"'I'm growing old, I've sixty years; |
I've laboured all my life in vain; |
In all that time of hopes and fears |
I've failed my dearest wish to gain; |
I see full well that here below |
Bliss unalloyed there is for none. |
My prayer will ne'er fulfilment know; |
I never have seen Carcassonne, |
I never have seen Carcassonne! |
"'You see the city from the hill— |
It lies beyond the mountains blue, |
And yet to reach it one must still |
Five long and weary leagues pursue, |
And, to return, as many more! |
Ah! had the vintage plenteous grown, |
The grape withheld its yellow store! |
I shall not look on Carcassonne, |
I shall not look on Carcassonne! |
"'They tell me every day is there |
Not more nor less than Sunday gay; |
In shining robes and garments fair |
The people walk upon their way. |
One gazes there on castle walls |
As grand as those of Babylon, |
A bishop and two generals! |
I do not know fair Carcassonne, |
I do not know fair Carcassonne! |
"'The curÉ's right; he says that we |
Are ever wayward, weak, and blind; |
He tells us in his homily |
Ambition ruins all mankind; |
Yet could I there two days have spent, |
While the autumn sweetly shone, |
Ah, me! I might have died content |
When I had looked on Carcassonne, |
When I had looked on Carcassonne! |
"'Thy pardon, Father, I beseech, |
In this my prayer if I offend; |
One something sees beyond his reach |
From childhood to his journey's end. |
My wife, our little boy, Aignan, |
Have travelled even to Narbonne, |
My grandchild has seen Perpignan, |
And I have not seen Carcassonne, |
And I have not seen Carcassonne!' |
"So crooned one day, close by Limoux, |
A peasant double bent with age, |
'Rise up, my friend,' said I, 'with you |
I'll go upon this pilgrimage.' |
We left next morning his abode, |
But (Heaven forgive him) half way on |
The old man died upon the road; |
He never gazed on Carcassonne, |
Each mortal has his Carcassonne!" |
St. Nazaire is possessed of a Romanesque nave which dates from 1096, but the choir
This choir is readily accounted as a masterwork of elegance, is purely northern in style and treatment, and possesses also those other attributes of the perfectionnement of the style—fine glass, delicate fenestration, and superlative grace throughout, as contrasted with the heavier and more cold details of the Romanesque variety.
The nave was dedicated by Urbain II., and was doubtless intended for defence, if its square, firmly bedded towers and piers are suggestive of that quality. The principal porte—it does not rise to the grandeur of a portail—is a thorough Roman example. The interior, with its great piers, its rough barrel-vault, and its general lack of grace and elegance, bespeaks its functions as a stronghold. A Romanesque tower in its original form stands on the side which adjoins the ramparts.
With the choir comes the contrast, both inside and out.
The apside, the transepts, the eleven gorgeous windows, and the extreme grace of its piers and vaulting, all combine in the fullest
This admirable Gothic addition was the work of Bishop Pierre de Rochefort in 1321. The transept chapels and the apse are framed with light soaring arches, and the great easterly windows are set with brilliant glass.
In a side chapel is the former tomb of Simon de Montfort, whose remains were buried here in 1218. At a subsequent time they were removed to Montfort l'Amaury in the Isle of France. Another remarkable tomb is that of Bishop Radulph (1266). It shows an unusually elaborate sculptured treatment for its time, and is most ornate and beautiful.
In the choir are many fine fourteenth-century statues; a tomb with a sleeping figure, thought to be that of Bishop du Puy of Carcassonne; statues of the Virgin, St. Nazaire, and the twelve apostles; an elaborate high-altar; and a pair of magnificent candlesticks, bearing the arms of Bishop Martin (1522).
An eleventh-century crypt lies beneath the choir. The sacristy, as it is to-day, was formerly a thirteenth-century chapel.
The organ is commonly supposed to be the most ancient in France. It is not of ranking
The tour carrÉe, which is set in the inner rampart just in front of the cathedral, is known as the Bishop's Tower. It is a tower of many stages, and contains some beautifully vaulted chambers.
The celebrated tour des Visigoths, which is near by, is the most ancient of all.
The entrance to the old CitÉ is via the Pont Vieux, which is itself a mediÆval twelfth or thirteenth century architectural monument of rare beauty. In the middle of this old bridge is a very ancient iron cross.
"Une petite ville sur la rive droite de l'AriÈge, siege d'un ÉvÊche." These few words, with perhaps seven accompanying lines, usually dismiss this charming little Pyrenean city, so far as information for the traveller is concerned.
It is, however, one of these neglected tourist points which the traveller has ever passed by in his wild rush "across country."
To be sure, it is considerably off the beaten track; so too are its neighbouring ancient
The great and charming attraction of Pamiers is its view of the serrated ridge of the Pyrenees from the promenade de Castellat, just beyond the cathedral.
For the rest, the cathedral, the fortified Église de Notre Dame du Camp, the ancient Église de Cordeliers, the many old houses, and the general sub-tropical aspect of the country round about, all combine to present attractions far more edifying and gratifying than the allurements of certain of the Pyrenean "watering-places."
The cathedral itself is not a great work; its charm, as before said, lies in its environments.
Its chief feature—and one of real distinction—is its octagonal clocher, in brick, dating from the fourteenth century. It is a singularly graceful tower, built after the local manner of the Midi of France, of which St. Saturnin and the Église des Jacobins at Toulouse are the most notable.
Its base is a broad square machicolated foundation with no openings, and suggests, as truly as does the tower at Albi, a churchly
In the main, the church is a rebuilt, rather than a restored edifice. The nave, and indeed nearly all of the structure, except its dominant octagonal tower, is of the seventeenth century. This work was undertaken and consummated by Mansart after the manner of that period, and is far more acceptable than the effect produced by most "restored churches."
The eleventh-century abbey of St. Antoine formed originally the seat of the throne of the first bishop of Pamiers, Bernard Saisset, in 1297.
To-day St. Bertrand de Comminges, the ancient Lugdunum Convenarum (through which one traces its communistic foundation), is possessed of something less than six hundred inhabitants. Remains of the Roman ramparts are yet to be seen, and its ci-devant cathedral,—of the twelfth to fourteenth centuries—suppressed in 1790, still dominates the town from its heights. Arthur Young, writing in the eighteenth century, describes its situation thus: "The mountains rise proudly around and give their rough frame to this exquisite little picture."
The diocese grew out of the monkish community which had settled here in the sixth century, when the prelate Suavis became its first bishop. To-day the nearest bishop's seat is at Tarbes, in the archbishopric of Auch.
As to architectural style, the cathedral presents what might ordinarily be called an undesirable
The west front has a curious Romanesque doorway, and there is a massiveness of wall and buttress which the rather diminutive proportions of the general plan of the church make notably apparent. Otherwise the effect, from a not too near view-point, is one of a solidity and firmness of building only to be seen in some of the neighbouring fortress-churches.
A tower of rather heavy proportions is to-day capped with a pyramidal slate or timbered apex after the manner of the western towers at Rodez. From a distance, this feature has the suggestion of the development of what may perhaps be a local type of clocher. Closer inspections, when its temporary nature is made plain, disabuses this idea entirely. It is inside the walls that the great charm of this church lies. It is elaborately planned, profuse in ornament,—without being in any degree redundant,—and has a warmth and brilliancy which in most Romanesque interiors is wanting.
This interior is representative, on a small scale, of that class of structure whose distinctive feature is what the French architect
There are of course no aisles; and for a length of something over two hundred feet, and a breadth of fifty-five, the bold vault—in the early pointed style—roofs one of the most attractive and pleasing church interiors it is possible to conceive.
Of the artistic accessories it is impossible to be too enthusiastic. There are sixty-six choir-stalls, most elaborately carved in wood—perhaps mahogany—of a deep rich colouring seldom seen. Numerous other sculptured details in wood and stone set off with unusual effect the great and well-nigh windowless side walls.
The organ buffet of Renaissance workmanship—as will naturally be inferred—is a remarkably elaborate work, much more to be admired than many of its contemporaries.
Among the other decorative features are an elaborately conceived "tree of Jesse," an unusually massive rood-loft or jube, and a high-altar of much magnificence.
The choir is surrounded by eleven chapels,
A fourteenth-century funeral monument of Bishop Hugh de Castillione is an elaborate work in white marble; while a series of paintings on the choir walls,—illustrating the miracles of St. Bertrand,—though of a certain crudity, tend to heighten the interest without giving that effect of the over-elaboration of irrelative details not unfrequently seen in some larger churches.
At St. Bertrand de Comminges and the cathedrals at Arles, Cavaillon, and Aix-en-Provence, Elne-en-Roussillon, and Le Puy-en-Velay are conserved—in a more or less perfect state of preservation—a series of delightful twelfth-century cloisters. These churches possess this feature in common with the purely monastic houses, whose builders so frequently lavished much thought and care on these enclosed and cloistered courtyards.
As a mere detail—or accessory, if you will,—an ample cloister is expressive of much that is wanting in a great church which lacks this contributory feature.
Frequently this part was the first to succumb to the destroying influence of time, and
This city of the Landes, that wild, bleak region of sand-dunes and shepherds, abuts upon the more prosperous and fertile territory of the valley of the Adour. By reason of this juxtaposition, its daily life presents a series of contrasting elements as quaint and as interesting as those of the bordering Franco-Spanish cities of Perpignan and Bayonne.
From travellers in general, and lovers of architecture in particular, it has ever received
It has been a centre of Christian activity since the days of the fifth century, when its first bishop, Marcel, was appointed to the diocese by the mother-see of Auch.
The cathedral of St. Jean-Baptiste belongs to the minor class of present-day cathedrals, and is of a decidedly conglomerate architectural style, with no imposing dimensions, and no really vivid or lively details of ornamentation. It was begun in the thirteenth century, and the work of rebuilding and restoration has been carried on well up to the present time.
Castres will ever rank in the mind of the wayfarer along the byways of the south of France as a marvellous bit of stage scenery, rather than as a collection of profound, or even highly interesting, architectural types.
