

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, Y, Z

Abd-el-Kader, 241, 250
Adam, de l’Isle, Villiers, 1
Adam, the brothers, 98
Aeneas, 389
Africa, the granary of, 309
The palm-trees of, 33
The wheat of, 32
Ain-BeÏda, 352
Diligence from, to Tebessa, 352
Railway from Kenchela, to, 352
Ain-SÉfra, 221
Alfaoui, the Algerian, 339, 340
Alger, “La Blanche,” 245
Highest peak in, province of, 53
Province of, 25, 51, 53
Algeria, 9, 22, 23, 36, 37, 38, 42, 44, 56, 57, 64, 65, 67, 68, 76, 78, 91, 93, 98, 99, 107, 113, 135, 144, 147, 170, 173, 174, 176, 197, 198, 200, 201, 203, 205, 207, 209, 212, 213, 214, 215, 228, 232, 235, 241, 256, 262, 263, 264, 281, 283, 315, 330, 333, 403, 408, 411, 417, 423
Algeria, Agriculture in, 55, 56
Arab of the, 264, 337
Arab chiefs in, 147
Arab and Berber, population of, 43
Climate of, 50-51, 54
Commercial possibilities in, 46
Currency in, 45-46
ForÇats of, the, 347
Glimpse of real countryside of, 259
Goum of, the, 206
Hebrew of, the, 142
Kabyles, the Auvergnats of, 282
Koubas of, 106
Native Arab soldiery, 203-208
Nomad Arab, 332
Negro cafÉ in, the, 312-314
Of to-day, 42-56
One of the richest agricultural lands, 31
Population of, 42-44
Railways of, 54-55, 72
Regular soldiery in, the, 199
Revenues of, 42
Romantic character in history of, 200
Routes Nationales of, 55
Spahis and Turcos of, 202
Taxes in, 34
Tax on wine, in, 48
Tobacco, a source of profit in, 47-48
Trade between, and France, 31
Wild beasts killed in, list of, 24
Wine industry of, 55-56
Winter in, 51
Algeria and Tunisia, 4, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, 37
Arab town in, the, 406
Architecture of mosques in, 101
Barbary fig in, 33
Diligence of, 20-22
Divisions of native Mussulman population, 129
Foreign population in, 28
French policy in, 76
Horses seen in, 169
Immigration of Arab population of, 66
Jews in, 142-144
Marabout of, the, 90-91
Marabouts in, 92
Newcomers to, 193
Pilgrims from, 93
Ports of, 36
Roads of, 22
Sheiks of, 76
Story of, the, 4
Wines of, 34
Algerian, Arab horse, the, 171
Budget, the, 42
Coast, temperature on, 37-38
Gold coin, 45
Journal, account of divorce in, 161-163
Mountains, 288
Quick-lunch, 263
Wine, 35
Algiers, 1, 11, 12, 15, 17, 26, 37, 42, 44, 51, 67, 103, 105, 137, 138, 144, 164, 173, 178, 200, 212, 214, 228, 229, 231, 235, 238, 239, 240, 242, 252, 260, 264, 266, 273, 275, 281, 284, 288, 289, 290, 295, 299, 320, 328, 338, 359, 403
And beyond, 259-272
And its life, 247
Arabs of, the, 251
Arab town of, the, 249-250
Architectural charms, 248
CafÉ d’Apollon in, 27
Environs of, 246
Grande MosquÉe of, 246
Great White City, 245-258
Historical and romantic figures of, 254
Icosium of the Romans, the, 245
Jewesses of, 283
Kasba at, the, 245, 248, 249
Minarets of, 103
Mosque Marabout of Sidi-Brahim, at, 106
Pacha of, a (see Salah RaÏs)
Place du Gouvernement at, 246
Population of, 253
Port of, 254
Shoeblacks of, 27
Streets of, 246
Suburban, 52
Veiled women of, 256-258
Ali-ben-Embarek, 241
Ali-Bey (see Si-Ali-Bey)
Andalusia, 29, 35, 109, 220, 221
Arba, 178, 264, 265, 266
Arnaud, 3
