

Fossil Vegetables.—The remains of the vegetable kingdom are presented to the notice of the geologist in various conditions; in some instances these relics are but little changed in their aspect, as, for example, in the recent accumulations of mud and silt, at the bottoms of lakes and rivers, and in morasses, and peat-bogs. In tufaceous incrustations, the imprints of wood, and of leaves and stems, are often sharply defined on the solid masses of concretionary and crystalline limestone.

In the ancient deposits, vegetables are found in two different states. In the one their substance is completely permeated by mineral matter; it may be calcareous (lime), siliceous (flint), ferruginous (iron), or pyritous (sulphuret of iron); and yet both the external characters, and the internal structure, may be preserved. Such are the fossil trees of the Isle of Portland, fragments of which so closely resemble decayed wood, as to deceive the casual observer, until by close examination of their texture and substance he finds that they possess the weight and hardness of stone. In the silicified wood which abounds in many of the tertiary strata, the most delicate tissues of the original are preserved, and by microscopical examination (see Pl. V.) may be displayed in a distinct and beautiful manner. In calcareous fossil wood the structure is also retained; and in many limestones, leaves and seed-vessels are well preserved.

The ligneous coverings, or the husks and shells, of nuciferous fruits, and the cones or strobili of Firs and Pines, are frequently met with in an excellent state of preservation; in some rare instances indications of flowers have been observed (Lign. 67). The parts of fructification in some of the fern tribe (Lign. 25 and 27), occur in coal-shale, and in the grit of Tilgate Forest (Wond. p. 394): the pollen, and the resinous secretions of pines and firs, have been discovered in tertiary marls, and in the Greensand. The well-known substance. Amber, so much in request for ornaments, is unquestionably of vegetable origin; it has been found impacted in the trunks of its parent trees (Wond. p. 242). The fossil resin discovered in the London clay, at Highgate and the Isle of Sheppey, is doubtless referable to the coniferÆ found in that deposit.

In the ClathrariÆ of Tilgate Forest, indications of a resinous secretion have been detected.

The Diamond, which is pure charcoal, is probably a vegetable secretion, that has acquired a crystalline structure by electro-chemical forces. It has been converted into Coke and Graphite by the action of intense heat; and the electrical properties of the substance were changed, the Diamond being an insulator, and the Coke, a conductor of electricity. (Wond. p. 706.)

When the microscope is more extensively employed in investigations of this kind, it is probable that the siliceous spines and stars which begem the foliage of many plants (as the Deutzia, Lithospermum officinale, &c), will be discovered in a fossil state, for they are as indestructible as the frustules of DiatomaceÆ, and the spicules of sponges which are so common in flint and chalcedony.


But vegetables occur not only as petrified stems, leaves. and fruits, associated with other remains in the strata, but also in beds of great thickness and extent, consisting wholly of plants transmuted, by that peculiar process which vegetable matter undergoes when excluded from atmospheric influence, and under great pressure, into Lignite, and Coal. And there are intermediate stages of this process, in which the form and structure of the trees and plants are apparent; and a gradual transition may be traced, from the peat-wood and submerged forests of modern epochs, in which leaves, fruits, and trunks of indigenous species are preserved, to those ancient accumulations of carbonaceous matter, whose vegetable origin the eye of science can alone detect.

For the collection and preservation of fossil vegetables, with the exception of those which are permeated with. pyrites (as those of the Isle of Sheppey, &c.), but few instructions are required. The silicified and calcareous stems are generally easy of extraction, even when imbedded in hard stone, and if broken can be repaired with glue. When the stems bear the imprints of leaf-stalks (as in Lign. 31 and 54), the surrounding stone should be carefully examined, with the view of detecting impressions, or other indications of the foliage. Delicate leaves in clay, or shale, must not be washed; a thin coat of mastic varnish, or of gum-water, applied with a camel-hair pencil, will preserve them, and render them more distinct. When a leaf, fruit, seed-vessel, or other fragile object is attached to clay or friable sandstone, it is advisable to glue the specimen to a piece of thin wood or pasteboard, of suitable proportions.

