
I. Going and Coming 1
II. The Real North Africa 16
III. Algeria of To-day 42
IV. The RÉgence of Tunisia and the Tunisians 57
V. The Religion of the Mussulman 74
VI. Architecture of the Mosques 97
VII. Poetry, Music, and Dancing 113
VIII. Arabs, Turks, and Jews 129
IX. Some Things That Matter—to the Arab 146
X. The Arab Shod With Fire 169
XI. The Ship of the Desert and His Ocean of Sand 178
XII. Soldiers Savage and Civilized—LÉgionnaires and Spahis 197
XIII. From Oran to the Morocco Frontier 209
XIV. The Mitidja and the Sahel 227
XV. The Great White City—Algiers 245
XVI. Algiers and Beyond 259
XVII. Kabylie and the Kabyles 273
XVIII. Constantine and the Gorge du Rummel 291
XIX. Between the Desert and the Sown 309
XX. Biskra and the Desert Beyond 320
XXI. In the Wake of the Roman 336
XXII.. Tunis and the Souks 356
XXIII.. In Shadow of the Mosque 371


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