Atlas Mts., the, 11, 49, 51, 92, 277
Augustus, 32, 237, 287, 392
Third legion of, 346, 348
Aumale, 47, 264, 266, 267, 268
Auzia, the, of the Romans, 267
Diligence from Algiers to, 266
Route Nationale from, to
Bou-Saada, 267
Temperatures at, 54
Aures, the, 310, 351
Auzia (see Aumale)
Bagdad, Kalif of, 78
Tomb of Sidi-el-Hadji-Abd-el-Kader-el-Djilali at, 93
Balzac, 92, 149
Barbary, Coast, the, 5, 339, 402, 413
Slaves of, 143-144
States, form of minarets in, 110
Barberousse, the brothers, 254
Barrucaud, Victor, 3
Bastion de France, 340
Batna, 52, 310, 315, 344, 345, 346
Guide at, 311-312
HÔtel des Etrangers et Continentals at, 311
La-bivouac, 345
Negro village at, 312-314
School for Arab children, 314-315
Tomb of Massinissa, 345
Belisarius, 393
Ben-Izguen, 333
Beni-Ferah, 317
Beni-ManÇour, 275, 281, 287, 289
Beni-Ounif, 11, 221
Beni-Salah, Mts. of, 232
Beni-Souf, 234
Bertrand, Louis, 3
Beryan, 333
Besnard, 5
Besson, Mme., 422, 428
Biskra, 1, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 49, 225, 233, 289, 240
Population of, 240
Road to, 235
Roman ruins at, 240
Roman quais at, 36, 240
Chiffa, Gorges de, (see Gorges de Chiffa)
Chio, 402
Chott Nefzaoua, 412
Chotts, the, 411-412, 414
Cirta (see Constantine)
Clauzel, General, 283
Cleopatra, 284
Col des Genets, 288
Col des Oliviers, 307
Collo, 287
Chellu of the ancients, 341
Roman quais at, 36
Colomb-BÉchar, 224
Columbus, 211
Constant, 5
Constantine, 34, 42, 52, 234, 289, 309, 310, 320, 326, 328, 341, 344, 369
And the Gorge du Rummel, 291-308
Arab cemetery at, 303
Arab town of, the, 298, 299
Camel caravan from, 178
Cirta of the ancients, 294, 341
Danseuses of, 128
Environs of, 307
First glimpse of, 293
Monuments of, 295

Mosque of Salah Bey at, 295
Mussulman festival at, 301-306
Palace of Bey at, 295-296
Plague of locusts in, 47
Plan of tomb of MÉdracen, 343
Province of, 25, 51, 53
Railway from, to Biskra, 309
Rock of, 292
Roman remains at, 341
“SiÈge de,” by Vernet, 291
SociÉtÉ ArchÉologique of, 355
Streets of, 294
Tomb of Constantine, near, 342
Tomb of MÉdracen on road from, to Batna, 344
Temperature, and rainfall at, 54
Constantine, tomb of, 342, 343
Constantinople, 6, 67, 101, 103, 166, 294, 299, 359, 373
Kalif of, 78
Minarets of St. Sophia at, 103
Sultans of, are religious heads, 75
Cook, 11, 16
Cordova, 92, 109
Corot, 233
Costechica, 211
D’Annunzio, 210
De Amicis, Edmond, 88
De Nerval, 2
De Vegas, 255
Decatur, 402
Degach, Oasis of, 428
Delacroix, 201
Delattre, PÈre, 396
Dellys, 287
Diana, Temple of, 346
Diana (see Zana)
Dido, 389, 393
Dinet, 5
Djeefa, temperature and rainfall at, 54
Djemel (see El-Djem)
Djerid, the, 69, 414, 421
Date-palms of the, 425
The “pearl” of the, 414
Tozeur, the capital of, 421
Djidjelli, ancient colony of Igilgili, 287
Djurjura, the, 245
Kabylie du, 287
Don Juan of Austria, 399
Dougga, ruined portal at, 336
Duc d’Aumale, 264, 267
Dumas, 7
Duquesne, 402
Duval, M. Jules, 277
Eberhardt, Isabelle, 3
Egypt, 30, 57, 78, 109, 111, 112, 113, 170, 172
El Ateuf, 333
El Bekri, 344
El Djem, 412-413
Amphitheatre at, 413
Thysdrus of the ancients, 412