The Sheppey fruits and other fossils permeated with iron pyrites, generally decompose after a few months' exposure to the air. The fruits, especially, are liable to decomposition; Mr. Bowerbank keeps his specimens in bottles of water; a solution of isinglass in spirits of wine is the best varnish to preserve such fossils, without obscuring their character and injuring their appearance: but even this method is often unavailing. The pyritified fir-cones of the Wealden decompose in like manner: I have had the misfortune to lose several unique and most instructive specimens from this cause; boiling them in linseed oil preserves them, but greatly impairs their appearance.


Vegetable Organization.—As fragments of the stems, trunks, and branches, are very often the only vestiges of fossil plants, a knowledge of the characters by which the principal divisions of the vegetable kingdom may be distinguished by their internal structure, is indispensable to the successful investigation of the Flora of the ancient world. Although I have treated of this subject in the Wonders of Geology, (Wond. p. 694,) it will here be necessary to present the student with more ample details. The excellent introductory botanical works of Dr. Lindley, and Professor Henslow, convey full information on this, and every other department of the science, and should be consulted by those who intend to make this branch of Geology their particular study. For the general reader, and amateur collector, the following brief notice of a few obvious essential characters of vegetable organization, may perhaps afford sufficient information, to enable them to understand the principles on which the successful investigation of the nature and affinities of fossil plants must be conducted.

Lign. 1. Sections of Recent Vegetables; illustrative of their internal organization. (From Dr. Lindley.)
Fig. 1.— Longitudinal Section of Coniferous Wood.
a. The Ducts,
b. Spiral Vessels,
c. Glandular vessels.
2.— Transverse section of a dicotyledonous stem.
a. Pith, or central column.
b. The bark.
c. Medullary rays.
d. Vascular tissue between the medullary rays.
3.— Elongated cellular tissue, forming the medullary rays.
4.— Transverse section of a monocotyledonous stem.

Every plant is essentially an aggregation of cells;[35] and the most simple forms of vegetation consist of a congeries of cells (cellular tissue) of the same kind, and have no visible fructification; such are the sea-weeds (algÆ, conferÆ, &c.), mosses, and lichens. In the more complex tribes the cells become variously modified, are elongated into tubes or vessels (vascular tissue), some of which possess a spiral structure, and others have their sides studded with little glands. The vascular tissue consists of two kinds of vessels. 1. The spiral vessels or tracheÆ: these are membraneous tubes, with conical extremities, having within a coil of elastic fibre spirally twisted, and capable of being unrolled (Lign. 1, b.). 2. The ducts; which are a modification of the structure of the spiral vessel; their extremities are rounded or conical, and their sides marked with transverse lines, rings, or bars. Their functions appear to be different from those of the spiral vessels, and they are found in situations where the latter never occur.

[35] "A cell in botanical language, means a little bag composed of membrane, and containing a living substance capable of spontaneous growth by multiplication, or division of its parts. Of such little bodies, millions of which may be contained within the space of a cubic inch, all the soft parts of vegetables are composed; in sea-weeds they are often of large size."—Dr. Harvey's Sea-side Book, with which the reader is doubtless familiar.

The organization of the stem in the whole class of flowering plants, possesses characters so evident, as to afford the most important aid in the investigation of their fossil remains. Without dwelling on minor modifications, they are separable into two divisions, namely, the Endogenous (signifying to grow from within), and the Exogenous (to grow from without). Both possess vascular tissue, but so differently arranged in the two classes, as to constitute distinctive characters which are seldom obliterated, although what was once a flexible stem, is now a mass of flint.

Endogenous Stems.—As the seeds of the plants belonging to this division have but one cotyledon, or seed-lobe, as the Lily, they are also termed monocotyledonous; the reader therefore must remember that these terms are synonymous. These stems consist of an uniform mass of cellular tissue, in which bundles of vascular or woody fibre are imbedded; a transverse section presents a surface dotted over with spots, produced by the division of these groups of vessels, pretty uniformly distributed, but more densely arranged towards the circumference (Lign. 1, fig. 4). A slice of cane affords an illustration of this structure.

The increase of these stems is effected by the formation of new cells and bundles of vessels in the central axis, which force their way among the old tissue, and occasion the condensation of the latter towards the outer edge. These plants have neither pith, concentric circles of woody fibre, nor true bark; negative characters of the highest importance in the determination of fossil stems.

