VALVES Tank Valves.--The acetylene tank valve is of the needle type, fitted with suitable stuffing box nuts and ending in an exposed square shank to which the special wrench may be fitted when the valve is to be opened or closed. The valve used on Linde oxygen cylinders is also a needle type, but of slightly more complex construction. The body of the valve, which screws into the top of the cylinder, has an opening below through which the gas comes from the cylinder, and another opening on the side through which it issues to the torch line. A needle screws down from above to close this lower opening. The needle which closes the valve is not connected directly to the threaded member, but fits loosely into it. The threaded part is turned by a small hand wheel attached to the upper end. When this hand wheel is turned to the left, or up, as far as it will go, opening the valve, a rubber disc is compressed inside of the valve body and this disc serves to prevent leakage of the gas around the spindle. The oxygen valve also includes a safety nut having a small hole through it closed by a fusible metal which melts at 250° Fahrenheit. Melting of this plug allows the gas to exert its pressure against a thin copper diaphragm, this diaphragm bursting under the gas pressure and allowing the oxygen to escape into the air. The hand wheel and upper end of the valve mechanism are protected during shipment by a large steel cap which covers them when screwed on to the end of the cylinder. This cap should always be in place when tanks are received from the makers or returned to them. Regulating Valves.--While the pressure in the gas containers may be anything from zero to 1,800 pounds, and will vary as the gas is withdrawn, the pressure of the gas admitted to the torch must be held steady and at a definite point. This is accomplished by various forms of automatic regulating valves, which, while they differ somewhat in details of construction, all operate on the same principle. The regulator body (Figure 14) carries a union which attaches to the side outlet on the oxygen tank valve. The gas passes through this union, following an opening which leads to a large gauge which registers the pressure on the oxygen remaining in the tank and also to a very small opening in the end of a tube. The gas passes through this opening and into the interior of the regulator body. Inside of the body is a metal or rubber diaphragm placed so that the pressure of the incoming gas causes it to bulge slightly. Attached to the diaphragm is a sleeve or an arm tipped with a small piece of fibre, the fibre being placed so that it is directly opposite the small hole through which the gas entered the diaphragm chamber. The slight movement of the diaphragm draws the fibre tightly over the small opening through which the gas is entering, with the result that further flow is prevented. Against the opposite side of the diaphragm is the end of a plunger. This plunger is pressed against the diaphragm by a coiled spring. The tension on the coiled spring is controlled by the operator through a threaded spindle ending in a wing or milled nut on the outside of the regulator body. Screwing in on the nut causes the tension on the spring to increase, with a consequent increase of pressure on the side of the diaphragm opposite to that on which the gas acts. Inasmuch as the gas pressure acted to close the small gas opening and the spring pressure acts in the opposite direction from the gas, it will be seen that the spring pressure tends to keep the valve open. When the nut is turned way out there is of course, no pressure on the spring side of the diaphragm and the first gas coming through automatically closes the opening through which it entered. If now the tension on the spring be slightly increased, the valve will again open and admit gas until the pressure of gas within the regulator is just sufficient to overcome the spring pressure and again close the opening. There will then be a pressure of gas within the regulator that corresponds to the pressure placed on the spring by the operator. An opening leads from the regulator interior to the torch lines so that all gas going to the torches is drawn from the diaphragm chamber. Any withdrawal of gas will, of course, lower the pressure of that remaining inside the regulator. The spring tension, remaining at the point determined by the operator, will overcome this lessened pressure of the gas, and the valve will again open and admit enough more gas to bring the pressure back to the starting point. This action continues as long as the spring tension remains at this point and as long as any gas is taken from the regulator. Increasing the spring tension will require a greater gas pressure to close the valve and the pressure of that in the regulator will be correspondingly higher. When the regulator is not being used, the hand nut should be unscrewed until no tension remains on the spring, thus closing the valve. After the oxygen tank valve is open, the regulator hand nut is slowly screwed in until the spring tension is sufficient to give the required pressure in the torch lines. Another gauge is attached to the regulator so that it communicates with the interior of the diaphragm chamber, this gauge showing the gas pressure going to the torch. It is customary to incorporate a safety valve in the regulator which will blow off at a dangerous pressure. In regulating valves and tank valves, as well as all other parts with which the oxygen comes in contact, it is not permissible to use any form of oil or grease because of danger of ignition and explosion. The mechanism of a regulator is too delicate to be handled in the ordinary shop and should any trouble or leakage develop in this part of the equipment it should be sent to a company familiar with this class of work for the necessary repairs. Gas must never be admitted to a regulator until the hand nut is all the way out, because of danger to the regulator itself and to the operator as well. A regulator can only be properly adjusted when the tank valve and torch valves are fully opened. Figure 15.