Periodicals (The initials following the abbreviated titles of the periodicals refer to the indexes in which they are listed.) The Book Review Digest, 1905- ——, contains summaries of important reviews in periodicals and newspapers. Academy: London (ceased 1916)—Acad. American Catholic Quarterly Review: Philadelphia—Amer. Cath. Quar. Atlantic Monthly: Boston—Atlan.—R.G.; A.S.I. Bellman: Minneapolis, Minn. (ceased 1919). Booklist (A.L.A.): Chicago. Bookman: New York—Bookm.—R.G. Bookman: London—Bookm. (Lond.)—D.I.; A.S.I. Book News: Philadelphia (ceased 1918). Boston Transcript: Boston—Bost. Trans. Catholic World: New York—Cath. World. Century: New York—Cent.—R.G. Chapbook (a Monthly Miscellany): London. Columbia University Quarterly: New York—Columbia Univ. Quar. Contemporary Review: London and New York—Contemp.—R.G.; A.S.I. Craftsman: New York. Includes some literary studies. Critic: New York (ceased 1906)—R.G. Current Literature: New York (name changed to Current Opinion, 1913)—Cur. Lit.—R.G. Current Opinion: New York—Cur. Op.—R.G. Dial: New York—Dial—R.G. Double-Dealer: New Orleans (1921- ——). Drama: Washington—Drama—R.G.S. Dublin Review: London—Dub. R.—D.I.; A.S.I.; R.G.S. Edinburgh Review: Edinburgh—Edin. R. Egoist: London (1914-19). Includes art, music, literature, emphasizing especially new movements. English Review: London (1908- ——)—Eng. Rev.—R.G.S.; D.I.; A.S.I. Fortnightly Review: London and New York—Fortn.—R.G.; A.S.I. Forum: New York—R.G.; A.S.I. Freeman: New York (ceased 1924). Harper’s Magazine: New York—Harp. Independent: New York—Ind.—R.G. Literary Digest: New York—Lit. Digest—R.G. Little Review: Chicago. Littell’s Living Age: Boston—Liv. Age—R.G. Reprints from the best periodicals. London Mercury: London (1919- ——)—Lond. Merc. Critical review, established in 1919, edited by J.C. Squire. London Times Literary Supplement: London—Lond. Times—A.S.I. Manchester Guardian: Manchester, England—The best English provincial paper for reviews. Nation: London—Nation (Lond.)—A.S.I. See AthenÆum. Nation: New York—Nation—R.G. New Republic: New York (1914- )—New Repub.—R.G. New Statesman: London (1913- )—New Statesman—R.G.S.; A.S.I. New York Eve. Post. See Literary Review. New York Times Review of Books: New York—N.Y. Times. Nineteenth Century and After: London and New York—19th Cent.—R.G.; A.S.I. North American Review: New York—No. Am.—R.G.; A.S.I. Outlook: New York. Poet Lore: Boston—Poet Lore—R.G.S. Poetry: Chicago—Poetry—R.G. Quarterly Review: London and New York—Quar.—R.G.; A.S.I. The Review: New York—a weekly journal of political and general discussion: Began 1919; changed its name, June, 1920, to Weekly Review; consolidated with Independent, October, 1921. Review of Reviews: New York—R. of Rs.—R.G. Saturday Review: London—Sat. Rev.—A.S.I. Sewanee Review: Sewanee, Tennessee. Spectator: London—Spec.—R.G.S.; A.S.I. Springfield Republican, Springfield, Mass.—Springfield Repub. Touchstone: New York. Unpopular Review—New York. 1915-19. Continued as Unpartizan Review to 1921. Westminster Review—London—Westm. R. (ceased 1914). World Today: New York (ceased 1912). Yale Review: New Haven, Conn.—R.G.S. Popular magazines, referred to on occasion, are not listed above. |