El Guerrah, 137, 345
El Hamel, visit to Marabout of, 270-272
El Kantara, 315-319, 320, 329, 334
An artist’s paradise, 317
Bridge of, 292, 300
Excursions from, 317
Gorge of, 310, 316
HÔtel Bertrand at, 315
El-Moungar, 197
El Oued, 234, 417
Elissa, 391
Esculapius, temple to, 347
Fatmah, sign of the hand of, 366
Ferdinand, 209
Fez, 60, 92, 111
Kalif of, 78
Kingdom of, 92
Sultan of, 75
Figuig, 12, 49, 221, 222, 224, 225
Grand HÔtel du Sahara, at, 11, 224
To Laghouat by caravan, 225
Flaubert, 389
Flavius Maximus, Prefect, 348
Fort National, 273, 275, 287, 288
Temperature and rainfall, 54
Fragonard, 233
Fromentin, 4
Fronton, 341
GabÈs, 12, 23, 73, 192, 411, 417
Gulf of, the ancient Syrte, 412
Oases of, and Tozeur, 10, 411
Railway from Tlemcen to, 12
Trail to, 428
Gafsa, 109, 414, 415, 416, 427
Journey from, to Tozeur, 415-420
Railway to, 413
Garner, 150
Gautier, ThÉophile, 2, 102, 121, 201
Gerhard, Paul, work on butterflies of North Africa, 41
GÉrome, 23
GÉryville, temperature and rainfall at, 54
GhardaÏa, 11, 333
Gibraltar, 108, 400, 401
Strait of, 7, 113
Gide, AndrÉ, 3
Goletta, La (see La Goletta)
Gordian, Proconsul, 412
Gorges de Chiffa, the, 243
Gorges de Maafa, 317
Gorges de Tilatou, 317
Goulette, La (see La Goletta)
Granada, 29, 107
Guerrara, 333
Guillaumet, 5
Habib, the Algerian, anecdote, 375-388
Hadj-Ahmed, last Bey of Constantine, 295, 297
Hamma, Valley of, 307
Hammam-Rm’hira, 11, 16, 243, 244
Its mineral springs, 243
Hammamet, 404
Hannibal, 389, 393
Hanno, 391
Haroun-Al-Rachid, 89, 357
Harry, Myriam, Mme., 3
Hassan-ben-Nomane, 394
Herodotus, 182, 412
Hippo-Diarrhytus (see Bizerta)
Hippone, 338
Hippo Regius, 338
Houdin, Robert, sent to Algeria, 264
Hugo, Victor, 2
HunÉric, the Vandal king, 238
Hussein Dey, 255
Icosium (see Algiers)
Igilgili (see Djidjelli)
Iol, Phoenician colony of, 239
(see Cherchell)
Isabella, 209
Jaffa, 6, 37
Jeanne, “La Folle,” 209
Jerusalem, 37
Mosque of Omar, at, 109
Jouanne, 369
Jouggourt, incident at, 160
Jubal II, 237, 239
Jugurtha, 294
Juno, 347
Jupiter, 347
Justinian, 351, 352, 354
Kabylie, 11, 34, 51, 120, 248, 273, 275, 287, 288
And the Kabyles, 273-290
Des Babors, 287
Du Djurdjura, 287
Grande, 287-288
Mountain villages of, 273
Mountain women of, 283
Mountains of, 11, 52
Mountains of Grande, 53, 273, 310
Mountains of Petite, 273
Petite, 287
Story of wood-cutter of, 118-120
Kairouan, 10, 60, 101, 107, 330, 405, 408-411, 412, 417, 420
CafÉs of, 411
Mosque of Okba Ibm Maffi at, 109
Mosque of Sidi-Okba, 410
Mosque of Sidi-Sahab, 410-411
Mosques of, 98
Kantara, El (see El Kantara)
The Oued, 316
Kano, 188
Kassar-SaÏd, 63
Kef Cnecora, 301
Kenchela, 47, 352
Diligence from Timgad to, 351
HÔtel de France at, 352
Railway from, to Ain Beida, 352
Site of ancient Mascula, 352
Khaaba (see Blida)
Khair Ed Din, 255
Khoumir region, the, 340
Kinglake, 67
Kings of Mauretania, 237
Kipling, 428
Kolea, 234-235
HÔtel de France at, 235
“Vin RosÉ” of, 35, 235
Korbus, 13
Kroubs, 342
Plan of tomb of Constantine, 342
Tomb of Constantine on road to, 343
Ksar-Baghai, Byzantine fortress at, 352
La Calle, 339-341
