A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y.
Achill Island, 161-173, 185.
Achill Sound, 167.
Achill-beg, 168.
Adamnan, St., 200, 201.
Ængus, 159.
Aillach, Grianan of, 213-214.
Albeus, Saint, 153-154.
Alfred the Great, 17, 201.
“Alice and Una,” 58-61.
All Saints’ Island, 126.
Anne, Queen, 293.
Annesley, Earl of, 245.
Antrim, 224, 225, 231.
Antrim, Lord, 212.
Aran Islands, 153-160.
Ardglass, 240.
Ardkyne Castle, 158.
Argobast, St., 281.
Armagh, 159, 245, 295-298.
Archbishop of, 234.
Arra Mountains, 116.
Athlone, 119-120, 123, 152.
Athy Family, 138.
Auburn, 120-125.
The “Three Pigeons,” 123-125.
Baliol, 226.
Ballina, 186-187.
Ballylesson, 293.
Ballynasheera Castle, 116.
Ballyshannon, 190.
Bantry, 45-46.
Bantry Bay, 5, 40, 43-46, 53, 54, 57, 67, 68, 84, 232.
Barrus, Saint, 16.
Battle of the Boyne, 120, 248-250.
Bear Island, 43.
Bective Abbey, 265.
Belfast, 231, 236, 239, 290-295.
Cave Hill, 293.
Giant’s Ring, 293.
Queen’s Island, 294.
Belfast Lough, 240, 290.
Bell of St. Bronach, 236-237.
Belleek, 190.
“Bells of Shandon, The,” 8-13.
Ben Hill, 116.
Benbaun, 182.
Benen, St., 158-159.
Benwee, 185.
Bere, 45, 46.
Bere Island (see Bear Island).
Berehaven, 43, 59.
Biscayan Bay, 87.
Black Bull Head, 84.
Black Sod Bay, 165, 185.
Black Valley, 62, 68, 76-79, 188.
Blackwater, The, 260, 266.
Blake Family, 138.
Blarney, 21, 25.
Castle (Blarney Stone), 21, 25-30.
Lakes, 25.
Blasquetts, The, 95.
Bloody Bridge, 246.
Bloody Foreland, 202.
Boate, 115.
Bodkin Family, 138.
Bolus Head, 87.
Boru, Brian (see Brian Boru).
Boucicault, 75.
Boyle, 128.
Boyle, The, 127.
Boyne, The, 232, 234, 248-251, 252, 254, 260, 265, 266, 269.
Boyne, Battle of the (see Battle of the Boyne).
Bray Head, 87.
Bregia, 254.
Brian Boru, 106-113.
Brian, Brother, 17.
“Bridal of the Year,” 58.
Bridge of the Ford (see Drogheda).
Brow Head, 40.
Browne Family, 138.
Bruce, Edward, 234-235.
Bruce, Robert, 226, 234.
Brugh, 253.
Bundoran, 195.
“Burial of King Cormac, The,” 253.
Bushmills, 215.
Butler, 16.
Cahirciveen, 95.
Cairns, William, 212.
Callanan, 37.
Camden, 254.
Campsie, Henry, 212.
Cape Clear, 40.
Carew, Sir George, 46, 48, 49.
Carews, The, 33.
Carlingford, 237-238.
Castle, 237-238, 239.
Carlingford Lough, 235-240, 246.
Carlingford Mountains, 235, 240.
Carnot, 44.
Carolan, 128.
Carrick, 199.
Carrick-a-Rede, 226-230.
Carrickfergus, 295.
Carrick-on-Shannon, 106, 127, 189.
Carrigaline River, 7.
Cashel, 153.
Castle of Ardkyne, 158.
Castle of Ballynasheera, 116.
Castlebar, 186.
Castletown, 43, 44, 46.
Castlewellan, 245, 246.
Cavan, St., 160.
Charlemagne, 18.
Charles I., 15, 291.
Charles II., 296.
Claddagh, 134, 146, 147, 148.
Claire, County, 114.
Clare Island, 173-174.
Clarke, 44.
Cleitach, 252.
Clew Bay, 165, 173.
Clifden, 177, 178, 181.
Cloghereen, 62.
Clonmacnois, Cross of, 273.
Cloyne, 16, 17.
Coleraine, 215, 223.
Colleen Bawn Caves, 72.
“Colleen Bawn, The,” 15, 72.
Colman, St., 16.
Colpa, 232.
Columba, St., 201, 254, 269, 281-289.
Columbanus, St., 281.
Columbkille, St., 200, 201, 206, 208.
Coman, St., 126.
Conal, St., 200.
Coningham, Alexander, 212.
Coningham, John, 212.
Connacia, 283.
Connaught, 16, 116, 120, 148, 149, 153, 159, 263.
Connemara, 132, 147, 169, 174-181.
Connolly, John, 33.
Corcaig (see Cork).
Cork, 1, 5-25, 26, 30, 33, 34, 37, 40, 67, 146, 153.
Abbey of St. Finbarr, 17.
Christian Brothers, Monastery of the, 15.
Cork University, 17.
Patrick, St., 21.
Shandon Bells, 8-15.
