abound in these crosier-like shells, whose existence in the cretaceous rocks was first made known by my deeply lamented friend, the late Marquis of Northampton. The annexed lignograph, from drawings by his lordship, shows the form and structure as displayed by sections in fractured flints. Four species were named by Lord Northampton (see Wond. p. 32-5); but it is doubtful whether all the specimens belong to more than one species; the apparent diversity of structure may arise simply from the different planes in which the sections happen to have been made.

Globigerina. Lign. 109, fig. 1.—The shell is turbinated, the cells are spheroidal, and the last, or terminal one, has a semilunar aperture at the umbilical angle. Several fossil species abound in the Chalk and in the tertiary deposits; and many living species swarm in our seas.

Lign. 113. Nonionina Germanica, × 290.
A recent specimen of the body of the animal; the shell removed by acids.
From the North Sea, Cuxhaven. (M. Ehrenberg.)
a, a.—NaviculÆ and other organisms in the segments of the animal.

Nonionina.Lign. 113.—A nautiloid shell, with simple cells; the last cell has a single narrow aperture placed transversely over the dorsal aspect of the spire. One species occurs in the chalk formation of Germany; several in tertiary deposits, and in the existing seas.

The figure, Lign. 113, represents the body of the animal deprived of its shell, to illustrate the nature of certain fossils from the Chalk.

Lign. 114. Foraminifera in Chalk and Flint. × ×.
(Seen by transmitted light.)
Fig. 1,2,3,6.— Different forms of Rotalia.
2.— Resembles the recent Rotalia stigma; Ehrenberg;> from the North Sea, near Cuxhaven.
4.— Portion of a Nautilus, showing five chambers, partially separated, each pierced by the siphunculus: in Flint, from
5.— The body of a Rotalia, in Flint; the shell is not apparent.

Rotalia. Lign. 114.—The shell, though nautiloid in its contour, is regularly turbinated, the cells not globular; the last cell has a central, semilunar, transverse, aperture. There are fifty fossil species. The RotaliÆ appear in the Lias, Oolite, and Chalk, in immense numbers, and swarm in the present seas.

Rosalina. Lign. 109, fig. 5.—The shell is depressed; the spire apparent on one side; the aperture is a prolonged slit extending from one cell to another, and opening on the umbilicus; that is, on the side opposite to the spire. There are eighteen fossil, and many recent species of this genus.

Textularia. Lign. 109.—This, and the following genus, belong to that order of Foraminifera in which the segments or cells are arranged in two or three distinct axes (ante, p. 342.), and by their gradual increase give rise to an elongated conical but not spiral shell, which in its general outline resembles that of certain gasteropoda, but is easily distinguished by its internal structure. The shell is conical, compressed, formed of alternate cells, with a transverse aperture placed on the inner side. Upwards of thirty fossil species are known. The TextulariÆ are in great abundance in the cretaceous rocks; and, together with RotaliÆ and RosalinÆ, constitute a large proportion of the minute organisms of the secondary formations as well as of the present seas.

Verneuilina.Lign. 109, fig. 3.—A turriculated shell, with a slit or aperture transverse to the axis of involution, and placed on the umbilicus. This genus, of which but one species is known, is peculiar to the cretaceous deposits.


Strata composed of Foraminifera.—From this concise exposition of the characters of the genera that most frequently occur in a fossil state, we pass to the examination of the organic composition of those limestones which are in a great measure made up of the debris of ForaminiferÆ. We will commence the investigation with that common substance, the white chalk of the South-East of England.

It has long been known that a large proportion of the purest white chalk consists of minute chambered shells,[322] and corals.

[322] Often termed Polythalamia, meaning many chambers or cells.

Mr. Lonsdale, some years since, first showed that by brushing chalk in water, and examining the sediment, shells, corals, and foraminifera might be obtained in abundance; but it was not at that time suspected that the residue of the detritus was almost entirely composed of distinct organic structures, so minute as to require high magnifying powers, and a peculiar mode of manipulation, for their detection and definition.

M. Ehrenberg demonstrated that even the fossils discovered by Mr. Lonsdale are colossal, in comparison with the infinitesimal structures of which the finer particles of the chalk consist; for one cubic inch of the limestone is found to contain upwards of a million of well-preserved animal organisms.

The chalk, therefore, is an aggregation of extremely minute fossils and inorganic particles. The yellow, soft, writing chalk of the North of Europe, according to M. Ehrenberg, is composed of about half its mass of organic remains; but in the chalk of the South of Europe, the fossils predominate. The amorphous atoms of the cretaceous limestone do not, as was formerly believed, arise from a precipitate of lime previously held in solution, but from the disintegration of the assembled organisms into more minute calcareous particles; and these have subsequently been reunited by a crystalline action, into regular, elliptical, granular, bodies.

