Abbot, Dr. George, Archbishop of Canterbury, 126 Admiral, Lord High, office of, 19, 131 Alane, Mr., 14 Albion's England, 74 Aldrich, Mr., 108; Mrs., 107, 108 Ales, [Alice] maid servant, 174 Altham, James, Sergeant, 117 Alva, Duke of, 13 Amsterdam, 142 Anderson, Sir Edmund, Lord Chief Justice, Andrewes, Dr. Lancelot, Dean of Westminster, afterwards Bishop of Winchester, 30 Anne, Queen, iii. Apelles, Apethorpe, co. Northampton, 13 Archdall, ——, 16 Archduke, Cardinal, Governor of the Netherlands, 81 ——, George, 174 ——, Gregory, 173 ——, John, 175 Asheford, Ashpoole, James, 174 Atmore, ——, 15 Aulus Gallius, 149 Aurange, see Orange Aylesford, Kent, 20 Baberham, co. Cambridge, 49 Bachellor, Joan, 22 Bacon, Francis, afterwards Lord Chancellor, xv., 68, 81 Ball, Anne, 63 Balliol College, Oxford, Bankside, the, 130 ——, Robert, Sergeant, 117 Barnaby's Day, 103 Barons of London, 103 Barrowes, Mr., 165 Basset, Sir Richard, 60 Baynham, Sir Edmund, 142 Beckingham, Steven, 62 Bedford, Beeching, Nicholas, 178 Begging a criminal for a husband, 102 Bellingham, Benn, ——, 84 Berthelet, Thomas, printer, 137 Bible, authorised translation, 6 Bilson, Thomas, Bishop of Winchester, 94, 110 Bishop, Roger, 47 Black, W. H., 130 Blackborne, ——, 82 Blackfriars, 101 Blackwell, ——, 102 Bliss, Dr. Philip, xx. Blundell, Mr., 54 Blunt, Mr., 81 Bonner, Bishop, 85 Booth, ——, 60 Borough-English, 82 Boteler, Beckingham, 177 Bothwell, Francis, Earl of, 122 Bradborne, Kent, Bradnum, [Bradenham?] 92 Bramstone, John, afterwards Lord Chief Justice, xv., 40, 42, 61, 92, 103, 104, 117 Bredger, John, 175 Brewer, Richard, 176 Brickenden, Alexander, 174 Bridgeman, John, 48 Brockett, Frances, 50 ——, Sir John, 50 ——, Mrs., 50 Brockett Hall, 50 Bromley, Sir Henry, 168 Bruce, Edward, Lord Bruce of Kinloss, 170 Brymour, co. Somerset, 104 Buccina Capelli in laudem juris, 99 Buckeridge, Dr. John, afterwards, Bishop, 38 Buckhurst, Lord, see Sackville, Thomas Bullein, Dr., 148 Bulloigne, Duke of, 81 Burdett, W., 171 Burghley, Lord, see Cecil, William Burghley House, in the Strand, 16 Burbage, Richard, 39 Burchely, ——, 98 Burneham, ——, 22 ——, Thomas, 10th Earl of Ormond, 59, 102 Byrde, Sir William, 178 CÆsar, Dr. afterwards Sir Julius, xv., 129, 138 ——, his wife, 138 Cambridge, 10, 50, 80, 84, 93, 103, 111, 129, 135 ——, co., iv. ——, University of, 75 Camden, William, ix., 116, 171 Campion, Thomas, 109 Cappel, ——, 99 Carew, Anne, 63 ——, Lucius, Lord Falkland, 61 —— ——, his wife, 61 Carlyle, Thomas, 49 Catholics, Roman, supplicate James I. for toleration, 170 Cashiobury, Herts, 61 Catlin, Edmund, 178 ——, George, 178 ——, Robert Mr. Justice, 98 ——, ——, 20 Cecil, Sir Richard, xiv., 18, 41, 59, 78, 82, 99, 130, 147, 160, 169, 170 ——, Chamberlain, the Lord, 136, 137 Chancellor, the Lord, 81 ——, ——, 108 Charing Cross, 155 Charles V., 43 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 11 Chelsea, iv. Chelsea College, 6 Chichester, Bishop, see Manningham, Thomas; Watson, Anthony Child, Christ Church, Cambridge, 80 —— ——, Oxford, 79 Christmas game, 16 Chute, ——, 136 