CHAPTER I A Country Lad cometh to Town CHAPTER II First Day of a London 'Prentice his Life CHAPTER III Ye Disposition and Economy of Master Hewet's House CHAPTER IV Noteworthy Deed of a Boy taught of a Woman CHAPTER V Edward convalesceth i' the Green Lattice CHAPTER VII Early Setting of a young Morning Star CHAPTER VIII The Defence of the Bridge CHAPTER IX Osborne is out of his Time CHAPTER X Evil Times bring Evil Crimes CHAPTER XI The Blood of the Martyrs, y e Seed of y e Church CHAPTER XII A Snake among y e Flowers CHAPTER XIII Master Hewet ordereth Things discretely Transcriber's Note. Apparent typographical errors have been corrected. The use of hyphens has been rationalised. A list of the author's works, at the front of the text, has been moved to join related material at the back. Front The Colloquies Edward Osborne Citizen and Clothworker Illustrations by Widow J Jellicoe "Surely thou art the Widow Osborne" THE COLLOQUIES OF |