M. Ehrenberg infers that the compact flint nodules have originated from an aggregation of pulverulent particles of siliceous organisms; and upon this hypothesis explains the absence of flint nodules, and the abundance of siliceous infusoria, in the beds of marl that alternate with the chalk in the south of Europe, and their presence in the chalk of northern Europe, in which the marls are wanting. In other words, he supposes, that in the former case the siliceous shells of the animalcules were spread abroad and deposited in layers or strata; and in the latter were aggregated into nodular masses. This opinion is not, however, supported by facts; for, though the animal origin of lime, flint, and iron, may be admitted to a great extent, yet the deposition of silex and lime from aqueous solutions, is carried on at the present moment upon an enormous scale; and it cannot be doubted that to such a process is attributable the formation of the nodules, layers, dikes, and veins of flint, which traverse the chalk, and other rocks.[323]

[323] See my "Memoir on a Microscopical Examination of Chalk and Flint," Annals of Nat. Hist., Aug. 1845.

The most abundant microscopic organisms in the English chalk and flint which I have examined, are RotaliÆ, or RosalinÆ, and TextulariÆ. Immense numbers of minuter Foraminifera also occur, and many shells, which are unquestionably the young state of testaceous Cephalopoda (as Nautilus, Ammonite, &c.).

Spines of Sponges, and of Echinoderms, also frequently appear in the field of the microscope: and a spongeous structure is so common in flint, that an eminent observer conceives that all the flints, both nodular and tabular, have originated from poriferous zoophytes;[324] an hypothesis altogether inadmissible.

[324] "Memoir on the Siliceous Bodies in the Chalk, Greensands, and Oolite," by J. S. Bowerbank, Esq. F.R.S. &c. Geol. Trans, vol. vi. p. 181.

The assertion that the chalk every where consists almost wholly of organic bodies must likewise be accepted with some limitation. The assiduous observer who searches for hours chalk and flint carefully prepared, and with the aid of an excellent microscope, though he will meet with immense numbers of organisms, will often find a great proportion of atoms without traces of structure. Neither is there much variety in the easily recognizable forms of the English chalk (I write from my own limited experience); many of the species described by M. Ehrenberg, and others, are few and far between; and I have not detected a single example of diatomaceÆ. The student therefore must not be discouraged, if, after perusing the glowing accounts of the discoveries of M. Ehrenberg, he should not be more successful than myself. It must, however, be borne in mind, that as the fossil remains of the larger animals and plants are commonly associated together in particular localities, while in similar rocks in other districts they are altogether wanting; in like manner, some strata of the same series may be made up of organic bodies, while others are destitute of them. In fact, such is the case with our English Chalk: some layers in the cliffs at Dover are literally an aggregation of foraminifera and corals, while other beds have but few vestiges of organic remains.

Lign. 115. Chalk-dust; chiefly composed of Foraminifera; highly magnified.
(Seen by reflected light.)
a, a. RotaliÆ. b. TextulariÆ.

Foraminifera of the Chalk and Flint. Lign. 115.—If a few grains of soft white chalk from Gravesend or Dover be examined under a high power (1/4 inch object-glass of Ross), groups of foraminifera will be perceived, chiefly of RotaliÆ, RosalinÆ, and TextulariÆ, as shown in Lign. 115. If some of the powder be immersed in Canada balsam, (as directed in the instructions at the close of this chapter for preparing chalk for microscopical examination,) the outline of the shells, and the cavities of, the cells, will be apparent; as in the sketches Lign. 114, ante p. 351. If a chip or slice of flint, rendered transparent by immersion in oil of turpentine or Canada balsam, be viewed first with a low power, (1 inch object-glass,) to discover a good specimen, and afterwards under a high magnifier, (a 1/4 or an 1/8 object-glass,) the form of the shell and of the cells will be distinctly seen, as in Lign. 116. In this beautiful fossil Rotalia, the segments are as sharply defined as in a recent example: and one of the cells (a) is seen to be lined with quartz crystals.

Lign. 116. Section of a Rotalia in flint.
(Seen by transmitted light, and showing the chambers partially filled with mineral matter.)
a. A cell lined with spar.
(× 250 diameters.)