Clanrickard, Earl of, see De Burgh Clapham, ——, xix., 75, 105, 113, 116, 127, 129, 133, 158 Clare Hall, Cambridge, 103 Clarendon, Earl of, see Hyde, Edward Clarke, Clayton, Mary, 173 Clifton, Sir Gervase, afterwards Lord, 22 ——, Sir Clunch, a, 116 Cobham, Lord, see Brooke, Henry Cobden, ——, 171 Cock, Sir Henry, Cofferer of the Household, 168 Cockayne, Mr., 19 Coke, Sir Edward, Attorney-General, xv., 79, 82, 117, 129 Colepepper, Thomas, 24 Collier, Common Pleas, the Court of, 92, 98 Cooper, J., 102 Cordell, Mrs., 48 Cornwall, 129 Cuper, J., 92 Covell, Dr., William, 138 Coventry and Lichfield, Bishop of, see Coventry, Thomas, afterwards Lord Keeper, 117 Cranmer, Mr., 19 ——, William, 174 Croke, John, afterwards knighted, xv., 64, 74, 117 Crowhurst, Matthew, 176 Cromer, Frances, 24 ——, James, 24 Cromwell, Sir Henry, 49, 50, 51 Culpeper, Dr. Martin, 107 Cumberland, Earl of, see Clifford, George ——, Edward, vii., ix., 36, 41, 46, 48, 91, 131, 177 ——, Francis, 148 ——, Mr., 17, 63, 77, 81, 83, 129, 157, 160 Cutts, Sir Henry, 111 ——, John, 111 ——, Sir John, 111 ——, ——, his lady's sister, 50 Damned Crew, the, 142 Daniel, an Italian, 91 ——, Sergeant, afterwards Judge, 24 Danvers, Mr., 39 Darcy, Mr., 62 Darling, ——, 169 Darnley, Earl of, 22 Davers, Charles, 7, 10, 17, 34, 53, 59, 60, 129, 135, 137, 154 Davies, John, afterwards Sir John, xix., 18?, 100, 168, 180 Davis, ——, 18 Dawson, Daye, John, 137 Daylie, Dr., 60 Demua, Isabell, 174 ——, John, 174 Dene, Dr. Detling, Kent, 178 Desmond, Earl of, see Preston Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex, 49, 51, 54, 60, 129, 135, 159, 169 ——, ——, his wife, 165 ——, ——, Dorothy, his wife, 79 Devon, Dod, Dr., 157 Doderidge, Sir John, 62 Doncaster, 155 Dowle, John, 175 Downes, Andrew, Professor of Greek at Cambridge, 8 Drom, Emanuel, 174 Dulwich, 35 Dun, ——, a fencer, 130 Duns, Mr., 136 Dunstable, 36 Durham, Bishop of, see Matthew, Tobias Durum, Dyer, Sir James, 36 Eastwell, Kent, 92 Eaton, Dr. Martin, Bishop of Ely, see Heton Edinburgh, 128 Edward III., 116 Edward IV., 60 Edwardes, Dr. Thomas, 176 Eedes, Dr. Richard, 18 Egerton, Sir John, 86 ——, Thomas, 86 ——, Sir Thomas, Lord Keeper, xiii., xv., 36, 81, 86, 99, 116, 126, 132, 146, 148, 165, 169 —— ——, his eldest son?, 86, 165 Elizabeth, Queen, iii., 1, 12, 43, 45, 64, 99, 126, 130, 136, 138, 142, 144, 169, 170, 171, 172 ——, favour to the City, 64 ——, visit to Sir Robert Cecil, 99, 100 ——, death, xii.-xiii., 145, 146, 159 ——, nomination of her successor, 170 Ellis, Sir Henry, 40 Ely, Bishopric of, 136 Englefield, Sir Francis, 54 Eps, ——, 165 Essex, co., 98 ——, Earls of, see Devereux, Robert and Walter Eton, provost of, 169 Everard, ——, Justice of K.B. in Ireland, 118 Fen or Fenny Drayton, co. Cambridge, iv., vi., 177 Finch, Elizabeth, afterwards Countess of Westmoreland, 13 ——, Sir Moyle, 13 Fishmongers, company of, 54 Fleete, Fleetwood, William, Recorder of London, xv., 40, 42, 103, 107 Fleur-de-lis, 53 Floyd, Thomas, 7 Foote, John, 17 Ford, Kent, 22 Forrel, 116 Foss, Edward, xx. Fossar, ——, 62 Foster, Thomas, Sergeant, 