
The following tables will be found useful:

English Money, with French, German and Italian Equivalents.

£ s. d. Fr. C. Mark Pf. Lire Cent.
50 0 0 1250 00 1000 00 1260 00
10 0 0 250 00 200 00 252 00
5 0 0 125 00 100 00 126 00
4 0 0 100 00 80 00 100 80
1 0 0 25 00 20 00 25 20
16 0 20 00 16 00 20 16
10 0 12 50 10 00 12 60
5 0 6 25 5 00 6 30
4 0 5 00 4 00 5 04
2 6 3 12.5 2 50 3 15
1 0 1 25 1 00 1 25
6 62.5 50 62
5 52 41 52
4 41 33 41
1 10 8 10
½ 5 4 5

French, German and Italian Money, with English Equivalents.

£ s. d. s. d. £ s. d.
50 francs = 2 0 0 1 mark = 1 0 50 lire = 1 19 8
20 " = 16 0 8 pfennig = 1 20 " = 16 0
5 " = 4 0 4 pfennig = ½ 5 " = 4 0
1 franc = 10 1 lira =
10 centimes = 1 10 centesimi = 1
5 " = ½ 5 " = ½

Considerable use is also made by Esperantists of the International Auiliary Money-unit (Internacia Helpa Mono) introduced by M. RenÉ de Saussure, of the Internacia Scienca Asocio, Geneva. The unit is the Speso, equivalent to one-tenth of a farthing in English money.

  • 10 spesoj (abbr. 10 s.) = 1 spesdeko (1 sd.) = ¼d.
  • 100 spesdekoj (100 sd.) = 1 spesmilo (1 sm.) = 2s. 0d.
  • 1 sm. = 100 sd. = 1,000 s.

The approximate values of 10 spesmiloj in terms of the various national units are as follows: 10 spesmiloj = 25 francs = 20 shillings = 20 marks = 5 dollars = 24 Austrian kroner = 18 Scandinavian kroner = 12 Dutch florins = 9½ roubles = 4½ Portuguese milreis = 9 Brazilian milreis = 5 pesetas = 9¾ yen.

The chief point to remember is that 1 spesmilo equals 2 shillings, and 1 spesdeko equals approximately 1 farthing.

(Pezoj kaj Mezuroj.)

The Metric System is the one in general use among Esperantists. The following table shows the essential decimal character of the system:

Parts. Length. Weight. Capacity.
One-thousandth. Milimetro. Miligramo. Mililitro.
One-hundredth. Centimetro. Centigramo. Centilitro.
One-tenth. Decimetro. Decigramo. Decilitro.
One. Metro (unit). Gramo (unit). Litro (unit).
Ten. Dekametro. Dekagramo. Dekalitro.
Hundred. Hektometro. Hektogramo. Hektolitro.
Thousand. Kilometro. Kilogramo. Kilolitro.

(Mezuroj de Longeco.)

English. Esperanto. Esperanto. English.
1 inch = 2.54 centimetroj 1 centimetro = 0.394 (1/3) inch
1 foot (12 in.) = 30.48 " 1 decimetro = 3.94 inches
1 yard (3 ft.) = 91.43 " 1 metro = 39.37 in. (3 ft. 3-1/3 in.)
1 furlong (220 yds.) = 201 metroj 1 hektometro = 109 yds. 1 ft.
1 mile (1760 yds.) = 1.61 kilometroj 1 kilometro = 1093 yds. (5/8 mile)
5 miles = 8.05 " 5 kilometroj = 3 miles 220 yds.


English. Esperanto. Esperanto. English.
1 ounce… = 28 gramoj 1 gramo = .0357 (1/30) oz. (15.432 gr.)
1 lb. (16 oz.) = 453 " 1 hektogramo = 3½ oz.
1 stone (14 lb.) = 6 kilo. 345 gr. 1 kilogramo = 2.2 lb.
1 quarter (28 lb.) = 12 kilo. 690 gr. 5 kilogramoj = 11 lb.
1 cwt. (112 lb.) = 50 kilo. 750 gr. 1000 " = 19 cwt. 2 qr. 23 lb.
1 ton (20 cwt.) = 1015 kilogramoj


English. Esperanto. Esperanto. English.
1 pint = 0.57 litro 1 litro = 1.76 (1¾) pints (0.22 gall.)
1 quart (2 pints) = 1.14 litroj 5 litroj = 1 gallon 1 pint
1 gallon (4 quarts) = 4.54 " 1 hektolitro = 22 gallons
1 barrel (36 gallons) = 160.32 " 1 kilolitro = 220 "
1 hogshead (54 gall.) = 240.48 "


English. Esperanto. Esperanto. English.
1 sq. inch = 6.45 kvadrataj centimetroj 1 centiaro (1 kv. metro) = 1.196 sq.yd.
1 sq. foot = 9.29 " decimetroj 1 aro (100 kv. metroj) = 0.099 rood
1 sq. yard = 83.6 " decimetroj 1 hektaro (10,000 kv. metroj) = 2.471 acres
1 acre = 4046.78 kv. metroj

The following Esperanto translations of English units are sometimes needed: Colo, inch; futo, foot; jardo, yard; mejlo, mile; unco, ounce; funto, pound; ekro, acre.


The postage on Letters from the United Kingdom to foreign countries (except Egypt and the United States) is 2½d. for 1 ounce, and 1½d. for each succeeding ounce or fraction thereof; Postcards, 1d.; Newspapers, ½d. for every 2 ounces; Commercial Papers, 2½d. for the first 10 ounces, and ½d. per 2 ounces thereafter. Special Coupons for Prepayment of Reply are issued in connection with many countries.


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