At first sight this fossil might be mistaken for a nautilus partially filled with spar; but the reader will remark that the septa, or partitions, have their convex surface towards the aperture; whereas in the shells of the Cephalopoda (Nautilus, Ammonite, &c.) the septa are concave anteriorly. In Lign. 114, fig. 4, a series of casts in flint of the septa of a young Nautilus is represented; by comparing it with the RotaliÆ in the same lignograph, figs. 2, 3, this distinction will be obvious. And here it may be necessary again to point out the essential character of the animal of the foraminifera, as distinguished from that of the cephalopoda with chambered shells. In the latter, the body of the mollusk only occupies the large outer chamber; the internal compartments are empty dwellings, which the animal has successively quitted in the progress of its growth, and with which it has no connexion except by the siphunculus. In the Rotalia, and allied forms, the body of the animal is inclosed within the shells, and occupies every chamber contemporaneously at every stage: the cells are always filled by the segments of the body. Hence when the shell, which is calcareous, is dissolved in weak hydrochloric acid, the soft body is exposed, and seen to extend to the innermost chamber. The segments are connected by a membranous tube, which some naturalists regard as a common channel of communication between the several digestive sacs of which the body consists; for minute diatomaceÆ which the animal has swallowed, (according to Ehrenberg,) are seen within the membranous sacs; as shown in Lign. 113, which represents the body of a Nonionina, deprived of its shell. The importance of obtaining a correct idea of this structure will presently appear.

When a recent Rotalia is immersed in dilute acid, the soft parts of the body, deprived of the shell, may be obtained entire; they consist of a series of little bags or sacs, united by a tube. The constituent substance appears to be a tough membrane, and is generally of a rich brown or amber colour. The sacs are sometimes full of a granular substance, but are often empty and collapsed.

Fossil remains of the soft parts of Foraminifera. Lign. 113.—When examining chalk[325] and flint under the microscope with the view of discovering the fossil bodies described by M. Ehrenberg, I observed that the cells of the RotaliÆ in flint were frequently occupied by a substance varying in colour from a light amber to a dark brown, and closely resembling in appearance the body of the recent foraminifer deprived of its shell. Under a high power, the folds of the membranous sacs and the connecting tube were apparent, and I felt convinced that the substance filling the cells was not inorganic, but the original animal tissues in the state of molluskite.[326] In short, that the animal had become immersed and preserved in the fluid silex like the insects in amber. The appearance of the first discovered example of this kind is represented in Lign. 117.

[325] In 1845.[326] Molluskite: a name by which I proposed to distinguish the carbonaceous substance resulting from the soft bodies of testaceous mollusca.

Lign. 117. Rotalia in Flint, with the fossilized body of the animal in the shell: highly magnified.
(Seen by transmitted light.)

In a paper read before the Geological Society in 1845,[327] I ventured to affirm the animal nature of the fossils in question; but the supposition was regarded by geologists as very startling and unsatisfactory; and as the specimens were enveloped in flint, the appearance was attributed to the infiltration of mineral matter of a different colour from the surrounding silex, into the empty chambers; a circumstance of frequent occurrence in Ammonites, Nautili, and even in the foraminifera; for the latter are often filled with chalk, flint, silicate of iron, crystal, &c. as in Lign. 116. In these instances, I conceive the shells were either empty when immersed in the fluid chalk or flint, or speedily became so by the decomposition of the soft parts of the animal. But in the fossils under consideration, I believe the live animal was suddenly enveloped, and hermetically sealed, as it were, in its shell, and that putrefaction was thus prevented. The uniformity in colour, and the structure of the substance in the cells, appeared to me incompatible with its assumed mineral origin, and I resolved to follow up the inquiry by an examination of RotaliÆ in chalk; in the hope that by dissolving the shell in acid (as in recent foraminifera), the body of the animal might be detected in an unmineralized state. After many fruitless attempts, several examples of the soft bodies of RotaliÆ were obtained from the grey chalk of Dover, in an extraordinary state of preservation.[328]

[327] Notes of a Microscopical Examination of the Chalk and Flint of the South-East of England, with Remarks on the Animalculites of certain Tertiary and Modern Deposits. Published in the Ann. Nat. Hist., Aug. 1845.[328] To Henry Deane, Esq. of Clapham Common, I am indebted for some of the most illustrative specimens hitherto obtained.

Lign. 118. The Soft Bodies of Foraminifera; extracted from Chalk: highly magnified.
(Viewed by transmitted light.)
Fig. 1.— An exquisite example of the body of a Rotalia;
the sacs partially collapsed.
2.— Body of a Rotalia; the sacs distended with a dark
granular substance.