Coral fisheries of, 340
Sardine fisheries of, 341
The Tunizia of the Romans, 339
La Goletta, 13, 399
Canal to Tunis from, 356
La Malga, 391
La Marsa, 13, 62, 63, 391, 399-400
La Trappe, 51 (see StaouËli-La-Trappe)
Laghouat, 44, 47, 225
From Figuig by caravan, to, 225
Temperatures at, 54
Lake Tchad, 62
Lake Triton, 412
Lake of Tunis, 357
Lalla Marnia, 220
FÊtes of, 170, 197, 220, 221, 229, 232, 273, 289, 312, 330, 334, 337, 346, 382, 409, 412, 417, 427
Arab of, the, 114
Arabian horse-flesh, rare in, 169
Arabs and BerbÈres ArabisÉs of, 79
Climate of, 37-38
Germans in, 40-41

Possibilities of trade with America and, 38-39
Races met with in, 129
Railways of, 1
Social system of races of, 142
Tlemcen, the most original city in, 213
Arab of most interest in, 144-145
Donkey’s paradise, 173
Garden of, 227
Land of the burnous, 136
Mauresques of, 163-165
Moorish coffee shops of, 323-324
Path of the Roman through, 336
North African Arab, The, 251
Numerus Syrorum, (see Lalla Marnia)
Numidia, 53 (see Tell, The)
Numidian Kings, 341
Oasis of Degach, 428
Oasis of GabÈs, 10
Okba-ben-Nafi, 329
Okba-ben-Nofi, 409
Omar, The Khalif, 109, 110
Oran, 12, 37, 42, 50, 129, 144, 206, 209-213
Cathedral of St. Louis at, 212
From, to the Morocco frontier, 209-226
Grande MosquÉe at, 212
Markets of, 210
Population of, 209
Province of, 51
Ouarda (see Blida)
Ouardja, 234
Ouarsenis, The, 242
Oudjda, 220
FÊtes of, 220
Oued Bou-Saada, The, 272
Oued Kantara, The, 316
Oued-Righ, valley of the, 53
Oued-Souf, 10, 225, 334
Maison FranÇaise at, 11
Ouida, 18, 19
Ourgala, 417
Paris, 6, 11, 31, 42, 173, 196, 227
Passage des Roches, 300
Pasteur, 345
Site of the ancient Lamiggiga, 345
Pedro Navarro, 254, 290
Percy’s Reliques, (anecdote), 101
PerrÉgaux, railway from, south, 221
Petit Atlas, The, 245
Mountains of, 241
Philippeville, 52, 213, 307-308
Rusicade of the ancients, 341
Pliny, 32, 182
Point, Armand, 5
Pointe Pescade, 164, 235
Pomaria (see Tlemcen)
Port SaÏd, 6, 40, 101, 294
Potter, 5
Pygmalion, 391
Rabelais, 16
Rhodes, Cecil, 10, 62
Richepin, 428
Rovigo, steam-tram to, 264
RiviÈre des Sables, 300
Rocher du Lac, 301
Ruisseau des Singes, 243
HÔtel at the, 243
Rummel, The, 292, 300
Rummel, The Gorge of The, 293, 298, 299-301
Ruins of bridge across, 342
Rusicade (see Philippeville)
St. Augustin, Bishop of Hippo Regius, 338
St. Cyprien, 393
St. PerpÉtua, 393
St. Vincent de Paul, 399
Saddok-Bey, 59
Sahel, The, 67, 70, 71, 229, 231, 248, 254
The Mitidja, and The, 227-244
Saint EugÈne, 164, 235, 245
Salah RaÏs, Pacha of Algiers in 1555, 237
Salah Bey, Mosque of, 295, 342
Salambo, 393
Opera of, 389
Saldae (see Bougie)
Salomon, 354
Sallust, 293
Salsa, patron saint of Tipaza, 238
Scipio, 389
Septimus Severus, arch built under, 347
Seriana (see Pasteur)
Setif, 239, 289
Population of, 287
Seville, minaret of the Giralda, at, 111
Sfax, 12, 72, 93, 411, 412, 420, 427
Railway from, to Gafsa, 413
Railway from, to Tozeur, 414
Si-Ali-Bey, 59, 60, 61
Sid Ben Gannah, Grand chef of the Sud-Constantinois, 233
Sidi-Ahmed-ben-Youssef, the marabout, 242
Sidi-bou-SaÏd, 13, 391, 398-399