Shandon Hill, 11.
St. Anne Shandon, Church of, 8-15.
St. Joseph’s Cemetery, 21.
Cormac, 26, 29, 251-254, 269.
Cove (see Queenstown).
Croagh, Patrick, 165.
Croghan, 167.
Cromwell, Henry, 129.
Cromwell, Oliver, 99, 116, 158, 233, 234, 235, 248, 264.
Crookshanks, William, 212.
Croom, Plain of, 30.
Crosshaven, 7.
Crosshaven Ring, 6.
Cul-Dreimhne, 283, 285.
Cumber, 211.
D’Arcy Family, 138.
Dangan Castle, 263.
Dante’s “Inferno,” 229.
De Courcy, 224, 237, 243, 244, 291.
De Lacy Family, 263.
De Lacy, Hugh, 240, 265, 266.
Deane Family, 138.
Demesne, 68.
Derry (see Londonderry).
“Deserted Village, The,” 123-125.
Desmond, 34-37.
Prince of, 71.
Desmond, King of Munster, 15.
Dhade Mountain, 57.
Diarmid, King, 283.
Diarmid, St., 288.
Dingle, 95.
Dingle Bay, 5, 40, 67, 87, 95, 96.
Dingle Mountains, 95.
Dingley, Mrs., 264.
Donaghmore Church, 266.
Donaghmore, Round Tower of, 266-269.
Donegal, 194-202.
Castle, 196.
Donegal Bay, 189, 194, 202.
Donegal Highlands, 189.
Donnybrook Fair, 95.
Donard Lodge, 245.
Dooagh, 168.
DorÉ, Gustave, 223.
Down, County, 211, 231, 240, 296.
Downpatrick, 240-244.
Downpatrick Head, 185.
Drake, Sir Francis, 7.
Drake’s Pool, 7.
Drogheda, 232-234, 248, 249, 251, 259, 260.
Gates, 233.
Magdalen Steeple, 233.
Mill Mount, 232.
Kevin, St., 160.
Kilbronan, 127.
Kilbroney, 236-237.
Kilcummin, 186.
Kildare, County, 248, 251.
Kildavnet Castle, 167.
Kilkenny, 126, 269.
Kill Aladh, 186.
Killala, 186.
Killala Bay, 185-187.
Killaloe, 104, 106, 113-114, 115.
Cell of St. Lua, 113.
Killarney, 30, 62-83, 231.
Killarney Lakes, 43, 62, 68, 72-75.
Killary Harbour, 178-181.
Killian, St., 281.
Killowen, 246.
Killybegs, 196, 199.
Kilmurvy, 160.
Kincardineshire, 226.
Kincora, 106-113.
Kipling, Rudyard, 54, 84, 185.
Kirk, Admiral, 213.
Kirwan Family, 138.
Knightstown, 91-92.
Knockcroghery Bay, 126.
KÖhl, 130, 219-220, 249.
Lake of Shadows (see Lough Swilly).
Lanesborough, 127.
Laracar, 264-265.
Lee, The, 6, 8, 37, 76.
Leenane, 178, 182.
Leinster, 109.
Lever, Charles, 119.
Liffey, The, 257.
Limerick, 96-103, 106.
Castle, 99, 120.
Lisadell, 188.
Lisburn, 295.
Lishoy (see Auburn).
Livinus, St., 281.
Locahan (see Finbarr, St.).
Londonderry, 206, 207-213, 239.
Cathedral, 208.
Gates of, 208, 212, 233.
Long Range, The, 72.
Longford, County, 124.
Longworth, Miss, 246-247.
Lough Carib, 177-178.
Lough Derg, 106, 114-116.
Lough Eirc, 16.
Lough Erne, 189.
Lough Foyle, 205-206.
Lough Glendalough, 182.
Lough Leane, 64, 72.
Lough Ree, 119, 120, 125.
Lough Swilly, 57, 205.
Louis XIV., 16.
Lover, 260.
Ludlow, General, 75.
Lynch Family, 138, 139.
Lynch, Gorman, 139.
M’Carthy, 58-61.
McCarthy Mor, 71.
McCarthys, The, 71.
M’Coul, Fin, 221-222.
M’Donald, Colonel, 224, 225.
M’Quillan, 224, 225.
Macaulay, Lord, 17, 53, 211.
MacCarthy, Cormac (see Cormac).
MacCarthys, The, 33.
MacDonnells of Antrim, 224, 225.
MacFoin, Ossine, 166.
MacGeoghegan, 46-49.
MacGillicuddy’s Reeks, 68, 75-76.
Macroom, 30-34.
MÆlmurra, Prince of Leinster, 109-110.
“Maga,” 170.
Maguires, The, 190.
Mahony, Rev. Francis (see Prout, Father).
Malin Beg, 199.
Malin Head, 205.
Mallow, 34.
Manners, Lord John, 91-92.
Margetson, 297.
Marlborough, Duke of, II.
Marmion, Anthony, 232-233.
Martin Family, 138.
Mathew, Father, 18, 21.
Mayo, 147, 161, 169, 185.
Meath, 263, 265, 266, 269, 273.