These marvellous relics were obtained by subjecting a few grains of the chalk to the action of weak hydrochloric acid, by which the calcareous earth and the shells it contained were dissolved; the residue, consisting of particles of quartz and green silicate of iron, and remains of the animal tissues, were placed, in the usual manner, in Canada balsam. Two exquisite specimens of the bodies of RotaliÆ thus obtained are figured in Lign. 118.[329]

[329] I communicated this discovery to the Royal Society. See Philos. Transactions, 1846, p. 465.

In these fossils the sacs are generally more or less distended with a dark substance, as in Lign. 118, fig. 2: but in some, they are empty and collapsed in folds, just as membranous pouches would appear under similar conditions; as in the exquisite fossil, Lign. 118, fig. 1.

The sacs regularly diminish in size from the innermost to the outermost cell, and vary in number from fourteen to twenty-six; being more numerous than in the recent species of RotaliÆ that have come under my notice. In some instances small papillÆ are seen on the outer surface of the integument; apparently the vestiges of the pseudopodia.[330]

[330] Admirably as my excellent engraver, Mr. Lee, (of Prince's Square, Kennington,) has executed the lignograph, 118, I would refer the reader to the steel plate in Philos. Trans. 1846, pl. xxi. for figures of these marvellous fossils.

Not only is the form and general character of the animal substance preserved, but even its flexibility; for in one instance, the body, released by the solution of the chalk and shell, was uncoiled and pressed out, as shown in Lign. 119, fig. 4.

In one specimen, (figured in Philos. Trans. 1846, pl. xxi. fig. 10,) the membrane of the largest sacs is much corrugated, and disposed in numerous duplications, probably owing to the empty state of these segments, when immersed in the chalk; but the discoidal contour of the original is well preserved. This fossil so closely resembles the decalcified body of a recent Rotalia or Rosalina, that an eminent observer who saw it under the microscope at the meeting of the Royal Society, without knowing its history, concluded it to be the body of a recent animal. This extraordinary preservation of the soft delicate tissues of an animal of the cretaceous seas, invisible to the unassisted eye, through the incalculable ages that must have elapsed since the deposition of the chalk in which it was enshrined, is a fact as remarkable as the occurrence of the carcass of the Lena Mammoth, in the frozen soil of Siberia.

Lign. 119. Remains of Foraminifera; in Chalk and Flint.
(Viewed by transmitted light; highly magnified.)
Fig. 1.— Shell of a Rosalina, filled with mineral matter; in flint.
2.— Soft parts of a Textularia; in flint.
3.— Cells of Textularia elongata; filled with mineral matter; the shell not visible; in flint.
4.— The soft body of a Rotalia, deprived of its shell, and partially uncoiled; obtained from Chalk, × 450 diameters.

The soft parts of other foraminifera have been discovered in a similar state of preservation. A fine example of the body of a Textularia, in flint, is figured, Lign. 119, fig. 2.

The form and disposition of the segments in Textularia elongata, is shown in Lign. 119, fig. 3. These cells are filled with inorganic matter. The shell of a Rosalina filled with an opaque mineral substance, forming casts of the cells, is represented in Lign. 119, fig. 1.

The preservation of the soft parts of foraminifera and of mollusks, in a fossil state, is a phenomenon of frequent occurrence, and no longer questioned by geologists, notwithstanding the scepticism with which my first announcement of the fact was received. Dr. Bailey, of West Point Military Academy, soon after the publication of my first paper, sent me specimens from the marls of New Jersey.

Foraminiferous Limestones of India.—So much doubt was expressed as to the accuracy of my opinion respecting the nature of the fossil RotaliÆ, that its corroboration by observations on certain limestones in India, by H. J. Carter, Esq. Secretary of the Bombay Royal Asiatic Society, was as gratifying as unexpected. According to the researches of that gentleman, the south-east coast of Arabia is chiefly composed of two distinct limestone formations; the one averaging about 4,000 feet above the level of the sea, and the other 600 feet. The latter forms the desert of Akaf, and with the intervention of the mountains of Oman, which belong to the greater formation, passes up into the lower Sindh; while the former constitutes the high land of the coast, which, parting from the western border of the Desert of Akaf, extends nearly to Cape Aden.

