| Page |
A Confederate Exile on His Way to Mexico | Sarah A. Dorsey | 338 |
Address in Congress, 1800, on the Death of Washington | Henry Lee | 124 |
A Dream of the South Wind | Paul H. Hayne | 349 |
Advice to His Nephew | George Washington | 76 |
A Health | E. C. Pinkney | 232 |
Alamo, Fall of the | 192 |
A Learned and Interesting Conversation | Augusta E. Wilson | 384 |
Allen, James Lane | 398 |
Anecdotes of Alexander H. Stephens | 296, 297 |
An Honest Man | George Washington | 73 |
Ante-bellum Civilization | Henry W. Grady | 416 |
Arber, Professor, on John Smith’s Writings | 35 |
A Sage Conversation | A. B. Longstreet | 182 |
Ascent of Mt. Mitchell, North Carolina | Christian Reid | 409 |
Ascent of the James River, 1607 | John Smith | 42 |
Ashby | John R. Thompson | 318 |
Audubon, John James | 153 |
Bacon, Nathaniel | 330 |
Bagby, George William | 332 |
Baldwin, Joseph G. | 294 |
Barbe, Waitman | 441 |
Battle of Noewee, 1776 | John Drayton | 129 |
Battle of San Jacinto, 1836 | Sam Houston | 193 |
Battle of the Blue Licks, Ky., 1782 | 400 |
Battle of Tohopeka, or Horse-Shoe Bend, Ala. | 302 |
Bear Hunt | David Crockett | 175 |
Beauvoir | 270, 273 |
Beautiful and the Poetical, The, | Jas. Wood Davidson | 373 |
Beauty is Holiness | 395 |
Benton, Thomas Hart | 158 |
“Be sure you are right,” | David Crockett | 178 |
Big John, on the Cherokees | Bill Arp | 327 |
Bill Arp (Charles Henry Smith) | 326 |
Bivouac of the Dead | Theodore O’Hara | 308 |
Blind Preacher | William Wirt | 132 |
Boone, Daniel | 401 |
British Treaty with the Cherokees, 1755 | David Ramsay | 105 |
Burning of Jamestown, 1676 | St. George H. Tucker | 330 |
ou,” | 317 |
Indian Doom of Excommunication | 255 |
Israfel | Edgar Allan Poe | 279 |
Jackson, General, at Home | 271 |
Jamestown, Burning of, 1676 | St. George H. Tucker | 330 |
James Waddell, the Blind Preacher | William Wirt | 132 |
Jefferson, Thomas | 91 |
Jefferson’s Last Letter, June 24, 1826 | Thomas Jefferson | 101 |
Jefferson’s Preference for Country Life | George Tucker | 142 |
Jefferson’s Religious Opinions at Twenty | Thomas Jefferson | 94 |
John Hook, Patrick Henry against | William Wirt | 135 |
Johnston, Richard Malcolm | 314 |
Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. | 376 |
Jud. Brownin’s Account of Rubinstein’s Playing | George William Bagby | 332 |
Kennedy, John Pendleton | 204 |
Key, Francis Scott | 151 |
King, Grace | 437 |
La Fayette, Madison’s Opinion of | James Madison | 110 |
La Grande Demoiselle | Grace King | 437 |
Lamar, Mirabeau Buonaparte | 223 |
Land Where We Were Dreaming, The | D. B. Lucas | 388 |
Lanier, Sidney | 394 |
Lanier, To Sidney | Waitman Barbe | 442 |
La Rabida | 291 |
Last Letter of Jefferson, June 24, 1826 | Thomas Jefferson | 101 |
Laurens, Henry | 67 |
Laurens, John, the “Bayard of the Revolution” | 67 |
Laws of Government | A. H. Stephens | 297 |
Lawson, John | 48 |
Lee, Henry | 119 |
Lee, Robert Edward | 265 |
Lee’s Last Order | R. E. Lee | 266 |
Lee’s Letter Accepting the Presidency of Washington College | R. E. Lee | 268 |
LegarÉ, Hugh Swinton | 217 |
Letter to Martha Jefferson | Thomas Jefferson | 100 |
Le Vert, Madame Octavia Walton | 288 |
Life Ever Seems—Sonnet | Henry Timrod | 344 |
Life of the President of the United States | Jefferson Davis | 272 |
Literary Society in Columbia in 1825 | Wm. C. Preston | 201 |
Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin | <
ic@vhost@g@html@files@27279@27279-h@27279-h-14.htm.html#Page_376" class="pginternal">376 |
Sang-Digger,[2] The | AmÉlie Rives | 432 |
Savannah in 1735 | 378 |
Scenery at Harper’s Ferry and at the Natural Bridge | Thomas Jefferson | 95 |
Selecting the Site of Richmond and of Petersburg, 1733 | William Byrd | 58 |
Seminole War | 313 |
Sergeant Jasper at Fort Moultrie, 1776 | David Ramsay | 106 |
Sergeant Jasper at Savannah, 1779 | 107 |
Sidney Lanier, To | Waitman Barbe | 442 |
Siege of Fort Moultrie | David Ramsay | 106 |
Simms, William Gilmore | 252 |
Sketch in the Senate, February 5, 1850 | A. H. Stephens | 298 |
Slavery, Remark on | Patrick Henry | 84 |
Slave, Master and | 413 |
Smith, Charles Henry (Bill Arp) | 326 |
Smith, John | 33 |
Smith, John, Writings of | 35 |
Song of the Chattahoochee | Sidney Lanier | 396 |
Sonnet: Dedication | R. B. Wilson | 407 |
Song: We Break the Glass | E. C. Pinkney | 233 |
Sonnet: Life ever seems | Henry Timrod | 344 |
Sonnet: October | Paul H. Hayne | 349 |
Sonnet: Poet’s Vision | William Gilmore Simms | 255 |
South Before the War, The | Henry W. Grady | 413 |
Southern Literary Messenger | 277, 317, 332 |
Southern “Mammy” and the Children | 363 |
Speaking of Clay in the Senate, 1850, The | 298 |
Spelling and Grammar (Prologue to Autobiography) | David Crockett | 173 |
Spirit and Wood-Sparrow, The | Danske Dandridge | 430 |
Sports of a Kentucky School in 1795 | James Lane Allen | 399 |
Spotswood, Ex-Gov., and his Home in 1732 | 58 |
Star-Spangled Banner | Francis Scott Key | 151 |
State Sovereignty and Liberty | Robert Y. Hayne | 185 |
Stephens, Alexander Hamilton | 296 |
Stonewall Jackson’s Last Words | 324 |
Storm Off the Bermudas | Wm. Strachey | 45 |
Strachey, William | 45 |
Sugar-Cane: Introduction into the United States | 236 |
Sumpter and Marion | David Ramsay | [2] Ginseng-Digger.