38, 117 Foster Lane, 105 Forster, John, xx. France, King of, 80 Franklin, ——, 36 French Guard, the, 168 Fry, John, 118, 119, 123, 125, 126 Fryer, ——, 118 Fuller, Thomas, 104 Furnival's Inn, 79 Gardner, Mr., 79 Garnet, ——, 142 Garnons, ——, 19 Garrett, Garrard or Jarrett, Sir John, 78 ——, Thomas, 14 Geneva, 102 ——, his wife, 77 Gibson, Edward, 174 Girlington, Nicholas, 102 Glanville, John, Judge in Common Pleas, 117 Glastonbury, 25 Gloucester, co., 58 Goa, 47 Godmersham, ii., vi., 108, 111 Goldsmith, John, 175 Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, 171 Gorson, Mr., 74 Gowrie, Earl of, see Ruthven Grant, John, 155 Gratewick, Sir William, 178 Greene, ——, 117 Grey, Thomas, Lord Grey of Wilton, 146 ——, Lady Catherine, 25 Griffin, Sir Edward, 157 Guelderland, 155 ——, family of, 119 Gunpowder Treason, 142 Gwy, John, 178 Gylburne, Mr., 24 Hackstables, East Malling, 175 Hadlow, Kent, 175 Hadsor, Richard, 59, 61, 78, 102, 104, 118, 131, 154 Hakewill, Mr., 62 Hamilton, Duke of, 120 Hanbury, Benjamin, 138 Hardy, Susan, 173 ——, T. D., xx. ——, Nicholas, 156 Harris, Mr. Sergeant, 41, 92, 117, 118 Harwell, ——, 74 Haslet, John, 174 ——, forest of, 81 Hatton, Sir Christopher, 130 Hawkyns, Joan, 174 Hayward, Sir John, 169 Hele, Mr. Sergeant, 36 Hemingford, 49 Hemmings, Mr., 171 Heneage, Sir Thomas, 13 ——, daughter of, 13 Henry Frederick and Frederick Henry, Prince, 158 Henry VIII., 148 Hentzner, Paul, 3 Hereford, co., 58 Herne, George, daughter of, 174 ——, Earl of, see Seymour, Edward ——, Nicholas, 60 ——, of Umberley, Devon, 60 Hinchinbroke, co. Huntingdon, 50 Hoby, Sir Edward, 135 Hooftman, Anne, 49 Hooker, Richard, 138 Hoskyns, John, vi. Hoste, ——, 74 Houghton, Robert, Sergeant, 117 ——, Elizabeth, 173 Howard, Charles, Earl of Nottingham, 61, 132, 146 ——, of Effingham, Anne, Lady, 132 Howard of Bindon, Thomas, Viscount, 25 Howard, Henry, afterwards Earl of Northampton, 43, 170 ——, Thomas, Lord, 168 Hull, Annis, 175 Hunsdon, Lord, see Carey, George Hutton, Dr. Matthew, Archbishop of York, 109 ——, Lawrence, afterwards knighted, 16 ——, Sir Nicholas, 16 Hynd, Mr., 49 Hythe, Kent, 47 India, 37 Ireland, 78, 131, and see Blount, Charles, Lord Deputy James I., 59, 64, 78, 142, 148, 154, 155, 156, 160, 170 ——, succession on the death of Queen Elizabeth, xiii., xiv. ——, proclamation of accession, 147, 159 ——, anticipations of the English people respecting, xiv., xv., 169 ——, proclamation to restrain access to, 159 ——, would not swear, 168 ——, how he walked among his nobles, 155 Jardine, David, 142 Jeanor, ——, 92 Jesuits, 74 Juel, Dr., 80 Keble, John, 54 Kedgwyn, Keeper, Lord, office, 19 Kendal, Westmoreland, 130 ——, Nicholas, 174 ——, Stephen, 174 ——, Roger, 174 ——, William, 174 ——, ——, 21 Kent, co., iv., Kettle, Dr. Ralph, 49 Key, Mr., 158 Kildare, Countess of, 159 King, Dr. John, afterwards Bishop of London, 64, 79, 149 King's Bench, 98 King's Coll., Cambridge, 103 King's Head, 156 King's Hill, Rayleigh, Essex, 130 Knollys, Sir William, 146 L——, Bishop of, 81 Larkhall in Hadlow, 175 Larking, L. B., xviii. Latimer, Lord, 