The limestones of both these groups, or formations, consist chiefly of foraminifera; the largest forms being visible to the naked eye. Mr. Carter states that his attention was first directed to the organic composition of the Porebunder limestone, which is imported into Bombay for building, by small amber-coloured specks on the stone, that resembled the soft parts of foraminifera figured and described by me in the Philosophical Transactions. "On subjecting a portion of the limestone to the action of acid, I found them to be what Dr. Mantell's observations had led me to expect, the actual remains of the animals, of exquisite beauty in form and symmetrical development. The minute kinds in the Porebunder stone do not average more than 1/900 of an inch in diameter; and the composite forms are held together by thread-like attachments, which indicate the tubular communications that existed between them when living."[331]

[331] "On the Existence of Beds of Foraminifera, Recent and Fossil, on the South-East coast of Arabia," by H. J. Carter, Esq.; Proceedings of the Bombay Royal Asiatic Society, 1848,


Foraminiferous Deposit at Charing. Lign. 109.—The little town of Charing, in Kent, has acquired a celebrity among those naturalists who are interested in the present inquiry, by the researches of William Harris, Esq. F.G.S. who some years since made known the existence of a remarkable deposit of chalk detritus, about one foot in thickness, which extends over the outcrop or exposed surface of the firestone in that locality.

This bed consists of a soft, whitish, tenacious clay, which, when immersed in water, is found to be largely composed of minute grains, that prove to be foraminifera. These shells belong to many species and genera; and are associated with the cases of entomostraceous crustaceans, spicula of sponges, &c. The organisms readily separate from the amorphous particles by washing, and specimens may be easily obtained as distinct and perfect as if recent. See Lign. 109, ante, p. 342. Intermingled with the cretaceous forms, are minute fresh-water shells, apparently derived from a modern source.

The Charing deposit appears to have originated from the action of water on the unconsolidated chalk of the neighbouring Downs, before the surface of the hills was protected by a covering of vegetable soil.

Through the liberality of Mr. Harris, I have been able to examine an extensive series of the Charing Foraminifera; and Prof Williamson has figured and described the principal types in an interesting memoir in the Transactions of the Manchester Philos. Soc. vol. viii. 1847. As in most of the cretaceous strata, the prevailing species are referable to the genera Textularia, Rotalia, Rosalina, Cristellaria, Lagena,[332] &c. There are numerous spicula of sponges, and needle-like calcareous prisms, which are the detritus of the fibrous shells, called Inoceramus.

[332] This interesting type of Foraminifera is the subject of a Memoir by Prof. Williamson; Annals, Nat. Hist. 1848, vol. i.

Foraminifera of the Oolite, Lias, &c.—The occurrence of certain genera in particular rocks has been incidentally noticed in the previous descriptions, and it is needless to particularize any localities of the Oolite, Lias, and other secondary deposits. It must suffice to state that Dr. Carpenter, Prof Williamson, Prof Phillips, Mr. Sorby, Mr. Rupert Jones, and other able observers, have figured and described foraminifera from the strata between the Chalk and the Carboniferous formations: the report to be drawn up by the two first-named gentlemen for the British Association, will present a resume of the British fossil genera and species.

It is deserving record, that no vestiges of foraminifera have been found in the Wealden strata; the fluviatile origin of those deposits renders it improbable that the remains of these marine organisms should occur in great numbers, yet from, the estuary character of some of the beds, the presence of foraminifera might be expected.

Foraminiferous Deposits of the United States.—Dr. Bailey has made us familiar with the foraminiferous rocks of North America. The various memoirs on this class of fossil animalculites, and on the diatomaceÆ (ante, p. 93.), published in the American Journal of Science, and in the Smithsonian Transactions, attest the acumen, and unwearied spirit of research, of this able observer. Not only from the United States, but from numerous localities in Asia and Arabia, Dr. Bailey has transmitted me specimens of limestones containing foraminifera, chiefly of the genera Rotalia and Textularia.[333]

[333] From Beyrout, Damascus, the Mount of Olives, Anti-Libanus.

In the calcareous marls of the Upper Missouri river, extending nearly to the Rocky Mountains, similar fossils are met with.

In the interior of Florida, the white orbitoidal limestone is traversed by flint; and the calcareous and siliceous masses are full of microscopic foraminifera.[334]

[334] Smithsonian Contributions, vol. ii. p. 161.


Foraminifera of the Carboniferous Formations.—In the carboniferous limestones of England, the late Mr. Bowman, Prof. Tennant, and Mr. Darker, detected shells of foraminifera, apparently of the genus Fusulina.[335] Prof. Phillips mentions the occurrence of nautiloid foraminifera in the palÆozoic limestones of Carrington Park, South Devon, and Yorkshire.[336]

[335] Edinburgh New Phil. Journal, vol. xxx. p. 44.[336] Proceedings of the Polytechnic Society of the West Riding of Yorkshire, 1845.