Exogenous Stems.—The seeds have two cotyledons, or seed-lobes, as in the Bean, hence the plants of this class are also called dicotyledonous. In these stems the cellular tissue forms a central column, or pith (Lign. 1, fig. 2, a.), and an external band, or cylinder, called the bark (fig. 2, b.); the two being connected by thin vertical plates, termed medullary rays, which are also formed of cells (fig. 2, c, c.); the diagram, Lign. 1, exhibits this arrangement. The interval between the pith and the bark, and the interspaces of the vertical radiating plates (fig. 2, d.), are filled up by woody fibre or vascular tissue, consisting of spiral and other vessels. The ligneous structure of exogenous stems consists, therefore, of a cylinder formed of wedge-shaped processes, that extend between the medullary rays to the pith, and is surrounded by the bark; a new zone of woody fibre is added annually between the bark and the former cylinder, and from this mode of increase the term exogenous is derived: a transverse section of a branch of oak or ash will show this structure. The rings, or concentric circles, are the annual zones of wood; the fine lines radiating from the centre, or pith, to the circumference, or bark, are the medullary rays (Lign. 1, fig. 2, c: see also Plate V. fig. 4).

The organization above described, will be found more or less manifest in fossil wood, stems, and branches. The monocotyledonous structure is beautifully displayed in the silicified stems of palms from Antigua (Plate V. fig. 1, 1a.): and the dicotyledonous, in petrified trees from Egypt. The pith, medullary rays, vascular tissue, and circles of growth, are preserved in the siliceous and calcareous wood found in many parts of England.


Structure of ConiferÆ (cone-bearing).—The remains of a numerous family of dicotyledonous trees, termed ConiferÆ, as the pine, fir, larch, &c., are so abundant in the stratified rocks, that it is necessary to describe in more detail the peculiarity of structure by which their stems and branches may be recognised. The most delicate woody tissue, as we have above stated, consists of elongated cells or tubes, of two kinds: in the one, the membrane of which they are composed is smooth: in the other, the walls of the tubes are covered by little oval or circular bodies called glands (Lign. 1, fig. 1, c.). A branch of larch or pine, split longitudinally, and viewed by a powerful lens, will exhibit the appearance here described. This glandular structure is so constantly and largely developed in the coniferÆ, that although it is also possessed by other aromatic trees, we shall rarely err in referring fossil wood in which this organization is apparent, to this family of vegetables (see Plate V. figs. 2, 3). These glands in the pines and firs, are supposed to be the cells which secrete a colourless volatile oil, that exudes in the state of turpentine.

From this general account of the vegetable structures that may be expected to occur in the mineral kingdom, the student will in some measure be prepared for the investigation of fossil trees and plants; but for the guidance of those who are wholly unacquainted with the principles on which the Natural System of Botany adopted in this work, is founded, I am induced to present the following concise view of the principal divisions of the vegetable kingdom, though it involves some repetition.


The following summary is given nearly in Dr. Lindley's own language:—

Botanical Principles.—One of the first things that strikes an inquirer into the structure of plants, is the fact, that while all species are capable of propagating their race, the mode in which this function is effected is essentially different in different cases. In most tribes of plants, flowers are produced, and these are succeeded by fruit, containing seed, which is shed, or scattered abroad, and grows into new individuals. But in certain families (the Cryptogamia), as Ferns, Mosses, Mushrooms, and the like, neither flowers, nor seeds properly so called, have been detected; but propagation is effected by the dispersion of grains or spores, which are usually generated in the substance of the plant, and seem to have but little analogy with true seeds. Hence the vegetable kingdom is separated into two distinct groups, namely, the flowering (Phanerogamia), and the flowerless (Cryptogamia or Agamia). As the former usually possess a highly developed system of spiral and other vessels, while the latter are either altogether destitute of them, or have them only in a few of the highest orders, and those in a peculiar state, the flowering plants are termed Vasculares, and the flowerless Cellulares. And as all the flowering, or vascular plants, when they form stems, increase by an extension of their ends, and a distension or enlargement of their circumference, but the flowerless or cellular plants form their stems simply by the addition of new matter to their points, the latter are called Acrogens, signifying increase from the summit.

Flowering plants are also for the most part furnished with respiratory or breathing organs (stomata), of which the flowerless vegetables are to a great extent destitute.