It is one of those spots into which a traveller drops quite unconsciously en route to somewhere else; and lingers a much longer time than circumstances would seem to justify.
This is perhaps inexplicable, but it is a fact, which is only in a measure accounted for by reason of the "local colour"—whatever that vague term of the popular novelist may mean—and customs which weave an entanglement about one which is difficult to resist.
The river Agout is as weird a stream as its name implies, and divides this haphazard little city of the Tarn into two distinct, and quite characteristically different, parts.
Intercourse between Castres and its faubourg, Villegondom, is carried on by two stone bridges; and from either bank of the river, or from either of the bridges, there is always in a view a ravishingly picturesque ensemble of decrepit walls and billowy roof-tops, that will make the artist of brush and pencil angry with fleeting time.
The former cathedral is not an entrancingly beautiful structure; indeed, it is not after the accepted "good form" of any distinct architectural style. It is a poor battered thing which has suffered hardly in the past; notably at the hands of the Huguenots in 1567. As it stands to-day, it is practically a seventeenth-century construction, though it is yet unfinished and lacks its western faÇade.
The vaulting of the choir, and the chapels are the only constructive elements which warrant remark. There are a few paintings in the choir, four rather attractive life-size statues, and a series of severe but elegant choir-stalls.
The former ÉvÊchÉ is to-day the HÔtel de Ville, but was built by Mansart in 1666, and has a fine escalier in sculptured stone.
As a centre of Christianity, Castres is very
The cathedral at Rodez, whose diocese dates from the fifth century and whose first bishop was St. Amand, is, in a way, reminiscent—in its majesty of outline and dominant situation—of that at Albi.
It is not, however, after the same manner, but resembles it more particularly with respect to its west faÇade, which is unpierced in its lower stages by either doorway or window.
Here, too, the entrance is midway in its length, and its front presents that sheer flank of walled barrier which is suggestive of nothing but a fortification.
This great church—for it is truly great, pure and simple—makes up in width what it lacks in length. Its nave and aisles are just covered by a span of one hundred and twenty feet,—a greater dimension than is possessed
Altogether Notre Dame de Rodez is a most pleasing church, though conglomerate as to its architecture, and as bad, with respect to the Renaissance gable of its faÇade, as any contemporary work in the same style.
Rodez lacks, however, the great enfolding tower central of Albi.
This mellow and warm-toned cathedral, from its beginnings in the latter years of the thirteenth century to the time when the Renaissance cast its dastardly spell over the genius who inspired its original plan, was the result of the persevering though intermittent work of three centuries, and even then the two western towers were left incomplete.
This perhaps was fortunate; otherwise they might have been topped with such an excrescence as looms up over the doorless west faÇade.
The Gascon compares the pyramidal roofs which cap either tower—and with some justness, too—to the pyramids of Egypt, and for that reason the towers are, to him, the most wonderful in the universe. Subtle humour this, and the observer will have little difficulty in tracing the analogy.
Still, they really are preferable, as a decorative feature, to the tomb-like headboard which surmounts the central gable which they flank. The ground-plan is singularly uniform, with transepts scarcely defined—except in the interior arrangements—and yet not wholly absent.
The elaborate tower, called often and with some justification the beffroi, which flanks, or rather indicates, the northerly transept, is hardly pure as to its Gothic details, but it is a magnificent work nevertheless.
It dates from 1510, is two hundred and sixty-five feet high, and is typical of most of the late pointed work of its era. The final stage is octagonal and is surmounted by a statue of the Virgin surrounded by the Evangelists. This statue may or may not be a worthy work of art; it is too elevated, however, for one to decide.
The decorations of the west front, except for the tombstone-like Renaissance gable, are mainly of the same period as the north transept tower, and while perhaps ultra-florid, certainly make a fine appearance when viewed across the Place d'Armes.
This west front, moreover, possesses that unusual attribute of a southern church, an
The choir, chevet, and apside are of massive building, though not lacking grace, in spite of the absence of the arcs-boutants of the best Gothic.
Numerous grotesque gargoyles dot the eaves and gables, though whether of the spout variety or mere symbols of superstition one can hardly tell with accuracy when viewed from the ground level.
The north and south portals of the transepts are of a florid nature, after the manner of most of the decorations throughout the structure, and are acceptable evidence of the ingenious craft of the stone-carver, if nothing more.
The workmanship of these details, however, does not rise to the heights achieved by the architect who outlined the plan and foundation upon which they were latterly imposed. They are, too, sadly disfigured, the tympanum in the north portal having been disgracefully ravished.
The interior arrangements are doubly impressive,
Two altars, one at either end of nave and choir, duplicate the arrangement seen at Albi.
The organ buffet, too, is of the same massiveness and elaborateness, and is consequently an object of supreme pride to the local authorities.
It seems difficult to make these useful and necessary adjuncts to a church interior of the quality of beauty shared by most other accessories, such as screens, altars, and choir-stalls, which, though often of the contemporary Renaissance period, are generally beautiful in themselves. The organ-case, however, seems to run either to size, heaviness, or grotesqueness, or a combination of all. This is true in this case, where its great size, and
The nave is of extreme height, one hundred and ten feet, and is of unusual width, as are also the aisles.
The rose window, before remarked, shows well from the inside, though its glass is not notable.
A series of badly arched lancets in the choir are ungraceful and not in keeping with the other constructive details. The delicately sculptured and foliaged screen or jubÉ at the crossing is a late fifteenth-century work.
In one of the chapels is now to be seen, in mutilated fragments, the ancient sixteenth-century clÔture du choeur. It was a remarkable and elaborate work of bizarre stone-carving, which to-day has been reconstructed in some measure approaching its former completeness by the use of still other fragments taken from the episcopal palace. The chief feature as to completeness and perfection is the doorway, which bears two lengthy inscriptions in Latin. The facing of the clÔture
Choir-stalls, Rodez
The choir-stalls and bishop's throne in carved wood are excellent, as also an elaborately
There are four other chapel or alcove screens very nearly as elaborate; all of which features, taken in conjunction one with the other, form an extensive series of embellishments such as is seldom met with.
Two fourteenth-century monuments to former prelates are situated in adjoining chapels, and a still more luxurious work of the same period—the tomb of Gilbert de Cantobre—is beneath an extensive altar which has supposedly Byzantine ornament of the tenth century.
Rodez was the seat of a bishop (St. Amand) as early as the fifth century.
Then, as now, the diocese was a suffragan of Albi, whose first bishop, St. Clair, came to the mother-see in the century previous.
The cathedral of Ste. CÉcile d'Albi is one of the most interesting, as well as one of the most curious, in all France. It possesses a quality, rare among churches, which gives it at once the aspect of both a church and a fortress.
As the representative of a type, it stands at the very head of the splendid fortress-churches of feudal times. The remarkable disposition of its plan is somewhat reflected in the neighbouring cathedral at Rodez and in the church at Esnades, in the Department of the Charente-InfÉrieure.
In the severe and aggressive lines of the easterly, or choir, end, it also resembles the famous church of St. Francis at Assisi, and the ruined church of Sainte Sophie at Famagousta in the Island of Cyprus.
It has been likened by the imaginative French—and it needs not so very great a
The extreme width of the great nave of this church is nearly ninety feet, and its body is constructed, after an unusual manner, of a warm, rosy-coloured brick. In fact the only considerable portions of the structure not so done are the clÔture of the choir, the window-mullions, and the flamboyant Gothic porch of the south side.
By reason of its uncommon constructive elements,—though by no means is it the sole representative of its kind in the south of France,—Ste. CÉcile stands forth as the most considerable edifice of its kind among those which were constructed after this manner of Roman antiquity.
Brickwork of this nature, as is well known, is very enduring, and it therefore makes much for the lasting qualities of a structure so built; much more so, in fact, than the crumbling soft
Ste. CÉcile was begun in 1282, on the ruins of the ancient church of St. Croix. It came to its completion during the latter years of the fourteenth century, when it stood much as it does to-day, grim and strong, but very beautiful.
The only exterior addition of a later time is the before-remarked florid south porch. This baldaquin is very charmingly worked in a light brown stone, and, while flamboyant to an ultra degree, is more graceful in design and execution than most works of a contemporary era which are welded to a stone fabric whose constructive and decorative details are of quite a distinctly different species. In other words, it composes and adds a graceful beauty to the brick fabric of this great church; but likely enough it would offend exceedingly were it brought into juxtaposition with the more slim lines of early Gothic. Its detail here is the very culmination of the height to which Gothic rose before its final debasement, and, in its spirited non-contemporaneous admixture with the firmly planted brick walls which form its background, may be
In further explanation of the peculiar fortress-like qualities possessed by Ste. CÉcile, it may be mentioned here that it was the outcome of a desire for the safety of the church and its adherents which caused it to take this form. It was the direct result of the terrible wars of the Albigenses, and the political and social conditions of the age in which it was built,—the days when the Church was truly militant.
Here, too, to a more impressive extent than elsewhere, if we except the papal palace at Avignon, the episcopal residence as well takes on an aspect which is not far different from that possessed by some of the secular chÂteaux of feudal times. It closely adjoins the cathedral, which should perhaps dispute this. In reality, however, it does not, and its walls and foundations look far more worldly than they do devout. As to impressiveness, this stronghold of a bishop's palace is thoroughly in keeping with the cathedral itself, and the frowning battlement of its veritable donjon and walls and ramparts suggests a deal more than the mere name by which it is known would justify. Such use as it was previously
The interior of the cathedral will appeal first of all by its very grand proportions, and next by the curious ill-mannered decorations with which the walls are entirely covered. There is a certain gloom in this interior, induced by the fact that the windows are mere elongated slits in the walls. There are no aisles, no triforium, and no clerestory; nothing but a vast expanse of wall with bizarre decorations and these unusual window piercings. The arrangement of the openings in the tower are even more remarkable—what there are of them, for in truth it is here that the greatest likeness to a fortification is seen. In the lower stages of the tower there are no openings whatever, while above they are practically nothing but loopholes.