Dr. Dale Owen is said to have obtained "well characterized polythalamia from the oolitic portion of the carboniferous (Pentremitic, ante, p. 298.,) limestone of Indiana."[337] And M. de Verneuil discovered a species of Fusulina, in the Millstone-grit of the coal formation of the Ohio.

[337] American Journal of Science, vol. xlvi. note to p. 311.

But the most remarkable deposits of foraminifera in the palÆozoic rocks, are those of Russia, described by Sir Roderick Murchison.[338] The upper beds of the Mountain limestone in the Lower Volga, consist of laminated calcareous shales, composed of an aggregation of shells of FusulinÆ. Bands of limestone, through a vertical extent of two hundred feet, are loaded with FusulinÆ; layers from five inches to five feet in thickness, consist of a pure white Fusulina limestone; the foraminifera are all of one species, the Fusulina cylindrica.

[338] Geology of Russia in Europe, vol. i. p. 86. pl. i. fig. 1.

Foraminiferous Limestone of New Zealand.—"On the eastern coast of the Middle Island of New Zealand, to the north of Otago, strata of yellow and fawn-coloured limestone appear on the surface at Ototara, and continue to Kakaunui. This rock is generally friable and porous; it contains terebratulÆ, spines and cases of echinoderms, pseudo-belemnites, teeth of sharks, &c. A microscopical examination shows it to be in a great part composed of an aggregation of very small polythalamia."[339] The specimens of the Ototara limestone received from my son, are very rich in minute corals and shells, and foraminifera of the European cretaceous type: species of Rotalia, Cristellaria, Globigerina, Textularia, Rosalina, Nodosaria, Dentalina, &c. Among them are two forms which occur at Charing: namely, Rosalina Lorneiana, Lign. 109, fig. 5, and Textularia elongata: of the latter a specimen in flint is figured, Lign. 119, fig. 3. The soft parts of RotaliÆ are preserved in the Ototara limestone, as in our chalk.

[339] Notes on the Geological Structure of the Middle Island of New Zealand, by Walter Mantell, Esq. of Wellington. 1848.

There are likewise, as at Charing, cases of EntomostracÆ of the genera Basidia and Cythereis.[340]

[340] See Geol. Journal, vol. vi. p. 339. pl. xxix.

The assemblage of fossil remains in the Ototara rock has decidedly a cretaceous aspect, but till the geological position of the strata in relation to the other formations of the Island is determined, it would be premature to regard these limestones as the equivalents in time of the Chalk formations of Europe.[341]

[341] A list of the Ototaran fossils collected by Mr. Walter Mantell, is given in Geol. Journal, vol. vi. p. 329.

Tertiary Foraminifera.—The marine tertiary deposits which contain foraminifera in abundance, are so numerous, that it is unnecessary to particularize any. The sands of the Paris basin in some localities are so full of microscopic forms, that a cubic inch of the mass contains sixty thousand. The friable calcareous strata at Grignon are a loose aggregate of the shells of foraminifera and minute mollusks; and as the fossil shells from that locality are very common, and generally filled with debris, the student will have no difficulty in obtaining specimens for examination. The tertiary argillaceous deposits of England are less rich in foraminifera than the arenaceous; but the usual types occur in the London Clay, at Highgate, Clapham Common, Bracklesham Bay, &c. The Eocene marls of the United States are rich in foraminifera.


Foraminifera of the Fens of Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire.—Though the alluvial deposits of the fen-districts are comparatively of modern date, yet the rich assemblage of foraminifera contained in the clay of certain districts is so interesting and instructive, that a brief notice of them must not be omitted. The foraminiferous character of the Lincolnshire alluvium was first made known to me by specimens from Bolton, sent me by Professor Williamson; and their extension over a wide area in Cambridgeshire, by a liberal supply from Mr. Smith, of March. The bed that abounds in these shells, is about seven feet beneath the surface, and consists of a fine sea sand combined with carbonaceous and argillaceous matter. By washing about a gallon of this earth in water, an ounce of polythalamia and organic detritus may be obtained. The perfect shells are as fresh as if just dredged up from the sea; the soft parts—the membranous segments held together by their tubular connexion—in many instances remaining in the shell; these parts may be obtained by the solution of the shell in acid. When the RotaliÆ are rendered transparent by immersion in Canada balsam, their appearance, by transmitted light is identical with that exhibited by the fossil specimens; and if viewed by reflected light, the body may be seen occupying all the cells of the shell; but the segments are somewhat collapsed; evidently from the shrinking of the animal tissues after death.[342]

[342] Two specimens are figured in my notice of fossil Foraminifera. Phil. Trans, p. iv. for 1846, pl. xxi. figs. 13, 14.