--High and Low Pressure Gauges with Regulator Acetylene regulators are used in connection with tanks of compressed gas. They are built on exactly the same lines as the oxygen regulating valve and operate in a similar way. One gauge only, the low pressure indicator, is used for acetylene regulators, although both high and low pressure may be used if desired. (See Figure 15.) TORCHES Flame is always produced by the combustion of a gas with oxygen and in no other way. When we burn oil or candles or anything else, the material of the fuel is first turned to a gas by the heat and is then burned by combining with the oxygen of the air. If more than a normal supply of air is forced into the flame, a greater heat and more active burning follows. If the amount of air, and consequently oxygen, is reduced, the flame becomes smaller and weaker and the combustion is less rapid. A flame may be easily extinguished by shutting off all of its air supply. The oxygen of the combustion only forms one-fifth of the total volume of air; therefore, if we were to supply pure oxygen in place of air, and in equal volume, the action would be several times as intense. If the oxygen is mixed with the fuel gas in the proportion that burns to the very best advantage, the flame is still further strengthened and still more heat is developed because of the perfect combustion. The greater the amount of fuel gas that can be burned in a certain space and within a certain time, the more heat will be developed from that fuel. The great amount of heat contained in acetylene gas, greater than that found in any other gaseous fuel, is used by leading this gas to the oxy-acetylene torch and there combining it with just the right amount of oxygen to make a flame of the greatest power and heat than can possibly be produced by any form of combustion of fuels of this kind. The heat developed by the flame is about 6300° Fahrenheit and easily melts all the metals, as well as other solids. Other gases have been and are now being used in the torch. None of them, however, produce the heat that acetylene does, and therefore the oxy-acetylene process has proved the most useful of all. Hydrogen was used for many years before acetylene was introduced in this field. The oxy-hydrogen flame develops a heat far below that of oxy-acetylene, namely 4500° Fahrenheit. Coal gas, benzine gas, blaugas and others have also been used in successful applications, but for the present we will deal exclusively with the acetylene fuel. It was only with great difficulty that the obstacles in the way of successfully using acetylene were overcome by the development of practicable controlling devices and torches, as well as generators. At present the oxy-acetylene process is the most universally adaptable, and probably finds the most widely extended field of usefulness of any welding process. The theoretical proportion of the gases for perfect combustion is two and one-half volumes of oxygen to one of acetylene. In practice this proportion is one and one-eighth or one and one-quarter volumes of oxygen to one volume of acetylene, so that the cost is considerably reduced below what it would be if the theoretical quantity were really necessary, as oxygen costs much more than acetylene in all cases. While the heat is so intense as to fuse anything brought into the path of the flame, it is localized in the small "welding cone" at the torch tip so that the torch is not at all difficult to handle without special protection except for the eyes, as already noted. The art of successful welding may be acquired by any operator of average intelligence within a reasonable time and with some practice. One trouble met with in the adoption of this process has been that the operation looks so simple and so easy of performance that unskilled and unprepared persons have been tempted to try welding, with results that often caused condemnation of the process, when the real fault lay entirely with the operator. The form of torch usually employed is from twelve to twenty-four inches long and is composed of a handle at one end with tubes leading from this handle to the "welding head" or torch proper. At or near one end of the handle are adjustable cocks or valves for allowing the gases to flow into the torch or to prevent them from doing so. These cocks are often used for regulating the pressure and amount of gas flowing to the welding head, but are not always constructed for this purpose and should not be so used when it is possible to secure pressure adjustment at the regulators (Figure 16). Figure 16 shows three different sizes of torches. The number 5 torch is designed especially for jewelers' work and thin sheet steel welding. It is eleven inches in length and weighs nineteen ounces. The tips for the number 10 torch are interchangeable with the number 5. The number 10 torch is adapted for general use on light and medium heavy work. It has six tips and its length is sixteen inches, with a weight of twenty-three ounces. The number 15 torch is designed for heavy work, being twenty-five inches in length, permitting the operator to stand away from the heat of the metal being worked. These heavy tips are in two parts, the oxygen check being renewable. Figure 16.