The fine choir-screen, in stone, is considered one of the most beautiful and magnificent in France, and to see it is to believe the
The wall-paintings or frescoes are decidedly not beautiful, being for the most part crudely coloured geometrical designs scattered about with no relation one to another. They date from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, and are doubtless Italian as to their workmanship, but they betray no great skill on the part of those unknowns who are responsible for them.
The pulpit is an unusually ornate work for a French church, but is hardly beautiful as a work of art. No more is the organ-case, which, as if in keeping with the vast interior, spreads itself over a great extent of wall space.
Taken all in all, the accessories of the cathedral at Albi, none the less than the unique plan and execution thereof, the south porch, the massive tower, the jube and clÔture of the choir, the vast unobstructed interior, and the outrÉ wall decorations, place it as one of the most consistently and thoroughly completed edifices of its rank in France. Nothing apparently
The evolution of these component elements took but the comparatively small space of time covered by two centuries—from the fourteenth to the sixteenth. The culmination resulted in what is still to be seen in all its pristine glory to-day, for Ste. CÉcile has not suffered the depredation of many another shrine.
The general plan is distinctly and indigenously French; French to the very core—born of the soil of the Midi, and bears no resemblance whatever to any exotic from another land.
With the decorative elements the case may be somewhat qualified. The baldaquin—like the choir-screen—more than equals in delicacy and grace the portals of such masterworks as Notre Dame de Rouen, St. Maclou, or even the cathedral at Troyes, though
Albi was a bishopric as early as the fourth century, with St. Clair as its first bishop. At the time the present cathedral was begun it became an archbishopric, and as such it has endured until to-day, with suffragans at Rodez, Cahors, Mende, and Perpignan.
In the heart of the GÉvaudan, Mende is the most picturesque, mountain-locked little city imaginable, with no very remarkable features surrounding it, nor any very grand artificial ones contained within it.
The mountains here, unlike the more fruitful plains of the lower GÉvaudan, are covered with snow all of the winter. It is said that the inhabitants of the mountainous upper GÉvaudan used to "go into Spain every winter to get a livelihood." Why, it is difficult to understand. The mountain and valley towns around Mende look no less prosperous than those of Switzerland, though to be sure the inhabitants have never here had, and perhaps never will have, the influx of tourists "to live off of," as in the latter region.
During an invasion of the Alemanni into Gaul, in the third century, the principal city of GÉvaudan was plundered and ruined. The
The holy man was interred in the neighbouring village of Mende, and the veneration which people had for his memory caused them to develop it into a considerable place. Such is the popular legend, at any rate.
The city had no bishop of its own, however, until the middle of the tenth century. Previously the bishops were known as Bishops of GÉvaudan. At last, however, the prelates fixed their seat at Mende, and "great numbers of people resorted thither by reason of the sepulchre of St. Privat."
By virtue of an agreement with Philippe-le-Bel, in 1306, the bishop became Count of GÉvaudan. He claimed also the right of administering the laws and the coining of specie.
Mende is worth visiting for itself alone and for its cathedral. It is difficult to say which will interest the absolute stranger the more.
The spired St. Pierre de Mende is but a fourteenth-century church, with restorations of the seventeenth, but there is a certain grimness and primitiveness about its fabric which
The seventeenth-century restorations amounted practically to a reconstruction, as the Calvinists had partly destroyed the fabric. The two fine towers of the century before were left standing, but without their spires.
The city itself lies at a height of over seven hundred kilometres, and the pic rises another three hundred kilometres above. The surrounding "green basin of hillsides" encloses the city in a circular depression, which, with its cathedral as the hub, radiates in long, straight roadways to the bases of these verdure-clad hills.
It is not possible to have a general view of the cathedral without its imposing background of mountain or hilltops, and for this reason, while the entire city may appear dwarfed, and its cathedral likewise diminished in size, they both show in reality the strong contrasting effect of nature and art.
The cathedral towers, built by Bishop de la RovÈre, are of sturdy though not great proportions, and the half-suggested spires rise skyward in as piercing a manner as if they were continued another hundred feet.
As a matter of fact one rises to a height of
The general plan of the cathedral is the conventional Gothic conception, which was not changed in the seventeenth-century reconstruction.
The nave is flanked with the usual aisles, which in turn are abutted with ten chapels on either side.
Just within the left portal is preserved the old bourdon called la Non-Pareille, a curiosity which seems in questionable taste for inclusion within a cathedral.
The rose window of the portal shows in the interior with considerable effect, though it is of not great elegance or magnificence of itself.
In the Chapelle des Catechismes, immediately beneath the tower, is an unusual "Assumption." As a work of art its rank is not high, and its artist is unknown, but in its conception it is unique and wonderful.
There are some excellent wood-carvings in the Chapelle du BaptistÈre, a description which applies as well to the stalls of the choir.
Around the sanctuary hang seven tapestries,
In a chapel on the north side of the choir is a "miraculous statue" of la Vierge Noir.
The organ buffet dates from 1640, and is of the ridiculous overpowering bulk of most works of its class.
The bishopric, founded by St. SÉvÉrein in the third century at Civitas Gabalorum, was reËstablished at Mende in the year 1000.
The Ermitage de St. Privat, the holy shrine of the former habitation of the holy man whose name it bears, is situated a few kilometres away on the side of Mont Mimat. It is a favourite place of pilgrimage, and from the platform of the chapel is to be had a fine view of the city and its cathedral.
At Dax, an ancient thermal station of the Romans, is a small cathedral, mainly modern, with a portal of the thirteenth century.
It was reconstructed from these thirteenth-century remains in the seventeenth century, and exhibits no marks of beauty which would have established its ranking greatness even at that time.
Dax was a bishopric in the province of Auch in the third century, but the see was suppressed in 1802.
Eauze was an archbishopric in the third century, when St. Paterne was its first dignitary.
As Elusa it was an important place in the time of CÆsar, but was completely destroyed in the early part of the tenth century. Eauze, therefore, has no church edifice which ever ranked as a cathedral, but there is a fine Gothic church of the late fifteenth century which is, in every way, an architectural monument worthy of remark.
The bishopric of Lombez, in the ancient ecclesiastical province of Toulouse, endured from 1328 (a tenth-century Benedictine abbey foundation).
Its first bishop was one Roger de Comminges, a monk who came from the monastic community of St. Bertrand de Comminges.
The see was suppressed in 1790.
St. Papoul
St. Papoul was a bishopric from 1317 until 1790. Its cathedral is in many respects
Rieux is perhaps the tiniest ville of France which has ever possessed episcopal dignity. It is situated on a mere rivulet—a branch of the Arize, which itself is not much more, but which in turn goes to swell the flood of La Garonne. Its one-time cathedral is perhaps not remarkable in any way, though it has a fine fifteenth-century tower in brique. The bishopric was founded in 1370 under GuillaumÉ de Brutia, and was suppressed in 1790.
Lavaur was a bishopric, in the ecclesiastical province of Toulouse, from 1317 to 1790.
Its cathedral of brick is of the fourteenth century, with a clocher dating from 1515, and a smaller tower, embracing a jacquemart, of the sixteenth century.
In the interior is a fine sixteenth-century
Oloron was a bishopric under St. Gratus in the sixth century; it ceased its functions as the head of a diocese at the suppression of 1790.
The former cathedral of Ste. Marie is a fine Romanic-Ogivale edifice of the eleventh century, though its constructive era may be said to extend well toward the fifteenth before it reached completion. There is a remarkably beautiful Romanesque sculptured portal. The nave is doubled, as to its aisles, and is one hundred and fifty feet or more in length and one hundred and six wide, an astonishing breadth when one comes to think of it, and a dimension which is not equalled by any minor cathedral.
There are no other notable features beyond the general attractiveness of its charming environment.
The ancient ÉvÊche has a fine Romanesque tower, and the cathedral itself is reckoned, by a paternal government, as a "monument historique," and as such is cared for at public expense.
Vabres was a bishopric which came into being as an aftergrowth of a Benedictine foundation of the ninth century, though its episcopal functions only began in 1318, and ceased with the Revolutionary suppression. It was a suffragan in the archiepiscopal diocese of Albi.
Its former cathedral, while little to be remarked to-day as a really grand church edifice, was by no means an unworthy fane. It dates from the fourteenth century, and in part is thoroughly representative of the Gothic of that era. It was rebuilt in the eighteenth century, and a fine clocher added.
St. Lizier or Couserans
The present-day St. Lizier—a tiny Pyrenean city—was the former Gallo-Romain city of Couserans. It retained this name when it was first made a bishopric by St. ValÈre in the fifth century. The see was suppressed in 1790.
The Église de St. Lizier, of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, consists of a choir and a nave, but no aisles. It shows some traces
The former bishop's palace dates only from the seventeenth century.
A Benedictine abbey was founded here in the eighth century, and from this grew up the bishopric which took form in 1317 under Raimond de Roquecarne, which in due course was finally abolished and the town stripped of its episcopal rank.
The former cathedral dates from the eleventh and twelfth centuries, and in part from the fifteenth. Connected therewith is a sepulchral chapel, called the tour des Maures. It is of two Étages, and dates from the twelfth century.
St. Pons de Tomiers
St. Pons is the seat of an ancient bishopric now suppressed. It is a charming village—it can hardly be named more ambitiously—situated at the source of the river Jaur, which rises in the Montagnes Noir in Lower Languedoc.
Its former cathedral is not of great interest as an architectural type, though it dates from the twelfth century.
The faÇade is of the eighteenth century, but one of its side chapels dates from the fourteenth.
St. Maurice de Mirepoix
Mirepoix is a charming little city of the slopes of the Pyrenees.
Its ancient cathedral of St. Maurice dates from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, and has no very splendid features or appointments,—not even of the Renaissance order,—as might be expected from its magnitude. Its sole possession of note is the clocher, which rises to an approximate height of two hundred feet.
The bishopric was founded in 1318 by Raimond Athone, but was suppressed in 1790.