The organisms of the Lincolnshire alluvium have been thoroughly investigated by Prof. Williamson; they comprise many species and genera, of the usual types; as RotaliÆ, RosalinÆ, PolystomellÆ, TextulariÆ, LagenÆ, NodosariÆ, &c. It is remarkable, that though a marine estuary deposit, no vestiges of diatomaceÆ have been observed.

The bed so rich in foraminifera, extends west and south-west of the Wash. Mr. Smith sent me a mass of sandy clay, from a well sunk in the town of March, to the depth of twenty-five feet, that was loaded with these beautiful organisms.[343]

[343] The reader interested in these inquiries should peruse the highly interesting Memoir by Prof. Williamson, "On some Microscopical Objects found in the Mud of the Levant, and other Deposits." Manchester Phil. Trans, vol. viii.

Recent Foraminiferous Deposit at Brighton.—An interesting fact connected with the phenomena under review is deserving record. The presence of the fossils of an older formation, in strata subsequently deposited, and in part composed of the detritus of the rocks whence the organic remains were derived, is not uncommon: such fossils are termed by the French geologists "fossiles remaniÉs." The nature of these re-deposited fossils is generally obvious; either by the water-worn condition of shells, bones, &c. or from their containing particles of their parent bed; or if casts, from their mineral composition. Thus in the chalk of St. Catherine's Mount, near Rouen, there are numerous casts of Ammonites, Scaphites, and other shells, composed of marl full of particles of greensand. These have evidently been washed out of the preceding cretaceous beds of firestone or glauconite; and re-deposited in the chalk strata in which they are now imbedded.[344] * * * * *

[344] M. D'Orbigny.

Along the sea-shore, to the east of Brighton, there is a bank of sand and calcareous mud, the detritus of the neighbouring cliffs, in the progress of formation; and in this sediment Mr. Reginald Mantell discovered recent RotaliÆ, NodosariÆ, &c., with frustules of BacillariÆ, Coscinodisci, NaviculÆ, and other diatomaceÆ; associated with cretaceous polythalamia washed out of the chalk,[345] The difference in the aspect of the recent and fossil organisms was so evident, as to leave no doubt of the correctness of this interpretation. Here, then, at the present moment, a deposit is going on, whose organic contents consist of an assemblage of species of living animalcules of our seas, with the fossil forms of the ancient chalk ocean; in like manner as in the bed of the Nile, the Nummulites of the tertiary rocks are being imbedded with the existing mollusks and desmidiÆ of that river (ante, p. 345.).

[345] See ante, p. 99.


Geological distribution of the Foraminifera.—According to the observations of M. D'Orbigny, the first appearance of the tribes of minute beings which have played so important a part in the elaboration of materials for the formation of the sedimentary rocks of the secondary and tertiary ages, and are at this moment invisible but powerful agents in the accumulation of calcareous sediments at the bottom of the sea, was in the Carboniferous epoch, and by a single type, the Fusulina (ante, p. 346.). I believe no certain evidence of the occurrence of Foraminifera in Silurian or Devonian deposits has been obtained.

M. D'Orbigny gives the following summary of the distribution of the known fossil and recent species:—

Carboniferous System 1 1
Jurassic 5 20
Cretaceous 34 280
Tertiary 56 460
Living in the present Seas 68 1000
Of the recent species, 575 inhabit the Tropics.
——— 350 —— Temperate zones.
——— 75 —— Cold regions.

The above statistical view was published six years ago; but the great activity of research that has since prevailed, has largely augmented the known number both of fossil and recent forms. M. D'Orbigny's recent Tables[346] give for the Jurassic or Oolite 10 genera; Cretaceous, 38 genera; Tertiary, 60 genera; but this estimate must be far too low.

[346] Cours ElÉmentaire de PalÉontologie.

I have thus endeavoured to convey a general idea of the highly important results obtained by the microscopical investigation of the minute organisms that enter so largely into the composition of many of the fossiliferous deposits.

Without the aid of the most perfect optical instruments which modern science and art have produced, even the existence of many of these structures could not have been demonstrated; and we cannot doubt, that were the powers of the microscope increased, the fossil remains of beings still more minute would be detected; and that rocks and strata which now appear to consist of amorphous particles of lime, of silex, and of iron, would prove to be the aggregated skeletons of animals, yet more infinitesimal than those which have formed the subject of our contemplations. How strikingly illustrative are these phenomena of the profound remark of the illustrious Galileo—"La nature fait beaucoup avec peu, et ses opÉrations sont toutes Également merveilleuses."