--Three Sizes of Torches, with Tips Figures 17 and 18 show two sizes of another welding torch. Still another type is shown in Figure 19 with four interchangeable tips, the function of each being as follows: No. 1. For heavy castings. No. 2. Light castings and heavy sheet metal. No. 3. Light sheet metal. No. 4. Very light sheet metal and wire. Figure 17.--Cox Welding Torch (No. 1) Figure 18.--Cox Welding Torch (No. 2) Figure 19.--Monarch Welding Torch At the side of the shut off cock away from the torch handle the gas tubes end in standard forms of hose nozzles, to which the rubber hose from the gas supply tanks or generators can be attached. The tubes from the handle to the head may be entirely separate from each other, or one may be contained within the other. As a general rule the upper one of two separate tubes carries the oxygen, while this gas is carried in the inside tube when they are concentric with each other. In the welding head is the mixing chamber designed to produce an intimate mixture of the two gases before they issue from the nozzle to the flame. The nozzle, or welding tip, of a suitable size are design for the work to be handled and the pressure of gases being used, is attached to the welding head and consists essentially of the passage at the outer end of which the flame appears. The torch body and tubes are usually made of brass, although copper is sometimes used. The joint must be very strong, and are usually threaded and soldered with silver solder. The nozzle proper is made from copper, because it withstands the heat of the flame better than other less suitable metals. The torch must be built in such a way that it is not at all liable to come apart under the influence of high temperatures. All torches are constructed in such a way that it is impossible for the gases to mix by any possible chance before they reach the head, and the amount of gas contained in the head and tip after being mixed is made as small as possible. In order to prevent the return of the flame through the acetylene tube under the influence of the high pressure oxygen some form of back flash preventer is usually incorporated in the torch at or near the point at which the acetylene enters. This preventer takes the form of some porous and heat absorbing material, such as aluminum shavings, contained in a small cavity through which the gas passes on its way to the head. High Pressure Torches.--Torches are divided into the same classes as are the generators; that is, high pressure, medium pressure and low pressure. As mentioned before, the medium pressure is usually called the high pressure, because there are very few true high pressure systems in use, and comparatively speaking the medium pressure type is one of high pressure. Figure 20.--High Pressure Torch Head With a true high pressure torch (Figure 20) the gases are used at very nearly equal heads so that the mixing before ignition is a simple matter. This type admits the oxygen at the inner end of a straight passage leading to the tip of the nozzle. The acetylene comes into this same passage from openings at one side and near the inner end. The difference in direction of the two gases as they enter the passage assists in making a homogeneous mixture. The construction of this nozzle is perfectly simple and is easily understood. The true high pressure torch nozzle is only suited for use with compressed and dissolved acetylene, no other gas being at a sufficient pressure to make the action necessary in mixing the gases. Medium Pressure Torches.--The medium pressure (usually called high pressure) torch (Figure 21) uses acetylene from a medium pressure generator or from tanks of compressed gas, but will not take the acetylene from low pressure generators. Figure 21.--Medium Pressure Torch Head The construction of the mixing chamber and nozzle is very similar to that of the high pressure torch, the gases entering in the same way and from the same positions of openings. The pressure of the acetylene is but little lower than that of the oxygen, and the two gases, meeting at right angles, form a very intimate mixture at this point of juncture. The mixture in its proportions of gases depends entirely on the sizes of the oxygen and acetylene openings into the mixing chamber and on the pressures at which the gases are admitted. There is a very slight injector action as the fast moving stream of oxygen tends to draw the acetylene from the side openings into the chamber, but the operation of the torch does not depend on this action to any extent. Low Pressure Torches.