She hath such quiet eyes, That feed on all earth’s wonders! She will sit Here in the orchard, and the bewildering beauty Of blossoming boughs lulls her as day grows late And level sunlight streameth through the tree-stems Lying as pale gold on the green fallows, and gilding the fleeces Of the slow-feeding sheep in the pastures. While in her there stirs, A dream, a delight, a wonder her being knew not, Yet now remembers, wistfully, as a thing long lost, Sunken in dim, green, lucid sea-caves; Lost, too, in the waters of unfathomable silence. But the child, gazing upward, Sees the glory of the apple-blossom suddenly scattered, As a bird flies through the branches; And he reaches toward the soft, white fluttering petals That light upon his face, and laughs; and she Stoops over him quickly with sudden, hot, passionate kisses, Smiling for all her tears. |