Thou, whom the gray seas bare more fierce than they.
O bitter Love! Have pity on his weeping,
Smite me with pain; lo, I am all thy prey!
Sleep thou, my son, as all the world is sleeping;
Sleep thou, my babe; and sleep, thou bitter sea;
And sleep, O grief, within the heart of me.
Ashen thy fruit, O Love, thy crown is pain!
Sweet were thy words to me, thy soft caresses.
Child of my heart, O gain beyond all gain.
Sleep, while I shelter thee with arms and tresses!
Sleep thou, my babe, and sleep, thou bitter sea;
And sleep, O grief, within the heart of me.
Yea, I am thine, O Love. I am thy spoil!
Sleep thou, my son, sleep softly till the morrow!
Love, thou hast snared me in thy golden toil,
Still the loud seas though thou still not my sorrow!
Sleep thou, my babe; and sleep, thou bitter sea;
And sleep, O grief, within the heart of me.



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