Thy love is as clear rivers to a thirsty land, Even as the rivers of earth bringing the wonder of boughs, The rivers of thy love have filled up the channels of time. Earth is a lure unto mine eyes. Lo! now I love The fragile fleeting days, warm lips of women. Delights that slip away as fish through water. O, God, thou knowest what is in my heart. Soiled am I now with dust, and frustrate glories Wane, and are tarnished on my darkened brows; Yea, all my love is for the joys that perish. How may mine eyes behold my naked soul No more arrayed in wings of my desire? Have driven me down the bitter ways of time. O, God, thou knowest what is in my heart. How shall I come again into my peace, So heavy is the darkness on eyes and feet? One sayeth: Lo, now, God’s lost angel crowned With broken hopes, and clothed with grief, and mute, Sitting with his despair through the long starless night, I, God’s lost angel. Even thus I grow Starry amid the solitudes, yea, crowned With my despair, throned even in my fall, O, God, thou knowest what is in my heart. |