I. —A Country Lad cometh to Town 1
II. —First Day of a London 'Prentice his Life 27
III. —Ye Disposition & Economy of Master Hewet's House 45
IV. —Noteworthy Deed of a Boy taught of a Woman 58
V. —Edward Convalesceth i' the Green Lattice 77
VI. —Tib's Malpractyzes 102
VII. —Early Setting of a young Morning Star 117
VIII. —The Defence of the Bridge 133
IX. —Osborne is out of his Time 167
X. —Evil Times bring Evil Crimes 181
XI. —The Blood of the Martyrs, ye Seed of ye Church 194
XII. —A Snake among ye Flowers 207
XIII. —Master Hewet ordereth Things discretely 231

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