The flowering or vascular plants are also divisible into two well marked groups, namely, the Exogens, or Dicotyledons, and the Endogens, or Monocotyledons.

The Exogens (growing from without), increase by the addition of new woody matter to the outside of the stems beneath the bark; and they are further characterized by the embryo having two or more cotyledons, or seed-lobes, hence they are also called Dicotyledons; such as the Elm, Beech, &c.

The Endogens, as we have previously stated, increase by the addition of ligneous matter to the inside of their stems near the centre; and as the embryo in this class has but one cotyledon, they are likewise termed monocotyledons, as the Cane, Palm, &c. Again, exogenous plants have the young external wood connected with a central pith, by medullary processes; while endogens do not possess such a structure, having no central pith. In exogens the veins (venation) of the leaves, are disposed in meshes, like net-work, but in endogens the veins run parallel to each other.

The number of parts in the flower of an exogenous plant is usually five, or its multiples: in the endogens it is commonly three, or its multiples. In the germination, the young root of exogens is a mere extension of the radicle; but in endogens it is protruded from within.

Thus, in the flowering or vascular plants, we have two groups distinct from each other in their germination, the structure of their stems and leaves, their mode of growth, the arrangement of the parts of the flower, and in the structure of the embryo.

The vegetable kingdom is thus separated into three natural classes,—1, the Exogens, 2, the Endogens, 3, the Acrogens; but there are likewise other divisions, a knowledge of which is of great importance in the study of fossil botany; the sub-class termed Gymnosperms especially requires notice.

In the strictly exogenous and endogenous plants, the fertilizing principle is communicated to the young seeds through the medium of a stigma and style, that terminate the case or pericarp in which the seeds are enclosed: but in another important group of the vegetable kingdom, the pollen is directly applied to the ovule, without the intervention of any pericarpial apparatus; hence these are termed Gymnosperms, signifying naked seeds. These plants have the same relation to the other exogens, as frogs and analogous reptiles bear to the other orders of their Class; they comprise the two natural orders ConiferÆ, and CycadaceÆ.

The Gymnosperms also possess peculiarities of a subordinate nature: thus, many kinds have more than two cotyledons, and are therefore termed polycotyledons; again, the radicle usually adheres to the albumen in which the embryo lies, hence they are sometimes named Synorhiza. The veins of the leaves (in those whose leaves are veined), are either simple or forked; in which respect they approach the endogens on the one hand, and the acrogens on the other.

This concise definition of the natural divisions of the vegetable kingdom will enable the reader to comprehend the botanical principles which must guide him in his attempt to explore the ancient floras, whose fossil remains are generally found in a very fragmentary condition.

I need only add that M. Ad. Brongniart, in his great work on Fossil Plants, arranges the vegetable kingdom into five classes, viz.:—

1. Cellular Cryptogamia,[36] or Amphigens.

2. Vascular Cryptogamia,[37] or Acrogens.

3. Monocotyledons.[38]

4. Gymnospermous Dicotyledons.[39]

5. Angiospermous Dicotyledons.[40]

[36] Plants having the fructification concealed, and of cellular structure only.[37] Plants having the fructification concealed, and with vessels, or vascular tissue.[38] Flowering plants with one cotyledon; the Endogens.[39] Plants with naked seeds; that is, destitute of a pericarp or case.[40] Plants with the seeds in a receptacle or pericarp, with a style and stigma.



The distinguished authors of the British Fossil Flora justly remark, that a few isolated, and very imperfect data, exclusively afforded by the remains of the organs of vegetation, are but too often the sole guide to the class, order, or genus of the fossil plants which the geologist has to examine; hence, in most instances, a general idea only can be obtained of the nature of the original.[41] To facilitate the study of Fossil Botany they offer some practical suggestions, which have served as the basis of the following directions for the investigation of vegetable remains, and which the previous remarks will, we trust, render intelligible.

[41] Foss. Flor. vol. I. p. xxvi.

1. The Trunk, or Stem.—Examine if the wood in a transverse section be disposed in concentric circles (as Plate V. fig 4): if so, it belonged to an exogenous tree: if, on the contrary, the wood appears deposited irregularly in spots (Lign. 1, fig. 4), then the original was endogenous. If a transverse section show remains of sinuous, unconnected layers, resembling arcs with their ends directed outwards, and of a solid structure, and imbedded among looser tissue, then it belonged to an arborescent fern; see the subjoined figures (Lign. 2).

