Italian Highways and Byways
From a Motor Car
Rambles on the Riviera | $2.50 |
Rambles in Normandy | 2.50 |
Rambles in Brittany | 2.50 |
The Cathedrals and Churches of the Rhine | 2.50 |
The Cathedrals of Northern France | 2.50 |
The Cathedrals of Southern France | 2.50 |
In the Land of Mosques and Minarets | 3.00 |
Castles and Chateaux of Old Touraine and the Loire Country | 3.00 |
Castles and Chateaux of Old Navarre and the Basque Provinces | 3.00 |
Italian Highways and Byways from a Motor Car | 3.00 |
The Automobilist Abroad | net 3.00 |
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L. C. PAGE & COMPANY New England Building, Boston, Mass. |
I t a l i a n H i g h w a y s a n d
Byways from a Motor Car
B y F r a n c i s M i l t o u n
O. N. I.
Author of “Castles and Chateaux of Old Touraine,” “Castles and
Chateaux of Old Navarre,” “In the Land of Mosques and
Minarets,” etc.
With Pictures
B y B l a n c h e M c M a n u s
L. C. P A G E & C O M P A N Y
Copyright, 1909
By L. C. Page & Company
All rights reserved
First Impression, May, 1909
Electrotyped and Printed at
C. H. Simonds & Co., Boston, U.S.A.