List of Authors.


The following is a list of other authors and works that would have been included in the body of the book if space had allowed. It is with great regret that only this mention of them can be made. See “List of Southern Writers” for fuller notice.

Allan, William: Army of Northern Virginia.
Asbury, Francis: Journals.
Blair, James: State of His Majesty’s Colony in Virginia.
Bledsoe, Albert Taylor: A Theodicy, Is Davis a Traitor?
Brock, R. A.: Southern Historical Society Papers.
Burnett, Mrs. Frances Hodgson: That Lass o’ Lowrie’s.
Cable, George Washington: Bonaventure (Acadian sketches in Louisiana).
Caruthers, William A.: Knights of the Golden Horseshoe (tale of Bacon’s Rebellion).
Dabney, Virginius: Don Miff.
Davis, Mrs. Varina Jefferson: Jefferson Davis.
Dinwiddie Papers.
Elliott, Sarah Barnwell: John Paget.
Goulding, Francis Robert: Young Marooners.
Hearn, Lafcadio: Youma.
Hooper, Johnson Jones: Captain Suggs’ Adventures.
Ingraham, Joseph Holt: Prince of the House of David.
Jones, John Beauchamp: Rebel War Clerk’s Diary, Wild Western Scenes.
Kouns, Nathan Chapman: Arius the Libyan.
Le Conte, Joseph: Geology, Science and the Bible.
Loughborough, Mrs. Mary Webster: My Cave Life in Vicksburg (in prison during the war).
McCabe, James Dabney, Jr.: Gray-Jackets.
McGuire, Mrs. Judith Walker: Diary of a Southern Refugee; (said to be a most faithful and pathetic picture of the terrible times in 1861-5. It was a private journal kept during the war, and Mrs. McGuire was afterwards induced to publish it).
Mason, Emily Virginia: Popular Life of R. E. Lee.
Maury, Dabney Herndon: Recollections of a Virginian.
Meade, William: Old Churches, Ministers, and Families of Virginia.
Parker, William Harwar: Recollections of a Naval Officer.
Piatt, Mrs. Sarah Morgan Bryan: Poems.
Randolph, Innis: Good Old Rebel, Back-Log.
Randolph, Sarah Nicholas: Domestic Life of Jefferson.
Semmes, Raphael: Service Afloat, Cruise of the Alabama.
Semple, Robert Baylor: History of Virginia Baptists.
Sims, James Marion: Story of My Life.
Smedes, Mrs. Susan Dabney: A Southern Planter; (a biography of Mrs. Smedes’ father. Of this work, Hon. W.E. Gladstone says in a letter to the author: “I am very desirous that the Old World should have the benefit of this work. I ask your permission to publish it in England.... Allow me to thank you, dear Madam, for the good the book must do.”).
Smith, Francis Hopkinson: Colonel Carter of Cartersville.
Spotswood, Alexander: Letters, 1710-22.
Stith, William: History of Virginia (before 1755).
Strother, David Hunter: Virginia Illustrated.
Taylor, Richard: Destruction and Reconstruction.
Wiley, Edwin Fuller: Angel in the Cloud.

Mississippi Industrial Institute and College for Girls, Columbus, Miss.


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