Meave, Queen, 126, 148-149.
Melleek, 116.
Milesius, 232.
Milton, 291.
Misgoun Meave, 148-149.
Mizen Head, 40.
Molaise, St., 285.
Monasterboice, 259-260, 273, 278.
Monk, General, 235.
Monk’s Robe Island (see Innisfallen).
Monmouth, Rosa de, 265.
Montalembert, 282-284, 289.
Moore, Thomas, 67, 87-88, 258-259.
Morris Family, 138.
Morrison, Robert, 212.
Morrogh, 110.
Mount Alexander, Earl of, 211.
Mourne Abbey, 246.
Mourne Mountains, 240, 246.
Mourne Park, 246.
Moy, The, 186, 187.
Muadas, The, 186.
Muckross, 62, 71.
Muckross Abbey, 68, 71-72, 75.
Muckross Lake, 72.
Munster, 15, 75, 116, 153.
Muredach, 186.
Murphy, Pat, 246.
Murphys, The, 44.
Muskau, Prince Puckler, 50.
Muskerry, 33.
Nad-na-nillar (see Eagle’s Nest).
Nangle, Rev. Edward, 170-173.
Narrow Water Castle, 240.
Navan, 265-266.
Great Moat, 266.
Neath, 201.
Nessan, St., 16.
Newcastle, 245-246.
Newman, 17.
Newry, 235, 240.
Nial, King, 200.
O’Brien, Fitz-James, 103.
O’Brien of Thomond, 113.
O’Cahans, The, 223.
O’Connell, Daniel, 95.
O’Connor, T. P., 150-152.
O’Donnell, The, 284.
O’Donoghues, The, 71, 75.
O’Halloran, 166.
O’Kanes, The, 223.
O’Mahony, Denis, 34.
O’Malley, Grace, 167, 174.
O’Melaghlin, 265.
O’Neill, Shane, 297.
O’Neills, The, 207, 224.
O’Sullivan Mor, 71.
O’Sullivans, The, 44, 45.
Ormonde Family, 292.
Ossian, 166.
Oughterard, 177.
Pallas, 124.
Patrick, St., 114, 126, 153, 187, 235, 243-244, 259, 264, 269, 281, 297.
Paxton, Sir Joseph, 193.
Penn, William, 18, 33.
Penn, Admiral Sir William, 33.
Percy, Thomas, 244.
Petrie, Hindes, Dr., 159.
Portrush, 215, 223.
Portumna, 115-116.
Power, Captain, 49.
Prout, Father, 8-13, 26, 27, 28.
Purple Mountain, 62.
Quaker Island, 125.
Queenstown, 1-8, 84, 91.
The Beach, 2.
Quoile, The, 243.
Raphoe, 200.
Rathlin Island, 226.
Recess, 177, 181-182.
Richard II., 234.
Rindown Castle, 125.
Rioch, St., 126.
Rocky Island, 6.
Roden, Earl of, 245.
Roderic, King of Connaught, 263.
Roscommon, 119, 126.
Ross Castle, 75.
Ross-na-Ri, 253.
Rostellan Castle, 6.
Rostrevor, 235-236, 246, 247.
Catholic Chapel, 236.
Sackville, Lionel, 250.
Sarsfield, General, 99.
Schomberg, 250.
Schull, 40.
Scott, Sir Walter, 71, 125, 206, 225.
Screen, Church of, 257.
Shannon, The, 40, 100, 103-128, 166, 189.
Bridge, 119.
Harbour, 119.
Sheep’s Head, 40.
Sherrard, Robert, 212.
Skelligs Rocks, 87, 96.
Skerret Family, 138.
Slea Head, 95.
Sleivemore, 167.
Sliabhna-goil, 57.
Slieve Aughty Mountains, 116.
Slieve Donard, 245.
Slieve League, 195, 196, 199-200.
Slieve-na-Slat, 246.
Sligo, 148, 187-193.
Abbey, 193.
County, 187.
Speed, 254.
Spenser, 6.
Spike Island, 6.
Spike, James, 212.
St. Patrick’s Purgatory, 114-115.
Stags of Broadhaven, 185.
Station Island, 114.
“Stella,” 264-265.
Stevenson, R. L., 64.
Steward, James, 212.
Sugar Loaf Mountain, 57.
Swift, Dean, 235, 264-265.
Tara, 106, 251-259, 260, 265, 269, 283.
Psalter of, 252.
Taylor, Jeremy, 244, 296.
Taylor, Thomas, 48.
Teelin Head, 199.
Temple Brecan, 160.
Temple MacDuagh, 160.
Thackeray, 49-50.
Thomond, 113.
Tighernach, 283.
Tipperary, County, 114.
Toberclare, 123.
Tollymore Park, 245.
Tone, Theobald Wolfe, 44-45.
Torc Lake, 72.
Torc Mountain, 62, 75.
Torc Waterfall (or Cascade), 62, 75.
Tory Island, 202, 205.
Tredagh (see Drogheda).
Trim, 260-265.
Tuatha de Danaan, Princes of, 87.
Turgesius, 125, 233.
Twelve Bens, The,
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