165 Laudanum, 46 Lawrence, Barnaby, 174 ——, Marie, 173 ——, ——, four daughters of, 173 ——, Richard, 175 Layfield, Dr. John, 6, 95, 166, 167 Leake, Young Mr., 48 ——, ——, 15 Leicester, Earl of, see Dudley, Robert Lewkenor, C——, 58 Leydall, Mr., 154 Libertines, the, 59 ——, Earl of, see Clinton, Henry Lisle, Lord, see Plantagenet Litchfield, Dean of, see Curle, Walter Lob, a, 116 ——, Bishop of, see Bancroft, Richard Long, Mr., 41 Lord Mayor, see Lee, Robert Lorraine, Cardinal of, 120 Lothbury, 154 Lovell, ——, 15 Lucian, 86 Ludgate, 147 Ludlow, 58 Lyde, Tristram, 23 Malling, East, ii.-vii., ix., x., 12, 19, 107, 173, 175, 177 Manningham, various branches of family, iv. ——, Anne, wife of John, vii., ix., x., 177, 178 ——, Anne, daughter of John, vii., ix. ——, Anne, sister of Charles, 173 ——, Elizabeth, daughter of John, vii., 177 ——, Elizabeth, sister of Charles, 173 ——, George, iii., iv., v., 108 ——, will of, 177 ——, John, son of the preceding, vii., 177, 178 ——, Richard, "father in love," of John, ii.-x., 12, 14, 19, 21, 23, 47, 48, 52, 178; his marriages, v.; age at his death, ——, Richard, son of John, vii., x., 177, 178 ——, ——, William, brother of Edmund, 173 ——, William, son of Edmund, 173, 177 Manningtree, 130 Mansell, Sir Robert, 82 Manwood, Sir Roger, Lord Chief Baron, xv., 41, 91 Mar, Earl of, see Marbury, Mr., 75 March, ——, 14 Margaret Professor, 103 Marrow, Mr., 157 Marshall, Hamlet, 54 Marston, John, 86 Martial, 35 Martin, J. E., 104 ——, 80 ——, Sir Richard, 23 Mary, Queen of Scots, Tragical History of, 118-126 Maynard, Mayne, Mr., 50 Meade, ——, 98 Melstreet [Mill Street?], East Malling, 175 Mercers, Company of, v., 13, 174 Merchant Adventurers, 40 Merchants' wax, 176 Merredeth, ——, 104 Metcalfe, Harry, 175 Mildmay, Sir Anthony, 13 Miller, Nicholas, 178 ——, 20 Mint, warden of, 23 Mirror for Magistrates, 118 Monoux, or Munoux, see Munoes Montague, Dr. James, afterwards Bishop of Bath and Wells, and of Winchester, 25, 104, 161 Montaigne, Michael, 102 Moore, ——, of Balliol College, Oxford, 27 ——, More, Alderman, 86 ——, Sir George, 99 ——, Sir Thomas, iv., xv., 38, 39 Morgan, Mrs. Sylvester, 60 Morley, Lord, see Motley, ——, 2 Mottoes in the Shield Gallery, Whitehall, 3-5 Mountford, Dr. Thomas, 7 Mountjoy, Lord, see Morrison, Bridget, 61 ——, Sir Charles, 61 ——, Lady, 61 Moryson, Richard, 137 Mowbray, ——, 91 Napier, John, of Murchiston, 128 Neveurs, Duke de, 51 Nevill, Sir Henry, 13, 135, 168 New College, Oxford, 107 New Hide, 22 News, Book of, 15 Newland, 24 New Hall, Essex, 60 Nichols, Augustine, Sergeant-at-law, 117 ——, Josias, 92 Niepson, ——, 51 Noel, Mr., 109 Norham on the Tweed, 156 North, Dudley, Lord, 50 Northampton, co., 22 Northumberland, Earl of, see Percy, Henry ——, H., 19 Nowell, Dr. Alexander, Dean of St. Paul's, 35, 86 Ormond, Earl of, see Osborne, ——, 172 Ostend, 15 Otford House, 20 Ousley, Mr., 53 Ousloe, ——, 53 Overall, Dr. John, Dean of St. Paul's, 35, 160 Overbury, Thomas, afterwards knighted, 17, 54, 58, 80, 130, 168 Owen, Jane, 174 ——, co., 49 Padua, 20 Paget, Lord, 15 ——, ——, 92 Palavicini, Sir Horatio, 49, 51 Palmes, Parkins, ——, of the Inner Temple, 53 Parry, Dr. Henry, xii., 2, 19, 46, 51, 52, 145, 146, 149, 159, 169, 171 ——, ——, his father, 52 ——, Sir Thomas, 103 Parsons, Father Robert, 21 Pathill, John, 178 Paul's Cross, 28, 34, 64, 84, 87, 93, 104, 111, 132, 137, 138, 171 Pawley, Thomas, 174 ——, William, 174 Payne ——, 107 Pembroke, Earl of, see Herbert, Henry —— Hall, Cambridge, 111 Pennyall, Thomas, 178 Percy, Algernon, afterwards 10th Earl of Northumberland, 79 ——, ——, his wife, 79 ——, ——, one of his serving men, 165 Periam, Sir William, Lord Chief Baron, 41, 73 Perrott, Sir Thomas, 79 Peter? Mr., 116 Peters, Jacob, 174 ——, Sarah, 173 Peterhouse, Cambridge, 10 Philip II. of Spain, 43 Philipot, John, York Herald, ix. Phillips, Edward, Sergeant-at-law, 117 ——, Mr., 9 ——, Walter, 25 Pierson, Edmund, 174 Pigeon, Goodman, 174 'Plea of the Innocent,' 92 Plowden, Edmund, 78 Poor John's, a cottage so called, 175 Pope, Sackville, 178 Popham, Sir John, Lord Chief Justice, 41, 117, 148, 169 Portsmouth, 154 Posies for rings, 83 Potterell, John, 63 Powder Plot, the, 60 Pranell, Alderman, 25 Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 176, 178 ——, Sir Richard, afterwards Earl of Desmond, 59 Prew, William, 176 Prideaux, Mr., 62 Proclamation of James I., 147, 148 Purveyance, 107 Pym, Alexander, 104 Quare impedit, 41 Queen's College, Cambridge, 93, 100 R. Raleigh, Sir Walter, 33, 58, 109, 160, 171 Rayleigh, Essex, 130 Rayner, Thomas, 175 Redman, Dr. William, Bishop of Norwich, 80 Reeves, ——, 16 Reid, Rich, Robert, Lord Rich, 81 Richard III., 39 ——, Mrs. Frances, 20 Richmond, 145 Richmond and Lennox, Duchess of, see Howard, Frances Ridge, Edward, 24 Rivers, ——, 92 Robardes, or Roberts, Dr. William, 177, 178 Roberts, John, 178 Rochford, Lawless Court at, 130 Rogers, Thomas, 174 Rome, 142 Rooke, ——, 63 Rouse, see Rowse Rowlands, Samuel, 61 Rutland, Earl of, see Rud, Dr., 136 Rudyerd, Benjamin, afterwards knighted, xv., 131, 154, 155, 158 ——, John, Earl of Gowry, 156 St. Albans, iv., 36, 81, 173, 175 St. Andrew's, Cambridge, 80 St. Clement Danes, 6, 95, 96, 100 St. John's college, Cambridge, 103, 104 St. John, of Bletsoe, John, Lord, 132 St. Paul's Cathedral, London, 62, 76, 148 St. Peter's, Paul's Wharf, 113, 133 Salisbury, chancellor of, 52 Saltingstone, Peter, 154 Salutations, new fashioned, 110 Sanders, ——, 28 Sapcotts, Mr., 45 Sapley, co. Huntingdon, 49 Savile, Henry, afterwards knighted, 169 Savoy, the, 17 ——, Duke of, 102 ——, Thomas, of Scotts Hall, 23 ——, Scottish taunts, 46 Searchfield, Rowland, Bishop of Bristol, 11 Secretary of State, office, 19 Sedley, Elizabeth, 20 ——, John, afterwards ——, William, afterwards knighted, 20 ——, Edward, Lord Beauchamp, 153, 154, 160 ——, William, Marquess of Hertford, 154 Shakespeare, William, 39 ——, ——, his Twelfth Night, xvi., 18 Sheborough, ——, 58 Sheriffs of London, 53 Short, William, 174 Shrewsbury, Earl of, see Talbot Shurland, ——, 93 Shuttlecocks, 132 Signet, the privy, clerk of, 24 Sing, see Snigg Sm., Smeath, Kent, 23 