--The low pressure torch (Figure 22) will use gas from low pressure generators from medium pressure machines or from tanks in which it has been compressed and dissolved. This type depends for a perfect mixture of gas upon the principle of the injector just as it is applied in steam boiler practice. Figure 22.--Low Pressure Torch with Separate Injector Nozzle The oxygen enters the head at considerable pressure and passes through its tube to a small jet within the head. The opening of this jet is directly opposite the end of the opening through the nozzle which forms the mixing chamber and the path of the gases to the flame. A small distance remains between the opening from which the oxygen issues and the inner opening into the mixing passage. The stream of oxygen rushes across this space and enters the mixing chamber, being driven by its own pressure. The acetylene enters the head in an annular space surrounding the oxygen tube. The space between oxygen jet and mixing chamber opening is at one end of this acetylene space and the stream of oxygen seizes the acetylene and under the injector action draws it into the mixing chamber, it being necessary only to have a sufficient supply of acetylene flowing into the head to allow the oxygen to draw the required proportion for a proper mixture. The volume of gas drawn into the mixing chamber depends on the size of the injector openings and the pressure of the oxygen. In practice the oxygen pressure is not altered to produce different sized flames, but a new nozzle is substituted which is designed to give the required flame. Each nozzle carries its own injector, so that the design is always suited to the conditions. While torches are made having the injector as a permanent part of the torch body, the replaceable nozzle is more commonly used because it makes the one torch suitable for a large range of work and a large number of different sized flames. With the replaceable head a definite pressure of oxygen is required for the size being used, this pressure being the one for which the injector and corresponding mixing chamber were designed in producing the correct mixture. Adjustable Injectors.-Another form of low pressure torch operates on the injector principle, but the injector itself is a permanent part of the torch, the nozzle only being changed for different sizes of work and flame. The injector is placed in or near the handle and its opening is the largest required by any work that can be handled by this particular torch. The opening through the tip of the injector through which the oxygen issues on its way to the mixing chamber may be wholly or partly closed by a needle valve which may be screwed into the opening or withdrawn from it, according to the operator's judgment. The needle valve ends in a milled nut outside the torch handle, this being the adjustment provided for the different nozzles. Torch Construction.--A well designed torch is so designed that the weight distribution is best for holding it in the proper position for welding. When a torch is grasped by its handle with the gas hose attached, it should balance so that it does not feel appreciably heavier on one end than on the other. The head and nozzle may be placed so that the flame issues in a line at right angles with the torch body, or they may be attached at an angle convenient for the work to be done. The head set at an angle of from 120 to 170 degrees with the body is usually preferred for general work in welding, while the cutting torch usually has its head at right angles to the body. Removable nozzles have various size openings through them and the different sizes are designated by numbers from 1 up. The same number does not always indicate the same size opening in torches of different makes, nor does it indicate a nozzle of the same capacity. The design of the nozzle, the mixing chamber, the injector, when one is used, and the size of the gas openings must be such that all these things are suited to each other if a proper mixture of gas is to be secured. Parts that are not made to work together are unsafe if used because of the danger of a flash back of the flame into the mixing chamber and gas tubes. It is well known that flame travels through any inflammable gas at a certain definite rate of speed, depending on the degree of inflammability of the gas. The easier and quicker the gas burns, the faster will the flame travel through it. If the gas in the nozzle and mixing chamber stood still, the flame would immediately travel back into these parts and produce an explosion of more or less violence. The speed with which the gases issue from the nozzle prevent this from happening because the flame travels back through the gas at the same speed at which the gas issues from the torch tip. Should the velocity of the gas be greater than the speed of flame propagation through it, it will be impossible to keep the flame at the tip, the tendency being for a space of unburned gas to appear between tip and flame. On the other hand, should the speed of the flame exceed the velocity with which the gas comes from the torch there will result a flash back and explosion. Care of Torches.