List of Illustrations

Charles Dickens Frontispiece
No. 8 Craven Street, Strand.—Mr. Tulkinghorn's House 14
Dickens' House in Devonshire Terrace.—No. 48 Doughty Street, Where Dickens Lived 54
The Reading of "The Chimes" at Forster's House, in Lincoln's Inn Fields 57
Charles Dickens, His Wife, and Sister Georgina 87
Plan of "The Poets' Corner" 97
Residence of John Forster, Lincoln's Inn Fields 105
The (Reputed) "Old Curiosity Shop" 127
Dickens' Study at Gad's Hill Place 148
Billingsgate 172
London Bridge 176
"Going to the Pantomime" 193
Smithfield Market 207
Interior of St. Paul's Cathedral during the Duke of Wellington's Funeral 215
Lord Mayor's Procession, Ascending Ludgate Hill 221
"The City," London 246
London at the Time of the Great Fire 250
The Wards of the City 253
Whitechapel 281


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