Chapter I. Introduction 283
II. The English plans for occupying Nootka Sound 286
III. The Spanish plans for occupying Nootka Sound—The conflicting claims before 1789 300
IV. Martinez’s operations at Nootka before Colnett’s arrival 312
V. The quarrel and the seizure 331
VI. The English prisoners in Mexico 344
VII. Attempts at peaceable settlement 362
VIII. Europe prepares for war 380
IX. England’s first demand granted 395
X. America’s relations to the controversy 412
XI. The national assembly and the family compact—Effect on the negotiation 424
XII. English ultimatum—Spanish defiance 439
XIII. The Nootka Sound convention—Its reception and results 450
XIV. Subsequent negotiations and final settlement of the Nootka Sound dispute 463
Bibliography 472


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