Sketch map showing the usual geographical divisions of France. I., north; II., northwest; III., east; IV., southwest; V., southeast: also the present departments into which the government is divided, with their names; and the mediÆval provinces which were gradually absorbed into the kingdom of France.
There is in general one bishopric to a department.
The subject-matter of this book treats of all of southwestern and southeastern France; with, in addition, the departments of SaÔne-et-Loire, Jura, RhÔne, Loire, Ain, and Allier.
A Historical Table of the Dioceses of the South of France up to the beginning of the nineteenth century.
Province d'Aix | |||
Name | Diocese founded | First bishop | Date of suppression |
Aix | Nice, Avignon, Ajaccio, and Digne were allied therewith in 1802, and Marseilles and Alger in 1822. | ||
(Archbishopric) | First century (?) | St. Maxim (?) | |
Antibes | Transferred to Grasse | ||
Apt | First century (?) | St. Auspice | 1790 |
Grasse | (Jurisdiction over Antibes.) | ||
Gap | Fifth century | St. DÉmÉtrius | |
Riez | Fifth century | St. Prosper | 1790 |
FrÉjus | Fourth century | Acceptus | |
Sisteron | Fifth century | Chrysaphius | |
Province d'Albi | |||
Albi | Fourth century | St. Clair | |
Bishopric (Archbishopric) | 1317 (?) | Anthime | |
Castres | 647 as a Benedictine Abbey. 1317 as a Bishopric | Robert, the first Abbot | 1790 |
Mende | Third century at Civitas Gabalorum. ReËstablished here in the year 1000 | St. SÉvÉrein and Genialis | |
Cahors | Fourth century | St. Genulphe | |
Rodez | Fifth century | St. Amand | |
Arisitum | Sixth century detached from the diocese of Rodez | DÉothaire | Rejoined to Rodez 670 |
Vabres | Benedictine Abbey, 862. Bishopric, 1317 | 1790 | |
Province d'Arles | |||
Arles (Archbishopric) | First century | St. Trophime | 1790 |
Marseilles | First century | St. Lazare | |
St. Paul-Trois ChÂteaux, or Tricastin | Second century | St. Restuit | 1790 |
Toulon | Fifth century | HonorÉ | 1790 |
Orange | Fifth century | St. Luce | 1790 |
Province d'Auch | |||
Eauze (Archbishopric) | Third century | St. Paterne | 720 |
Auch (Bishopric then Archbishopric) | Fourth century | Citerius | |
Dax | Third century | St. Vincent | 1802 |
Lectoure | Sixth century | Heuterius | 1790 |
Comminges | Sixth century | Suavis | 1790 |
Conserans | Fifth century | St. ValÈre | 1790 |
Aire | Fifth century | Marcel | |
Bazas | Sixth century | Sextilius | (?) |
Tarbes | Sixth century | St. Justin | |
Oloron | Sixth century | Gratus | 1790 |
Lescar | Fifth century | St. Julien | 1790 |
Bayonne | Ninth century | Arsias Rocha | |
Province d'Avignon | |||
Avignon (Bishopric, becoming Archbishopric in fifteenth century) | Fourth century | St. Ruf | |
Carpentras | Third century | St. Valentin | 1790 |
Vaison | Fourth century | St. Aubin | 1790 |
Cavaillon | Fifth century | St. Genialis | 1790 |
Province de Bordeaux | |||
Bordeaux | |||
(Bishopric) | Third century | ||
(Archibishopric) | Fourth century | Oriental | |
Agen | Fourth century | St. PhÉrade | |
Condom | Raimond de Galard | ||
(Ancient abbey--foundation date unknown) Bishopric) | Fourteenth century | ||
AngoulÊme | Third century | St. Ansome | |
Saintes | Third century | St. Eutrope | 1793 |
Poitiers | Third century | St. Nectaire | |
Maillezais (afterward at La Rochelle) | Fourteenth century | Geoffrey I. | |
LuÇon (Seventh-century abbey) | 1317 | Pierre de La Veyrie | |
PÉrigueux | Second century | St. Front | |
Sarlat (Eighth-century Benedictine abbey) | 1317 | Raimond de Roquecorne | |
Province de Bourges | |||
Bourges (Archbishopric) | Third century | St. Ursin | |
Clermont-Ferrand | Third century | St. Austremoine | |
St. Flour (Ancient priory) | 1318 | Raimond de Vehens | |
Limoges | Third century | St. Martial | |
Tulle (Seventh-century Benedictine abbey) | 1317 | Arnaud de Saint-Astier | |
Le Puy | Third century | St. Georges | |
Province d'Embrun | |||
Embrun (Archbishopric) | Fourth century | St. Marcellin | 1793 |
Digne | Fourth century | St. Domnin | |
Antibes (afterward at Grasse) | Fourth century | St. Armentaire | |
Grasse | Raimond de Villeneuve (1245) | 1790 | |
Vence | Fourth century | EusÈbe | 1790 |
GlandÈve | Fifth century | Fraterne | 1790 |
Senez | Fifth century | Ursus | 1790 |
Nice (formerly at Cemenelium) | Fourth century | Amantius | |
Province de Lyon | |||
Lyon (Archbishopric) | The Archbishop of Lyon was Primate of Gaul. Second century | St. Pothin | |
Autun | Third century | St. Amateur | |
MÂcon | Sixth century | Placide | 1790 |
Chalon-sur-SaÔne | Fifth century | Paul | 1790 |
Langres | Third century | St. Just | |
Dijon (Fourth-century abbey) | Bishopric in 1731 | Jean Bonhier | |
Saint Claude (Fifth-century abbey) | Bishopric in 1742 | Joseph de Madet | |
Province de Narbonne | |||
Narbonne (Archbishopric) | Third century | St. Paul | 1802 |
Saint-Pons-de-TomiÈres (Tenth-century abbey) | 1318 | Pierre Roger | 1790 |
Alet (Ninth-century abbey) | 1318 | BarthÉlmy | 1790 |
BÉziers | Fourth century | St. Aphrodise | 1702 |
NÎmes | Fourth century | St. Felix | |
Alais | 1694 | Chevalier de Saulx | 1790 |
LodÈve | Fourth century (?) | St. Flour | 1790 |
UzÈs | Fifth century | Constance | 1790 |
Agde | Fifth century | St. VÉnuste | 1790 |
Maguelonne (afterward at Montpellier) | Sixth century | Beotius | |
Carcassonne | Sixth century | St. Hilaire | |
Elne (afterward at Perpignan) | Sixth century | Domnus | |
Province de Tarentaise | |||
Tarentaise (Archbishopric) | Fifth century | St. Jacques | |
Sion | Fourth century | St. ThÉodule | |
Aoste | Fourth century | St. Eustache | |
ChambÉry | 1780 | Michel Conseil | |
Province de Toulouse | |||
Toulouse (Bishopric) (Archbishopric) | Third century 1327 | St. Saturnin | |
Pamiers (Eleventh-century abbey) | 1297 | Bernard Saisset | |
Rieux | 1317 | Guillaume de Brutia | |
Montauban (Ancient abbey) | 1317 | Bertrand du Puy | |
Mirepoix | 1318 | Raimond Athone | 1790 |
Saint-Papoul | 1317 | Bernard de la Tour | 1790 |
LombÈs (Tenth-century abbey) | 1328 | Roger de Commminges | 1790 |
Lavaur | 1317 | Roger d'Armagnac | 1790 |
Province de Vienne | |||
Vienne (Archbishopric) | Second century | St. Crescent | 1790 |
Grenoble | Third century | Domninus | |
GenÈve (Switz.) | Fourth century | DiogÈne | 1801 |
Annency | 1822 | Claude de Thiollaz | |
Valence | Fourth century | Emelien | |
DiÉ | Third century | Saint Mars | |
Viviers | Fifth century | Saint Janvier | 1790 |
St. Jean de Maurienne | Fifth century | Lucien |
The Classification of Architectural Styles in France according to De Caumont's "AbÉcÉdaire d'Architecture Religieuse."
Architecture Romaine | Primordiale | From the Vth to the Xth centuries. |
Secondaire | From the end of the Xth century to the beginning of the XIIth | |
Tertiaire or transition | XIIth century | |
Architecture | Primitive | XIIIth century |
Ogivale | Secondaire | XIVth century |
Tertiaire | XVth and the first part of the XVIth century |
A Chronology of Architectural Styles in France
Following more or less upon the lines of De Caumont's territorial and chronological divisions of architectural style in France, the various species and periods are thus further described and defined:
The Merovingian period, commencing about 480; Carlovingian, 751; Romanesque or Capetian period, 987; Transitional, 1100 (extending in the south of France and on the Rhine till 1300); early French Gothic or Pointed (Gothique À lancettes), mid-twelfth to mid-thirteenth centuries; decorated French Gothic (Gothique rayonnant), from the mid-thirteenth to mid-fifteenth centuries, and even in some districts as late as the last decade of the fifteenth century; Flamboyant (Gothique flamboyant), early fifteenth to early sixteenth; Renaissance, dating at least from 1495, which gave rise subsequently to the style Louis XII. and style FranÇois I.
With the reign of Henri II., the change to the Italian style was complete, and its place, such as it was, definitely assured. French writers, it may be observed, at least those of a former generation and before,
Bizarre or baroque details, or the style perruque, had little place on French soil, and the later exaggerations of the rococo, the styles Pompadour and Dubarri, had little if anything to do with church-building, and are relevant merely insomuch as they indicate the mannerisms of a period when great churches, if they were built at all, were constructed with somewhat of a leaning toward their baseness, if not actually favouring their eccentricities.
Leading forms of early cathedral constructions
The disposition of the parts of a tenth-century church, as defined by Viollet-le-Duc
Of this class are many monastic churches, as will be evinced by the inclusion of a cloister in the diagram plan. Many of these were subsequently made use of, as the church and the cloisters, where they had not suffered the stress of time, were of course retained. St. Bertrand de Comminges is a notable example among the smaller structures.
In the basilica form of ground-plan, which obtained to a modified extent, the transepts were often lacking, or at least only suggested. Subsequently they were added in many cases, but the tenth-century church pur sang was mainly a parallelogram-like structure, with, of course, an apsidal termination.