Smith, Thomas, 15 ——, Dr. William, 103 ——, Robin, 129 Some, Dr. Ralph, 157 Somer, Frances, 24 ——, John, 24 ——, Martin, 24 Somerset, co., 41 Southampton, Earl of, see Wriothesley, Henry Spain, 74 Spital sermon, 144 S. P. Q. R., Bede's interpretation, 10 Stafford, ——, 111 Stapleton, Thomas, 83 Star Chamber, King's seat in the, 53, 169 Sterrill, ——, 102 Stevens, Mr., 160 Still, Dr. John, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 135 Stone, cutting for the, 22 Stowe, John, 103 Stowell, Lord, see Scott, William Streynsham, ——, 18 Stuart, Arabella, 36 Sumner, William, iv., 108, 109 Sunday, observance of, 15 Sussex, Earls of, see Ratcliffe, Thomas and Robert Sutor, John, 22 Sutor's Croft, 22 Swaine, John, 103 Sydney, Sir Robert, 20 Sydney Sussex College, Cambridge, 25 Sythers T. Talmud, the, 128 Tanfield, Lawrence, afterwards Lord Chief Baron, 16, 117 Tarlton, Richard, 16 Temple Church, 5, 25, 27, 38, 47, 75, 87 ——, Middle, v., vii., xv., 17, 18, 36, 40, 47, 75, 78, 117 Tewing, co., Buckingham, 177 Theodosius, Emperor, 144 Thurnham, Kent, 178 Thursday fatal to the Tudors, 148 Tirrell, ——, 172 Tolson, Tom Skull's argument, 129 Townshend, Aurelian, 130 Towse, Mr., 25, 39, 40, 43, 74 Treasurer, Lord, see Cecil, Sir William; Sackville, Thomas. Trinity College, Cambridge, 6, 84, 135, 171 —— ——, Oxford, 49 Tuck, auditor, 41 Turkey, 24 Turner, Dr., 46 ——, Mrs., 46 ——, ——, 130 Tutsham, Thomas, 175 ——, William, 13 Twysden, Sir Thomas, Judge Twysdens, the, iii. Ulster, Chief Justice in, 131 Umberley, Devon, 60 Unton, Sir Henry, 136 Valentia, 137 Vane, Sir Francis, afterwards Lord Burghersh and Earl of Westmoreland, 13 Vere, sir Francis, 15 Vicars, ——, Sergeant-surgeon to Henry Virgil, 143 Vives, Ludovicus, 137, 149, 157 Wagstaffe, Mr. 157 ——, Timothy, 160 Wake, ——, 81 Waldegrave, Robert, printer, 128 Wales, Lord President of, 46, 58 Walmesley, Thomas, Justice of the Common Pleas, 59 Wards, court of, 19 Warren, Jane, 51 ——, Sir Ralph, 51 ——, Richard, 51 Warwick, 77 Watts, Moses, 178 ——, W., 48 Way, Albert, 116 Well Street, East Malling, 178 Wenman, Thomas, 117 Westfaling, Herbert, Bishop of Hereford, 18 ——, Westminster Abbey, 30 Westmoreland, co., 47 ——, earldom of, 165 Weston, ——, 131 Whitter, William, 176 Whitehall, xiv., 3-5, 147, 160 Whitelocke, Bulstrode, 60, 77, 131 ——, Sir James, 60 Whitgift, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 35, 148, 169 Widdrington, Northumberland, 155 Wigan, Rev. W. L., vi. William the Conqueror, 39 Willis, ——, 75 Willoughby, Thomas, 25 Winchester, Dean of, 126 Windsor, Dean of, see Thompson, Dr. Giles Wingate, ——, 165 Wisbeach castle, 61 Wise, Arthur, 174 Withers, Dr., 76 Whitaker, Dr. William, 104 Wood, Annis, 174 ——, Katherine, 174 Worcester, Earl of, see Somerset, Edward Wray, Sir Christopher, Lord Chief Justice, 45 Wrotham, Kent, 20 Wye, Kent, 111 Yeldard, Dr. Arthur, 49 Yelverton, Christopher, Mr. Justice, 40 York, Vice-President of the Council of the North, 40 Zouche, Edward le, Lord, 46, 58 Nichols and Sons, Printers, 25, Parliament Street, Westminster. |