Transverse sections (half the diameter) of two stems of recent Arborescent Ferns, to show the zone of woody fibre disposed in arcs. This structure is seen in the silicified trunks from Chemnitz.


If the stem be in a state of preservation that will admit of the slicing or chipping off a piece for microscopical investigation, the process described at the conclusion of this section should be employed.

The following data may be thus obtained. If the structure be entirely cellular, and it can be satisfactorily ascertained that it never possessed vascular tissue, the original belonged to the Cryptogamia; i.e. to fuci, mosses, and the like.

If it consist of parallel tubes, and has neither pith, nor rays passing from the centre to the circumference, the tree or plant was endogenous, like the Palm. If any trace be present of tissue crossing the longitudinal tubes at right angles, and radiating from the centre to the circumference, this will prove the existence of medullary rays, and the original must have been exogenous, as the Oak, Elm, &c.: and if in a transverse section the tubes appear of equal size, the tree was probably coniferous, or cycadeous (i.e. related to the plants called Cycas and Zamia); but if larger tubes appear among the smaller ones, disposed in a definite manner (see Plate V. fig. 4), it belonged to some other tribe of exogenous plants.

If the walls of the tubes be studded with glands (Lign. 1, fig. 1, c; Plate V. figs. 2b 3b.); the fossil belongs to the ConiferÆ.

If any vestige of a central pith be discovered, the exogenous nature of the original is undoubted, for no other class, as we previously stated, possesses a central cellular column.

The absence or presence of a true cortical investment, or bark, is important, for a distinct bark is the characteristic of the exogenous class:[42] a cortical integument, or rind, not separable from the enclosed structure, indicates the monocotyledons; and the entire absence of any rind, the cryptogamia.

[42] An apparent exception to this rule is found in the fossil genus Clathraria, described hereafter, which has a distinct hollow cortical cylinder, that separates from the internal axis: this is not true bark, but is formed by the consolidation of the bases of the petioles or leaf-stalks; see Lign. 54.

The markings on the stems, occasioned by the scars or cicatrices left by the separation of the petioles or leaf-stalks (as on the stalk of a cabbage), afford important evidence, since they are commonly present, even when the cylindrical trunk is compressed into a flat thin layer of coal; as we shall often have occasion to remark. In this place it need only be stated, that by these scars may be detected the position of the leaves, and the form of the bases of the petioles or leaf-stalks; their probable direction, whether they were opposite, alternate, verticillate or spirally disposed, deciduous or persistent, imbricated or remote. Even when no traces of the leaves remain, the origin of the branches, and their bifurcation, may perhaps be determinable.

2. The Leaves.—In a fossil state the texture and surface of the leaves are sometimes preserved; but in general the outline of the leaf, its division and arrangement, and its mode of venation, can alone be ascertained. The venation, that is, the form and distribution of the vascular tissue, or vessels, through the leaf, is the most important character for our guidance; and Dr. Lindley offers the following suggestions on this point. If the veins be all parallel, not branched, or only connected by little transverse bars, and the leaves undivided (as in the Lily or Hyacinth), the plant was probably endogenous; but if the leaf be divided or pinnated, it may be referable to CycadeÆ (Lign. 45).

Leaves having the veins of equal, or nearly equal thickness, and dichotomous (forked), or very fine, and simply divided, belong to the fern tribe; to this division an immense proportion of the foliage found in the carboniferous strata is referable; the genera of fossil ferns have been constructed principally from the venation.

If the veins of a leaf be obviously of unequal thickness, and reticulated, or disposed in net-like meshes, as in the rose and apple, the original was dicotyledonous (Plate III, figs. 4, 8).

Leaves of a large size, destitute of veins, and irregularly divided, probably belong to fuci, or other marine plants (Lign. 10).

Such are the rules for the investigation and interpretation of the characters of stems and foliage, which have been preserved by mineralization. Their application is not difficult, and the student may by their assistance obtain some general indications as to the nature of the original trees or plants, whose petrified remains form the subject of his examination.



