1822= ——. Richard Malcolm Johnston was born in Hancock County, Georgia. He was professor of Literature in the University of Georgia, 1857-1861. He served, as colonel, in the Confederate army, and has since had a school for boys at Sparta, Georgia, and later near Baltimore. In connection with Prof. William Hand Browne of Johns Hopkins, he has published a “History of English Literature” and a “Life of Alexander H. Stephens.” His tales describe life among the Georgia “Crackers” and they have many readers and admirers. His style has the stamp of simple truth and is irresistible. See Sketch in Miss Rutherford’s “American Authors.” WORKS.Dukesborough Tales. The following extract is a true story of an old gentleman who was Alexander H. Stephens’ first client. MR. HEZEKIAH ELLINGTON’S RECOVERY.(From Life of Alexander H. Stephens. The old gentleman was brought very low with malarious fever, and his physician and family had made up their minds, that, notwithstanding his extreme reluctance to depart from this life,—a reluctance heightened no doubt by his want of preparation for a better,—he would be compelled to go. The system of therapeutics in vogue at that time and in that section included immense quantities of calomel, and rigorously excluded cold water. Mr. Ellington lingered and lingered, and went without water so long and to such an extent that it seemed to him he might as well die of the disease as of the intolerable thirst that tormented him........ At last, one night, when his physicians, deeming his case hopeless, had taken their departure, informing his family that he could hardly live till morning, and the latter, worn down by watching, were compelled to take a little rest, he was left to the care of his constant and faithful servant, Shadrach, with strict and solemn charge to notify them if any change took place in his master’s condition, and, above all, under no circumstances to give him cold water. “Shadrach, go to the spring and fetch me a pitcher of water from the bottom.” Shadrach expostulated, pleading the orders of the doctor and his mistress. “You Shadrach, you had better do what I tell you, sir.” Shadrach still held by his orders. “Shadrach, if you don’t bring me the water, when I get well I’ll give you the worst whipping you ever had in your life!” Shadrach either thought that if his master got well he would cherish no rancor towards the faithful servant whose constancy had saved him, or, more likely, that the prospect of recovery was far too remote to justify any serious apprehension for his present disobedience; at all events, he held firm. The sick man, finding this mode of attack ineffectual, paused awhile, and then said, in the most persuasive accents he could employ, “Shadrach, my boy, you are a good nigger, Shadrach. If you’ll go now and fetch old master a pitcher of nice cool water, I’ll set you free and give you Five Hundred Dollars!” And he dragged the syllables slowly and heavily from his dry jaws, as if to make the sum appear immeasurably vast. But Shadrach was proof against even this temptation. He only admitted its force by arguing the case, urging that how could he stand it, and what good would his freedom and five hundred dollars do him, if he should do a thing that would kill his old master? “Shadrach, I am going to die, and it’s because I can’t get any water. If you don’t go and bring me a pitcher of water, after I’m dead I’ll come back and HAUNT you! I’ll HAUNT you as long as you live!” “Oh Lordy! Master! You shall hab de water!” cried Shadrach; and he rushed out to the spring and brought it. The old man drank and drank,—the pitcherful and more. The next morning he was decidedly better, and to the astonishment of all, soon got well. FOOTNOTE: |