A | The choir |
B | The exedra, meaning literally a niche or throne—in this instance for the occupancy of the bishop, abbot, or prior—apart from the main edifice |
C | The high-altar |
D | Secondary or specially dedicated altars |
E | The transepts, which in later centuries expanded and lengthened |
G | The nave proper, down which was reserved a free passage separating the men from the women |
H | The aisles |
I | The portico or porch which precedes the nave (i. e., the narthen of the primitive basilica), where the pilgrims who were temporarily forbidden to enter were allowed to wait |
K | A separate portal or doorway to cloisters |
L | The cloister |
M | The towers; often placed at the junction of transept and nave, instead of the later position, flanking the west faÇade |
N | The baptismal font; usually in the central nave, but often in the aisle |
O | Entrance to the crypt or confessional, where were usually preserved the reliques of the saint to whom the church was erected |
P | The tribune, in a later day often surrounded by a screen or jubÉ |
A brief definitive gazetteer of the natural and geological divisions included in the ancient provinces and present-day departments of southern France, together with the local names by which the pays et pagi are commonly known
GÉvaudan | In the Cevennes, a region of forests and mountains |
Velay | A region of plateaux with visible lava tracks |
Lyonnais-Beaujolais | The mountain ranges which rise to the westward of Lyons |
Morvan | An isolated group of porphyrous and granite elevations |
Haute-Auvergne | The mountain range of Cantal |
Basse-Auvergne | The mountain chains of Mont Dore and des DÔmes |
Limousin | A land of plateaux, ravines, and granite |
Agenais | Rocky and mountainous, but with its valleys among the richest in all France |
Haut-Quercy | A rolling plain, but with little fertility |
Bas-Quercy | The plains of the Garonne, the Tarn, and the AvÉyron |
Armagnac | An extensive range of petites montagnes running in various directions |
Landes | A desert of sand, forests, and inlets of the sea |
BÉarn | A country furrowed by the ramifications of the range of the Pyrenees |
Basse-Navarre | A Basque country situated on the northern slope of the Pyrenees |
Bigorre | The plain of Tortes and its neighbouring valleys |
Savoie | A region comprising a great number of valleys made by the ramifying ranges of the Alps. The principal valleys being those of Faucigny, the Tarentaise, and the Maurienne |
Bourbonnais | A country of hills and valleys which, as to general limits, corresponds with the Department of the Allier |
Nivernais | An undulating region between the Loire and the Morvan |
Berry | A fertile plain, slightly elevated, to the northward of Limousin |
Sologne | An arid plain separated by the valleys of the Cher and the Indre |
Gatinais | A barren country northeast of Sologne |
Saintonge | Slightly mountainous and covered with vineyards—also in parts partaking of the characteristics of the Landes |
Angoumois | A hilly country covered with a growth of vines |
PÉrigord | An ensemble of diverse regions, often hilly, but covered with a luxuriant forest growth |
Bordelais | (Comprising Blayais, Fronsadais, Libournais, Entre-deux-mers, MÉdoc, and Bazadais.) The vine-lands of the Garonne, La Gironde, and La Dordogne |
DauphinÉ | Another land of mountains and valleys. It is crossed by numbers of ranges and distinct peaks. The principal subdivisions are Viennois, Royonnais Vercors, TriÈves, DÉvoluy, Oisons, Graisivaudan, Chartreuse, Queyras Valgodemar, Champsaur. |
Provence | A region of fertile plains dominated by volcanic rocks and mountains. It contains also the great pebbly plain in the extreme southwest known as the Crau |
Camargue | The region of the RhÔne delta |
Languedoc | Properly the belt of plains situated between the foot of the Cevennes and the borders of the Mediterranean |
Rousillon | The region between the peaks of the CorbiÈre and the AlbÈre mountain chain. The population was originally pure Catalan |
Lauragais | A stony plateau with red earth deposited in former times by the glaciers of the Pyrenees |
Albigeois | A rolling and fertile country |
Toulousain | A plain well watered by the Garonne and the AriÈge |
Comminges | The lofty Pyrenean valleys of the Garonne basin |
Dimensions and Chronology
Bishopric founded, Vth century |
Bishopric suppressed, 1790 |
Primitive church consecrated, VIIth century |
Main body of present cathedral, XIth to XIIth centuries |
Former cathedral of St. Etienne, destroyed at the Revolution, 1790 |
Apse and transepts of St. Caprias, XIth century |
Width of nave, 55 feet |
Cathedral begun, XIIIth century
Eglise St. Jean de Malte, XIVth century |
Remains of a former St. Saveur's, XIth century |
Choir, XIIIth century |
Choir elaborated, XIVth century |
South aisle of nave, XIVth century |
Tower, XIVth century |
Carved doors, 1503 |
Episcopal palace, 1512 |
North aisle of nave, XVIIth century |
BaptistÈre, VIth century |
A bishopric only from 1694 to 1790 |
Remains of a XIIth century church |
Begun, 1277 |
Finished, 1512 |
South porch, 1380-1400 |
Tower completed, 1475 |
Choir-screen, 1475-1512 |
Wall paintings, XVth to XVIth centuries |
Organ, XVIIIth century |
Choir stalls, 120 in number |
Height of tower, 256 feet |
Length, 300 (320?) feet |
Width of nave, 88 feet |
Height of nave, 98 feet |
Primitive cathedral, IXth century (?) |
Rebuilt, XIth century |
Eglise St. AndrÉ, XIVth to XVth centuries |
City ravaged by Coligny, XVIth century |
Cathedral rebuilt from foundations of primitive church, 1120 |
Western dome, XIIth century |
Central and other domes, latter part of XIIth century |
Episcopal palace restored, XIXth century |
General restoration of cathedral, after the depredations of Coligny, 1628 |
Height of tower, 197 feet |
Christianity first founded here, IVth century |
Cathedral dates from XIVth century |
Tomb of St. FranÇois de Sales, 1622 |
Tomb of Jeanne de Chantal, 1641 |
Episcopal palace, 1784 |
Gallo-Romain sarcophagus, Vth century |
Tomb of Ducs de Sabron, XIIth century |
Chapelle de Ste. Anne, XVIIth century |
Primitive church on same site, 606 |
Foundations of present cathedral laid, 1152 |
Nave completed, 1200 |
Choir and chapels, 1423-1430 |
Cloisters, east side, 1221 |
Cloisters, west side, 1250 |
Cloisters, north side, 1380 |
Length, 240 feet |
Width, 90 feet |
Height, 60 feet |
Height of clocher, 137 feet |
Ancient altar, IVth century |
First cathedral built by Taurin II., 845 |
Another (larger) by St. Austinde, 1048 |
Present cathedral consecrated, 1548 |
Additions made and coloured glass added, 1597 |
West front, in part, XVIIth century |
Towers, 1650-1700 |
Episcopal palace, XIVth century |
Length, 347 feet |
Height to vaulting, 74 feet |
Territory of Avignon acquired by the Popes from Joanna of Naples, 1300 |
Popes reigned at Avignon, 1305-1370 |
Avignon formally ceded to France by Treaty of Tolentino, 1797 |
Palais des Papes begun, XIIIth century |
Pope Gregory left Avignon for Rome, 1376 |
Cathedral dates chiefly from XIIth century |
Nave chapels, XIVth century |
Frescoes in portal, XIVth century |
Height of walls of papal palace, 90 feet |
" " tower " " 150 feet |
Length of cathedral, 200 (?) feet |
Width of cathedral, 50 (?) feet |
Foundations, 1140 |
Choir and apse, XIIth century |
Destroyed by fire, 1213 |
Choir rebuilt, 1215 |
Completed and restored, XVIth century |
Foundations date from Xth century |
Walls, etc., 1233 |
West front, XVIth century |
Gothic portion of cathedral, XVth century
Primitive church damaged by fire, 1209 |
Transepts, XIIIth century |
Towers, XIVth century |
Apside and nave, XIVth century |
Glass and grilles, XIVth century |
Cloister, XIVth century |
Height of clocher, 151 feet |
Three cathedral churches here before the XIth century |
Romanesque structure, XIth century |
Present cathedral dates from 1252 |
North transept portal, XIVth century |
Noailles monument, 1662 |
Length, 450 feet |
Width of nave, 65 feet |
Main body dates from XVth to XVIIth centuries |
Choir and apse, XVth to XVIth centuries |
Choir stalls, XVIth century |
Bishopric founded, IVth century |
Cathedral consecrated, 1119 |
Cupola decorations, 1280-1324 |
Choir chapels, XVth century Choir, 1285 |
Tomb of Bishop Solminiac, XVIIth century |
Choir paintings, 1315 |
Cloister, XIIth to XVth century |
Cupolas of nave, 50 feet in diameter |
Cupolas of choir, 49 feet in height |
Height from pavement to cupolas of choir, 82 feet |
Height from pavement to cupolas of nave, 195 feet |
Portal and western towers, XIVth century |
Present-day cathedral, St. Michel, in lower town, 1083 |
Restored by Viollet-le-Duc, 1849 |
Visigoth foundation walls of old CitÉ, Vth to VIIIth centuries |
CitÉ besieged by the Black Prince, 1536 |
ChÂteau of CitÉ and postern gate, XIth and XIIth centuries |
Outer fortifications with circular towers of the time of St. Louis, XIIIth century |
Length inside the inner walls, ¼ mile |
Length inside the outer walls, 1 mile |
Saracens occupied the CitÉ, 783 |
Routed by Pepin le Bref, 759 |
Viscountal dynasty of Trencavels, 1090 |
Besieged by Simon de Montfort, 1210 |
Romanesque nave of St. Nazaire, 1096 |
Choir and transepts, XIIIth and XIVth centuries |
Remains of Simon de Montfort buried here (since removed), 1218 |
Tomb of Bishop Radulph, 1266 |
Statues in choir, XIVth century |
High-altar, 1522 |
Crypt, XIth century |
Sacristy, XIIIth century |
The "Pont Vieux," XIIth and XIIIth centuries |
A Roman colony under Augustus, Ist century |
St. Siffrein, patron of the cathedral, died, XVIth century |