Mr. Nicol, who first suggested the method now generally adopted for preparing fossil wood, coal, &c. for microscopical examination, and which was employed by Mr. Witham in the illustrations of his beautiful work on the structure of fossil plants,[43] has so clearly explained the process, that by a little practice the student will be able to prepare specimens sufficiently thin for every useful purpose. Several lapidaries in London, (see list at the end of this work,) polish and mount fossil vegetables and other substances, in a very superior manner; but their charges are high, and they frequently injure specimens by grinding them too thin, and thus obliterating structure. I would recommend that a small chip of the specimen, if possible in a radial direction, should be examined by reflected light, always beginning with the lowest object-glass and eye-piece, and ascending to the highest power; at first without any preparation;[44] subsequently the object should be immersed in oil of turpentine, which will render it somewhat transparent, and it then should be examined by transmitted light. By this exploration we may detect structure, and ascertain if the specimen be worth the trouble or expense of further preparation.

[43] Observations on Fossil Vegetables. 4to. 1833.[44] The drawings in Plate V. figs. 2 and 3, of fossil coniferous wood, were from chips seen by reflected light, and without any preparation.

Coal may be prepared for examination, by removing with a sharp knife a thin pellicle, or a minute scraping; immerse it in a drop of oil of turpentine on a piece of glass; then add a little Canada balsam, and hold the glass over the flame of a lamp till the balsam is spread evenly over the specimen. But without any preparation, the surface of coal recently broken may be successfully investigated. One of the most interesting examples of coniferous structure in coal that my cabinet contains, was discovered by my son in a piece lying on the fire, which had been cracked by the heat; and I have another fragment, showing the spiral vessels, and coniferous glands, which the Rev. J. B. Reade obtained under similar circumstances. But for choice specimens, the following method is to be employed; and in many cases no other plan will succeed. Sections of teeth, bone, marble, &c. may be prepared by a like process.


"Let a thin slice be cut off from the fossil wood, in a direction perpendicular to the length of its fibres—the slice thus obtained must be ground perfectly flat, and polished. The polished surface is then to be cemented to a piece of plate glass (3 in. long and 1 in. wide) by Canada balsam—a thin layer of balsam must be applied to the polished surface of the slice, and also to one side of the glass—the slice and the glass are now to be laid on any thin plate of metal, and gradually heated over a slow fire, or a spirit lamp, to concentrate the balsam. The heat must not be so great as to throw the balsam into a state of ebullition; for if air bubbles be formed, it is difficult to get rid of them, and if not removed they will prevent the complete adhesion of the two surfaces when applied to each other; the heat of the metal should never be so great that the fingers may not be held in contact with it for a few seconds without inconvenience. When air bubbles are formed, they should be displaced by a small piece of wood tapering to a point; when the balsam is thought to be sufficiently concentrated, and all the air bubbles have disappeared, the slice and glass may be taken from the heated metal, and pressed closely together; a slight degree of pressure will suffice to expel the super-abundant balsam, and this will be facilitated by gently sliding the specimen to and fro on the glass; by this kind of motion any air that may have got entangled when the two surfaces were brought in contact, will also be removed. When the whole is cooled down to the temperature of the air, and the balsam has become solid, that part which adheres to the surface of the glass surrounding the slice should be scraped off with the point of a penknife; and by this operation, it will at once be seen whether the balsam has undergone the requisite concentration; for if it flakes off before the knife, it will be found that the slice and glass will cohere so firmly, that in the subsequent grinding, there will be no risk of their separating from each other; but if the balsam has not been sufficiently concentrated, it will slide before the knife, and in that case the two bodies will not adhere with requisite firmness. If the layer of balsam applied to the two surfaces be not too thick, its due concentration will be accomplished in four or five minutes, provided the application of the heat be properly regulated. The slice must now be ground to that degree of thinness which will permit its structure to be seen by the help of a microscope. This will be accomplished by rubbing the slice, by a rapid circular motion with the hand, on a piece of sheet lead, supplied with a little emery (size No. 1.) moistened with water; when the emery ceases to act, the muddy matter remaining should be removed, and a fresh portion of emery applied; this must be repeated until the surface of the slice is perfectly flat; a sheet of copper must then be substituted for the lead, and the fossil ground as smooth as possible by flower of emery, freed from its coarser parts. The surface may then be polished by friction, with crocus or rotten stone, on a transverse section of any soft wood."[45]

[45] Mr. Witham, Observations on Fossil Vegetables.


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