--An oxy-acetylene torch is a very delicate and sensitive device, much more so that appears on the surface. It must be given equally as good care and attention as any other high-priced piece of machinery if it is to be maintained in good condition for use. It requires cleaning of the nozzles at regular intervals if used regularly. This cleaning is accomplished with a piece of copper or brass wire run through the opening, and never with any metal such as steel or iron that is harder than the nozzle itself, because of the danger of changing the size of the openings. The torch head and nozzle can often be cleaned by allowing the oxygen to blow through at high pressure without the use of any tools. In using a torch a deposit of carbon will gradually form inside of the head, and this deposit will be more rapid if the operator lights the stream of acetylene before turning any oxygen into the torch. This deposit may be removed by running kerosene through the nozzle while it is removed from the torch, setting fire to the kerosene and allowing oxygen to flow through while the oil is burning. Should a torch become clogged in the head or tubes, it may usually be cleaned by removing the oxygen hose from the handle end, closing the acetylene cock on the torch, placing the end of the oxygen hose over the opening in the nozzle and turning on the oxygen under pressure to blow the obstruction back through the passage that it has entered. By opening the acetylene cock and closing the oxygen cock at the handle, the acetylene passages may then be cleaned in the same way. Under no conditions should a torch be taken apart any more than to remove the changeable nozzle, except in the hands of those experienced in this work. Nozzle Sizes.--The size of opening through the nozzle is determined according to the thickness and kind of metal being handled. The following sizes are recommended for steel: Davis-Bournonville. Oxweld Low Thickness of Metal (Medium Pressure.) Pressure 1/32 Tip No. 1 Head No. 2 1/16 2 5/64 3 3/32 3 4 3/8 4 5 3/16 5 6 1/4 6 7 5/16 7 3/8 8 8 1/2 9 10 5/8 10 12 3/4 11 15 Very heavy 12 15 Cutting Torches.--Steel may be cut with a jet of oxygen at a rate of speed greater than in any other practicable way under usual conditions. The action consists of burning away a thin section of the metal by allowing a stream of oxygen to flow onto it while the gas is at high pressure and the metal at a white heat. The cutting torch (Figure 23) has the same characteristics as the welding torch, but has an additional nozzle or means for temporarily using the welding opening for the high pressure oxygen. The oxygen issues from the opening while cutting at a pressure of from ten to 100 pounds to the square inch. The work is first heated to a white heat by adjusting the torch for a welding flame. As soon as the metal reaches this temperature, the high pressure oxygen is turned on to the white-hot portion of the steel. When the jet of gas strikes the metal it cuts straight through, leaving a very narrow slot and removing but little metal. Thicknesses of steel up to ten inches can be economically handled in this way. The oxygen nozzle is usually arranged so that it is surrounded by a number of small jets for the heating flame. It will be seen that this arrangement makes the heating flame always precede the oxygen jet, no matter in which direction the torch is moved. The torch is held firmly, either by hand or with the help of special mechanism for guiding it in the desired path, and is steadily advanced in the direction it is desired to extend the cut, the rate of advance being from three inches to two feet per minute through metal from nine inches down to one-quarter of an inch in thickness. The following data on cutting is given by the Davis-Bournonville Company: Cubic Feet Cost of Thickness of Gas Inches Gases of Cutting Heating per Foot Oxygen Cut per per Foot Steel Oxygen Oxygen of Cut Acetylene Min. of Cut 1/4 10 lbs. 4 lbs. .40 .086 24 $ .013 1/2 20 4 .91 .150 15 .029 3/4 30 4 1.16 .150 15 .036 1 30 4 1.45 .172 12 .045 1 1/2 30 5 2.40 .380 12 .076 2 40 5 2.96 .380 12 .093 4 50 5 9.70 .800 7 .299 6 70 6 21.09 1.50 4 .648 9 100 6 43.20 2.00 3 1.311 Acetylene-Air Torch.--A form of torch which burns the acetylene after mixing it with atmospheric air at normal pressure rather than with the oxygen under higher pressures has been found useful in certain pre-heating, brazing and similar operations. This torch (Figure 24) is attached by a rubber gas hose to any compressed acetylene tank and is regulated as to flame size and temperature by opening or closing the tank valve more or less. After attaching the torch to the tank, the gas is turned on very slowly and is lighted at the torch tip. The adjustment should cause the presence of a greenish-white cone of flame surrounded by a larger body of burning gas, the cone starting at the mouth of the torch. Figure 24.--Acetylene-Air Torch By opening the tank valve more, a longer and hotter flame is produced, the length being regulated by the tank valve also. This torch will give sufficient heat to melt steel, although not under conditions suited to welding. Because of the excess of acetylene always present there is no danger of oxidizing the metal being heated. The only care required by this torch is to keep the small air passages at the nozzle clean and free from carbon deposits. The flame should be extinguished when not in use rather than turned low, because this low flame rapidly deposits large quantities of soot in the burner. |