Edifice mainly of the XVIth century |
Paintings in nave, XVIIIth and XIXth centuries |
Tomb of Bishop Buti, 1710 |
Episcopal palace built, 1640 |
Arc de Triomphe, Ist or IId century |
Porte d'Orange, XIVth century |
Cathedral dates mainly from XVIIth century
Cathedral consecrated by St. Veran, in person, 1259 |
Tomb of Bishop Jean de Sade, XVIIth century |
Cathedral completed, XVIth century |
Rebuilt, after a disastrous fire, XVIIth century |
Remains of early nave, dating from XIIIth century |
Bishopric founded, Vth century |
Height of nave, 90 feet |
Length of nave, 350 feet |
First bishop, Michel Conseil, 1780 |
Main body of cathedral dates from XIVth century |
Choir and nave, 1248-1265 |
Urban II. preached the Crusades here, 1095 |
Sanctuary completed, XIIIth century |
Nave completed, except faÇade, XIVth century |
Rose windows, XVth century |
Western towers and portal, XIXth century |
Height of towers, 340 feet |
Height of nave, 100 feet |
First monastery here, VIth century |
Present cathedral mainly XIIth to XIVth centuries |
First bishop, Suavis, VIth century |
Monument to Bishop Hugh de Castellane, XIVth century |
Length, 210 feet (?) |
Width, 55 feet (?) |
Main fabric, XIIIth century |
Reconstructed, XVIIIth century |
A bishopric in 1285, and from 1672 until 1801 |
Porch, XIth century |
Romanesque fragments in "Porte Rouge," XIth century |
Restored and rebuilt, XVIIth century |
Length of nave, 270 feet |
Width of nave, 76 feet |
Town destroyed, Xth century |
Gothic church (not, however, the former cathedral), XVth century |
Cathedral rebuilt from a former structure, XVth century |
Cloister, XVth century |
North porch and peristyle, XIIth century |
Romanesque tower rebuilt, XIVth century |
The "Tour Brune" XIth century |
High-altar, XVIIIth century |
Painted triptych, 1518 |
Coloured glass, XVth century |
Organ and gallery, XVIth century |
Foundations of choir, XIth century |
Tabernacle, XVth century |
Tomb of AbbÉ ChissÉ, 1407 |
Former episcopal palace, XIth century |
Present episcopal palace, on same site, XVth century |
Eglise St AndrÉ, XIIIth century |
"La Grande Chartreuse," founded by St. Bruno, 1084 |
"La Grande Chartreuse," enlarged, XVIth to XVIIth centuries |
Monks expelled, 1816 and 1902 |
City besieged unsuccessfully, 1573 |
City besieged and fell, XVIIth century |
Huguenots held the city from 1557 to 1629 |
Present cathedral dates from 1735 |
First bishop, St. Georges, IIId century |
Primitive cathedral, Vth century |
West faÇade of present edifice, XIIth century |
Choir, Xth century |
Virgin of Le Puy, 50 feet in height |
Aguille de St. Michel, 250 feet in height, 50 feet in circumference at top, 500 feet at base |
Nave, XVth and XVIth centuries |
Romanesque portion of nave, XIth century |
Lower portion of tower, XIth century |
Clocher, XIIIth century |
Choir, XIIIth century |
Transepts, XIVth and XVth centuries |
Choir-screen, 1543 |
Coloured glass, XVth and XIXth centuries |
Tomb of Bishop Brun, 1349; de la Porte, 1325; Langeac, 1541 |
Crypt, XIth century |
Height of clocher, 240 feet |
Enamels of reredos, XVIIth century |
City converted to Christianity, 323 |
Earliest portion of cathedral, Xth century |
Main portion of fabric, XIIth century |
Cathedral completed, XVIth century |
Tomb of Bishop de la Panse, 1658 |
Height of nave, 80 feet |
Ancient abbey, VIIth century |
First bishop appointed, 1317 |
Richelieu bishop here, 1616-1624 |
Main fabric of cathedral dates from XIIth to XVIIth centuries |
Fabric restored, 1853 |
Cloister of episcopal palace, XVth century |
Bridge across SaÔne, Xth century |
Earliest portions of cathedral, 1180 |
Concile gÉnÉrale of the Church held at Lyons, 1245 and 1274 |
Portail, XVth century |
Glass of choir, XIIIth and XIVth centuries |
Great bourdon, 1662 |
Weight of great bourdon, 10,000 kilos |
Chapelle des Bourbons, XVth century |
Astronomical clock, XVIth and XVIIth centuries |
First bishop, St. Lasare, Ist century |
Ancient cathedral built upon the ruins of a temple to Diana, XIth century |
New cathedral begun, 1852 |
Practically completed, 1893 |
Length, 460 feet |
Height of central dome, 197 feet |
Relique of St. Jean Baptiste, first brought here in VIth century |
Cloister, 1452 |
First bishop, Xth century |
Main fabric of cathedral, XIVth century |
Restoration, XVIIth century |
Towers, XVIth century |
Organ-case, 1640 |
Height of western towers, 203 and 276 feet |
Bishopric removed here from Maguelonne, 1536 |
Pope Urban V. consecrated present cathedral in a former Benedictine abbey, 1364 |
Length of nave, 181 feet |
Width of nave, 49 feet |
Length of choir, 43 feet |
Width of choir, 39 feet |
Towers and west front, XIXth century |
Choir and nave, 1465-1507 |
Coloured glass, XVth and XVIth centuries |
Choir restoration completed, 1885 |
Sepulchre, XVIth century |
Height of western spires, 312 feet |
ChÂteau of Ducs de Bourbon (facing the cathedral) XIVth century |
Choir begun, 1272-1330 |
Choir rebuilt, XVIIIth century |
Remains of cloister, XIVth and XVth century |
Towers, XVth century |
Tombs of bishops, XIVth to XVIth centuries |
Organ buffet, 1741 |
Height of choir vault, 120 (127?) feet |
St. Felix the first bishop, IVth century |
St. Castor as bishop, 1030 |
Cathedral damaged by wars of XVIth and XVIIth centuries |
Length of grande axe of Arena, 420 feet |
Capacity of Arena, 80,000 persons |
Earliest portions, XIth century |
Completed, XVth century |
Length of nave, 150 feet |
Width of nave, 106 feet |
Oldest portions, 1085 |
Nave, 1085-1126 |
Clocher, XIVth century |
Nave rebuilt, XVIIth century |
Ancient Abbey of St. Antoine, XIth century |
First bishop, Bernard Saisset, 1297 |
Primitive monastery founded, VIth century |
Cathedral dates from 984-1047 |
Cathedral rebuilt, XIIth century |
Cathedral restored, XIXth century |
Pulpit in carved wood, XVIIth |
Confessionals, Xth or XIth century |
Paintings in vaulting, XIth century |
Length of nave, 197 feet |
Height of pillars of nave, 44 feet |
Height of cupola of clocher, 217 feet |
Height of great arches in interior, 65 feet |
Tower, XIVth century |
RÉtable, XIV century |
Altar-screen, XIVth century |
Bishop's tomb, 1695 |
Eglise St. Hilaire, Xth and XIth centuries |
BaptistÈre, IVth to XIIth centuries |
St. Radegonde, XIth and XIIth centuries |
Cathedral begun, 1162 |
High-altar dedicated, 1199 |
Choir completed, 1250 |
Western doorway, XVth century |
Coloured glass, XIIIth and XVIIIth centuries |
Dates chiefly from 1275 |
Choir, XIVth century |
Nave, XVth century |
Cross-vaults, tribune, sacristy door, and faÇade, from about 1535 |
ClÔture of choir designed by Cusset |
Terrace to episcopal palace designed by Philandrier, 1550 |
Episcopal palace itself dates, in the main, from XVIIth century |
Rose window of faÇade is the most notable in France south of the Loire, excepting Poitiers |
Eglise St. Eutrope, 1081-1096 |
Primitive cathedral, 1117 |
Cathedral rebuilt, 1585 |
First two bays of transept, XIIth century |
Nave completed, XVth century |
Vaulting of choir and nave, XVth to XVIIth centuries |
Height of flamboyant tower (XIVth century), 236 feet |
Benedictine abbey dates from VIIIth century |
Cathedral mainly of XIth and XIIth centuries |
Sepulchral chapel, XIIth century |
First bishop, St. ThÉodule, IVth century |
Choir of Eglise Ste. Catherine, Xth or XIth century |
Bishop of Sion sent as papal legate to Winchester, 1070 |
Main body of cathedral, XVth century |
Abbey founded by St. Claude, Vth century |
Bishopric founded by Jos. de Madet, 1742 |
Bishopric suppressed, 1790 |
Bishopric revived again, 1821 |
Main fabric of cathedral, XIVth century |
Cathedral restored, XVIIIth century |
Length, 200 feet (approx.) |
Width, 85 feet " |
Height, 85 feet " |
Bishopric founded, 1318 |
Present cathedral begun, 1375 |
" " dedicated, 1496 |
" " completed, 1556 |
Episcopal palace, 1800 |
ChÂteau de St. Flour, 1000 |
Former cathedral, XIIth and XIIIth centuries |
Bishop's palace, XVIIth century |
Main body of fabric, XIth and XIIth centuries |
FaÇade, XVIIth century |
Length of nave, 160 feet |
Width of nave, 35 feet |
Chapel to St. Restuit first erected here, IVth century | |
Town devastated by the Vandals, Vth century | |
" " " " | Saracens, 736 |
" " " " | Protestants, XIVth century |
" " " " | Catholics, XIVth century |
Former cathedral, XIth and XIIth centuries |
Benedictine foundation, VIIth century |
Cloister, VIIth century (?) |
Bishopric founded, 1317 |
Romanesque and transition nave, XIIth century |
Inhabitants of the town, including the bishop, mostly became Protestant, XVIth century |
Cathedral rebuilt and restored, XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries |
Tour FÉnestrelle, XIIIth century |
Organ-case, XVIIth century |
Height of the "Tour FÉnestrelle," 130 feet |
Cloister, XIth century |
Eglise de St. Quinin, VIIth century |
Cathedral rebuilt and reconsecrated by Urban II., XIth century |
Reconstructed, 1604 |
Bishopric founded, IVth century |
Foundations laid, XIIth century |
Cenotaph to Pius VI., 1799 |
Height of tower, 187 feet |
Principally, XIVth century |
Rebuilt and reconstructed, and clocher added, XVIIIth century |
Fabric of various eras, VIth, Xth, XIIth, and XVth centuries |
RÉtable, XVIth century |
Choir-stalls, XVth century |
Bishopric dates from IId century |
St. Crescent, first bishop, 118 |
Cathedral begun, 1052 |
Reconstructed, 1515 |
Coloured glass, in part, XIVth century |
Tomb of Cardinal de Montmorin, XVIth century |
Metropolitan privileges of Vienne confirmed by Pope Paschal II., 1099 |
Choir, XIVth century |
Tower, XIVth and XVth centuries |
Abbey of Cluny, 59, 61.