Sidi-Brahim, the marabout, 106
Tomb of, 338
Sidi-el-Hadji-Abd-el-Kader-el-Djilali, 93
Sidi-Ferruch, 235
Sidi Hassin, 348-350
Sidi-M’cid, hills of, 307
Sidi-Okba, 329-330
Arab school at, 330
CafÉ restaurant at, 329
Mosque at, 330
Shrine of, 329
Tomb of, at, 330
Sinan Pacha, 399
Sittius, 341
Souk-Ahras, 50, 345
Sousse, 72, 405-408, 409, 411, 412, 413, 420
By rail or road from Nabeul to, 405
Citadel of, 407
Kasba of, 407
Population of, 406
Souks of, 406
Spain, 2, 23, 35-36, 57, 92, 110, 112, 129, 176, 213, 292, 400
Arabs and Moors of, 115
Oran, a penal colony of, 211
Stanley, 10
StaouËli-la-Trappe, 236
Abbey at, 236
Stora, 307
A port of antiquity, 338
Gulf of, 307
Roman quais at, 36
Sud-AlgÉrie, 34
Sud-Algerien, The goum of the, 206
Sud-Constantinois, 12, 225, 321
Sud-Oranais, 34, 221, 224
Spread of civilization in, 222
Sud-Tunisien, 62, 338, 412
Sheep of the, 418
Syrte, The (see Gulf of GabÈs)
Tacitus, 182
Tamerza, 423
Tangier, 40, 111, 403
Tebessa, 336, 344, 345, 352-354, 355, 421
Arch of Triumph at, 336, 353
Byzantine walls, 353-354
Plan of, 353
To, from Ain-BeÏda, 352
Temperature and rainfall at, 54
Tell, The, 52, 309, 336
A CaÏd of the, 138
Roman cities of, 344
The Numidia of the ancients, 53
Tertullian, 393
Theverte (see Morsott)
Thamugadi (see Timgad)
Thusuras (see Tozeur)
Thysdrus (see El-Djem)
Tilatou, Gorges de (see Gorges de Tilatou)
Timgad, 311, 336, 344, 348-351, 352, 421
Byzantine fortress at, 351
Diligence from, to Kenchela, 351
Guide, 348-350
“Guide IllustrÉ de,” 351
HÔtel Meille at, 348
Plan of, 349
Thamugadi of the ancients, 350, 352
Tipaza, 237, 238, 248, 338
Population of, 238
Roman ruins at, 238
To Cherchell, 239
Tirourda, The pass of, 288
Tizi-Ouzou, 248, 273, 287
Diligence from, to Fort National, 288
Railway not beyond, 274
Troops of, 206
Tlemcen, 10, 11, 12, 16, 23, 53, 101, 213-220, 221, 268, 338
Camel Caravans from, 178
Legend of Mosque of Mansourah, 217-219
Minaret of El Mansourah at, 111
Minaret of Sidi-bou-Medine, 111
Mosque of Djama l’Hassen at, 215
Mosque of El Haloui, 216
Mosque of El Mansourah at, 109
Mosques in, 98
Pomaria of the Romans, 213, 338
Population of, 215
Railway from Oran to, 213
Siege of, in 3d century, 216
Temperature and rainfall in, 54
Touabet, Mt., 53
Touggourt, 11, 12, 44, 225, 411
The Touaregs south of, 190
Tozeur, 11, 12, 73, 225, 338, 420-429
Architecture of, 421
Hotel at, 422, 428
Journey from Gafsa to,

Typographical errors corrected by the etext transcriber:
Sud-Algerie=> Sud-AlgÉrie {pg 34}
compared wih California or Bermuda=> compared with California or Bermuda {pg 37}
Kassar-Said=> Kassar-SaÏd {pg 63}
Berberes ArabisÉs=> BerbÈres ArabisÉs {pg 79}
no eyes with which to sea=> no eyes with which to see {pg 127}
arcades and faiences=> arcades and faÏences {pg 295}
Alfaoui, the Algerian, 923, 924=> Alfaoui, the Algerian, 339, 340 {pg 431}
Hamam-Rm’hira=> Hammam-Rm’hira {pg 436}
Haroun-Al-Raschid, 89, 357=> Haroun-Al-Rachid, 89, 357 {pg 436}
Sidi-bou-Said, 13, 391, 398-399=> Sidi-bou-Said, 13, 391, 398-399 {pg 440}


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