Chalk.—The following method is that recommended by M. Ehrenberg, Place a drop of water upon a plate of thin glass, and put into it as much scraped chalk as will cover the fine point of a knife, spreading it out, and leaving it to rest a few seconds; then withdraw the finest particles which are suspended in the water, together with most of the liquid, and let the remainder become perfectly dry. Cover this dried spot of chalk with Canada balsam (the turpentine of Abies balsamea), and hold the plate of glass over the flame of a lamp, until the balsam becomes slightly fluid, without froth or air-bubbles; it should be maintained in this position (the glass being kept as hot as the finger will bear) for a few minutes, until the balsam is found to have thoroughly permeated the substance to be examined. It is preferable to place a piece of very thin glass upon the balsam, and gently press it down, and allow it to remain. The best flatted crown-glass should be used for placing the chalk or other objects on. It is convenient to have the slips of glass of one size, or the specimens will require different boxes for their reception; three inches by one inch is that usually employed. These objects require to be viewed with a power magnifying three hundred times linear, that is, in diameter; and if the process has been properly conducted, it will be seen that the chalk is chiefly composed of well-preserved organisms. In these preparations the cells of the foraminifera appear at first black, with a white central spot; this is caused by the air contained in those cavities, for air-bubbles always appear as black annular bodies; by degrees, the balsam penetrates into all the single cells, the black rings of the air vesicles disappear, and the structure of the original is beautifully displayed.[347]

[347] Specimens of chalk, flint, and other rocks for examination; or specimens prepared on slides, may be obtained of the microscopic artists, named in the Appendix.

Soft part of RotaliÆ in chalk.—The manner in which I obtained the unmineralized soft bodies of foraminifera from chalk has already been mentioned (ante, p. 360.); but it may be useful to offer a few additional suggestions; for such fossil remains are not easily extracted. Many experienced microscopical observers have not succeeded in obtaining one good specimen; but others have been more fortunate, or persevering.

In several glass test-tubes, (the more the greater chance of success,) put a few grains of chalk powder: pour the tube half full of diluted hydrochloric (muriatic) acid—about ten parts water to one of acid—agitate, and set the mixture by: when all action has ceased add one or two drops of undiluted acid to each tube, and repeat the process at due intervals till all the calcareous matter is dissolved. Pour off the fluid, substitute distilled water, agitate, and then let the sediment subside. The residue will consist of atoms of quartz and other insoluble mineral matter, and animal tissue, if there be any. Then, with a camel-hair pencil, place a small portion of the sediment on a glass slide, and when dry cover it with Canada balsam, and treat it as above directed. Among a dozen slides thus mounted, there will probably be two or more good examples of the body, or detached membranous segments of RotaliÆ or TextulariÆ, like those figured in Lign. 118.

Calcareous Sandstones and Marls.—These substances may be examined by the same process; but if of loose texture, Dr. Bailey recommends that some of the sandy powder should be spread very thinly on a plate of glass, with or without water, and by the aid of a lens of moderate power the roundish grains should be selected and picked up with fine forceps, or the point of a needle, and transferred to another piece of glass, having on one spot a thin coat of Canada balsam. This should be gently heated over a spirit lamp, when the balsam will penetrate the grains, and render them transparent; by this process the minutest shells, &c. may be detected. For a hasty exploration, the dust may be rendered sufficiently transparent by a drop or two of oil of turpentine.

Sandy calcareous marls may be examined by diffusing a few grains in water in a wine-glass, the lighter portions will be suspended in the fluid, and may be placed on glass, and when dry prepared with Canada balsam in the usual manner.


Flint.—Flint, and other siliceous stones, require to be chipped into very thin fragments, and immersed in oil of turpentine. A clear, translucent flint should be selected, from which fragments may be shattered off by smart blows of a hammer, over a sheet of white paper: the most transparent flakes are to be selected, and these should be put in oil of turpentine, in a wide-mouth glass bottle. Take out the pieces for examination with forceps, and inspect them as transparent objects, by transmitted light. When good specimens are discovered, mount them in Canada balsam.

It is hazardous to entrust such fossils to the lapidaries; an interesting group of twenty spiniferites was reduced to ten, by one of our best workmen, in whose hands it was placed for polishing, with the view of rendering it more transparent.


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