Abbey of Montmajour, 230.
Acre, 56.
Adelbert, Count of PÉrigueux, 38.
Adour, River, 417.
Agde, 53, 358, 359.
Agde, CathÉdrale de, 358-360, 520.
Agen, 42, 429.
Agen, St. Caprais de, 429, 431, 520.
Agout, River, 471.
Aigues-Mortes, 228, 319, 320.
Aire, St. Jean Baptiste de, 469, 470, 521.
Aix, 36, 230, 283, 293, 323, 324.
Aix St. Jean de Malte, 324.
Aix, St. Sauveur de, 323-327, 521.
Ajaccio, 47.
Alais, 249-251.
Alais, St. Jean de, 249-251, 521.
Alberoni, Cardinal, 240.
Albi, 27, 41, 53, 54, 61, 95, 98, 274.
Albi, Ste. CÉcile de, 363, 482-489, 522.
Albigenses, The, 365, 485, 486.
Alet, 42.
Alet, St. Pierre de, 350, 351, 522.
Amantius, 330.
Amiens, 60, 62.
Andorra, Republic of, 373.
Angers, ChÂteau at, 66.
Angers, St Maurice d', 97.
AngoulÊme, 55, 61, 73, 120, 124.
AngoulÊme, St. Pierre de, 73, 120-125, 523.
Anjou, 45, 71.
Anjou, Duke of, 40, 44.
Anjou, Henry Plantagenet of, 39.
Anjou (La TrinitÉ), 56.
Annecy, 252-254, 256.
Annecy, St. Pierre de, 252-254, 523.
Antibes, 330, 339, 341.
Aosti, 268.
Apt, 289-291.
Apt, St. Castor de, 523.
Aquitaine, 38, 62.
Aquitanians, The, 38.
Aquitanian architecture, 54, 55, 66.
Arc de Triomphe (Saintes), 115.
Architecture, Church, 50-56.
Ariosto, 235.
Arles, 28, 33, 61, 217, 228-235, 283, 293.
Arles, Archbishop of, 46.
Arles, St. Trophime de, 37, 202, 228-235, 524.
Arnaud, Bishop, 354.
Auch, St. Marie de, 432-438, 524.
Auch, College of, 438.
Augustus, 221.
Autun, Bishop of (Talleyrand-PÉrigord), 46.
Auvergne, 29, 62, 72-74.
Auzon, 221.
Avignon, 33, 41, 53, 54, 241.
Avignon, Papal Palace at, 377, 485.
Avignon, Notre Dame des Doms, 204-220, 525.
Avignon, Ruf d', 36.
BaptistÈre of St. Siffrein de Carpentras, 222.
BaptistÈre, The (Poitiers), 95, 96, 101.
Basilique de Notre Dame de FourviÈre, 185.
Bayonne, 28, 57, 373, 387, 405-407, 410, 411.
Bayonne, Notre Dame de, 405-410, 525.
Bazas, St. Jean de, 411, 412, 526.
Bazin, RenÉ, 229, 235.
Bearn, Province of, 395, 406.
Beauvais, Lucien de, 37.
Becket, Thomas À, 111.
Belley, 267.
Belley, CathÉdrale de, 526.
Benedict XII., Pope, 211, 216.
BÉnigne, 171.
Berengarius II., 371.
Berri, 71, 72.
BesanÇon, 267, 274.
BesanÇon, Lin de, 36.
BÉthanie, Lazare de, 36.
BÉzard, 431.
BÉziers, 53, 363-365.
BÉziers, Bishop of, 365.
BÉziers, St. Nazaire de, 363-367, 526.
Bichi, Alexandri, 224.
Bishops of Carpentras, 221.
Bishop of Ypres, 48.
"Black Prince," The, 418, 453.
Blois, ChÂteau at, 66.
Breakspeare, 230.
Bretagne, Slabs in, 64.
Bridge of St. BÉnezet, 219.
Bordeaux, 57, 384, 387, 396, 397, 401.
Bordeaux, St. AndrÉ de, 94, 396-401, 526.
Bossuet, Bishop, 420.
BourassÉ, AbbÉ, 83, 89, 328, 354, 433.
Bourbons, The, 126, 127. 130.
Bourg, 277-279.
Bourg, Notre Dame de, 277-279, 526.
Bourges, 41, 62.
Bovet, FranÇois, 281.
Boyan, Bishop, 247.
Buti, Bishop Laurent, 224.
CÆsar, 171.
Cahors, 42, 44, 425, 428.
Cahors, St. Etienne de, 425-428, 527.
CairÈne type of mosque, 55.
Calixtus II., 189.
Canal du Midi, 367.
Canova, 194, 334.
Capet, Hugh, 38, 39.
Carcassonne, 28, 53, 319, 449-457.
Carcassonne, St. Nazaire de, 57, 319, 449-460, 527.
Carpentras, 221-226.
Carpentras, St. Siffrein de, 221-225, 528.
Carton, Dominique de, 224.
Castres, 42, 471.
Castres, Sts. Benoit et Vincent de, 471-473, 528.
CathÉdrale d'Agde, 358-360, 520.
CathÉdrale de Belley, 526.
CathÉdrale de ChambÉry, 255-257, 529.
CathÉdrale de Condom, 420, 421.
CathÉdrale de Dax, 530.
CathÉdrale d'Eauze, 531.
CathÉdrale de Lectoure, 402-404.
CathÉdrale de LuÇon, 85, 86, 533.
CathÉdrale de Montauban, 422-424.
CathÉdrale de Pamiers, 461-463, 536.
CathÉdrale de Sarlat, 540.
CathÉdrale de Sion, 302-304, 540.
Cathedral of St. Michel, Carcassonne, <
a href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@35212@35212-h@35212-h-9.htm.html#page_451" class="pginternal">451, 452.
CathÉdrale de Tulle, 118, 119, 542.
CathÉdrale de Vabres, 543.
CathÉdrale de Vaison, 226, 227, 543.
Cathedrale de Viviers, 195, 196, 544.
Cavaillon, 226.
Cavaillon, St. Veran de, 200-203, 528.
Cevennes, 30, 72, 76-79, 136.
Chalons, Simon de, 247.
Chalons-sur-SaÔne, St. Etienne de, 170-173, 529.
ChambÉry, 28, 253, 255-257, 264, 267, 270.
ChambÉry, CathÉdrale de, 529.
Chapelle des Innocents, Agen, 431.
Charente, River, 115.
Charlemagne, 58, 59, 214.
Charles V., 40, 45, 323.
Charles VIII., 65.
Charles the Great, 304.
Charterhouse, near Grenoble, 62.
Chartres, 60, 62, 232.
Chartres, Aventin de, 37.
Chartreuse, La Grande, 48, 162, 531.
Chavannes, Puvis de, 102, 342.
ChissÉ, Archbishop, 260.
Chrysaphius, Bishop, 281.
Church of St. Saturnin (Toulouse), 440-444.
Church of the Jacobins (Toulouse), 440, 441, 443, 444.
Clairvaux, 62.
Clement V., Pope, 33, 211, 398, 400.
Clement VI., 219,
Clermont-Ferrand, 29, 33, 52, 57, 73, 74.
Clermont-Ferrand, Notre Dame de, 144-151, 531.
Lake of Annecy, 252.
La Madeleine, Aix, 324.
Lamartine, 176.
Languedoc, 32, 40, 44, 390, 391.
La Rochelle, 73, 82, 83.
La Rochelle, St. Louis de, 82-84, 532.
La TrinitÉ at Anjou, 56.
Laura, Tomb of, 33.
Lavaur, 497, 498.
Lectoure, 402.
Lectoure, CathÉdrale de, 402-404.
Les ArÈnes, 240.
Lescar, 413.
Lescar, Notre Dame de, 413-416.
LesdiguiÈres, Duc de, 298.
Les FrÈres du Pont, 220.
Le Puy, 61, 134-136, 327.
Le Puy, Notre Dame de, 97, 134-143, 532.
Limoges, 57, 79, 80, 104, 105.
Limoges (St. Martial), 37.
Limoges, St. Etienne de, 104-111, 532.
Limousin, 71, 72.
LodÈve, 246.
LodÈve, St. Fulcran de, 152-155, 533.
Loire valley, 30.
Lombardy, 33.
Lombez, 496.
Lot, 44.
Loudin, Noel, 110.
Louis IV., 240.
Louis VII., 39.
Louis XI., 295.
Louis XIII., 353.
Louis XIV., 210, 224.
Louis XV., 210.
Louis Napoleon, 397.
LozÈre, 28.
LuÇon, 42.
LuÇon, CathÉdrale de, 85, 86, 533.
Lyon, 28, 177, 178, 259, 267, 273.
Lyon, St. Jean de, 177-185, 533.
Macon, St. Vincent de, 174-176.
Madet, Joseph de, 273.
Maguelonne, 353, 354.
Maillezais, 42.
Maillezais, L'Abbaye de, 81.
