

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y.

Achill, 27, 34.
Adamnan, St., 135.
Addison, 196.
Adrian II., 39, 77, 237.
Aghaboe, 214.
Ailech, Palace of, 111.
Albin, 119.
Angus of Dalriada, 139.
Angus Oge, 146.
Anne, Queen, 249.
Antrim, 45, 138, 139, 147, 148, 152, 153.
Arbogast, 119.
Ardfert, 127.
Ardora, 168.
Ardsallat, 259.
Arklow, 227.
Armagh, 111, 127, 186, 187.
Arran, 154.
Athlone, 31.
Attacotti Rebellion, The, 138.
Avoca (see Vale of Avoca).
Avonbeg, The, 227, 231.
Avondale, 231.
Avonmore, The, 227, 231.
Awbeg, The, 270.
Balbriggan, 163.
Ballach, Donald, 151.
Ballinakil House, Waterford, 234.
Ballintra, 168, 259.
Ballycastle, 137, 151.
Ballyfin, 214.
Ballymena, 164.
Ballyshannon, Falls of, 160.
Balrothery, 187.
Baltimore, 171, 237.
Banagher, 31.
Bann of Coleraine, The, 153.
Bannon Bay, 231.
Bantry Bay, 23, 27.
Barry, David de, 270-271.
Battle of the Boyne, 249.
Bearhaven, 171.
Belfast, 20, 28, 45, 89, 164, 168.
Belleek, 164.
Berkeley, Lord, 201.
Blackwater, The, 238, 256-268.
Blarney Castle, 10, 19, 90, 102, 227, 237.
Blarney Stone, The (see Blarney Castle).
Blood, Thomas, 249.
Bloody Forehead, The, 90.
Boleyn, Anne, 248.
Boru, Brian (see Brian Born).
Bray, 183, 204, 205, 206.
Breakspeare, Nicholas (see Adrian II.).
Brian Bora, 67, 111, 185-187.
Bridget, St., 215-216.
Brigid, St., 135.
Bun-na-Margie Abbey, 152.
Burke, Edmund, 195-196, 197.
Burke, Thomas, 179.
Burnett, Bishop, 248.
Buttevant, 270.
Bysett, Margery, 147, 151.
Canice, St., 142.
Cape Clear, 237.
Cappoquin, 260.
Carlow, 45.
Carrickfergus, 140.
Carrickmacross, 168.
Carrick-on-Suir, 160.
Cashel, 27-275.
Cathedral, 127, 128, 271-275
Cormac’s Chapel, 271, 275.
Cross, 275.
Psalter, 272.
Rock, 271-275.
Castlehaven, Lord, 264.
Castleknock, 187.
Castlerea, 61.
Castlereagh, 147, 148.
Cathanach, Shane, 152.
Cavendish, Lord Frederick, 179.
Caves of Coolagarranroe, 270.
Celbridge, 193.
Charles I., 248.
Charles II., 248.
Cinbaeth the First, 110.
Clannaboy, 148.
Clare Mountains, 31.
Clements, 119.
Clifden, 23.
Clogheen, 269.
Clondalkin, 179.
Clones, 168.
Clonfert, 127, 131.
Clonmacnoise, 31.
Clonmell, 160.
Clontarf, 181, 182, 185-187.
Castle, 187.
Cloomaul, 62.
Cloyne, 128.
Coleraine, 153, 164.
Colla Uaish, 139.
Columba, St., 119, 121, 140-144.
Comyn, Archbishop of Dublin, 192.
Conact, 111.
Congal, 121.
Congreve, 197, 247.
Conighal, 142.
Conn of Tyrone, 152.
Connaught, 22, 79-80.
Connemara, 22, 23, 27, 168.
Coolock, 187.
Corc, King of Munster, 186.
Cork, 4, 19, 24, 27, 45, 46, 80, 90, 168, 237, 270.
Cathedral, 126.
Cormac, 271-275.
Corran of Larne, The, 153.
Crommelin, 167.
Cromwell, 153, 164, 193, 233, 243-244
Crosshaven, 168.
Cruachan, Palace of, 111.
Cuchullain, 137.
Cullen, Dr., 214.
Curragh, 209, 214, 215.
Dagans, St., 135.
Dalkey, 21, 168, 183.
Dalriada, 139, 153.
Damliag, 186.
Dargle, The, 205, 206, 209.
De Freyne, 61.
Derdrie, 151.
Derry (see Londonderry).
Derry, County, 146.
Devil’s Bit Mountain, 214.
Devil’s Glen, 205.
Devonshire, Dukes of, 264-267, 269.
Diarmid, 232.
Donatus, Bishop, 191.
Donegal, 24, 28, 111, 151, 168.
Down, 127, 183.
Downpatrick Cathedral, 131.
Dromod, 31.
Dromona Castle, 260.
Dublin, 7, 19, 21, 22, 27, 28, 34, 79, 86, 95, 148, 160, 163, 168, 176-205, 210, 213, 216.
Bank of Ireland, 198.
Bermingham Tower, 198.
Castle, The, 151, 198, 249.
Christchurch Cathedral, 127, 191-192.
Comyn, Archbishop, 192.
Cork Hill, 198.
“Fifteen Acres,” 179.
Hoey’s Court, 202.
Liffey, The (see Liffey).
Luke, Archbishop, 185.
National Gallery, 198.
Phoenix Park, 176, 179, 190.
Police Force, 189-190.
Sackville St., 198.
St. Fichan, Church of, 194.
St. Patrick de Insula, Church of, 192.
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 126, 127, 192-194, 202.
Trinity College, 197.
Viceregal Lodge, 179.
Duleck, 186.
Dunamase, 214.
Dunanynie Castle, 151, 152.
Dungarvan, 237.
Dunleary (see Kingstown).
Dunluce Castle, 151, 152.
Edgeworth, Miss, 72.
Edward I., 247.
Edward VII., 212-213.
Elizabeth, Queen, 184, 197, 198, 241, 248.
Emania (and Palace of), 110, 111, 139.
Enniscorthy, 232.
Enniskerry, 209.
Fachman, St., 259.
Fair Head, 137.
“Faithful Norman, The,” 233-234.
Fergus of Dalriada, 139.
Fermanagh, 154.
Fitzgeralds, The, 260.
Fitzstephen, Robert, 232.
FitzWalter, Theobald, 244, 248.
Galway, 27, 31, 34, 79, 136.
Garryhill, 168.
George I., 250.
George IV., 181, 205-206.
Geraldines, The, 259.
Giant’s Causeway, 10, 19, 28, 146, 227.
Gildas, 135.
Gill-Mantain (see Wicklow).
Glen of the Downs, 205.
Glendalough, 216-224.
Glengarriff, 27.
Glens of Antrim, The (see Antrim).
Goldsmith, 72, 130, 197.
Granuaile or Grana Uile (see O’Malley, Grace).
Greenore, 20, 28.
Guinness Family, 80, 111,



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