| page | Charles Dickens | Frontispiece | No. 8 Craven Street, Strand.—Mr. Tulkinghorn's House | 14 | Dickens' House in Devonshire Terrace.—No. 48 Doughty Street, Where Dickens Lived | 54 | The Reading of "The Chimes" at Forster's House, in Lincoln's Inn Fields | 57 | Charles Dickens, His Wife, and Sister Georgina | 87 | Plan of "The Poets' Corner" | 97 | Residence of John Forster, Lincoln's Inn Fields | 105 | The (Reputed) "Old Curiosity Shop" | 127 | Dickens' Study at Gad's Hill Place | 148 | Billingsgate | 172 | London Bridge | 176 | "Going to the Pantomime" | 193 | Smithfield Market | 207 | Interior of St. Paul's Cathedral during the Duke of Wellington's Funeral | 215 | Lord Mayor's Procession, Ascending Ludgate Hill | 221 | "The City," London | 246 | London at the Time of the Great Fire | 250 | The Wards of the City | 253 | Whitechapel | 281 |