Maine, Henry Plantagenet of, 39.
Maison CarÉe, The, 240.
Mansard, 290.
Marseilles, 36, 314, 318, 342.
Marseilles, Ste. Marie-Majeure de, 318, 342-349, 534.
Maurienne, 269-271.
Maurienne, St. Jean de, 256, 269-271, 534.
Memmi, Simone (of Sienna), 211, 216.
Mende, 42, 246, 490, 492.
Mende in LozÈre, 27.
Mende, St. Pierre de, 490-494, 534.
MÉrimÉe, Prosper, 26, 30, 224.
Metz, Clement de, 36.
Midi, The, 383-395.
Midi, Canal du, 386.
Mignard, 250, 282, 290.
Mimat, Mont, 494.
Mirabeau, 46.
Mirepoix, 501.
Mirepoix, St. Maurice de, 501.
Mistral, Frederic, 163, 165, 218, 228.
Modane, 270.
Mognon, 84.
Moles, Arnaud de, 436.
Monastery of La Grande Chartreuse, 260.
Montauban, 422.
Montauban, CathÉdrale de, 422-424.
Mont de la Baume, 282.
Mont DorÉ-le-Bains, 74.
Monte Carlo, 213.
Montfort, Simon de, 455, 459.
Montmajour, Abbey of, 230.
Montpellier, 40, 352-354.
Montpellier, St. Pierre de, 352-357, 534.
Mont St. Guillaume, 295.
Morin, AbbÉ, 36, 37.
Moulins, Notre Dame de, 126-133, 534.
Nadaud, Gustave, 455-457.
Naples, Joanna of, 209.
Naples, Kingdom of, 45.
Napoleon, 27, 210, 240.
Narbonne, 42, 53, 54, 241, 375, 376.
Narbonne, St. Just de, 375-379, 535.
Narbonne (St. Paul), 37.
Nero, Reign of, 36.
Neiges, Notre Dame des, 223.
Nice, St. Reparata de, 328-331.
NÎmes, 28, 33, 40, 61, 218, 228, 229, 236-242.
NÎmes, St. Castor de, 236-244, 535.
Notre Dame de l'Assomption de Gap, 296-299.
Notre Dame de Bayonne, 405-410, 525.
Notre Dame de Bourg, 277-279, 526.
Notre Dame de Clermont-Ferrand, 144-151, 530.
Notre Dame de DiÉ, 287, 288, 531.
Notre Dame de Doms d'Avignon, 204-220, 525.
Notre Dame d'Embrun, 292-295, 531.
Notre Dame de la Gard, 346, 347.
Notre Dame de la Grande (Poitiers), 95.
Notre Dame de Grenoble, 258-264, 531.
Notre Dame de Le Puy, 97, 134-143, 532.
Notre Dame de Lescar, 413-416.
Notre Dame de Moulins, 126-133, 534.
Notre Dame des Neiges, 223.
Notre Dame d'Orange, 197-199, 536.
Notre Dame de Rodez, 363, 474-481, 539.
Notre Dame et St. Castor d'Apt, 289-291.
Notre Dame de Vence, 300, 301, 544.
Notre Dame du Port, 57.
Noyon, 60.
Obreri, Peter, 212.
Oloron, 498, 536.
Oloron, Ste. Marie d', 498, 536.
Orange, 28, 33, 61, 225, 229.
Orange, Notre Dame d', 197-199, 536.
Orb, River, 366, 367.
Order of St. Bruno, 260, 261, 263.
Palais de Justice (Poitiers), 102.
Palais des Papes, 54, 209.
Palais du Constantin, 230.
Palissy, Bernard, 117.
Pamiers, 461.
Pamiers, CathÉdrale de, 461-463, 536.
Paris, 29, 37, 46, 62, 232, 270.
Parrocel, 290.
Pascal, Blaise, 150, 151, 160.
Paschal II., 189.
Pas de Calais, 30.
Pause, Plantavit de la, 154.
PÉrigueux, 55-57, 61.
PÉrigueux, St. Front de, 56, 87-91, 97, 537.
Perpignan, 28, 368, 369, 373.
Perpignan, St. Jean de, 368-371, 537.
Petrarch, 204, 207-209, 211, 213, 221, 264.
Peyer, Roger, 242.
Philippe-Auguste, 40.
Philippe-le-Bel, 41.
Piedmont, 270.
Pierrefonds, ChÂteau at, 66.
Pius VI., 194.
Pius, Pope, 210.
Plantagenet, Henry (of Maine and Anjou), 39.
Poitiers, 42, 73, 95-97, 327.
Poitiers, Notre Dame de la Grande, 95.
Poitiers (St. Hilaire), 61.
Poitiers, St. Pierre de, 92-101, 538.
Poitou, 71-73.
Poitou, Eleanor of, 39.
Polignac, ChÂteau de, 75, 76, 135, 143.
Port Royal, 45.
Provence, 32, 62, 163-167, 313.
ProvenÇal architecture, 54, 55, 57, 66.
Ptolemy, 159.
Puy, Bertrand du, 422.
Puy de DÔme, 29, 73, 74.
Puy, Notre Dame de la, 97, 134-143, 532.
Pyrenees, The, 393-395.
Religious movements in France, 23-48.
RenÉ, King, 323, 326.
RÉvoil, Henri, 348.
Rheims, 60, 62, 229.
Rheims, Sixte de, 37.
RhÔne valley, 28.
Richelieu, Cardinal, 85.
Rienzi, 211.
Rieux, 497.
Riez, 280, 281.
Riom, 73.
Riviera, The, 313-320.
Rochefort, 73.
Rocher des Doms, 213.
Rodez, 29, 42, 274.
Rodez, Notre Dame de, 363, 474-481, 539.
Rouen, 60.
Rouen, Nicaise de, 37.
Rouen (St. Ouen), 52.
Rousillon, 368, 369, 372.
Rousseau, 256.
RovÈre, Bishop de la, 492.
Rubens, 340.
Ruskin, 63.
St. Albans in Hertfordshire, 230.
St. AndrÉ de Bordeaux, 94, 396-401, 526.
St. Ansone, 121.
St. Apollinaire de Valence, 190-194, 543.
St. Armand, 474, 481.
St. Armentaire, 339, 341.
St. Astier, Armand de, 119.
St. Aubin, 226.
St. Auspice, 289.
St. Austinde, 433, 435.
St. Austremoine, 37, 150.
St. Ayrald, 271.
St. BÉnezet, 219.
St. BÉnigne of Dijon, 63.
St. Benoit de Castres, 471-473, 232.
St. Trophime d'Arles, 37, 202, 228-235, 524.
St. Valentin, 221.
St. ValÈre (TrÈves), 37.
St. Venuste, 359.
St. VÉran, 301.
St. VÉran de Cavaillon, 200-203, 528.
St. Vincent de Macon, 174-176.
St. Vincent de Paul, Statue of, 285.
St. Virgil, 230.
Saintes, Eutrope de, 37.
Saisset, Bernard, 463.
SaÔne, River, 170, 174, 181.
Sarlat, 42, 500.
Sarlat, CathÉdrale de, 540.
Savoie, 30, 252, 256, 271.
Scott, Sir Walter, 51, 58.
Senez, 280.
Senlis, 60.
Sens, Savinien de, 37.
SÉvignÉ, Madame de, 392.
Sion, CathÉdrale de, 302-304, 540.
Sterne, 126, 184.
Stevenson, R. L., 23, 30, 135, 249.
Strasbourg, 51.
Suavis, 464.
Suger, Abbot, 51.
Talleyrand-PÉrigord (Bishop of Autun), 46.
Tarascon, Castle at, 66.
Tarasque, The, 134.
Tarbes, 417. 418.
Tarbes, L'Eglise de la SÈde, 417-419.
Tarentaise, 256, 268, 270.
Tarn, River, 422.
Thevenot, 113.
Toulon, 330, 332.
Toulon, St. Marie Majeure de, 332-334, 541.
Toulouse, 42, 439-441.
Toulouse, MusÉe of, 441, 447.
Toulouse, St. Etienne de, 439-448, 541.
Toulouse, St. Saturnin, 37.
"Tour Fenestrelle," 247.
Touraine, 29, 71, 72.
Tours, 29.
Tours (St. Gatien), 37.
Tours (St. Martin), 61.
Treaty of Tolentino, 210.
TrÈves (St. ValÈre), 37.
Tricastin, 305, 306.
Trinity Church, Boston, 141, 346.
Tulle, CathÉdrale de, 118, 119, 542.
Tuscany, 33.
Unigenitus, Bull, 45.
Urban, Pope, 33.
Urban II., 145, 149, 150, 191, 458.
Urban V., 354.
UzÈs, 245-248.
UzÈs, St. Theodorit de, 245-248, 542.
Vabres, 42, 499.
Vabres, CathÉdrale de, 543.
Vaison, 226, 227.
Vaison, CathÉdrale de, 226, 227, 543.
Valence, 29.
Valence, St. Apollinaire de, 190-194, 543.
Vaucluse, 208.
Vaudoyer, LÉon, 348.
Vehens, Raimond de, 112.
Venasque, 222.
Vence, 300, 301.
Vence, Notre Dame de, 300, 301, 544.
VendÉe, La, 72.
Veronese, Alex., 401.
Veyrie, RÉne de la, 85.
Veyrier, 334.
Vic, Dominique de, 434.
Vienne, 29, 61, 229, 253, 259, 273, 296.
Vienne, St. Maurice, 179, 184, 186-189, 193, 544.
Villeneuve-les-Avignon, 213.
Villeneuve, Raimond de, 339.
Viollet-le-Duc, 88, 131, 146, 377, 442, 452, 455.
Viviers, CathÉdrale de, 195, 196, 544.
Voltaire, 273.
Werner, Archbishop, 51.
Westminster Cathedral, London, 345.
William of Wykeham (England), 51.
William, Duke of Normandy, 39.
Wykeham, William of, 51.
Young, Arthur, 24, 208, 256, 273, 464.
Ypres, Bishop of, 48.