| PAGE | Alexandre Dumas | Frontispiece | Dumas’ House at Villers-Cotterets | 7 | Statue of Dumas at Villers-Cotterets | 14 | Facsimile of Dumas’ Own Statement of His Birth | 26 | Facsimile of a Manuscript Page from One of Dumas’ Plays | 37 | D’Artagnan | 48 | Alexandre Dumas, Fils | 64 | Two Famous Caricatures of Alexandre Dumas | 68 | Tomb of Abelard and HÉloÏse | 82 | General Foy’s Residence | 84 | D’Artagnan, from the Dumas Statue by Gustave DorÉ | 123 | Pont Neuf—Pont au Change | 135 | Portrait of Henry IV. | 143 | Grand Bureau de la Poste | 154 | The OdÉon in 1818 | 167 | Palais Royal, Street Front | 183 | 77 Rue d’Amsterdam—Rue de St. Denis | 188 | Place de la GrÈve | 197 | Tour de St. Jacques la Boucherie (MÉryon’s Etching, “Le Stryge”) | 198 | HÔtel des Mousquetaires, Rue d’Arbre Sec | 207 | D’Artagnan’s Lodgings, Rue Tiquetonne | 214 | 109 Rue du Faubourg St. Denis (DÉscamps’ Studio) | 221 | NÔtre Dame de Paris | 235 | Plan of La CitÉ | 236 | Carmelite Friary, Rue Vaugirard | 246 | Plan of the Louvre | 257 | The Gardens of the Tuileries | 265 | The Orleans Bureau, Palais Royal | 268 | The Fall of the Bastille | 284 | Inn of the Pont de SÈvres | 302 | Bois de Boulogne—Bois de Vincennes—ForÊt de Villers-Cotterets | 315 | ChÂteau of the Ducs de Valois, CrÉpy | 318 | Castle of Pierrefonds | 324 | NÔtre Dame de Chartres | 329 | Castle of Angers—ChÂteau of Blois | 333 |
Dumas’ Paris